40 research outputs found

    A satellite system for land-mobile communications in Europe

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    There exists a great unsatisified demand for land mobile communications in Europe, particularly in sectors of business activity such as the road transport industry. This demand could best be satisfied by means of satellite-based private networks providing voice and data communications in a hub configuration. The potential market is estimated to encompass several hundred thousand road vehicles and the transmission capacity required would be several thousand channels. ESA is currently demonstrating the potential of satellite communications for this type of application, using a system called PRODAT. System studies are being performed with the aim of defining the architecture of a regional satellite system for Europe

    Antenna technology for advanced mobile communication systems

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    The onboard antenna front end is the key subsystem conditioning configuration and performance of mobile communication satellites. The objectives of this paper are to demonstrate this key role and to review L-band satellite antenna technology for earth coverage and regional applications. Multibeam arrays are first discussed, then unfurlable and inflatable reflector antennas are described. These technologies are now qualified in Europe for future mobile systems, for which the optimum choice of antenna technology has been found to be the key to efficient use of spectrum and power resources

    MATLAB-Based Applications for Image Processing and Image Quality Assessment – Part I: Software Description

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    This paper describes several MATLAB-based applications useful for image processing and image quality assessment. The Image Processing Application helps user to easily modify images, the Image Quality Adjustment Application enables to create series of pictures with different quality. The Image Quality Assessment Application contains objective full reference quality metrics that can be used for image quality assessment. The Image Quality Evaluation Applications represent an easy way to compare subjectively the quality of distorted images with reference image. Results of these subjective tests can be processed by using the Results Processing Application. All applications provide Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the intuitive usage

    The European Mobile System (EMS)

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    The European Space Agency is presently procuring an L band payload in order to promote a regional European L band system coping with the specific needs of the European market. The payload, and the two communications systems to be supported, are described below. The potential market for EMS in Europe is discussed

    Evaluation of Multilevel Decision Trees

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    Abstract The evaluation of decision trees under uncertainty is difficult because of the required nested operations of maximizing and averaging. Pure maximizing (for deterministic decision trees) or pure averaging (for probability trees) are both relatively simple because the maximum of a maximum is a maximum, and the average of an average is an average. But when the two operators are mixed, no simplification is possible, and one must evaluate the maximizations and averagings in a nested fashion, following the structure of the tree. Nested evaluation requires large sample sizes (for data collection) or long computation times (for simulations). An alternative to full nested evaluation is to perform a random sample of evaluations and use statistical methods to perform inference about the entire tree. We show that the most natural estimate is biased and consider three alternatives: normal-theory bias correction, the jackknife, and hierarchical Bayes inference. We explore the properties of these inferences through a simulation study and discuss general approaches to the problem

    Géraud LAFARGE (2019), Les diplÎmés du journalisme. Sociologie générale de destins particuliers

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    Comme l’indique l’auteur dans son introduction, cet ouvrage part d’un double constat, celui de la dĂ©gradation des conditions d’emploi et de la multiplication des formations au journalisme. De fait, s’il est lĂ©gitime d’interroger le systĂšme de formation dans son adaptation aux besoins, il l’est tout autant d’aller au-delĂ  des statistiques pour analyser des trajectoires individuelles. Dans ce but, l’auteur exploite les donnĂ©es d’une enquĂȘte par questionnaire menĂ©e au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000 auprĂš..

