2,949 research outputs found

    Proving strong magnetic fields near to the central black hole in the quasar PG0043+039 via cyclotron lines

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    The optical luminous quasar PG0043+039 has not been detected before in deep X-ray observations indicating the most extreme optical-to-X-ray slope index αox{\alpha}_{ox} of all quasars. This study aims to detect PG0043+039 in a deep X-ray exposure. Furthermore, we wanted to check out whether this object shows specific spectral properties in other frequency bands. We took deep X-ray (XMM-Newton), far-ultraviolet (HST), and optical (HET, SALT telescopes) spectra of PG0043+039 simultaneously in July 2013. We just detected PG0043+039 in our deep X-ray exposure. The steep αox=−2.37±0.05{\alpha}_{ox} = -2.37 {\pm} 0.05 gradient is consistent with an unusual steep gradient FΜ∌ΜαF_{\nu} {\sim} {\nu}^{\alpha} with α=−2.67±0.02{\alpha} = -2.67 {\pm} 0.02 seen in the UV/far-UV continuum. The optical/UV continuum flux has a clear maximum near 2500 {\AA}. The UV spectrum is very peculiar because it shows broad humps in addition to known emission lines. A modeling of these observed humps with cyclotron lines can explain their wavelength positions, their relative distances, and their relative intensities. We derive plasma temperatures of T ∌{\sim} 3keV and magnetic field strengths of B ∌{\sim} 2 ×108{\times} 10^8 G for the line-emitting regions close to the black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics in pres

    The XMM-Newton view of PG quasars: II. Properties of the Fe K-alpha line

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    The properties of the fluorescence Fe K-alpha emission lines of a sample of 38 quasars (QSOs) observed with XMM-Newton are studied. These objects are included in the optically selected sample from the Palomar-Green (PG) Bright Quasar Survey with an X-ray luminosity 1.3E43<L(2-10 keV)<5.1E45 ergs/s and z<1.72. For each object in the sample, we investigated the presence of both narrow and broad iron lines in detail. A total of 20 out of the 38 QSOs show evidence of an Fe K-alpha emission line with a narrow profile. The majority of the lines are consistent with an origin in low ionization material, which is likely to be located in the outer parts of the accretion disk, the molecular torus, and/or the Broad Line Region. The average properties of the narrow Fe K-alpha emission line observed in the sample are similar to those of Seyfert type galaxies as inferred from recent XMM-Newton and Chandra studies. A broad line has been significantly detected in only three objects. Furthermore, we studied the relationship between the equivalent width (EW) of the iron line and the hard band X-ray luminosity for radio quiet quasars. The analysis indicates that no clear correlation between the strength of the line and the hard X-ray luminosity is present, and our results do not show compelling evidence for an anticorrelation between these two quantities, i.e. the so-called X-ray Baldwin effect.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&

    XMM-Newton view of the double-peaked Fe K-alpha complex in E1821+643

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    We present the results of the analysis of the hard band XMM-Newton spectra of the luminous, L(2-10keV)~3.4E+45 erg/s, radio-quiet quasar, E1821+643. Two emission features were observed in the 6-7 keV rest frame band, confirming previous Chandra detection of these structures. We interpret these features as two single emission lines, one consistent with the neutral Fe K-alpha line at 6.4 keV and the other most likely due to FeXXVI. If related to the quasar, the high-energy emission line should originate in highly ionised matter, i.e. the accretion disc or the clouds of the emission line regions. Alternatively, it may be related to the intergalactic medium of the rich galaxy cluster in which E1821+643 is embedded. A composite broad emission line in combination with an absorption line model, however, also fits the data well. We discuss the possible physical interpretations of the origin of these features.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 7 pages and 7 figure

    A long hard look at the minimum state of PG 2112+059 with XMM-Newton

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    XMM-Newton successfully detected the minimum state of PG 2112+059 during a short snapshot observation and performed a long follow-up observation. The high signal-to-noise spectra are modelled assuming different emission scenarios and compared with archival spectra taken by XMM-Newton and Chandra. The PG 2112+059 X-ray spectra acquired in May 2007 allowed the detection of a weak iron fluorescent line, which is interpreted as being caused by reflection from neutral material at some distance from the primary X-ray emitting source. The X-ray spectra of PG 2112+059 taken at five different epochs during different flux states can be interpreted within two different scenarios. The first consists of two layers of ionised material with column densities of N_H ~5 x 10^22 cm^-2 and N_H ~3.5 x 10^23 cm^-2, respectively. The first layer is moderately ionised and its ionisation levels follow the flux changes, while the other layer is highly ionised and does not show any correlation with the flux of the source. The spectra can also be interpreted assuming reflection by an ionised accretion disk seen behind a warm absorber. The warm absorber ionisation is consistent with being correlated with the flux of the source, which provides an additional degree of self-consistency with the overall reflection-based model. We explain the spectral variability with light bending according to the models of Miniutti and Fabian and constrain the black hole spin to be a/M > 0.86. Both scenarios also assume that a distant cold reflector is responsible for the Fe K \alpha emission line. Light bending provides an attractive explanation of the different states of PG 2112+059 and may also describe the physical cause of the observed properties of other X-ray weak quasars.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, A&A latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The most complete and detailed X-ray view of the SNR Puppis A

