982 research outputs found

    Quan les muntanyes es mouen

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    Un estudi geomorfològic i geofísic realitzat als Pirineus, amb participació d'investigadors de la UAB, ha permès descobrir que gran part de la Serra de Peracalç, i dels relleus de l'entorn l'estany de Montcortès (Pallars Sobirà), constitueixen el moviment de massa més gran fins ara descrit a Catalunya. Aquest moviment provoca unes esquerdes anomenades "grabens", que poden tenir un alt valor patrimonial. En la recerca, publicada a la revista Lithosphere de la prestigiosa Societat Geològica Americana, han participat també investigadors de les universitats de Zaragoza, Girona i Modena.Un estudio geomorfológico y geofísico realizado en los Pirineos, con participación de investigadores de la UAB, ha permitido descubrir que gran parte de la Sierra de Peracalç, y los relieves del entorno del lago de Montcortès (Pallars Sobirà), constituyen el movimiento de masa más grande hasta ahora descrito en Cataluña. Este movimiento provoca unas grietas llamadas "grabens", que pueden tener un alto valor patrimonial. En la investigación, publicada en la revista Lithosphere de la prestigiosa Sociedad Geológica Americana, han participado también investigadores de las universidades de Zaragoza, Girona y Mòdena

    Conèixer el subsòl dels doms de toves d'Isona per investigar l'aigua a Mart

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    A Isona(Prepirineu central català) es va descobrir el 2010 un complex de doms de toves, una mena de turons construïts per l'aigua amb característiques anàlogues a formes construïdes per descàrregues d'aigües subterrànies a Mart. En aquest planeta, l'Agència Espacial Europea té previst començar el 2018 una exploració dels primers 3 m de subsòl a la recerca d'evidències de vida a partir d'una tècnica de radar utilitzada en la prospecció geofísica dels doms de toves. Els resultats demostren la utilitat de la informació obtinguda.En Isona (Prepirineo central catalán) se descubrió en 2010 un complejo de domos de tobas, una especie de colinas construidas por el agua con características análogas a formas construidas por descargas de aguas subterráneas en Marte. En dicho planeta, la Agencia Espacial Europea tiene previsto comenzar en 2018 una exploración de los primeros 3 m de subsuelo en busca de evidencias de vida a partir de una técnica de radar utilizada en la prospección geofísica de los domos de tobas. Los resultados demuestran la utilidad de la información obtenida

    Role of Dehydrodiferulates in Maize Resistance to Pests and Diseases

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    Phenolic esters have attracted considerable interest due to the potential they offer for peroxidase catalysed cross-linking of cell wall polysaccharides. Particularly, feruloyl residues undergo radical coupling reactions that result in cross-linking (intra-/intermolecular) between polysaccharides, between polysaccharides and lignin and, between polysaccharides and proteins. This review addresses for the first time different studies in which it is established that cross-linking by dehydrodiferulates contributes to maize’s defences to pests and diseases. Dehydrodiferulate cross-links are involved in maize defence mechanisms against insects such as the European, Mediterranean, and tropical corn borers and, storage pest as the maize weevil. In addition, cross-links are also discussed to be involved in genetic resistance of maize to fungus diseases as Gibberella ear and stalk rot. Resistance against insects and fungus attending dehydrodiferulates could go hand in hand. Quantitative trait loci mapping for these cell wall components could be a useful tool for enhancing resistance to pest and diseases in future breeding programs

    QTL mapping for Mediterranean corn borer resistance in European flint germplasm using recombinant inbred lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Ostrinia nubilalis </it>(ECB) and <it>Sesamia nonagrioides </it>(MCB) are two maize stem borers which cause important losses in temperate maize production, but QTL analyses for corn borer resistance were mostly restricted to ECB resistance and maize materials genetically related (mapping populations derived from B73). Therefore, the objective of this work was to identify and characterize QTLs for MCB resistance and agronomic traits in a RILs population derived from European flint inbreds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three QTLs were detected for stalk tunnel length at bins 1.02, 3.05 and 8.05 which explained 7.5% of the RILs genotypic variance. The QTL at bin 3.05 was co-located to a QTL related to plant height and grain humidity and the QTL at bin 8.05 was located near a QTL related to yield.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results, when compared with results from other authors, suggest the presence of genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis or fortification with effects on resistance to different corn borer species and digestibility for dairy cattle. Particularly, we proposed five candidate genes related to cell wall characteristics which could explain the QTL for stalk tunnelling in the region 3.05. However, the small proportion of genotypic variance explained by the QTLs suggest that there are also many other genes of small effect regulating MCB resistance and we conclude that MAS seems not promising for this trait. Two QTLs detected for stalk tunnelling overlap with QTLs for agronomic traits, indicating the presence of pleitropism or linkage between genes affecting resistance and agronomic traits.</p

