75 research outputs found

    El Estado argentino y las políticas habitacionales para los sectores populares del AMBA, desde el 2004

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    La estructura institucional del Estado y sus formas de intervención se transforman a medida que el capitalismo cambia y se desarrolla. En este sentido, “el origen, expansión, diferenciación y especialización de las instituciones estatales, reflejan intentos de resolución de la creciente cantidad de cuestiones socialmente problematizadas que va planteando el desarrollo histórico de la sociedad…” (Oszlak, 1984: 286; Oszlak y O´Donnell, 1982:99). El análisis de las políticas públicas implica considerar que posición adopta el Estado frente a dichas cuestiones. Este trabajo, busca caracterizar a las políticas públicas referidas a la situación habitacional de los sectores populares del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) centrándonos en la Ciudad de Bs. As (CABA) y los Partidos del Gran Buenos Aires (especialmente el Partido de San Isidro). Nuestro objeto de estudio es el área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, que puede ser definida como un gran escenario urbano, donde un conjunto de centros interactúan alrededor de una ciudad que mantiene desde hace varias décadas una población estable. Dicho sistema, que comprende la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y 31 partidos adyacentes, concentra casi un 30 por ciento de la población total del país y constituye una región que posee un fuerte peso político, demográfico y económico. Dentro del área, se destaca el Conurbano Bonaerense en el cual se consideran los partidos que rodean a la Capital Federal. San Isidro se encuentra en él, dentro de la “primer corona”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Relationship between body mass index and women’s body image, self-esteem and eating behaviours in pregnancy: A cross-cultural study

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    This study examined the relationship between self-esteem, restrained eating, body image and body mass index during pregnancy. A total of 110 pregnant Israeli and UK women completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire, the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, scales to assess body image and demographics. Body mass index was calculated from antenatal records. Regression modelling determined the relationship between variables, countries and body mass index categories. High correlations were found between body image and body mass index with significantly higher body dissatisfaction for Israeli women. Self-esteem scores for pregnant women were similar to those reported for non-pregnant women. Poorer body image and higher prevalence of restrained eating were found in healthy weight Israeli women

    Conversion Disorder: A Review Through the Prism of the Rational-Choice Theory of Neurosis

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    Conversion disorder remains a mystery that has only become more complicated with the decline of the scientific status of psychoanalysis (e.g., Piper, Lillevik, & Kritzer, 2008; Rofé, 2008) and recent neurological findings suggest that this behavior is controlled by biological mechanisms (van Beilen, Vogt, & Leenders, 2010). Moreover, existing theories have difficulty explaining the efficacy of various interventions, such as psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, drug therapy and religious therapy. This article reviews research and clinical evidence pertaining to both the development and treatment of conversion disorder and shows that this seemingly incompatible evidence can be integrated within a new theory, the Rational-Choice Theory of Neurosis (RCTN; Rofé, 2010). Despite the striking differences, RCTN continues Freud's framework of thinking as it employs a new concept of repression and replaces the unconscious with self-deception. Moreover, it incorporates Freud's idea, implicitly expressed in his theory, that neurotic disorders are, in fact, rational behaviors

    The Text-Criticism of Psalm 80—Revisited

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    Peripheral Detention, Transfer, and Access to the Courts

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    In the last forty years, immigration detention in the U.S. has grown exponentially, largely concentrated in the southern states and outside of the country’s metropoles. In turn, federal immigration officials routinely transfer immigrants from their communities to remote jails and prisons hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away, often in jurisdictions where the law is more favorable to the government. These transfers are conducted without notice or process and frequently occur on weekends or in the predawn hours, when offices are closed and interested parties are lucky to access voicemail. Federal immigration officials’ use of peripheral detention and transfer significantly affects immigrants’ access to the courts and their ability to raise detention challenges. Lurking beneath these issues lies a seemingly technical Supreme Court decision relied on by the government to seek dismissal of habeas actions filed by immigrant petitioners who have been ferried to faraway jails and prisons. In Rumsfeld v. Padilla, the Supreme Court held that the “default rule” in a habeas action challenging present physical confinement is that it must be brought in a petitioner’s “district of confinement” and that a petitioner can only name a single respondent: their “immediate custodian.” However, the history and development of immigration detention and of the habeas statute offer important insights into present debates about the primacy of Padilla in the context of transfer. A mining of these histories unravels the foundational premises on which Padilla relied and encourages us to question mechanical rules that silo immigrant habeas actions in faraway fora, away from evidence, witnesses, community, counsel, and the events giving rise to the detentions themselves

    El derecho a la vivienda en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y las políticas habitacionales

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    En diciembre de 2010, un gran número de familias realizó una toma de tierras en un espacio público de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA): un área del Parque Indoamericano ubicado en Villa Soldati, al sur de la ciudad. Esta fue la primera de una serie de tomas y ocupaciones de menor tamaño en terrenos tantos públicos como privados que se sucedieron en la ciudad y en el conurbano bonaerense en los partidos de Quilmes y de Lanús. De inmediato surgieron distintas “explicaciones, soluciones y responsabilidades” para estos conflictos urbanos que pusieron de manifiesto una problemática de larga data: el déficit de viviendas y las insuficientes políticas públicas al respecto. A mediados de marzo fueron ocupadas por residentes del Bajo Flores un conjunto de viviendas destinadas a población de la zona del Riachuelo, dando lugar a un nuevo debate sobre el mismo tem

    The Vineyard of Naboth: the Origin and Message of the Story

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    Student and Staff Selection:

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