21 research outputs found

    Implementación de un servicio cloud computing para mejorar los procesos en la Empresa RCL, año 2022

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    La presente investigación propone una solución de “Cloud Computing”, que es un modelo más seguro y eficiente para implementarlo en la empresa RCL que se dedica a la comercialización de medicamentos, que para realizar sus operaciones comerciales y gestiones administrativas hacen uso de software y hardware que están “On Premises”. Que son vulnerables a fallos por problemas de electricidad, obsolescencia tecnológica que puede ocasionar perdida de información y retraso en los trabajos del personal y esto generar una reducción en la rentabilidad. La investigación está centrada en demostrar que “Cloud Computing” es la tecnología más eficaz para asegurar la continuidad de los servicios e infraestructura de los sistemas y para solucionar los fallos que se pudieran generar y para asegurar la continuidad de las operaciones. Pero también nos brinda beneficios económicos por su bajo costo y a su vez nos ofrece escalabilidad tecnológica para poder crecer tecnológicamente a medida que se pueda necesitar en la empresa.The present investigation proposes a "Cloud Computing" solution, which is a safer and more efficient model to implement in the RCL company that is dedicated to the commercialization of medicines, which make use of software and hardware to carry out its commercial operations and administrative procedures. that are “On Premises”. That they are vulnerable to failures due to electricity problems, technological obsolescence that can cause loss of information and delay in the work of the staff and this generate a reduction in profitability. The research is focused on demonstrating that "Cloud Computing" is the most effective technology to ensure the continuity of the services and infrastructure of the systems and to solve the failures that could be generated and to ensure the continuity of operations. But it also gives us economic benefits due to its low cost and in turn offers us technological scalability to be able to grow technologically as the company may need it

    Business consulting - Hotel José Antonio Cusco

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    La empresa Cartir Peru S.R.L., tiene como principal actividad económica el servicio de alojamiento, cuenta con cinco hoteles que operan en Lima, Cusco y Puno. Siendo en la ciudad del Cusco el tercer hotel construido, iniciando sus operaciones el 2003, con el nombre comercial Hotel José Antonio Cusco, con categoría cuatro estrellas. El objetivo de la investigación es realizar un business consulting del referido hotel, a fin de plantear la mejor alternativa de solución frente a la identificación del problema principal. Para ello, se tuvo que realizar un análisis profundo de las entrevistas hechas a los directivos y mediante el apoyo de la herramienta Notas de Insights, se determinó una lista de problemas. Para luego, con la aplicación de la Matriz Complejidad versus Beneficio determinar el problema principal; el que se basa, en la baja presencia en los canales digitales, lo que ha generado un bajo nivel de ventas por este canal siendo de 1.82% en comparación al 45% de ventas de los hoteles de la misma categoría en Cusco. De acuerdo, a los hallazgos encontrados se propuso implementar estrategias; los cuales proponen un cambio mediante el uso de tecnologías digitales y la aplicación del marketing digital; para lograr conectar a un nuevo público, cuyas formas de pensar y ver la vida son diferentes al enfoque que actualmente tiene el hotel. Proponiendo un cambio en su propuesta de valor, bajo la propuesta del uso de una App Móvil del hotel y el enfoque de ser eco amigable y compartir la cosmovisión andina, lo cual, marca la diferencia con la competencia y va adhiriendo las preferencias de la Generación Z y Millennials, quienes serán parte del público objetivo. Este giro en el modelo del negocio repercutirá directamente en el incremento de las ganancias del hotel al aumentar las ventas del canal digital a un valor cercano del 20% en un año.The company Cartir Peru S.R.L., whose main economic activity is the accommodation service, has five hotels that operate in Lima, Cusco and Puno. Being in the city of Cusco the third hotel built, beginning its operations in 2003, with the commercial name Hotel José Antonio Cusco, with a four-star category. The objective of the investigation is to carry out a business consulting of the aforementioned hotel, in order to propose the best alternative solution to the identification of the main problem. For this, an in-depth analysis of the interviews made to the managers had to be carried out and with the support of the Insights Notes tool, a list of problems was determined. Then, with the application of the Complexity Matrix versus Benefit, determine the main problem; which is based on the low presence in digital channels, which has generated a low level of sales through this channel, being 1.82% compared to 45% of sales of hotels of the same category in Cusco. According to the findings found, it was proposed to implement strategies; which propose a change through the use of digital technologies and the application of digital marketing; in order to connect with a new public, whose ways of thinking and seeing life are different from the focus that the hotel currently has. Proposing a change in its value proposition, under the proposal of the use of a Mobile Apps of the hotel and the focus of being eco-friendly and sharing the Andean worldview, which marks the difference with the competition and is adhering to the preferences of the Generation Z and Millennials, who will be part of the target audience. This change in the business model will have a direct impact on the increase in hotel profits by increasing sales of the digital channel to a value close to 20% in one year

