754 research outputs found

    El exilio del cuerpo

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    Premio Internacional de Narrativa "Ignacio Manuel Altamirano"Una novela que sigue el devaneo existencial de una fotógrafa por diversos rincones y calles de París. Gran admiradora de Diane Arbus. Diana, la protagonista, quiere continuar el camino de dicha artista estadounidense y se embarca en una indagación visual del cuerpo desde una perspectiva marginal y mórbida. Uno de los mayores logros del libro es la manera en que la búsqueda llamémosle espiritual de Diana, exiliada motu proprio de su país, empieza a recorrer paralelamente a un interés cada vez más obsesivo por las rutas torcidas de la enfermedad y la muerte

    Evaluacion de la eficacia de un programa de vacunación contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle frente al desafío de una cepa velogénica de campo

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    El presente estudio se realizó en el módulo experimental de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima; para evaluar la eficacia de un programa de vacunación contra la enfermedad de Newcastle, se utilizaron dos vacunas vivas y una inactivada frente al desafío de una cepa velogénica de campo en 90 pollos de la línea Ross, distribuidos en tres tratamientos de 30 aves cada uno, tratamiento A, aves vacunadas y desafiadas (grupo experimental), tratamiento B, aves vacunadas no desafiadas (control negativo) y tratamiento C, aves no vacunadas y desafiadas (control positivo). Los tratamientos A y C fueron desafiados a los 25 días de edad, con un inoculo velogénico del virus de Newcastle, evaluándose los signos clínicos, mortalidad y titulación serológica compatibles con la enfermedad, pre y post desafío. Las aves presentaron conjuntivitis (63%), depresión (67%), ronquera (30%), diarreas verdosas (66%), parálisis (20%), signos nerviosos (17%) y torticolis (7%). La mortalidad en el tratamiento A fue de 50% frente al 77% del tratamiento C. Los parámetros serológicos mostraron diferencia significativa post desafío entre el promedio de títulos del tratamiento A (6989,67), respecto del tratamiento C (12316.60). Concluimos que los títulos de anticuerpos proporcionados por las 2 vacunas vivas y 1 vacuna inactivada, no fueron eficaces contra el virus de Newcastle.The present study was performed in the laboratory of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima; conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a vaccination program against the virus of Newcastle disease, were used 2 live vacinnes and 1 inactivated vaccine against facing the challenge of velogenic strain field in 90 chickens Ross, they were distributed into three treatments of 30 birds. Treatment A vaccinated and challenged birds (experimental group), treatment B vaccinated no challenged birds (negative control), and treatment C was not vaccinated and was challenged (positive control). The treatments A and C were challenged at the age of 25 days, with a virus inoculum velogenico Newcastle disease. Clinical signs, mortality and serology compatible with the disease were evaluated pre and post challenge, conjunctivitis (63) depression (67%), hoarseness (30%), greenish diarrhea (66%), paralysis (20%), nervous ticks (17%), stiff neck (7%). Regarding to mortality, treatment A showed 50% of death compared to 77% of treatment C. Regarding to serologycal parameters was observed that there was an important difference between the titles average of treatment A (6986.67) compared to treatmen C (12316.60) post challenged. In conclusión the antibody protective titles of a vaccination program provided by 2 live vaccines and 1 inactivated vaccine they were not effective against the Newcastle disease virus.Tesi

    Development of an open source multimedia player module aimed at e-learning of languages

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    Projecte realitzat mitjançant programa de mobilitat. Université Caholique de Louvain-la-Neuve Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain Pôle d'ingénierie informatique (INGI)This document is a report of the project "Development of an Open Source multimedia player module aimed at e-learning of languages , carried out by the student Alberto Rodríguez Núñez as Final Degree Project in order to acquire the degree of Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión from UPC (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya). This project has been carried out on request from Institut des Langues Vivantes (ILV) from the Université Caholique of Louvain-la-Neuve. The objective of this work is to develop a module for the e-learning platform Claroline consisting in a tool for playing multimedia content synchronously with its transcription. This tool is intended to help students in learning languages, in an autodidactic and distance way using the teaching method called "e-learning". In this report I will focus on the study carried out as well as the tools, methodologies and strategies used for development. First, I will focus on studying all aspects of the project environment as well as everything needed to carry out its development. Below I will do an analysis of requirements of the problem, a rigorous specification of the module to be developed and its implementation. To conclude I will detail the implementation of the module and its characteristics and use by professors and students

    O papel do laser Er: YAG no tratamento cirúrgico e não cirúrgico da peri-implantite

