8 research outputs found

    CARMA observations of massive Planck-discovered cluster candidates at z>0.5 associated with WISE overdensities: strategy, observations and validation

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    We present 1-2 arcmin spatial resolution CARMA-8 31-GHz observations towards 19 unconfirmed Planck cluster candidates, selected to have significant galaxy overdensities from the WISE early data release and thought to be at z>1 from the WISE colors of the putative brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). We find a Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) detection in the CARMA-8 data towards 9 candidate clusters, where one detection is considered tentative. For each cluster candidate we present CARMA-8 maps, a study of their radio-source environment and we assess the reliability of the SZ detection. The CARMA SZ detections appear to be SZ-bright, with the mean, primary-beam-corrected peak flux density of the decrement being -2.9mJy/beam with a standard deviation of 0.8, and are typically offset from the Planck position by approximately 80 arcsec. Using archival imaging data in the vicinity of the CARMA SZ centroids, we present evidence that one cluster matches Abell 586-a known z~0.2 cluster; four candidate clusters are likely to have 0.3<z<0.7; and, for the remaining 4, the redshift information is inconclusive. We also argue that the sensitivity limits resulting from the cross-correlation between Planck and WISE makes it challenging to use our selection criterion to identify clusters at z > 1.Comment: 29 pages, MNRAS, in pres

    Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of galaxy clusters out to the virial radius with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager

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    We present observations using the Small Array of the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI; 14-18 GHz) of four Abell and three MACS clusters spanning 0.171-0.686 in redshift. We detect Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signals in five of these without any attempt at source subtraction, although strong source contamination is present. With radio-source measurements from high-resolution observations, and under the assumptions of spherical β\beta-model, isothermality and hydrostatic equilibrium, a Bayesian analysis of the data in the visibility plane detects extended SZ decrements in all seven clusters over and above receiver noise, radio sources and primary CMB imprints. Bayesian evidence ratios range from 10^{11}:1 to 10^{43}:1 for six of the clusters and 3000:1 for one with substantially less data than the others. We present posterior probability distributions for, e.g., total mass and gas fraction averaged over radii internal to which the mean overdensity is 1000, 500 and 200, r_200 being the virial radius. Reaching r_200 involves some extrapolation for the nearer clusters but not for the more-distant ones. We find that our estimates of gas fraction are low (compared with most in the literature) and decrease with increasing radius. These results appear to be consistent with the notion that gas temperature in fact falls with distance (away from near the cluster centre) out to the virial radius.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS (updated authors and fixed Figure 1

    Mind the gap: Mapping variation between national and local clinical practice guidelines for acute paediatric asthma from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

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    BackgroundClinical practice guidelines (CPGs) aim to standardize clinical care. Increasingly, hospitals rely on locally produced guidelines alongside national guidance. This study examines variation between national and local CPGs, using the example of acute paediatric asthma guidance from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.MethodsFifteen British and Dutch local CPGs were collected with the matching national guidance for the management of acute asthma in children under 18 years old. The drug sequences, routes and methods of administration recommended for patients with severe asthma and the tone of recommendation across both types of CPGs were schematically represented. Deviations from national guidance were measured. Variation in recommended doses of intravenous salbutamol was examined. CPG quality was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II.ResultsBritish and Dutch national CPGs differed in the recommended drug choices, sequences, routes and methods of administration for severe asthma. Dutch national guidance was more rigidly defined. Local British CPGs diverged from national guidance for 23% of their recommended interventions compared to 8% for Dutch local CPGs. Five British local guidelines and two Dutch local guidelines differed from national guidance for multiple treatment steps. Variation in second-line recommendations was greater than for first-line recommendations across local CPGs from both countries. Recommended starting doses for salbutamol infusions varied by more than tenfold. The quality of the sampled local CPGs was low across all AGREE II domains.ConclusionsLocal CPGs for the management of severe acute paediatric asthma featured substantial variation and frequently diverged from national guidance. Although limited to one condition, this study suggests that unmeasured variation across local CPGs may contribute to variation of care more broadly, with possible effects on healthcare quality

    Electronic properties of the interface between p-CuI and anatase-phase n-Ti O2 single crystal and nanoparticulate surfaces: A photoemission study

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    We present 16-GHz Sunyaev–Zel’dovich observations using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) and subsequent Bayesian analysis of six galaxy clusters at redshift z ≈ 1 chosen from an X-ray- and infrared-selected sample from Culverhouse et al. In the subsequent analysis, we use two cluster models, an isothermal β-model and a Dark Matter Generalised Navarro-Frenk-White (DM-GNFW) model in order to derive a formal detection probability and the cluster parameters. We detect two clusters (CL J1415+3612 and XMJ 0830+5241) and measure their total masses out to a radius of 200 times the critical density at the respective cluster's redshift. For CL J1415+3612, we find M_(T, 200) = 7.3^(+1.8)_(−1.8) × 10^(14) M_⊙ (β-model) and M_(T, 200) = 10.4^(2.5)_(−2.4) × 10^(14) M_⊙ (DM-GNFW model) and for XMJ0830+5241, we find M_(T, 200) = 3.6^(+1.1)_(−1.1) × 10^(14) M_⊙, (β-model) and M_(T, 200) = 4.7^(+1.4)_(−1.4) × 10^(14) M_⊙ (DM-GNFW model), which agree with each other for each cluster. We also present maps before and after source subtraction of the entire sample and provide 1D and 2D posterior marginalized probability distributions for each fitted cluster profile parameter of the detected clusters. Using simulations which take into account the measured source environment from the AMI Large Array (LA), source confusion noise, cosmic microwave background primordials, instrument noise, we estimate from small-radius (r_(2500)) X-ray data from Culverhouse et al., the detectability of each cluster in the sample and compare it with the result from the Small Array (SA) data. Furthermore, we discuss the validity of the assumptions of isothermality and constant gas mass fraction. We comment on the bias that these small-radius estimates introduce to large-radius SZ predictions. In addition, we follow-up the two detections with deep, single-pointed LA observations. We find a 3σ tentative decrement towards CL J1415+3612 at high resolution and a 5σ high-resolution decrement towards XM J0830+5241

    Future Science Prospects for AMI

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    The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) is a telescope specifically designed for high sensitivity measurements of low-surface-brightness features at cm-wavelength and has unique, important capabilities. It consists of two interferometer arrays operating over 13.5-18 GHz that image structures on scales of 0.5-10 arcmin with very low systematics. The Small Array (AMI-SA; ten 3.7-m antennas) couples very well to Sunyaev-Zel'dovich features from galaxy clusters and to many Galactic features. The Large Array (AMI-LA; eight 13-m antennas) has a collecting area ten times that of the AMI-SA and longer baselines, crucially allowing the removal of the effects of confusing radio point sources from regions of low surface-brightness, extended emission. Moreover AMI provides fast, deep object surveying and allows monitoring of large numbers of objects. In this White Paper we review the new science - both Galactic and extragalactic - already achieved with AMI and outline the prospects for much more.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures; white paper. Revised author list, section IB, section IIIC2, reference