8,495 research outputs found

    The role of glucosinolates and iodine on thyroid hormone concentrations in mares and foals

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    Adequate levels of thyroid hormones and iodine are essential for health and normal fetal development. Disruptions in maternal iodine metabolism during pregnancy or transfer of iodine to the fetus may cause fetal thyroid dysfunction, which may lead to severe negative effects on development and organ maturation. A syndrome characterized by prolonged gestational length, moderate to severe musculoskeletal deformities such as contracted tendons, failure of tarsal and/or carpal ossification, prognathia, signs of dysmaturity and goiter called congenital hypothyroidism dysmaturity syndrome in foals (CHDS) has been described. The risk factors for CHDS include a lack of trace mineral supplementation and consumption of Brassicaceae family plants containing glucosinolates (GSL) during pregnancy. Glucosinolates have negative effects on thyroid function and animal health in other species. There are no previous reports on the effects of GSL on thyroid function and iodine levels in horses at any age and physiologic state. There is also a lack of robust information on iodine levels in mares and foals in different body fluids and secretions despite the prevalence of CHDS in foals in Western Canada, where Brassica family GSL plants are widely cultivated, mustard family GSL containing weeds are abundant and soil iodine concentrations are inadequate. We hypothesized that the combination of a low iodine and a glucosinolate (GSL) (sinigrin) containing diet fed for 3 months to non-pregnant mares would affect thyroid hormones and serum iodine concentrations in non-pregnant mares and that colostrum, milk and serum iodine levels and thyroid hormone concentrations would decrease over time in healthy post-partum mares and foals. Nineteen mares aged 2 to 14 years were divided into Control with iodine supplementation and, Low (20 mmol/day) and High GSL (35 mmol/day) diet groups without iodine supplementation. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation tests and serum iodine measurements were performed at 0 and 12 weeks. Total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations at baseline and in post-TRH samples were measured. The post-TRH fold changes (FC) were calculated for TSH, TT3 and TT4. There was a group and group by week interaction (P <0.001) in TT4 FC values, with week 12 Control concentrations higher (P < 0.006) than all groups. Iodine concentrations decreased (P < 0.002) in GSL mares. Additionally, colostrum, milk and blood samples from ten draft mares and foals, with an estimated intake of 39 mg iodine per day per mare during pregnancy were obtained at foaling date and 10 days later. Measurements included: mare basal concentrations of serum: TT3, TT4, iodine; iodine in colostrum at day 0 and milk iodine (day 10); foal basal TT3, TT4 and serum iodine (day 0 and 10). Median ± SE foal serum iodine (268.5 ± 7.6 µg/L), TT4 (1225 ± 47.8 nmol/L) and TT3 (14.2 ± 1.1 nmol/L) at foaling date were higher than at 10 days (70 ± 3.6 µg/L; 69.6. ± 20.4 nmol/L; 5.4 ± 0.3 nmol/L, respectively). Colostrum iodine levels (165 ± 15.1 µg/L) were higher than milk (48 ± 5.6 µg/L) levels. In conclusion, the effect of sinigrin along with a low iodine supplemented diet did not have a negative impact on body weight and overall health in non-pregnant mares, but T4 responsiveness and iodine levels decrease after 12 weeks. Similar controlled studies on the effects of GSL should be performed in pregnant mares in which thyroid function and adequate levels of iodine are more critical for the developing fetus. Furthermore, nutritional studies with known and confirmed iodine intakes should be performed to determine robust reference ranges for iodine levels in serum, colostrum and milk from mare and foal pairs at different ages.

    Wine routes in Spain: A case study

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    Spain is a country with an enormous wine-growing tradition and with a huge tourist industry, although it has not made the importance of wine tourism profitable. Thus, it was not until 2000 that different official wine routes seemed to appear, with the main objective, amongst others, being to help develop rural areas where wine production is of crucial importance and to offer alternatives to traditional sun and beach tourism. In this paper, we will present an analysis of wine tourism in Spain based on the premise that wine (and regional cuisine) may be, and very frequently is, the main reason for visiting a certain area. To investigate this, we will present the results of an empirical study carried out in one of the official wine routes of Andalusia, a Spanish region where sun and beach tourism and cultural tourism represent a highly significant part of tourist activity. We have analysed how this tourist route is bringing about significant socioeconomic changes to the geographical area. To achieve this aim, we have conducted a survey of the companies involved in the wine route in order to ascertain their opinions on the impact and influence of the route. The main results of the study demonstrate the need to consolidate the development of such routes through collaboration between public institutions, ensuring the participation of all the different social actors involved

