4,299 research outputs found

    Plano de intervenção para o atendimento das pessoas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica na área de abrangência da equipe de saúde da família Eldorado II, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais

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    A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é uma condição clínica multifatorial caracterizada por elevação sustentada dos níveis pressóricos = 140 e/ou 90 mmHg. Essa condição clínica tornou-se problema de saúde pública pelo impacto econômico e ônus que acarreta no sistema social e de saúde, refletindo na qualidade e expectativa de vida dos indivíduos. No Brasil, a prevalência da HAS é da ordem de 10% a 20% da população. Desse modo, somam-se entre 15 a 30 milhões de indivíduos hipertensos. A 7ª Diretriz Brasileira de Hipertensão Arterial (DBHA) endossa a importância da mudança no estilo de vida como principal estratégia para prevenção da HAS. Essa Diretriz, acrescenta que as políticas públicas de saúde devem enfatizar o diagnóstico precoce, a oferta dos medicamentos de uso contínuo, além de protocolos assistenciais de monitoramento da pressão arterial e controle dos fatores de risco. Este Trabalho de conclusão de curso teve o objetivo de elaborar um plano de intervenção para atenção às pessoas com HAS, na área de abrangência da Equipe de Saúde da Família Eldorado II localizada na cidade de Montes Claros, MG. A proposta pretende adequar a assistência aos pacientes hipertensos aos princípios ditados pelo Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ) do Ministério da Saúde. O plano de intervenção priorizou o padrão 4.29 da subdimensão L (Atenção Integral a Saúde) que versa sobre a organização da atenção às pessoas com hipertensão, diabetes e obesidade com base na estratificação de risco. O plano foi iniciado em maio de 2016 e tem previsão para monitoramento/consolidação dos resultados parciais no final do mesmo an

    Selecting Optimal Modular Structures using Particle Swarm Optimization

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    This paper proposes a method which helps users to change their dedicated systems gradually into modular ones. The optimization is achieved through appropriately selecting the subsets of module instances from given sets. The proposed formulation is general in the sense that products can have any number of modules. Particle swarm optimization is used to solve the optimization model. Comparative results are presented using information from exhaustive enumeration.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Diseño de concreto permeable f’c= 175 kg/cm2 adicionando Politereftalato de etileno para perfeccionar la permeabilidad - Tarapoto 2022

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    El presente estudio “Diseño de concreto permeable f’c= 175 kg/cm2 adicionando Politereftalato de etileno para perfeccionar la permeabilidad, Tarapoto 2022”, tiene como objetivo establecer el correcto diseño de concreto permeable f’c= 175 kg/cm2 adicionando Politereftalato de etileno que perfeccionará la permeabilidad, este proyecto tiene carácter pre experimental porque la variable independiente “Politereftalato de etileno será manipulada y como la variable dependiente tenemos la “permeabilidad”, ejecutamos 24 probetas, aplicando 6 probetas para cada diseño (0%, 6%, 8%, 10%). Como resultado obtuvimos que el óptimo diseño de concreto permeable es adicionando el 6% de Politereftalato de etileno, pues este genera un elevado promedio de infiltración con un total de 11294.69 mm/h además de contemplar un costo de S/ 578.23, costo que es accesible para su empleo

    Dirección Estratégica y el Comportamiento Organizacional de la empresa “Inversiones Perla del Huallaga E.I.R.L.” Trujillo - 2021

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    El propósito de la presente tesis titulada: “Dirección Estratégica y el Comportamiento Organizacional de la empresa “Inversiones Perla del Huallaga E.I.R.L.” Trujillo - 2021”, el objetivo fue determinar la relación de la dirección estratégica y el comportamiento organizacional en la empresa “Inversiones Perla del Huallaga E.I.R.L.” Trujillo – 2021. En el marco metodológico, se estableció que la investigación es de tipo aplicada, no experimental. La población fue infinita por lo cual se determinó una muestra de 55 trabajadores. Como técnica se utilizó a la encuesta y como instrumento para recoger los datos se requirió de dos cuestionarios, uno para la variable Dirección Estratégica y otro para la variable Comportamiento Organizacional, fue aplicado a los trabajadores de la empresa “Inversiones Perla del Huallaga E.I.R.L.” Trujillo - 2021”, estuvo estructurado considerando las dimensiones de sus variables cuya validez se hizo mediante juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad por el alfa de Cronbach. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis e interpretación de los resultados procediendo a utilizar el estadístico de prueba Pearson, haciendo uso del software SPSS. Finalmente, se concluyó que existe una correlación positiva alta entre la Dirección Estratégica y Comportamiento Organizacional de la empresa “Inversiones Perla del Huallaga E.I.R.L.” Trujillo – 2021 (Pearson 0.218) y el nivel de significancia es de (p=0.109) mayor al 0.05%