    Validité attribuée aux réponses d'autrui et influence sociale

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    Summary Two experiments on social influence were designed to study the effects of task difficulty (estimation of the area of a rectangle) and the perceived validity of alleged responses from other judges. This validity (vas varied using the statistical character of the response (grouped or isolated) and/or the apparent competence of the sources : isolated responses were reported to corne from more competent judges and grouped responses from less competent judges. In the first study, the grouped responses differed, in the second study they were identical (unanimous). Results indicate that consideration of other people's responses leads to more frequent judgment changes when the task is difficult ; for a particular level of difficulty, changes occur more frequently if the information about the responses of others carries an indication of their competence. The subjects' final responses corne nearer to the isolated (competent) responses than to the varying group responses (study 1), but they show about the same effect with both the isolated and the group responses, when the latter do not vary amongst themselves (study 2).RĂ©sumĂ© Dans deux recherches sur l'influence sociale, on fait varier, d'une part, la difficultĂ© de la tĂąche (estimer la surface d'un rectangle), d'autre part, la prĂ©sence ou l'absence d'indices de validitĂ© qui s'attachent aux rĂ©ponses communiquĂ©es (indices statistiques : groupement ou isolement; indices concernant la compĂ©tence des sources : la rĂ©ponse isolĂ©e Ă©mane d'une source compĂ©tente ; les rĂ©ponses groupĂ©es, de sources peu compĂ©tentes). Dans la seconde Ă©tude, des rĂ©ponses Ă©manant de sources peu compĂ©tentes sont unanimes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu'aprĂšs communication les changements sont toujours plus frĂ©quents quand la tĂąche est difficile ; et que, pour un mĂȘme niveau de difficultĂ©, ils sont plus frĂ©quents quand les sujets disposent d'informations sur la source des rĂ©ponses communiquĂ©es. Les sujets se rapprochent plus souvent de la rĂ©ponse isolĂ©e Ă©manant d'une source compĂ©tente que des rĂ©ponses groupĂ©es non compĂ©tentes (recherche 1) et Ă  peu prĂšs Ă©galement de la rĂ©ponse isolĂ©e compĂ©tente ou des rĂ©ponses unanimes (recherche 2).Rogard Vincent. ValiditĂ© attribuĂ©e aux rĂ©ponses d'autrui et influence sociale. In: L'annĂ©e psychologique. 1979 vol. 79, n°2. pp. 481-493

    David DOUYÈRE (2018), Communiquer la doctrine catholique. Textes et conversations durant le concile Vatican II d’aprùs le journal d’Yves Congar

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    L’ouvrage que nous propose David DouyĂšre, professeur de sciences de l’information et de la communication Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Tours, s’inscrit dans une ligne de recherche que l’auteur a dĂ©jĂ  abondamment nourrie. En se saisissant des objets et questions qui au sein du christianisme permettent de faire ressortir la dimension de communication, il entend montrer comment cette dimension a pu ĂȘtre structurante et prĂ©figurer au-delĂ  de l’Église mĂȘme la communication contemporaine. Amplement producteur ..

    Entrepreneurial Marketing : The emergence of a new strategy in a small venture

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    Historically speaking, marketing and entrepreneurship have been separated into two different concepts. However, more and more studies are now doing a link between them. They have shown that both concepts have strengths but also weaknesses. Marketers are not entrepreneurial and innovative enough, and entrepreneurial businesses that do not include marketing are less competitive on the market than those who use marketing. These new pieces of research put forward the idea that an innovation does not imply value making for an enterprise. The marketing part that increases the customer value and really makes the difference on the market. The purpose of this thesis is to discover and evaluate the importance and the role of the relationship between entrepreneurship and marketing in the SME SFA Romani. It will then study how this relationship helps SFA Romani in their new strategy (creation of a new R&D department) with the increasing of the customer value as main objective. In order to fulfil the purpose, a deductive approach has been used. Four members of the new R&D department have been interviewed around their vision of the connection between entrepreneurship and marketing. Finally, and after analyzing the empirical data, a conclusion has been drawn. It showed that the new strategy of the company uses entrepreneurial marketing. Firstly, through a close cooperation between the different departments of the company. Secondly, through marketing tools used to understand the customers’ needs and to increase the final customer value. This study finally shows that entrepreneurial marketing is a sustainable way for SFA Romani to increase its competitive advantage and to ensure its long-term survival on the marke

    Leadership et comportement organisationnel dans une société multiculturelle (le cas du Liban)