    Elaboración de una propuesta de reingeniería administrativa, comercial, operativa y financiera para la empresa label print

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    En el presente documento se analizó la situación actual de la compañía Label Print, constituida para la comercialización de etiquetas adhesivas y otros productos relacionados con sistemas de codificación; este análisis se lo realizó con el objetivo de elaborar una propuesta de Reingeniería de procesos que permita corregir falencias y mejorar los resultados de la empresa. Este estudio se lo aplicó en las diferentes áreas que posee esta empresa, como son: Administrativa - Organizacional, Comercial, Operativa y Financiera. En cada una de estas áreas se señalaron problemas y se especificaron algunas recomendaciones en base a diferentes análisis y estudios hechos de acuerdo con la información ofrecida por la compañía. Los resultados obtenidos verifican la importancia de un mejoramiento continuo en la empresa y la necesidad de estar dispuestos al cambio. Se concluye finalmente que este nuevo enfoque de administración como es la Reingeniería de procesos es muy atractiva para los que toman decisiones en las compañías ya que permite observar todas las áreas de una empresa, con el propósito de hacerlas más efectivas

    The enzymatic determination of glucose in carbonated beverages: a useful tool for the undergraduate students to learn the basis of enzymatic analysis and the comparison of two analytical methods

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    The importance of enzymatic analysis in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and food chemistry is undoubted. The course "Applied Biochemistry" in our Faculty is aimed to undergraduate students of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In this subject, the principles and applications of enzymatic analysis are presented to the students, who receive a theoretical introductory lecture in the classroom before they carry out an experiment that should be feasible to be solved in a short laboratory period. The experimental protocol here presented, based on the enzymatic determination of glucose in carbonated beverages, has been implemented at the University of Málaga and it has been optimized according to the students’ results and commentaries along the last years. It aims to illustrate basic issues relating enzymatic analysis, including its potential application to food chemistry. Although there are several enzymatic methods that can be used for the determination of glucose, we selected the one based on the coupled reactions of glucose oxidase (GOD; EC and peroxidase (POD; EC because the kinetic constants of glucose oxidase allow the mentioned enzymatic reactions to be used in both, the end point and the kinetic enzymatic analysis methods. In this way, data for two different protocols for the determination of glucose concentration are obtained by the students from a single reaction mixture. Students construct a calibration curve for each method using a glucose standard solution, and use them to determine the glucose concentration in the problem solutions. The inclusion of replicate samples in the determination of the glucose concentration of an “ideal problem” (glucose in purified water) is used to illustrate the principles of statistics in the lab, and comparison with the “real value” allows an estimation of the accuracy of each method. The evaluation of glucose concentration in four carbonated beverages: coloured coke and uncoloured tonic sodas (regular or sugarless in both cases) makes student to recognise the appearance of interferences that should be either avoided or eliminated. Since all samples are analysed by means of end-point and kinetic methods, students can discuss the applicability of each method to these specific analytical problems. They are also encouraged to compare both analytical methods in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy, and time consumed. Chemistry and Biochemistry undergraduate students having performed this experiment in our laboratories have found it formative, interesting and challenging.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A practice project to prevent the cookbook model as modus operandi for biochemistry laboratory learning

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    Laboratory learning is a crucial component of chemistry and biochemistry instruction and should be conceived as a way to develop students’ reasoning, technical or practical skills, introducing them into the scientific method principles. Nevertheless, the heavily criticized “expository instruction style”, characterized by a cookbook nature, is still the most widespread style of laboratory instruction in our universities. Alternative learning styles based in the inquiry, discovery and problem-based pedagogical approaches, have been reported to promote students’ problem solving skills, critical thought and self-confidence development. We are currently involved in the Educative Innovation Project PIE17-065, funded by University of Malaga, aimed to improve the teaching practice of Biochemistry laboratory to undergraduate students. Based on an enzymatic analysis of glucose in soft-drinks we have developed a laboratory protocol as a part of a full practice project where students must work before and after the lab session, in order to prevent the cookbook model as modus operandi, therefore preventing the situation where the students get a first glimpse of the experiment protocol whereas they put on their lab coat. The learning activities have been designed to move our students from the passive role that characterizes the step-by-step procedures, to an active and critical attitude that starts before and remains after their laboratory session, also minimizing time, space, and equipment resources. Our results have shown that this experiment has improved the learning of both, future biochemists and chemists, which showed a very positive perception of the whole practical project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PIE 17-06

    Las funciones del docente y la disciplina de los Estudiantes de Extra-Edad en situación de riesgo psicosocial en el Centro Preventivo "Divino Niño", turno vespertino, ubicado en el Barrio Jorge Dimitrov Departamento de Managua, II Semestre del año lectivo 2013

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    El estudio desarrollado lleva por título “Las Funciones del Docente y la Disciplina de los estudiantes de extra- edad, en situación de riesgo psico-social en el Centro Preventivo Divino Niño, del turno vespertino; ubicado en el Barrio Jorge Dimitrov, departamento de Managua II semestre del año lectivo 2013”, y realizado bajo una metodología cualitativa, porque en él predomina el análisis del mundo social, con el propósito de reconstruir la realidad en un sistema social. La información recolectada, permitió analizar la incidencia que tienen las funciones del docente en la disciplina de los estudiantes de extra- edad, en situación de riesgo psicosocial. El trabajo de esta investigación se llevó a cabo con una población de 83 participantes: 1 director, 1 subdirectora, 6 docentes y 75 estudiantes. La muestra seleccionada fue de 35 participantes. Las técnicas de recolección de información utilizadas fueron la observación participante en las aulas de clase y la entrevista no estructurada aplicada al director y subdirectora del centro y a las maestras que imparten clase en la modalidad de extra edad o primaria acelerad a fin de identificar la naturaleza profunda de la realidad, su sistema de relaciones, su estructura dinámica. La tesis realizada según su profundidad fue de carácter descriptivo, debido a que se describieron las variables principales del estudio, de acuerdo al tiempo fue de corte transversal ya que se realizó en un periodo determinado, durante el segundo semestre del año 2013. En los principales resultados se destaca la falta de preparación adecuada de las docentes para impartir sus clases en la primaria acelerada. Hay desmotivación para que las clases sean de calidad con resultados óptimos. Se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones y Propuesta de Intervención Pedagógica que se espera contribuyan a fortalecer la función formativa de los docentes, con estudiantes de extra edad en situaciones de riesgo psicosocia

    Learning contract, co-operative and flipped learning as useful tools for studying metabolism

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    Es el Abstract de una comunicación a un congreso internacional sobre educaciónUndergraduate students in Biology identify Metabolic Biochemistry as a particularly difficult subject. This is due to the fact that students need to interconnect properly all the contents of its syllabus throughout their study of the subject in order to get a global insight of the complex regulatory features controlling metabolic pathways within the metabolic network under different physiologic and pathologic conditions, as well as metabolism as a whole. Due to these objective difficulties, a high percentage of our students face the study of this subject as a very hard task beyond their forces and capacities. This perception leads to high rates of premature dropout. In previous years, less than 40% of all the registered students attended the examinations of Metabolic Biochemistry (a subject in the second year of the Degree of Biology at our University). Even worse, less than 25% of our students passed the exams. From the academic year 2015/16 on, we are developing innovative teaching projects (PIE15-163 and PIE17-145, funded by University of Malaga) aimed to increase our student loyalty to the subject (and hence to increase their attendance to exams) and to help them to learn more effectively metabolism and its regulation. These innovative teaching projects are based on the use of several powerful tools: a learning contract and problem-based learning within the framework of group tasks promoting an actual collaborative learning in a flipped classroom. The present communication will show the implementation of the PIE15-163 and PIE17-145 projects and some results obtained from them.This work was supported by Malaga University funds granted to the educational innovation project PIE17-145. The attendance to the END2018 International Conference on Education and New Developments (June 2018, Budapest, Hungary) has received a grant from "I Plan Propio Integral de Docencia. Universidad de Málaga"]