    Contexto geocronológico y paleoclimático de la formación de playas fósiles sumergidas en el Mediterráneo Occidental

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    This article describes the geomorphological and petrological characteristics of 19 submerged beachrocks located on the north Catalan coast (western Mediterranean Sea). Their length ranges between 8 and 1039 m, their width between 1.5 and 86.5 m and their thickness between 0.4 and 3.25 m. They are siliciclastic beachrocks consisting of well-rounded gravels with a very coarse sand matrix, and they have a low proportion of bioclasts (&lt;1%). Cementation occurred in the swash zone and adjacent foreshore due to the precipitation of high magnesium calcite. From absolute dates (14C and optically stimulated luminescence) and anthropic artifacts, three phases of formation attributable to the Late Holocene were identified. Phase I corresponds to the warm and humid Roman Period and was recorded at a level below -3.75 m mean sea level (MSL). Phase II corresponds to the warm and arid Medieval Climate Anomaly and was recorded at +0.25 m to -2.5 m MSL. Phase III corresponds to the Little Ice Age and Industrial Period and was recorded at levels ranging from +0.5 m to -3.0 m MSL. Good temporal correspondence between the chronology of the cementation phases and warm and/or dry palaeoclimatic conditions can be established.En este artículo se describen las características geomorfológicas y petrológicas de 19 playas fósiles sumergidas localizadas en la costa norte catalana (Mediterráneo Occidental). Su longitud oscila entre 1039 m y 8 m, y su anchura entre 86.5 m y 1.5 m. Su espesor varía entre un mínimo de 0.4 m y un máximo de 3.25 m. Se trata de playas fósiles siliciclásticas, constituidas por gravas bien redondeadas, con matriz de arena muy gruesa. Presentan una baja proporción de bioclastos (&lt;1%). La cementación se produjo en la zona de batida de la playa debido a la precipitación de calcita magnesiana. A partir de dataciones absolutas (14C y OSL) y de artefactos antrópicos, se han identificado tres fases de formación atribuibles al Holoceno superior. La fase I corresponde al periodo cálido y húmedo romano, y ha sido registrada en un nivel situado por debajo de los -3.75 m respecto del nivel medio del mar (MSL). La fase II encaja con la anomalía climática cálida y árida medieval, la cual ha sido registrada entre +0.25 m y -2.5 m MSL. La fase III corresponde a la pequeña edad del hielo y al periodo industrial, y ha sido registrada en niveles situados entre +0.5 m y -3.0 m MSL. Se puede establecer una buena correspondencia temporal entre la cronología de las distintas fases de cementación y las condiciones paleoclimáticas cálidas y/o áridas. &nbsp

    Is the basal area of maize internodes involved in borer resistance?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To elucidate the role of the length of the internode basal ring (LIBR) in resistance to the Mediterranean corn borer (MCB), we carried out a divergent selection program to modify the LIBR using two maize synthetic varieties (EPS20 and EPS21), each with a different genetic background. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms underlying the relationship between the LIBR and borer resistance. Selection to lengthen or shorten the LIBR was achieved for each synthetic variety. The resulting plants were analyzed to determine their LIBR response, growth, yield, and borer resistance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the synthetic variety EPS20 (Reid germplasm), reduction of the LIBR improved resistance against the MCB. The LIBR selection was also effective in the synthetic variety EPS21 (non-Reid germplasm), although there was no relationship detected between the LIBR and MCB resistance. The LIBR did not show correlations with agronomic traits such as plant height and yield. Compared with upper sections, the internode basal ring area contained lower concentrations of cell wall components such as acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), and diferulates. In addition, some residual 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3-(4H)-one (DIMBOA), a natural antibiotic compound, was detected in the basal area at 30 days after silking.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We analyzed maize selections to determine whether the basal area of maize internodes is involved in borer resistance. The structural reinforcement of the cell walls was the most significant trait in the relationship between the LIBR and borer resistance. Lower contents of ADF and ADL in the rind of the basal section facilitated the entry of larvae in this area in both synthetic varieties, while lower concentrations of diferulates in the pith basal section of EPS20 facilitated larval feeding inside the stem. The higher concentrations of DIMBOA may have contributed to the lack of correlation between the LIBR and borer resistance in EPS21. This novel trait could be useful in maize breeding programs to improve borer resistance.</p

    Optimización del despacho hidrotérmico en el corto plazo basado en el modelo programación lineal entera mixta

