245 research outputs found


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    O presente estudo investigou algumas transformações da produção e veiculação do conhecimento em Educação Física a partir do advento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC’s). O trabalho se caracteriza como um estudo qualitativo, de caráter exploratório e foi realizado a partir de entrevista com editores de duas revistas científicas ligadas ao Centro de Desportos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (CDS/UFSC). Os dados indicam que as TIC’s favorecem a disponibilização imediata e gratuita da produção da área, apesar de sua utilização estar condicionada ao contexto cultural de seus agentes, não resultando necessariamente em melhorias qualitativas de tais produções

    Uso da bagana de carnaúba na terminacão de cordeiros no semiárido cearense.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo de ração e o desempenho de cordeiros em terminação,submetidos a dietas com níveis crescentes de substituição do feno de capim-Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) (FT) pela bagana de carnaúba (Copernica prunifera) (BC): 100%FT; 25%BC e 75%FT; 50%BC e 50%FT; 75%BC e 25%FT; 100%BC. Foram utilizados 30 ovinos mestiços recém-desmamados, inteiros, com idades entre 10 e 12 semanas e com peso médio inicial de 16,9±1,56 kg. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições. Os consumos diários mais elevados de matéria seca, matéria orgânica proteína bruta extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente neutro foram observados nos animais que receberam apenas FT como volumoso. O desempenho animal foi reduzido à medida em que era aumentado a proporção de BC na dieta. Concluiu-se que a BC reduz o consumo de nutrientes e reflete negativamente no desempenho animal. [The use of bagana of carnauba in sheep termination in the semi-arid region of Ceará State]. Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate forage intake and and performance of confined sheep subjected to diets with increasing levels of replacement of Tifton 85 grass (Cynodon spp) hay (FT) by: 100%FT; 25%BC plus 75%FT; 50%BC plus 50%FT; 75%BC plus 25%FT; 100%BC. Thirty crossbred, 10 to 12 weeks old weaned sheep with 16.9 + 1.56 kg initial average weight were used. The experimental design was a completely random with six replications. The highest daily intake of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ethereal extract and neutral detergent fiber were observed in animals fed only FT. Animal performance decreased with increase of BC in the diet. It was concluded that BC reduces nutrient intake and negatively reflects on animal performance

    The transcriptome analysis of early morphogenesis in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis mycelium reveals novel and induced genes potentially associated to the dimorphic process

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    BACKGROUND: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a human pathogen with a broad distribution in Latin America. The fungus is thermally dimorphic with two distinct forms corresponding to completely different lifestyles. Upon elevation of the temperature to that of the mammalian body, the fungus adopts a yeast-like form that is exclusively associated with its pathogenic lifestyle. We describe expressed sequence tags (ESTs) analysis to assess the expression profile of the mycelium to yeast transition. To identify P. brasiliensis differentially expressed sequences during conversion we performed a large-scale comparative analysis between P. brasiliensis ESTs identified in the transition transcriptome and databases. RESULTS: Our analysis was based on 1107 ESTs from a transition cDNA library of P. brasiliensis. A total of 639 consensus sequences were assembled. Genes of primary metabolism, energy, protein synthesis and fate, cellular transport, biogenesis of cellular components were represented in the transition cDNA library. A considerable number of genes (7.51%) had not been previously reported for P. brasiliensis in public databases. Gene expression analysis using in silico EST subtraction revealed that numerous genes were more expressed during the transition phase when compared to the mycelial ESTs [1]. Classes of differentially expressed sequences were selected for further analysis including: genes related to the synthesis/remodeling of the cell wall/membrane. Thirty four genes from this family were induced. Ten genes related to signal transduction were increased. Twelve genes encoding putative virulence factors manifested increased expression. The in silico approach was validated by northern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. CONCLUSION: The developmental program of P. brasiliensis is characterized by significant differential positive modulation of the cell wall/membrane related transcripts, and signal transduction proteins, suggesting the related processes important contributors to dimorphism. Also, putative virulence factors are more expressed in the transition process suggesting adaptation to the host of the yeast incoming parasitic phase. Those genes provide ideal candidates for further studies directed at understanding fungal morphogenesis and its regulation

