546 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kebutuhan Lahan Parkir Pada Area Parkiran Kampus Fisip Universitas Atma Jaya YOGYAKARTA

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    Permasalahan Area parkir di wilayah kampus Fisip UAJY merupakan suatu fenomena yang patut untuk ditelaah. Urgensitas kebutuhan lahan parkir menjadi suatu keutamaan ketika lahan yang tersedia tidak mencukupi untuk menampung kendaraan yang memasuki area parkiran. Selain perlunya mengevaluasi kebutuhan lahan parkir, evaluasi tentang tingkat keamanan, perilaku, dan fasilitas parkiran juga menjadi hal yang penting. Adanya evaluasi ini diharapkan memberikan suatu alternatif pemecahan masalah terhadap permasalahan parkiran di wilayah kampus Fisip UAJY. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap. Penelitian tahap pertama berupa pengukuran lahan parkir (baik mobil maupun motor) yang terdapat di wilayah kampus Fisip UAJY. Penelitian tahap ke dua berupa evaluasi tentang karakteristik kendaraan yang memasuki area parkiran kampus. Penelitian tahap ke dua ini dilakukan pada hari selasa dan jumat. Dalam tahap ini, durasi setiap jenis kendaraan yang menggunakan lahan parkir dihitung. Selanjutnya, data luas lahan parkir dan jumlah kendaraan yang menggunakan lahan parkir kampus digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kebutuhan lahan parkir. Penelitian tahap ke tiga berupa penyebaran kuisioner yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi masalah keamanan, perilaku, dan fasilitas tempat parkir. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa, luas lahan parkiran mobil kampus Fisip UAJY adalah 967,945 m2dan luas lahan parkiran motor sebesar 1185,9816 m2. Evaluasi kebutuhan lahan parkiran menunjukkan, luas lahan parkir yang tersedia untuk setiap karakteristik kendaraan tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah kendaraan yang memasuki area kampus Fisip UAJY. Tambahan luas lahan parkir untuk mobil sebesar 458,055 m2 dan tambahan luas lahan parkir motor sebesar 273,518 m2. Evaluasi terhadap masalah keamanan, masalah perilaku, dan fasilitas tempat parkir menunjukkan tingkat keamanan dan perilaku mahasiswa yang masih cukup baik. Fasilitasdan luasan parkiran yang kurang memadai menjadi kendala utama yang saat ini dialami. Hal tersebut didukung oleh hasil analisis kebutuhan lahan parkir

    Influence of light intensity on germination, vegetative development, and reproduction of three species of Asteraceae native to Kansas

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    Plants are strongly influenced by a continuously changing light environment and their ability to detect light provides them vital information for their survival. However, most of the studies on photobiology are about commercial species and little is known about species native to Kansas and its region. Therefore, our objective was to analyze responses of three Asteraceae species native to Kansas under different light intensities during germination, vegetative development, and flowering. Seeds of Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium purpureum, and Solidago ulmifolia were measured for germination daily in conditions of dark, approximately 10%, 50%, and 100% of natural light. Seeds were later planted in soil and exposed to the same light conditions, and height, number of leaves, and chlorophyll (SPAD) were measured. Preliminary results show that A. altissima was the fastest species for germination and its germinability was consistent across light treatments. Germination in S. ulmifolia was also consistent across light treatments. For E. purpureum, germinability was higher in the light treatments than in the dark. A. altissima plants growing in 50% and 100% of light were taller and had more leaves than plants growing under 10% of light. Conventional plant responses to low light include growing taller under shaded conditions, although these plants responded differently. Most habitats in the prairie are exposed to bright sunlight and these results indicate these Asteraceae species are adapted to live and grow under bright light

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Struktur Modal, Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan, dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, capital structure, corporate social responsibility and firm size on firm value. The independent variables used are profitability, capital structure, corporate social responsibility and company size. While the dependent variable used is the value of the company. The population in this study are manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the 2015-2019 period. Samples were collected using purposive sampling method. A total of 20 companies were determined as samples. The analytical method of this study uses panel data regression. The results of this study indicate that profitability, capital structure and corporate social responsibility have a negative and insignificant effect on firm value. Meanwhile, firm size has a positive and significant effect on firm value

    Decomposition analysis when the use which method?

