113 research outputs found

    Parents Still Matter: The Influence of Parental Enforcement of Bedtime on Adolescents\u27 Depressive Symptoms

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    Study Objectives: The aim of the current study was to test a multilevel mediation model that examined how adolescent sleep duration might be linked to depressive symptoms via their daytime energy levels. Furthermore, the study examined how parents\u27 enforcement of various types of bedtime rules predicted the duration of adolescent sleep. Methods: A total of 193 adolescent (ages 14-17; Mage = 15.7 years old, SD = .94; 54.4% female; 71% Caucasian) and parent dyads completed baseline, online surveys, and adolescents also completed online 7-day, twice-daily (i.e., morning and evening) reports of their sleep duration (morning diary) and their energy levels and depressive symptoms throughout the day (evening diary). Parents (Mage = 47.6 years old, SD = 5.4; 80% female) completed assessments of enforcement of bedtime-related rules (i.e., bedtime, cessation of electronic media usage, prohibiting afternoon/evening caffeine consumption). Multilevel modeling enabled the testing of the mediation model both at the between-person level and within individuals. Results: Results suggested that adolescents\u27 energy levels mediated the association between adolescents\u27 sleep duration and depressive symptoms. Furthermore, both greater enforcement of bedtimes and later school start times predicted longer sleep durations for adolescents, and were indirectly associated with adolescents\u27 depressive symptoms. Conclusions: These findings underscore the importance of adolescents obtaining sufficient sleep to support their mental health and suggest a critical point of intervention for preventing or decreasing insufficient sleep. Given the diverse threats to adolescents\u27 sleep as well as adolescents\u27 desire for greater independence, collaborative, autonomy-promoting bedtime limit-setting is recommended to support adolescents\u27 well-being

    Residual Stress Characterization in Structural Materials by Destructive and Nondestructive Techniques

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    Transmutation of nuclear waste is currently being considered to transform long-lived isotopes to species with relatively short half-lives and reduced radioactivity through capture and decay of minor actinides and fission products. This process is intended for geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuels for shorter durations in the proposed Yucca Mountain repository. The molten lead-bismuth-eutectic will be used as a target and coolant during transmutation, which will be contained in a subsystem vessel made from materials such as austenitic (304L) and martensitic (EP-823 and HT-9) stainless steels. The structural materials used in this vessel will be subjected to welding operations and plastic deformation during fabrication. The resultant residual stresses cannot be totally eliminated even by stress-relief operations. Destructive and nondestructive techniques have been used to evaluate residual stresses in the welded and cold-worked specimens. Results indicate that tensile residual stresses were generated at the fusion line of the welded specimens made from either austenitic or martensitic stainless steel, with reduced stresses away from this region. The magnitude of residual stress in the cold-worked specimens was enhanced at intermediate cold-reduction levels, showing tensile residual stresses in the austenitic material while exhibiting compressive stresses in the martensitic alloys. Comparative analyses of the resultant data obtained by different techniques revealed consistent stress patterns

    The Role of Financial Strain in College Students’ Work Hours, Sleep, and Mental Health

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    Objective: To examine poor sleep quality as a potential mediator between college students’ employment hours and depressive symptoms, and to examine if this mediation model might differ across students reporting different levels of financial strain. Participants: The sample was collected through a multi-site study during the Spring of 2019 and included 792 undergraduates (M = 20.1, SD = 1.9) in Upstate New York. Methods: Moderated mediation analyses based on cross-sectional self-report, online questionnaires. Results: Increased work hours predicted greater sleep disturbance, which, in turn, predicted more depressive symptoms. Compared to students in more comfortable financial situations, this mediation model only emerged for students reporting more financial strain and lower family socio-economic status. Conclusions: Student employment hours are a significant predictor of students’ mental well-being when considering their potential impact on their sleep. Furthermore, students reporting higher levels of financial stress are most at risk of being impacted by this process

    Adaptação e validação para o espanhol do Inventário Multidimensional de Flexibilidade Psicológica (MPFI): evidências de validade interna e invariância fatorial