    Integrin-specific hydrogels for growth factor-free vasculogenesis

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    Integrin-binding biomaterials have been extensively evaluated for their capacity to enable de novo formation of capillary-like structures/vessels, ultimately supporting neovascularization in vivo. Yet, the role of integrins as vascular initiators in engineered materials is still not well understood. Here, we show that αvβ3 integrin-specific 3D matrices were able to retain PECAM1+ cells from the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue, triggering vasculogenesis in vitro in the absence of extrinsic growth factors. Our results suggest that αvβ3-RGD-driven signaling in the formation of capillary-like structures prevents the activation of the caspase 8 pathway and activates the FAK/paxillin pathway, both responsible for endothelial cells (ECs) survival and migration. We also show that prevascularized αvβ3 integrin-specific constructs inosculate with the host vascular system fostering in vivo neovascularization. Overall, this work demonstrates the ability of the biomaterial to trigger vasculogenesis in an integrin-specific manner, by activating essential pathways for EC survival and migration within a self-regulatory growth factor microenvironment. This strategy represents an improvement to current vascularization routes for Tissue Engineering constructs, potentially enhancing their clinical applicability.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Consolidator Grant “ECM_INK” (ERC-2016-COG-726061) and the Starting Grant “CapBed” (ERC2018-STG-805411), to the FSE/POCH (Fundo Social Europeu através do Programa Operacional do Capital Humano) under the scope of the PD/169/2013, NORTE-08- 5369-FSE-000037 (H.R.M.), and to FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, e Ensino Superior) through the grants SFRH/BD/119756/2016 (D.B.R.), Ph.D. grant PD/BD/135252/2017 (S.F.R.) and IF/00347/ 2015 (R.P.P.)

    Spongy-like hydrogels prevascularization with the adipose tissue vascular fraction delays cutaneous wound healing by sustaining inflammatory cell influx

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    In vitro prevascularization is one of the most explored approaches to foster engineered tissue vascularization. We previously demonstrated a benefit in tissue neovascularization by using integrin-specific biomaterials prevascularized by stromal vascular fraction (SVF) cells, which triggered vasculogenesis in the absence of extrinsic growth factors. SVF cells are also associated to biological processes important in cutaneous wound healing. Thus, we aimed to investigate whether in vitro construct prevascularization with SVF accelerates the healing cascade by fostering early vascularization vis-à-vis SVF seeding prior to implantation. Prevascularized constructs delayed re-epithelization of full-thickness mice wounds compared to both non-prevascularized and control (no SVF) groups. Our results suggest this delay is due to a persistent inflammation as indicated by a significantly lower M2(CD163+)/M1(CD86+) macrophage subtype ratio. Moreover, a slower transition from the inflammatory to the proliferative phase of the healing was confirmed by reduced extracellular matrix deposition and increased presence of thick collagen fibers from early time-points, suggesting the prevalence of fiber crosslinking in relation to neodeposition. Overall, while prevascularization potentiates inflammatory cell influx, which negatively impacts the cutaneous wound healing cascade, an effective wound healing was guaranteed in non-prevascularized SVF cell-containing spongy-like hydrogels confirming that the SVF can have enhanced efficacy.Authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Consolidator Grant “ECM_INK” (ERC-2016-COG-726061) and the Starting Grant “CapBed” (ERC-2018-STG-805411), to the FSE/POCH (Fundo Social Europeu através do Programa Operacional do Capital Humano) under the scope of the PD/169/2013, NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000037 (H.R.M.), and to FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, e Ensino Superior) through the grants SFRH/BD/119756/2016 (D.B.R.), PhD grant PD/BD/135252/2017 (S.F.R.) and IF/00347/2015 (R.P.P.). Authors would also like to acknowledge BioRender.com as a platform for image creation

