6,992 research outputs found

    Procesamiento intraoracional de pronombres personales en ninos con trastorno especifico del lenguaje

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    62 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) suelen presentar dificultades a nivel de la morfosintaxis. Entre otros aspectos, manifiestan problemas en el procesamiento de los pronombres. El presente estudio está dirigido a estudiar este aspecto en niños con TEL a través de la aplicación del Test de Referencia Pronominal Sintáctica. Estudios previos sobre este tema en el habla inglesa utilizando esta misma prueba indican que los niños con TEL presentan un desempeño inferior en el procesamiento de los pronombres personales que sus controles. El propósito de este estudio fue conocer el rendimiento de los niños con TEL de lengua española en el procesamiento de pronombres personales. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los niños con TEL de habla española también presentan un rendimiento inferior en el procesamiento intraoracional de pronombres personales, lo que se podría relacionar con un déficit representacional para las relaciones de dependencia sintáctica

    Behaviors of Adult \u3ci\u3eAgrilus Planipennis\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)

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    A 2-year study was conducted in Canada (2003) and the United States (2005) to better understand searching and mating behaviors of adult Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. In both field and laboratory, adults spent more time resting and walking than feeding or flying. The sex ratio in the field was biased towards males, which tended to hover around trees, likely looking for mates. There was more leaf feeding damage within a tree higher in the canopy than in the lower canopy early in the season, but this difference disappeared over time. In choice experiments, males attempted to mate with individuals of both sexes, but they landed more frequently on females than on males. A series of sexual behaviors was observed in the laboratory, including: exposure of the ovipositor/genitalia, sporadic jumping by males, attempted mating, and mating. Sexual behaviors were absent among 1-3 day-old beetles, but were observed regularly in 10-12 day-old beetles. Females were seen exposing their ovipositor, suggestive of pheromone-calling behavior. No courtship was observed prior to mating. Hovering, searching, and landing behaviors suggest that beetles most likely rely on visual cues during mate finding, although host-plant volatiles and/or pheromones might also be involved

    Translational regulation contributes to the elevated CO2 response in two Solanum species.

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    Understanding the impact of elevated CO2 (eCO2 ) in global agriculture is important given climate change projections. Breeding climate-resilient crops depends on genetic variation within naturally varying populations. The effect of genetic variation in response to eCO2 is poorly understood, especially in crop species. We describe the different ways in which Solanum lycopersicum and its wild relative S. pennellii respond to eCO2 , from cell anatomy, to the transcriptome, and metabolome. We further validate the importance of translational regulation as a potential mechanism for plants to adaptively respond to rising levels of atmospheric CO2

    Bayesian inference for optimal dynamic treatment regimes in practice

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    In this work, we examine recently developed methods for Bayesian inference of optimal dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs). DTRs are a set of treatment decision rules aimed at tailoring patient care to patient-specific characteristics, thereby falling within the realm of precision medicine. In this field, researchers seek to tailor therapy with the intention of improving health outcomes; therefore, they are most interested in identifying optimal DTRs. Recent work has developed Bayesian methods for identifying optimal DTRs in a family indexed by ψ\psi via Bayesian dynamic marginal structural models (MSMs) (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022a); we review the proposed estimation procedure and illustrate its use via the new BayesDTR R package. Although methods in (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022a) can estimate optimal DTRs well, they may lead to biased estimators when the model for the expected outcome if everyone in a population were to follow a given treatment strategy, known as a value function, is misspecified or when a grid search for the optimum is employed. We describe recent work that uses a Gaussian process (GPGP) prior on the value function as a means to robustly identify optimal DTRs (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022b). We demonstrate how a GPGP approach may be implemented with the BayesDTR package and contrast it with other value-search approaches to identifying optimal DTRs. We use data from an HIV therapeutic trial in order to illustrate a standard analysis with these methods, using both the original observed trial data and an additional simulated component to showcase a longitudinal (two-stage DTR) analysis

    Taking an Integrated View of Legal Education and Licensure

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    As the practice of law has changed in response to technological advances, globalization, economic pressures, and other forces, the knowledge, skills, values, and traits that legal employers seek in law graduates have diverged from what law schools have traditionally taught. This panel will explore the implications of this gap and how law school curricula, law practice, and the bar exam can be better aligned. What should remain of the core of law school curriculum, and where might the bar exam be changed? If more time in law school is needed to address these matters, is the profession and are the licensing entities prepared to rethink the bar exam to make space in law school J.D. programs to respond to these concerns
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