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    This study aims to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI) within a general population of Argentina. A total of 866 participants with ages between 18 and 84 years (M = 47.33; SD = 17.26) and of both sexes (Men = 40.9%; Women = 59.1%) participated in the main study. A 2-factor higher order model resulted in acceptable fit indices (NFI = .97; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; IFI = .98; RMSEA .41). The Spanish MPFI also demonstrated both weak (metric) and strong (scalar) factor invariance when compared to the English MPFI given to a United States sample (N = 1630; 18 to 85 years old, M = 50.1, SD = 18.7; 77.0% identifying as women; 86.6% White). Results indicated an acceptable internal consistency in all factors (ω >.74). The adaptation into Spanish of the MPFI presents 60 and 24 items similar to those proposed by the original authors and adequate psychometric properties in the study sample. Regarding its limitations, it should be noted that results only report the factor structure -factor validity- and the internal consistency -reliability- of the MPFI, which is only a first exploratory approach in adapting the scale to the local context. For this reason, future research should continue to explore the psychometric properties of the MPFI in Argentina.Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la consistencia interna de la versión en español del Inventario de Flexibilidad Psicológica Multidimensional (MPFI) en población general de Argentina. En el estudio principal participaron un total de 866 participantes con edades entre 18 y 84 años (M = 47,33; DT = 17,26) y de ambos sexos (Hombres = 40,9%; Mujeres = 59,1%). Un modelo de orden superior de 2 factores resultó en índices de ajuste aceptables (NFI = .97; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; IFI = .98; RMSEA .41). El MPFI español también demostró una invariancia factorial tanto débil (métrica) como fuerte (escalar) en comparación con el MPFI inglés proporcionado a una muestra de los Estados Unidos (N = 1630; 18 a 85 años, M = 50,1, SD = 18,7; 77,0 %). identificándose como mujeres; 86,6% blancos). Los resultados indicaron una consistencia interna aceptable en todos los factores (ω >.74). La adaptación al español del MPFI presenta 60 y 24 ítems similares a los propuestos por los autores originales y adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en la muestra de estudio. En cuanto a sus limitaciones, cabe señalar que los resultados solo reportan la estructura factorial -validez factorial- y la consistencia interna -confiabilidad- del MPFI, lo cual es solo una primera aproximación exploratoria en la adaptación de la escala al contexto local. Por esta razón, futuras investigaciones deben continuar explorando las propiedades psicométricas del MPFI en Argentina.Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas e a consistência interna da versão em espanhol do Inventário Multidimensional de Flexibilidade Psicológica (MPFI) em uma população geral da Argentina. Um total de 866 participantes com idades entre 18 e 84 anos (M = 47,33; DP = 17,26) e de ambos os sexos (homens = 40,9%; mulheres = 59,1%) participaram do estudo principal. Um modelo de ordem superior de 2 fatores resultou em índices de ajuste aceitáveis (NFI = 0,97; NNFI = 0,98; CFI = 0,98; IFI = 0,98; RMSEA 0,41). O MPFI espanhol também demonstrou invariância fatorial fraca (métrica) e forte (escalar) quando comparado ao MPFI inglês dado a uma amostra dos Estados Unidos (N = 1630; 18 a 85 anos, M = 50,1, SD = 18,7; 77,0% identificando-se como mulheres; 86,6% brancas). Os resultados indicaram uma consistência interna aceitável em todos os fatores (ω >.74). A adaptação para o espanhol do MPFI apresenta 60 e 24 itens semelhantes aos propostos pelos autores originais e propriedades psicométricas adequadas na amostra do estudo. Em relação às suas limitações, deve-se notar que os resultados apenas relatam a estrutura fatorial -validade fatorial- e a consistência interna -confiabilidade- do MPFI, o que é apenas uma primeira abordagem exploratória na adaptação da escala ao contexto local. Por esse motivo, pesquisas futuras devem continuar explorando as propriedades psicométricas do MPFI na Argentina.Fil: Simkin, Hugo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Freiberg Hoffmann, Agustín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Caselli, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; ArgentinaFil: Prozzillo, Paola Alejandra. Universidad de Flores; ArgentinaFil: Rogge, Ronald D.. University Of Rochester; Estados UnidosFil: Wilson, Kelly G.. University of Mississippi; Estados Unido

    A prototype compact accelerator-based neutron source (CANS) for Canada

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    Canada\u27s access to neutron beams for neutron scattering was significantly curtailed in 2018 with the closure of the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. New sources are needed for the long-term; otherwise, access will only become harder as the global supply shrinks. Compact Accelerator-based Neutron Sources (CANS) offer the possibility of an intense source of neutrons with a capital cost significantly lower than spallation sources. In this paper, we propose a CANS for Canada. The proposal is staged with the first stage offering a medium neutron flux, linear accelerator-based approach for neutron scattering that is also coupled with a boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) station and a positron emission tomography (PET) isotope production station. The first stage will serve as a prototype for a second stage: a higher brightness, higher cost facility that could be viewed as a national centre for neutron applications

    Fast Prediction Of Thermal Distortion In Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing: Part 2, A Quasi-static Thermo-mechanical Model

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    The additive manufacturing (AM) process metal powder bed fusion (PBF) can quickly produce complex parts with mechanical properties comparable to that of wrought materials. However, thermal stress accumulated during Metal PBF may induce part distortion and even cause failure of the entire process. This manuscript is the second part of two companion manuscripts that collectively present a part-scale simulation method for fast prediction of thermal distortion in Metal PBF. The first part provides a fast prediction of the temperature history in the part via a thermal circuit network (TCN) model. This second part uses the temperature history from the TCN to inform a model of thermal distortion using a quasi-static thermo-mechanical model (QTM). The QTM model distinguished two periods of Metal PBF, the thermal loading period and the stress relaxation period. In the thermal loading period, the layer-by-layer build cycles of Metal PBF are simulated, and the thermal stress accumulated in the build process is predicted. In the stress relaxation period, the removal of parts from the substrate is simulated, and the off-substrate part distortion and residual stress are predicted. Validation of part distortion predicted by the QTM model against both experiment and data in literature showed a relative error less than 20%. This QTM, together with the TCN, offers a framework for rapid, part-scale simulations of Metal PBF that can be used to optimize the build process and parameters

    Study of heat capacity measurement methods for small samples

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    Methods of measuring specific heats of small samples were studied. Three automated methods were explored, two of which have shown promising results. The adiabatic continuous heating method, has provided smooth well behaved data but further work is presently underway to improve on the results obtained so far . The decay method has been success fully implemented demonstrating reasonable agreement with accepted data for a copper test sample

    The Connecting with your Partner Study

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    This is a single-arm intervention study following couples through the first month of using the Agape relationship wellness app

    The Full Spectrum of Sex, Dating, & Romance Survey

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