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    Introdução: Os implantes dentários podem desenvolver complicações mecânicas e biológicas, como a peri-implantite, que é caracterizada por inflamação dos tecidos peri-implantares e perda progressiva do osso de suporte. O tratamento inclui métodos cirúrgicos e não cirúrgicos. Alguns estudos demonstraram que o laser de Érbio (Er:YAG) apresenta fortes propriedades bactericidas e pode descontaminar a superfície de um implante com segurança e eficácia. Objetivo: Revisão de estudos que abordem a utilização isolada ou adjuvante do laser de Érbio no tratamento cirúrgico e não cirúrgico da peri-implantite, avaliando a sua eficácia, vantagens e desvantagens. Metodologia: Pesquisa na PubMed selecionando artigos escritos em inglês, português e espanhol, publicados entre 2008 e 2023. Resultados: foram incluídos 8 estudos, com foco no tratamento da peri-implantite com laserterapia. Discussão: A maioria dos estudos utilizou tratamento cirúrgico e avaliou parâmetros clínicos, microbiológicos e radiográficos. O laser Er:YAG foi comparado com curetas de plástico e ultrassons em alguns estudos, e três estudos incluíram regeneração óssea. Dois estudos abordaram o tratamento não cirúrgico, comparando o laser com ar/pó abrasivo. Embora haja poucas evidências que comprovem a superioridade do laser, a terapia cirúrgica regenerativa adjuvada com a descontaminação com laser de Er:YAG, apresenta resultados significativos na redução da profundidade de sondagem e no ganho ósseo. Conclusão: A terapia a laser deve ser encarada como complementar, e não alternativa, ao tratamento convencional. Mais estudos clínicos com protocolos uniformizados são necessários para estabelecer o papel do laser no tratamento das doenças peri-implantares.Introduction: Dental implants can develop mechanical and biological complications, such as peri-implantitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the peri-implant tissues and progressive loss of supporting bone. Treatment includes surgical and non-surgical methods. Some studies have shown that the erbium laser (Er:YAG) has strong bactericidal properties and can safely and effectively decontaminate an implant surface. Objective: Review of studies addressing the isolated or adjuvant use of the Erbium laser in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis, evaluating its efficacy, advantages, and disadvantages. Methodology: PubMed search selecting articles written in English, Portuguese and Spanish, published between 2008 and 2023. Results: Eight studies were included, focusing on the treatment of peri-implantitis with laser therapy. Discussion: Most studies used surgical treatment and evaluated clinical, microbiological and radiographic parameters. The Er:YAG laser was compared with plastic curettes and ultrasound in some studies, and three studies included bone regeneration. Two studies addressed nonsurgical treatment, comparing the laser with air/abrasive powder. Although there is little evidence to prove the superiority of laser, regenerative surgical therapy adjuvanted with Er:YAG laser decontamination shows significant results in reducing probing depth and bone gain. Conclusion: Laser therapy should be seen as a complement, not an alternative, to conventional treatment. More clinical studies with standardized protocols are needed to establish the role of laser in the treatment of peri-implant diseases

    Lesson study as a tool for rebuilding teachers' practical thinking: a bridge between espoused theories and theories-in-use

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    This Lesson Study forms part of the research work carried out by the Spanish team, in order to analyse the potential of this professional teacher development methodology for the reconstruction of teachers' practical thinking. It is a qualitative research process which involves the monitoring of seven infant school teachers during two school cycles. The teachers developed a Lesson Study over this period, with a practical thinking case study being carried out both before and after. This paper focuses on the Lesson Study case study. The Lesson Study was developed independently by the group of teachers, who were advised throughout by the undersigned researchers. At the same time, the researchers carried out a case study focusing on the Lesson Study being developed by the teachers. Findings/Conclusions: - From the start of the Lesson Study, we can find evidence of changes in the practical thinking of the teachers involved, which led to immediate changes in their classroom practice. - The development of the Lesson Study brought about significant reflection with regards to the Infant Education curriculum, in some cases resulting in substantial modification to the way it is implemented in their different classrooms. - The teachers pointed out the value of cooperative work on several different occasions. - They also emphasised the high level of learning they achieved by observing how their colleagues developed the lesson designed by the group using different strategies and data collection instruments, such as documentation inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, when reflecting on their own practice. On the whole, we can state that the cooperative design work of this lesson showed the contrast between the espoused theories of the participants and their theories-in-use, conditioned fundamentally by their work contexts and previous experience. Lesson Study is a way to bring these two poles closer together, enriching teachers with strategies to help detect contradictions in their practice and to resolve them and feel more comfortable with what they do.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec