18,763 research outputs found
The Berry-Tabor conjecture for spin chains of Haldane-Shastry type
According to a long-standing conjecture of Berry and Tabor, the distribution
of the spacings between consecutive levels of a "generic'' integrable model
should follow Poisson's law. In contrast, the spacings distribution of chaotic
systems typically follows Wigner's law. An important exception to the
Berry-Tabor conjecture is the integrable spin chain with long-range
interactions introduced by Haldane and Shastry in 1988, whose spacings
distribution is neither Poissonian nor of Wigner's type. In this letter we
argue that the cumulative spacings distribution of this chain should follow the
"square root of a logarithm'' law recently proposed by us as a characteristic
feature of all spin chains of Haldane-Shastry type. We also show in detail that
the latter law is valid for the rational counterpart of the Haldane-Shastry
chain introduced by Polychronakos.Comment: LaTeX with revtex4, 6 pages, 6 figure
High Resolution Imaging of the Magnetic Field in the central parsec of the Galaxy
We discuss a high resolution (FWHM~ 0.45 arcsec) image of the emissive
polarization from warm dust in the minispiral in the Galactic Centre and
discuss the implications for the magnetic field in the dusty filaments. The
image was obtained at a wavelength of 12.5 microns with the CanariCam multimode
mid-infrared imager on the Gran Telescopio Canarias. It confirms the results
obtained from previous observations but also reveals new details of the
polarization structures. In particular, we identify regions of coherent
magnetic field emission at position angles of ~45 deg to the predominantly
north--south run of field lines in the Northern Arm which may be related to
orbital motions inclined to the general flow of the Northern Arm. The luminous
stars that have been identified as bow-shock sources in the Northern Arm do not
disrupt or dilute the field but are linked by a coherent field structure,
implying that the winds from these objects may push and compress the field but
do not overwhelm it. The magnetic field in the the low surface brightness
regions in the East-West Bar to the south of SgrA* lies along the Bar, but the
brighter regions generally have different polarization position angles,
suggesting that they are distinct structures. In the region of the Northern Arm
sampled here, there is only a weak correlation between the intensity of the
emission and the degree of polarization. This is consistent with saturated
grain alignment where the degree of polarization depends on geometric effects,
including the angle of inclination of the field to the line of sight and
superposition of filaments with different field directions, rather than the
alignment efficiency.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Cosmic Dust X, held in Mitaka,
Japan in August 201
Determinantes de la elección de participación e ingresos en diferentes categorÃÂas de empleo en sectores rurales de Chile
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chilelabor market, multivariate probit, rural nonfarm employment, Community/Rural/Urban Development,
Mid-infrared imaging- and spectro-polarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068
We present sub-arcsecond 7.513 m imaging- and spectro-polarimetric
observations of NGC 1068 using CanariCam on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio
CANARIAS. At all wavelengths, we find:
(1) A 90 60 pc extended polarized feature in the northern ionization
cone, with a uniform 44 polarization angle. Its polarization
arises from dust and gas emission in the ionization cone, heated by the active
nucleus and jet, and further extinguished by aligned dust grains in the host
galaxy. The polarization spectrum of the jet-molecular cloud interaction at
24 pc from the core is highly polarized, and does not show a silicate
feature, suggesting that the dust grains are different from those in the
interstellar medium.
(2) A southern polarized feature at 9.6 pc from the core. Its
polarization arises from a dust emission component extinguished by a large
concentration of dust in the galaxy disc. We cannot distinguish between dust
emission from magnetically aligned dust grains directly heated by the jet close
to the core, and aligned dust grains in the dusty obscuring material
surrounding the central engine. Silicate-like grains reproduce the polarized
dust emission in this feature, suggesting different dust compositions in both
ionization cones.
(3) An upper limit of polarization degree of 0.3 per cent in the core. Based
on our polarization model, the expected polarization of the obscuring dusty
material is 0.1 per cent in the 813 m wavelength range. This
low polarization may be arising from the passage of radiation through aligned
dust grains in the shielded edges of the clumps.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication at MNRA
Charge delocalization and hyperpolarizability in ionic liquids
In this work the role that charge delocalization plays in the non-linear
optical response of ionic liquids is evaluated. The first hyperpolarizability
for the non-linear process of second harmonic generation (SHG) and second
hyperpolarizability for the non-linear process of electro-optical Kerr-Effect
(EOKE) of a large number of ionic liquid forming ions were estimated by means
of density functional theory calculations. The results point to that both
charge delocalization and molecular geometry are the key features that govern
their hyperpolarizabilities. Our findings show that some of the most commonly
used anions in ionic liquids are expected to present strong non-linear
responses while common cations present a much more limited performance.
However, this limitation can be overcome by a proper tailoring of cations to
present charge delocalization over large molecular regions. The hypothesis of
additivity of hyperpolarizabilities in ionic liquids is tested and exploited to
obtain a map of second and third order non-linear susceptibilities of 1496 ion
combinations. This map is intended to be a guide for future works on the
hyperpolarizability of ILsComment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, supplementary data associated with
this article can be found, in the online version, at
The Magnetic Field in the central parsec of the Galaxy
We present a polarisation map of the warm dust emission from the minispiral
in the central parsec of the Galactic centre. The observations were made at a
wavelength of 12.5 microns with CanariCam mounted on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio
Canarias. The magnetic field traced by the polarised emission from aligned dust
grains is consistent with previous observations, but the increased resolution
of the present data reveals considerably more information on the detailed
structure of the B field and its correspondence with the filamentary emission
seen in both mid-infrared continuum emission and free-free emission at cm
wavelengths. The magnetic field appears to be compressed and pushed by the
outflows from luminous stars in the Northern Arm, but it is not disordered by
them. We identify some magnetically coherent filaments that cross the Northern
Arm at a Position Angle of ~45 degrees, and which may trace orbits inclined to
the primary orientation of the Northern Arm and circumnuclear disk. In the
East-West bar, the magnetic fields implied by the polarization in the lower
intensity regions lie predominantly along the bar at a Position Angle of 130 -
140 degrees. In contrast to the Northern Arm, the brighter regions of the bar
tend to have lower degrees of polarization with a greater divergence in
position angle compared to the local diffuse emission. It appears that the
diffuse emission in the East-West bar traces the underlying field and that the
bright compact sources are unrelated objects presumably projected onto the bar
and with different field orientationsComment: 12 Pages, 5 figures, 1 Table. To be published in MNRA
A virtual object-location task for children: Gender and videogame experience influence navigation; age impacts memory and completion time
The use of virtual reality-based tasks for studying memory has increased considerably. Most of the studies that have looked at child population factors that influence performance on such tasks have been focused on cognitive variables. However, little attention has been paid to the impact of non-cognitive skills. In the present paper, we tested 52 typically-developing children aged 5-12 years in a virtual object-location task. The task assessed their spatial short-term memory for the location of three objects in a virtual city. The virtual task environment was presented using a 3D application consisting of a 120" stereoscopic screen and a gamepad interface. Measures of learning and displacement indicators in the virtual environment, 3D perception, satisfaction, and usability were obtained. We assessed the children's videogame experience, their visuospatial span, their ability to build blocks, and emotional and behavioral outcomes. The results indicate that learning improved with age. Significant effects on the speed of navigation were found favoring boys and those more experienced with videogames. Visuospatial skills correlated mainly with ability to recall object positions, but the correlation was weak. Longer paths were related with higher scores of withdrawal behavior, attention problems, and a lower visuospatial span. Aggressiveness and experience with the device used for interaction were related with faster navigation. However, the correlations indicated only weak associations among these variables
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