    Tratamento de esgoto de uma unidade de ensino superior por meio de um sistema de zona de raízes

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    O uso de plantas no tratamento de águas residuais é uma alternativa eficiente, sustentável e de baixo custo em comparação ao tratamento convencional. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência do sistema de zona de raiz em um tratamento de esgoto sanitário, para as condições climáticas de Goiânia-GO, Brasil. Para isso, foi construída uma estação de tratamento experimental na Escola de Engenharia Civil, da Universidade Federal de Goiás (EEC / UFG), consistindo de uma fossa séptica, filtro anaeróbio e três camaras biológica de zona de raiz, em paralelo, usando areia e brita zero e brita número um, respectivamente, como substrato. O sistema foi eficiente na remoção de DBO (98,5%), DQO (95,8%) e coliformes termotolerantes (99,99%)

    Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Antitumoral Activity of Leaf and Root Essential Oils of Conyza canadensis (Asteraceae)

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    The leaf and root oils of Conyza canadensis were studied for chemical composition and antitumor activity. The results showed that there is great variation in the composition of the oils obtained from different parts. The main components in the leaf oil were limonene, caryophyllene oxide and espatulenol. In the root oil the major component was the acetylenic ester lachnophyllum methyl ester. It was observed that according to the collection time (6 and 16 hours), significant variations in the content of the main components of this essential oil of leaves can occur. Limonene, spatulenol and caryophyllene oxide presented a distribution of 61% / 5.4% / 12.5% ​​and 38% / 10.7% / 22.3% in oils obtained from plants collected at 6 and 16 hours, respectively. The antitumor activity of the oils showed that leaf oil had a greater potential for inhibition, and this oil was distinguished by the activity against neoplastic cell lines K562 (leukemia) and NCI-ADR / RES (ovary with multidrug resistance phenotype ) with TGI values ​​of 16.8 and 19.0 mg.mL-1, respectively. Comparing the leaf oils and their tumor cell inhibition potentials, it was noted that this activity is higher in the oil with higher contents of monoterpene limonene. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v11i5.137

    Combinations of Metarhizium anisopliae with chemical insecticides and their effectiveness in Mahanarva fimbriolata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) control on sugarcane