    Business consulting - Hotel José Antonio Cusco

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    La empresa Cartir Peru S.R.L., tiene como principal actividad económica el servicio de alojamiento, cuenta con cinco hoteles que operan en Lima, Cusco y Puno. Siendo en la ciudad del Cusco el tercer hotel construido, iniciando sus operaciones el 2003, con el nombre comercial Hotel José Antonio Cusco, con categoría cuatro estrellas. El objetivo de la investigación es realizar un business consulting del referido hotel, a fin de plantear la mejor alternativa de solución frente a la identificación del problema principal. Para ello, se tuvo que realizar un análisis profundo de las entrevistas hechas a los directivos y mediante el apoyo de la herramienta Notas de Insights, se determinó una lista de problemas. Para luego, con la aplicación de la Matriz Complejidad versus Beneficio determinar el problema principal; el que se basa, en la baja presencia en los canales digitales, lo que ha generado un bajo nivel de ventas por este canal siendo de 1.82% en comparación al 45% de ventas de los hoteles de la misma categoría en Cusco. De acuerdo, a los hallazgos encontrados se propuso implementar estrategias; los cuales proponen un cambio mediante el uso de tecnologías digitales y la aplicación del marketing digital; para lograr conectar a un nuevo público, cuyas formas de pensar y ver la vida son diferentes al enfoque que actualmente tiene el hotel. Proponiendo un cambio en su propuesta de valor, bajo la propuesta del uso de una App Móvil del hotel y el enfoque de ser eco amigable y compartir la cosmovisión andina, lo cual, marca la diferencia con la competencia y va adhiriendo las preferencias de la Generación Z y Millennials, quienes serán parte del público objetivo. Este giro en el modelo del negocio repercutirá directamente en el incremento de las ganancias del hotel al aumentar las ventas del canal digital a un valor cercano del 20% en un año.The company Cartir Peru S.R.L., whose main economic activity is the accommodation service, has five hotels that operate in Lima, Cusco and Puno. Being in the city of Cusco the third hotel built, beginning its operations in 2003, with the commercial name Hotel José Antonio Cusco, with a four-star category. The objective of the investigation is to carry out a business consulting of the aforementioned hotel, in order to propose the best alternative solution to the identification of the main problem. For this, an in-depth analysis of the interviews made to the managers had to be carried out and with the support of the Insights Notes tool, a list of problems was determined. Then, with the application of the Complexity Matrix versus Benefit, determine the main problem; which is based on the low presence in digital channels, which has generated a low level of sales through this channel, being 1.82% compared to 45% of sales of hotels of the same category in Cusco. According to the findings found, it was proposed to implement strategies; which propose a change through the use of digital technologies and the application of digital marketing; in order to connect with a new public, whose ways of thinking and seeing life are different from the focus that the hotel currently has. Proposing a change in its value proposition, under the proposal of the use of a Mobile Apps of the hotel and the focus of being eco-friendly and sharing the Andean worldview, which marks the difference with the competition and is adhering to the preferences of the Generation Z and Millennials, who will be part of the target audience. This change in the business model will have a direct impact on the increase in hotel profits by increasing sales of the digital channel to a value close to 20% in one year

    Investigation of a new electrode array technology for a central auditory prosthesis.