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    A une Ă©poque oĂč le travail a changĂ© de sens et se rĂ©organise, la motivation du personnel Ă  tous les niveaux de l'entreprise redevient un problĂšme prioritaire. Et, le style d'encadrement susceptible de crĂ©er ou de stimuler la motivation dĂ©pend non seulement des caractĂ©ristiques internes Ă  l'organisation, et des facteurs environnementaux, mais aussi des traits spĂ©cifiques de la culture sociale. L'enjeu pour l'entreprise consiste donc Ă  trouver comment motiver chacun en gardant une cohĂ©rence d'ensemble. Cette cohĂ©rence peut ĂȘtre retrouvĂ©e au niveau de la sphĂšre culturelle. Chaque culture contient des Ă©lĂ©ments qui, en soi, peuvent favoriser ou non une orientation des motivations dans le sens souhaitĂ©. Une premiĂšre source d'influence externe est la culture du pays, de la rĂ©gion ou de l'ethnie dans laquelle se trouve l'organisation. Une seconde source d'influence sur la culture est le milieu professionnel de l'organisation. Enfin, une autre source peut venir des propres singularitĂ©s des membres, et, en particulier, de celles de son fondateur ou du leader quand il y en a un. La recherche examine les dimensions de la culture sociĂ©tale libanaise ainsi que celles de la culture organisationnelle libanaise. Elle vise Ă  dĂ©terminer aussi les caractĂ©ristiques (comportements, attributs, perceptions) du leadership efficace et exceptionnel au Liban. A partir des donnĂ©es fournies par 436 managers provenant de plus de 100 organisations relevant de trois secteurs d'activitĂ© (les tĂ©lĂ©communications, les institutions financiĂšres et l'agroalimentaire), les dimensions culturelles du projet de recherche internationale GLOBE permettent d'Ă©valuer les pratiques et les valeurs culturelles au Liban au niveau : de la sociĂ©tĂ©, des organisations, de chacune des deux confessions religieuses prĂ©valentes : la religion chrĂ©tienne et la religion musulmane, et de chaque sexe. Une sĂ©rie d'analyses factorielles ont Ă©tĂ© conduites en vue d'explorer les attributs et les modĂšles de leadership spĂ©cifiques au contexte Libanais, et ce au niveau de la sociĂ©tĂ© libanaise, des organisations libanaises et de la population totale. Une autre analyse factorielle a permis d'examiner la nature des comportements du supĂ©rieur immĂ©diat en utilisant les dimensions du leadership transformationnel et du leadership transactionnel. En conclusion, cette recherche montre l'importance du collectivisme dans la culture organisationnelle et sociĂ©tale tout comme dans les attributs des leaders efficaces et exceptionnels dans un pays multiculturel : le Liban.At the time where the meaning of work has changed and the work is being reorganized, the motivation of the personnel at all levels in the organization is becoming a problem of priority. And, the style of management capable of creating or stimulating the motivation depends not only on the internal characteristics of the organization and the environmental factors, but also on the specific attributes of the societal culture. So the main issue for the organization consists in finding how to motivate each one while keeping a general coherence. This coherence may be found at the level of the cultural sphere. Each culture contains the elements that may promote or not an orientation of the motivations in the desired direction. So, a first source of external influence is the culture of the country, the region or the ethnic group where the organization is located. A second source is the professional environment of the organization and a third source the personal singularities of its founder or the leader when there is one. The research examines the dimensions of the Lebanese societal and organizational culture. It also aims at determining the characteristics (behaviors, attributes, perceptions) of the outstanding leadership in Lebanon. In a survey of 436 managers from more than 100 organizations, working in three industries (telecommunications, financial institutions and food processing), the cultural dimensions of the international research project GLOBE allows evaluating the cultural practices and values in Lebanon at the level of: the society, the organizations, each of the two prevailing religions : Christianity and Islam, and each sex. A set of factor analysis has been conducted in order to explore the attributes and models of leadership that are specific to the Lebanese context, at the level of the Lebanese society, the Lebanese organizations or the whole population. Another factor analysis examined the nature of the behaviors of the immediate superior by using the dimensions of transformational and transactional leadership. To summarize, this research shows the importance of collectivism in the organizational and societal culture and also in the attributes of outstanding leaders in a multicultural country: Lebanon.BOULOGNE-BU Psych. Henri Pieron (920125201) / SudocSudocFranceF