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    Some insecticides can be used jointly with entomopathogenic fungi, and therefore the combi- nation of chemical and biological control measures can be a safe and effective method to con- trol insect pests. The aim of this study was to evaluate the costs and efficacy of combinations of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) with thiameth- oxam and imidacloprid on spittlebug (Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål); Hemiptera: Cercopidae) control on sugarcane. The experiment was conducted as a randomized block design (RBD) with 10 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments included a control (untreated), thia- −1 −1 12 −1 methoxam (250 g ha ), imidacloprid (700 g ha ), M. anisopliae (M. a.) (3 × 10 conidia ha ), A1 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 65 g ha −1 of thiamethoxam), A2 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 125 g ha −1 of thiamethoxam), A3 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 187.5 g ha −1 of thiamethoxam), A4 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 175 g ha −1 of imidacloprid), A5 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 350 g ha −1 of imidacloprid), and A6 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 525g ha −1 of imidacloprid). The reductions in the numbers of M. fimbriolata nymphs per treatment compared to the control were similar at 15 DAT (days after treatment) in all treatments except combination A5 (M. anisopliae and thiamethoxam). At 30 DAT, the numbers of nymphs were significantly reduced in all treatments except A3, and their effectiveness ranged from 14.28% to 92.85%. At 45 DAT the numbers of M. fimbriolata nymphs per treatment were significantly reduced in the following treatments: imidacloprid alone at 700g ha -1 , A1, A2, A3, A4 and A6; and the combinations A1 and A2 caused the lowest M. fimbriolata nymph infestations and effectiveness rates of 77.41 and 87.09 %, respectively. At 75 DAT the 2 best control efficacies occurred in treatments A1 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha -1 of + 65g ha -1 of thiamethoxam) (82.1%) and A5 (78.6%) (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha −1 + 350 g ha −1 of imidacloprid). At 90 DAT the number of nymphs in the control had increased 2.8 fold over the number at 75 DAT. Very good control efficacies at 90 DAT occurred in all treatments with the combination of the fungus with an insecticide. At 105 DAT the numbers of nymphs had surged in all treatments, and no treatment provided effective control. The treatments with the highest earnings per hectare were A1 (3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha -1 + 65 g thiamethoxam) and M. anisopliae alone at the recommended dose of 3 × 10 12 M. a. conidia ha -1 . Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of using either thiamethoxam or imidacloprid in combination with M. anisopliae to control M. fimbriolata nymphs on sugarcane, but greater net earnings per hectare occurred with the lowest rate of the thiamethoxam combination than with any of the imidacloprid combinations.Algunos insecticidas se puede utilizar con hongos entomopatógenos y por lo tanto, la aso- ciación de los controles químico y biológico puede ser una estrategia segura y eficaz para el control de insectos-plaga. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los costos y eficacia de combinaciones de Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin (Hypocreales: Clavi- cipitaceae) con insecticidas thiamethoxam e imidacloprid para el control de la chicharrita (Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål); Hemiptera: Cercopidae) en caña de azúcar . El experimento fue conducido en un delineamiento en bloques casualizados (DBC), con 10 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Los tratamientos que incluidos el control (sin tratamiento), thiamethoxam (250 g ha −1 ), imidacloprido (700 g ha −1 ), M. anisopliae (M.a.) (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 ), A1 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 65 g ha −1 de thiamethoxam), A2 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 125g ha −1 de thiamethoxam), A3 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 187.5 g ha −1 de thiamethoxam), A4 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M.a + 175 g ha −1 de imidacloprido), A5 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 350 g ha −1 de imidacloprido) y A6 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 525g ha −1 de imidacloprido). Las reducciones en el número de ninfas M. fimbriolata por tratamiento en comparación con el control fueron similares a los 15 DAT (días pos tratamiento) en todos los tratamientos excepto A5 combinación (M. anisopliae y thiamethoxam). A los 30 DAT, el número de ninfas se redujeron significativamente en todos los tratamientos, excepto A3, y su eficacia varió de 14,28% para 92,85%. A los 45 DAT, los números de ninfas M. fimbriolata por tratamiento se redujeron significativamente en los siguientes tratamientos: imidacloprido solo en 700 g ha -1 , A1, A2, A3, A4 y A6; y las combinaciones de A1 y A2 causaron la más bajo infestaciones de ninfas M. fimbriolata y sus tasas de eficacia fueron de 77,41 y 87,09%, respectivamente. A los 75 DAT, los 2 mejores eficacias de control se produjeron en tratamientos A1 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. + 65 g ha −1 de thiamethoxam) y A5 (78.6%) (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a.+ 350 g ha −1 de imidacloprido). A los 90 DAT, el número de ninfas en el control había aumentado 2,8 veces más el número a 75 DAT. Muy buenas eficacias de control en 90 DAT, se produjo en todos los tratamientos con la combinación del hongo con un insecticida. A los 105 DAT, el número de ninfas habían aumentado en todos los tratamientos, y ningún tratamiento había proporcionado un control efectivo. Los tratamientos con los mayores rendimientos hectárea fueron A1 (3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a.+ 65 g de thiamethoxam) y M. anisopliae solo a la dosis recomendada de 3×10 12 conidios ha −1 de M. a. Nuestros resultados demuestran la eficacia de thiamethoxam y imidacloprido en combinación con M. anisopliae para el control de ninfas M. fimbriolata en caña de azúcar, pero mayores beneficio neto por hectárea se produjeron con la tasa más baja de la combinación de thiamethoxam que con cualquiera de las combinaciones de imidacloprid