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    Ongoing clinical studies on patients recently implanted with the auditory midbrain implant (AMI) into the inferior colliculus (IC) for hearing restoration have shown that these patients do not achieve performance levels comparable to cochlear implant patients. The AMI consists of a single-shank array (20 electrodes) for stimulation along the tonotopic axis of the IC. Recent findings suggest that one major limitation in AMI performance is the inability to sufficiently activate neurons across the three-dimensional (3-D) IC. Unfortunately, there are no currently available 3-D array technologies that can be used for clinical applications. More recently, there has been a new initiative by the European Commission to fund and develop 3-D chronic electrode arrays for science and clinical applications through the NeuroProbes project that can overcome the bulkiness and limited 3-D configurations of currently available array technologies. As part of the NeuroProbes initiative, we investigated whether their new array technology could be potentially used for future AMI patients. Since the NeuroProbes technology had not yet been tested for electrical stimulation in an in vivo animal preparation, we performed experiments in ketamine-anesthetized guinea pigs in which we inserted and stimulated a NeuroProbes array within the IC and recorded the corresponding neural activation within the auditory cortex. We used 2-D arrays for this initial feasibility study since they were already available and were sufficient to access the IC and also demonstrate effective activation of the central auditory system. Based on these encouraging results and the ability to develop customized 3-D arrays with the NeuroProbes technology, we can further investigate different stimulation patterns across the ICC to improve AMI performance

    Anatomical Variations of the Human Cochlea Using an Image Analysis Tool

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    Understanding cochlear anatomy is crucial for developing less traumatic electrode arrays and insertion guidance for cochlear implantation. The human cochlea shows considerable variability in size and morphology. This study analyses 1000+ clinical temporal bone CT images using a web-based image analysis tool. Cochlear size and shape parameters were obtained to determine population statistics and perform regression and correlation analysis. The analysis revealed that cochlear morphology follows Gaussian distribution, while cochlear dimensions A and B are not well-correlated to each other. Additionally, dimension B is more correlated to duct lengths, the wrapping factor and volume than dimension A. The scala tympani size varies considerably among the population, with the size generally decreasing along insertion depth with dimensional jumps through the trajectory. The mean scala tympani radius was 0.32 mm near the 720° insertion angle. Inter-individual variability was four times that of intra-individual variation. On average, the dimensions of both ears are similar. However, statistically significant differences in clinical dimensions were observed between ears of the same patient, suggesting that size and shape are not the same. Harnessing deep learning-based, automated image analysis tools, our results yielded important insights into cochlear morphology and implant development, helping to reduce insertion trauma and preserving residual hearing

    Sepse: atualidades e perspectivas

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é oferecer uma atualização dos principais aspectos da sepse, complicação infecciosa extremamente importante do ponto de vista da clínica e da saúde pública. Algumas hipóteses têm sido propostas para explicar sua gênese, as quais encerram aspectos referentes a interação microrganismo/sistema imune inato, a inflamação/mediação imunológica e o sistema de coagulação. As manifestações clínicas são variadas e dependem do local primário da infecção. A identificação precoce dos sinais e sintomas é de crucial importância para a instituição de medidas terapêuticas que se baseiam, fundamentalmente, em reposição volêmica, antibioticoterapia, emprego de costicosteróides, tratamento anticoagulante, medidas de manutenção da viabilidade biológica e suporte nutricional

    Rate growth curves recorded from A1 and pooled from all 12 stimulated NP sites.

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    <p>A) Growth rate of LFP peak magnitude versus stimulus level (in dB relative to 1 µA). B) Growth rate of LFP area versus stimulus level. C) Growth rate for multi-unit spikes versus stimulus level.</p

    Raw data and PSTH plots.

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    <p>A) Averaged unfiltered raw data (20 sweeps) showing LFP in response to stimulation with an NP site from 20 to 52 dB relative to 1 µA (actual stimuli were 12–52 dB in 2-dB steps). The monotonic increase in LFP size with stimulation amplitude is evident. The LFP threshold is 28 dB in this example. B) PSTHs corresponding to the different stimulation levels indicated in each plot. PSTH bars represent 1 ms bins. The dotted line indicates stimulus onset at 0 ms. Bottom right trace is a single trial filtered for spikes with the artifact removed and showing multi-unit activity in response to a stimulation at 52 dB. Each detected spike is marked by an * with the red line indicating threshold for spike detection. The MUA threshold is 34 dB, which is higher than the LFP threshold.</p