    Network-Reconfiguration-Aware Power Oscillation Damping Controller for Newly Commissioned Converter-Interfaced Power Plants

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    In recent years, transmission system operators have started requesting converter-interfaced generators (CIGs) to participate in grid services such as power oscillation damping (POD). As power systems are prone to topology changes because of connection and disconnection of generators and electrical lines, one of the most important requirements in the POD controller design is to account for these changes and to deal with them by using either adaptive or robust approaches. The robust approach is usually preferred by system operators because of the fixed structure of the controller. In this paper, a procedure to design POD controllers for CIG-based power plants that takes into consideration all possible network configurations is presented. This procedure is based on frequency-response techniques, so it is suitable for the commissioning in newly installed power plants, even in those cases when a detailed small-signal model of the system is not available. This procedure can be used to damp critical system modes by using active power, reactive power, or both power components simultaneously. The proposed procedure is applied to the design of the POD controller for a CIG-based power plant connected to the IEEE 39 Bus system. Simulations performed in Matlab and SimPowerSystems are used to validate the proposed design procedure

    Power oscillation damping method suitable for network reconfigurations based on converter interfaced generation and combined use of active and reactive powers

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    Power system stabilisers (PSSs) are commonly used in synchronous generators for damping low-frequency oscillations. However, many of these machines have been replaced by converter-interfaced generators (CIGs), such as those used in solar power plants. This means that CIG-based power plants should also contribute to oscillation damping. Moreover, CIGs may use both active and reactive power for power oscillation damping (POD). However, their combined use has been seldom studied in the literature. Moreover, only a few articles have addressed the adaption of POD controllers when the power system changes (e.g., after a fault). In this paper, a POD controller for CIG-based power plants is proposed that is suitable for operation in power systems exposed to reconfiguration. This controller takes advantage of both active and reactive power injection to maximise the damping of the power system. This controller is based only on local measurements so communication systems are not required. Theoretical developments were validated in a laboratory using real power converters including a 75 kVA grid emulator where the two-area benchmark model is emulated and four 15 kVA CIGs operating in parallel connection. The applicability of the proposed controller was also explored for the IEEE 39-bus system.Power oscillation damping method suitable for network reconfigurations based on converter interfaced generation and combined use of active and reactive powerspublishedVersio

    The properties of the inner disk around HL Tau: Multi-wavelength modeling of the dust emission

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    We conducted a detailed radiative transfer modeling of the dust emission from the circumstellar disk around HL Tau. The goal of our study is to derive the surface density profile of the inner disk and its structure. In addition to the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array images at Band 3 (2.9mm), Band 6 (1.3mm), and Band 7 (0.87mm), the most recent Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 7mm were included in the analysis. A simulated annealing algorithm was invoked to search for the optimum model. The radiative transfer analysis demonstrates that most radial components (i.e., >6AU) of the disk become optically thin at a wavelength of 7mm, which allows us to constrain, for the first time, the dust density distribution in the inner region of the disk. We found that a homogeneous grain size distribution is not sufficient to explain the observed images at different wavelengths simultaneously, while models with a shallower grain size distribution in the inner disk work well. We found clear evidence that larger grains are trapped in the first bright ring. Our results imply that dust evolution has already taken place in the disk at a relatively young (i.e., ~1Myr) age. We compared the midplane temperature distribution, optical depth, and properties of various dust rings with those reported previously. Using the Toomre parameter, we briefly discussed the gravitational instability as a potential mechanism for the origin of the dust clump detected in the first bright ring via the VLA observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (10 pages