54 research outputs found

    Customer Satisfaction as an Influence Mediation of Service Quality, Financial Considerations, Convenience Toward Switching Behavior (Study on Customer of PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk, Branch Malang)

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    This research has discussed switching behavior problem mediated by customer satisfaction. The aims of this research are to understand customer satisfaction dimension which are consist of service quality, financial considerations, and convenience in its influence towards switching behavior, by using survey of 200 inactive customer to verify research hypothesis. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis methods toward customer of PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk branch Malang. This result research has shown that service quality significantly influence to switching behavior financial consideration significantly influence to switching behavior in term of low savings rate dimension, but insignificant to administration fee and loan interest, convenience insignificantly influence to switching behavior in terms of ATM and service hours. New findings that convenience is also involve provided parking lot, almost in every branch office of BCA in Malang complaining the same thing

    The Strategy of Sustainable Competitive Advantage Creation by Make-Up Artists (A Study of Male Make-Up Artists in Greater Malang)

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    Make-up artist is a profession that has long been identified as woman’s job. Now this job also taken by males, who even can survive the competition. The objective of this study is to analyse the strategy of male make-up artists in creating their sustainable competitive advantage.By phenomenological approach the results of this study are male make-up artists in Greater Malang build their sustainable competitive advantage by (1) maintaining the quality of their work, the development of products that suit market’s demand also provide service with better make-up result, (2) keeping the excellence of their service, flexibility in service venue,  furthermore their behavior that easy-going and friendlier, (3) making innovations and branding though attractive portfolio with “before-after” into look differentiation by developing a team of other make-up artists under one name with different specialty

    The Effect of Green Marketing Strategy on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Brand Image

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    This research aims to know the role of brand image to mediate the influence of green marketing on The Body Shop brand loyalty of beauty products. This research was conducted with 150 respondents in the city of Malang and used the purposive sampling method. Methods of data collection used a questionnaire distributed through google forms. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) approaches. Based on the results, green marketing had a positive and significant impact on brand image. Green marketing had a positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. The brand image had a positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. The brand image could significantly mediate the influence of green marketing on consumer loyalty beauty products of The Body Shop. These results revealed that the greater the green marketing gained and perceived by consumers was, the greater the sense of brand image and consumer loyalty arose from The Body Shop’s consumers

    Strategies to Improve Entrepreneurial Behavior in Online Selling Through Advances in Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Intellectual Agility and Business Environment

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    This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility and business environment on entrepreneurial behaviours in selling online. This study used a quantitative approach. The population in this study were embroidery entrepreneurs in Pasuruan, East Java, who do business online. The sample used in this study was 180 respondents, and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data was obtained through a questionnaire. The results showed that entrepreneurship, intellectual agility and the business environment significantly affected entrepreneurial behaviour in selling online. The business environment weakens but does not significantly influence the effects of entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility on entrepreneurial behaviour. Intellectual agility can partially mediate the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics in selling online. The implication of this research is, that for embroidery business actors, it is hoped that they will be able to carry out entrepreneurial behavior through maximizing their entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility Keywords: entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility, business environment, online entrepreneurial behaviou


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    Abstract. Research aim to analyze influence of 1) Competencies on Organtizational Commitment. 2) Training on Organtizational Commitment. 3) Organization Culture on Organtizational Commitmen. 4) Competencies on Nurses’ Performance. 5) Training on Nurses’ Performance. 6) Organization Culture on Nurses’ Performance. 7) Organizational Commitment on Nurses’ Performance. 8) Role mediation of Organizational Commitmen within the influence of Competencies on Nurses’ Performance. 9) Role mediation of Organizational Commitmen within the influence of Training on Nurses’ Performance. 10) Role mediation of Organizational Commitmen within the influence of Organizational Culture on Nurses Performance. Sample has taken by survey methode by used saturated sampling which mean make all population member as a sample. Research sample were 143 nurses who work at Waluyo Jati Kraksaan Probolinggo Hospital with more than 1 year working time. The analyse tool is Partial Least Square (PLS). The research result competencies, training and organization culture influence organizational commitment directly but didnt have influence on nurses performance. Organizational commitmen have the role mediation fully (complete) by competencies, training with culture to nurses’performance in Waluyo Jati Kraksaan Hospital


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    This study examines the effect of paternalistic leadership on Gen-Y employees’ turnover intentions, mediated by motivation and satisfaction. The research used 186 samples of Gen-Y employees from BCA Regional Office, Malang as respondents. Research data were obtained through questionnaires and analyzed through SmartPLS. The results indicate that paternalistic leadership affects Gen-Yemployees’ turnover intentions through satisfaction.Mediation effect of motivation is not found in the influence of paternalistic leadership on turnover intention.The implementation of paternalistic leadership cannot keep turnover rate low, but only to help


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    The research objective was to determine the effect of organizational culture, compensation, and motivation on job satisfaction and employee per­for­mance of oil palm plantations at Katari Agro Estate, PT. Bumitama Gu­na­ja­ya Agro, Central Kalimantan Province. The research sample of 200 plan­ta­ti­on direct employees was selected by accidental sampling method from 428 po­pu­lations. Data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed by va­riant-based Structural Equation Model (SEM) or Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis prove that organizational culture, compensation, and motivation directly have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Organiza­ti­onal culture, compensation, and motivation have a significant direct effect on em­ployee performance. Job satisfaction directly has a significant effect on em­ployee performance. The indirect effect between organizational culture and mo­tivation on performance through job satisfaction is not significant. The in­di­rect effect between compensation on performance through job satisfaction has significant. The study results have implications for organizational culture, compensation, and employee motivation that need to be improved to increase job satisfaction and employee performance. Suggestions for further research in­clu­de exploring research by adopting qualitative studies to explain the symp­tom further and focusing on the influence of organizational culture, compen­sa­tion, and motivation on indirect employee or managerial employee groups

    Entrepreneurship Orientation and Performance of Green Economy SMEs during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating of Strategic Agility

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    This study was conducted to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on company performance through strategic agility. This research uses the SEM analysis method with WarpPLS software. The sample of this study consisted of 204 actors and strategic decision-makers of green economy SMEs in Malang areas. The unit of analysis in this study is the green economy SME business players in the business of flower, fruit, and ornamental plants. This business field was chosen because it is environmentally friendly, the waste has minimal risk of environmental damage, and this business is at the same time healthy for the environment for business people, employees, and consumers. Data collection was collected by distributing questionnaires directly or via a Google Form. This study proves that entrepreneurial orientation has a direct and positive effect on improving company performance. This study has proven that entrepreneurial orientation positively affects company performance both directly and through strategic agility, so it can be concluded that strategic agility can partially mediate the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on company performance. The application of strategic agility/agility is proven to improve company performance. This study can enrich the study of strategic management theory in the context of Strategic Agility in a green economy. SMEs’ owners and managers improve their performance by increasing entrepreneurial orientation and strengthening strategic agility
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