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    Structural and index decomposition analyses allow identifying the main drivers of observed changes over time of energy and environmental impacts. These decomposition analyses have become very popular in recent decades and, many alternative methods to implement them have become available. Several of the most popular methods have been developed earlier in index number theory, a context in which each particular method is defined by adhering to a set of properties. The goal of the present paper is to review the main results of index number theory and discuss its connection to decomposition analyses. By doing so, we can present a decision tree that allows users to choose a decomposition method that meets desired properties. We report as hands-on example an empirical case study of the carbon footprint of the Netherlands in the period 2004–2005

    Bounding Polynomial Entanglement Measures for Mixed States

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    We generalize the notion of the best separable approximation (BSA) and best W-class approximation (BWA) to arbitrary pure-state entanglement measures, defining the best zero-E approximation (BEA). We show that for any polynomial entanglement measure E, any mixed state ρ admits at least one “S decomposition,” i.e., a decomposition in terms of a mixed state on which E is equal to zero, and a single additional pure state with (possibly) nonzero E. We show that the BEA is not, in general, the optimal S decomposition from the point of view of bounding the entanglement of ρ and describe an algorithm to construct the entanglement-minimizing S decomposition for ρ and place an upper bound on E(ρ). When applied to the three-tangle, the cost of the algorithm is linear in the rank d of the density matrix and has an accuracy comparable to a steepest-descent algorithm whose cost scales as d8 log d. We compare the upper bound to a lower-bound algorithm given by C. Eltschka and J. Siewert [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 020502 (2012)] for the three-tangle and find that on random rank-2 three-qubit density matrices, the difference between the upper and lower bounds is 0.14 on average. We also find that the three-tangle of random full-rank three-qubit density matrices is less than 0.023 on average


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    Abstrak- Candi Hindu di Jawa dan Kuil Hindu di India Selatan, kerap mendapat perhatian di dunia arsitektur dikarenakan adanya kemiripan langgam Dravida pada arsitektur bangunan kuil di kedua belah tempat. Kemiripan yang ditandai dengan bentuk atap piramidal berlapis ini tidak bisa dibilang mirip begitu saja tanpa melihat seluruh elemennya terlebih dahulu. Penulis mencoba menyederhanakan perbandingan bentuk dan tektonika dilihat dari pembagian umum tektonika sebuah bangunan yakni kaki, badan dan kepala. Dari hasil temuan penulis, bisa disimpulkan bahwa terdapat kesamaan pada ‘ide dasar’ atau ‘citra awal’ bangunan kuil Hindu di kedua tempat. Namun, setelah ditinjau secara seksama bentuk serta tektonika di kedua tempat mempunyai ciri khas masing-masing yang tidak saling berkaitan.Penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan yang unik antar arsitektur Candi Hindu Jawa dengan India Selatan dimana relasi yang terjadi tidak bisa dibilang salah satu pihak memengaruhi pihak lain atau sebaliknya. Temuan dari penelitian ini justru menunjukkan ciri khas yang kental dari masing-masing tempat. Faktor yang membedakan bisa dikarenakan adanya perbedaan alam, preferensi, budaya ataupun teknologi pada dua lokasi itu di zaman tersebut. Walaupun Hindu adalah agama yang berasal dari India, nampaknya dari segi arsitekturnya tidak bisa dikatan Jawa memimik arsitektur Hindu India. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa arsitektur Kuil Hindu memiliki benang merah yang mengikat pada prinsip dasarnya, namun hasil dari pengolahan desain akan berbeda tergantung konteks dan perancangnya


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    In many countries across the world, cancer is a leading cause of death. Cancer is the biggest cause of death worldwide, with approximately 10 million fatalities expected in 2020, accounting for nearly one in every six deaths. Mutations in ~300 human genes can unleash cell division, potentially leading to cancer. The effectiveness of existing conventional therapies for a number of cancers is, however, inefficient in terms of safety and efficacy. Medication systems based on lipid can be configured to treat tumors passively with increasing safety by reducing toxicity and increasing efficacy by target drug delivery. Lipid-based drug dosage form is the new identified technological design to overcome problems such as water-soluble solubility and bioavailability. A wide range of product specifications determined by indication of disease, route of administration, price evaluation, safety, toxicity, and efficiency could be customized to lipid formulations. This analysis explores the current state of lipid drug delivery studies, including the production of cancer liposomes, different cancer-focused strategies, and liposomal formulation of numerous anti-cancer drugs