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    With the purpose of producing the first detailed full view of Puppis A in X-rays, we carried out new XMM-Newton observations covering the missing regions in the southern half of the supernova remnant (SNR) and combined them with existing XMM-Newton and Chandra data. The new images were produced in the 0.3-0.7, 0.7-1.0 and 1.0-8.0 energy bands. We investigated the SNR morphology in detail, carried out a multi-wavelength analysis and estimated the flux density and luminosity of the whole SNR. The complex structure observed across the remnant confirms that Puppis A evolves in an inhomogeneous, probably knotty interstellar medium. The southwestern corner includes filaments that perfectly correlate with radio features suggested to be associated with shock/cloud interaction. In the northern half of Puppis A the comparison with Spitzer infrared images shows an excellent correspondence between X-rays and 24 and 70 microns emission features, while to the south there are some matched and other unmatched features. X-ray flux densities of 12.6 X 10^-9, 6.2 X 10^-9, and 2.8 X 10^-9 erg cm^-2 s^-1 were derived for the 0.3-0.7, 0.7-1.0 and 1.0-8.0 keV bands, respectively. At the assumed distance of 2.2 kpc, the total X-ray luminosity between 0.3 and 8.0 keV is 1.2 X 10^37 erg s^-1. We also collected and updated the broad-band data of Puppis A between radio and GeV gamma-ray range, producing its spectral energy distribution. To provide constraints to the high-energy emission models, we re-analyzed radio data, estimating the energy content in accelerated particles to be Umin=4.8 X 10^49 erg and the magnetic field strength B=26 muG.Comment: Article accepted to be published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journa

    A high Eddington-ratio, true Seyfert 2 galaxy candidate: implications for broad-line-region models

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    A bright, soft X-ray source was detected on 2010 July 14 during an XMM--Newton slew at a position consistent with the galaxy GSN 069 (z=0.018). Previous ROSAT observations failed to detect the source and imply that GSN 069 is now >240 times brighter than it was in 1994 in the soft X-ray band. We report here results from a ~1 yr monitoring with Swift and XMM-Newton, as well as from optical spectroscopy. GSN 069 is an unabsorbed, ultra-soft source in X-rays, with no flux detected above ~1 keV. The soft X-rays exhibit significant variability down to timescales of hundreds of seconds. The UV-to-X-ray spectrum of GSN 069 is consistent with a pure accretion disc model which implies an Eddington ratio of ~0.5 and a black hole mass of ~ 1.2 million solar masses. A new optical spectrum, obtained ~3.5 months after the XMM-Newton slew detection, is consistent with earlier spectra and lacks any broad line component, classifying the source as a Seyfert 2 galaxy. The lack of cold X-ray absorption and the short timescale variability in the soft X-rays rule out a standard Seyfert 2 interpretation of the X-ray data. We discuss our results within the framework of two possible scenarios for the broad-line-region (BLR) in AGN, namely the two-phase model (cold BLR clouds in pressure equilibrium with a hotter medium), and models in which the BLR is part of an outflow, or disc-wind. Finally, we point out that GSN 069 may be a member of a population of super-soft AGN whose SED is completely dominated by accretion disc emission, as it is the case in some black hole X-ray binary transients during their outburst evolution. The disc emission for a typical AGN with larger black hole mass than GSN 069 does not enters the soft X-ray band, so that GSN 069-like objects would likely be missed by current X-ray surveys, or mis-classified as Compton-thick candidates. (ABRIDGED)Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Infrared FeII Emission in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We obtained 0.8-2.4 micron spectra at a resolution of 320 km/s of four narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in order to study the near-infrared properties of these objects. We focus on the analysis of the FeII emission in that region and the kinematics of the low-ionization broad lines. We found that the 1 micron FeII lines (9997 A, 10501 A, 10863 A and 11126 A) are the strongest FeII lines in the observed interval. For the first time, primary cascade lines of FeII arising from the decay of upper levels pumped by Ly-alpha fluorescence are resolved and identified in active galactic nuclei. Excitation mechanisms leading to the emission of the 1 micron FeII features are discussed. A combination of Ly-alpha fluorescence and collisional excitation are found to be the main contributors. The flux ratio between near-IR FeII lines varies from object to object, in contrast to what is observed in the optical region. A good correlation between the 1 micron and optical FeII emission is found. This suggests that the upper z4Fo and z4Do levels from which the bulk of the optical lines descend are mainly populated by the transitions leading to the 1 micron lines. The width and profile shape of FeII 11127, CaII 8642 and OI 8446 are very similar but significantly narrower than Pa-beta, giving strong observational support to the hypothesis that the region where FeII, CaII and OI are produced are co-spatial, interrelated kinematically and most probably located in the outermost portion of the BLR.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ - 35 page