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    "The electricity generation business has evolved efficiently to supply the demand, in this sense the electrical system operator requires computational tools that facilitate and support decision-making, especially in regard to the optimizing the delivery of electricity to meet demand on an hourly basis. Po the foregoing, the present work aims to formulate and solve the allocation problem generating units under hydrothermal perspective, to optimize the operation of a power system containing generating units that work on water resources and fossil fuels . With the analysis of the state of the art in coordinating the hydrothermal dispatch, problem solving economic dispatch in which is considered the constraints of thermal and hydraulic units, to the effect a uninodal office will consider restrictions is developed arises own generation plants and variant demand over time. The methodology proposed resolution of the problem of optimization of hydrothermal dispatch is based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming contemplating the availability of power plants and operating guidelines established by the regulator of Ecuador's electricity sector.La actividad de generación eléctrica ha evolucionado de forma eficiente para el abastecimiento de la demanda, en este sentido el operador del sistema eléctrico requiere de herramientas computacionales que faciliten y apoyen la toma de decisiones, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a la optimización de la entrega de energía eléctrica para cubrir la demanda de forma horaria. Po lo expuesto el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo formular y resolver el problema de asignación de unidades de generación bajo una perspectiva hidrotérmica, que permita optimizar la operación de un sistema eléctrico que contiene unidades de generación que funcionan a base del recurso hídrico y de combustibles fósiles. Con el análisis del estado del arte en la coordinación del despacho hidrotérmico, se plantea la resolución del problema del despacho económico en el cual se considera las restricciones inherentes a las unidades térmicas e hidráulicas, para el efecto se desarrollara un despacho uninodal que considerará las restricciones propias de las centrales de generación y la demanda variante en el tiempo. La metodología de resolución propuesta para el problema de la optimización del despacho hidrotérmico se basa en la Programación Lineal Entera Mixta contemplando la disponibilidad de centrales de generación y los lineamientos operativos establecidos por el regulador del sector eléctrico ecuatoriano

    Assessment of Algerian Maize Populations for Saccharification and Nutritive Value

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    © 2020 by the authors.Maize (Zea mays L.) from the Algerian Sahara was adapted to arid conditions and has been used for food and feed. The objective of this work was to assess the potential value of Saharan maize for saccharification and nutritive value under drought conditions. Eighteen maize populations from the Algerian Sahara were evaluated under drought and control conditions and representative samples of those populations were taken for nutrients and saccharification analyses. The evaluation of saccharification was made in one Spanish trial under drought and control conditions. Differences among Algerian populations for nutritive value were significant for starch and ash, but not for lipids and proteins. Drought-reduced saccharification yield and differences among populations were significant for saccharification potential under drought conditions, and for saccharification yield under both drought and control conditions. The Algerian populations PI527465 and PI542689 had high grain starch and low ash, PI527469 and PI527474 had a balanced nutritional value, and PI527475 and PI542683 had low grain starch and moderately high ash. Besides high nutritional value, the drought-tolerant population PI542683 had high saccharification under drought conditions. Most agronomic traits had no significant effects on saccharification, and some grain nutrients affected saccharification and agronomic performance. Therefore, improving the nutritive value of grain and saccharification of stover, while maintaining agronomic performance, could be feasible, attending to the weak interactions between them.This work was financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER), UE (project code AGL2016-77628-R and RTI2018–096776-B-C22), and the École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique (Algeria).Peer reviewe

    Cell wall composition impacts structural characteristics of the stems and thereby the biomass yield

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    Maize stalks support leaves and reproductive structures and functionally support water and nutrient transport; besides, their anatomical and biochemical characteristics have been described as a plant defense against stress, also impacting economically important applications. In this study, we evaluated agronomical and stem description traits in a subset of maize inbred lines that showed variability for cell wall composition in the internodes. Overall, a great proportion of lignin subunit G and a low concentration of p-coumaric acid and lignin subunit S are beneficial for greater rind puncture resistance and taller plants, with a greater biomass yield. Also, the greater the proportions of subunit H, the longer the internode. Finally, the lower the total hemicellulose content, the greater the rind puncture resistance. Our results confirmed the effect of the cell wall on agronomic and stalk traits, which would be useful in applied breeding programs focused on biomass yield improvement.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-096776-B-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-096776-B-C22Xunta de Galici

    A suctorean parasite of Penaeus monodon larvae

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    Extended abstract only.A new disease caused by a suctorean has been observed in tank-spawned and reared P. monodon larvae. Identification of the etiologic agent pointed to Ephelota gemmipara R. Hertwig, a species commonly found to inhabit hydroid colonies