38,019 research outputs found

    Anomalous Nernst Effect in the Vortex-Liquid Phase of High-Temperature Superconductors by Layer Decoupling

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    Linear diamagnetism is predicted in the vortex-liquid phase of layered superconductors at temperatures just below the mean-field phase transition on the basis of a high-temperature analysis of the corresponding frustrated XY model. The diamagnetic susceptibility, and the Nernst signal by implication, is found to vanish with temperature as (T_c0 - T)^3 in the vicinity of the meanfield transition at T_c0. Quantitative agreement with recent experimental observations of a diamagnetic signal in the vortex-liquid phase of high-temperature superconductors is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A new intermediate mass protostar in the Cepheus A HW2 region

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    We present the discovery of the first molecular hot core associated with an intermediate mass protostar in the CepA HW2 region. The hot condensation was detected from single dish and interferometric observations of several high excitation rotational lines (from 100 to 880K above the ground state) of SO2 in the ground vibrational state and of HC3N in the vibrationally excited states v7=1 and v7=2. The kinetic temperature derived from both molecules is 160K. The high-angular resolution observations (1.25'' x 0.99'') of the SO2 J=28(7,21)-29(6,24) line (488K above the ground state) show that the hot gas is concentrated in a compact condensation with a size of 0.6''(430AU), located 0.4'' (300AU) east from the radio-jet HW2. The total SO2 column density in the hot condensation is 10E18cm-2, with a H2 column density ranging from 10E23 to 6 x 10E24cm-2. The H2 density and the SO2 fractional abundance must be larger than 10E7cm-3 and 2 x 10E-7 respectively. The most likely alternatives for the nature of the hot and very dense condensation are discussed. From the large column densities of hot gas, the detection of the HC3N vibrationally excited lines and the large SO2 abundance, we favor the interpretation of a hot core heated by an intermediate mass protostar of 10E3 Lo. This indicates that the CepA HW2 region contains a cluster of very young stars

    A Detection Method for Tropical Race 4 of the Banana Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense

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    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is the causal agent of Fusarium wilt, the devastating disease that ruined the ‘Gros Michel’ (AAA)-based banana production in the first half of the 20th century. The occurrence of a new variant in Southeast Asia that overcomes the resistance in Cavendish clones such as ‘Grand Naine’ (AAA) is a major concern to current banana production worldwide. The threat posed by this new variant, called tropical race 4 (TR4), may be overcome by the introduction of resistant cultivars. However, the identification of new resistant sources or breeding for resistance is a long-term effort. Currently, the only option to control the disease is to avoid or reduce the spread of the pathogen by eradication of infected plants and isolation of infested plantations. This requires sensitive and highly specific diagnostics that enable early detection of the pathogen. A two-locus database of DNA sequences, from over 800 different isolates from multiple formae speciales of F. oxysporum, was used to develop a molecular diagnostic tool that specifically detects isolates from the vegetative compatibility group (VCG) 01213, which encompasses the Foc TR4 genotype. This diagnostic tool was able to detect all Foc TR4 isolates tested, while none of the Foc isolates from 19 VCGs other than 01213 showed any reaction. In addition, the developed diagnostic tool was able to detect Foc TR4 when using DNA samples from different tissues of ‘Grand Naine’ plants inoculated with TR4 isolate

    The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey VII : A Dense Filament With Extremely Long HI Streams

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    We present completed observations of the NGC 7448 galaxy group and background volume as part of the blind neutral hydrogen Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES). Our observations cover a region spanning 5x4 degrees, over a redshift range of approximately -2,000 < cz < 20,000 km/s. A total of 334 objects are detected, mostly in three overdensities at cz \sim7,500, cz \sim9,600 and cz \sim 11,400 km/s. The galaxy density is extremely high (15 per square degree) and many (\sim24%) show signs of extended HI emission, including some features as much as 800 kpc in projected length. We describe the overall characteristics of this environment : kinematics, typical galaxy colours and mass to light ratios, and substructure. To aid in the cataloguing of this data set, we present a new FITS viewer (FRELLED : Fits Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension). This incorporates interactive source cataloguing tools which increase our source extraction speed by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    CFD Analysis of Biologically-Inspired Marine Propulsors

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    In the present work, the design and testing of two propulsion mechanisms which emulate fish swimming are presented. The motivation comes from the high effi ciency and maneuverality that fi sh demonstrate over conventional rotary propellers. In order to know the fl uid fl ow pattern in detail, a 3D CFD model was developed. Details of the velocity and pressure fi elds were obtained, as well as the hydrodynamic forces, cruising velocity, power and effi ciency. The results obtained using this CFD model were validated with the experimental prototypes, obtaining a reasonable agreement. Once validated, the CFD model was used to analyze several confi gurations of the propelling fi n, obtaining that thunniform swimming mode is the most effi cient

    SP-100 reactor with Brayton conversion for lunar surface applications

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    Examined here is the potential for integrating Brayton-cycle power conversion with the SP-100 reactor for lunar surface power system applications. Two designs were characterized and modeled. The first design integrates a 100-kWe SP-100 Brayton power system with a lunar lander. This system is intended to meet early lunar mission power needs while minimizing on-site installation requirements. Man-rated radiation protection is provided by an integral multilayer, cylindrical lithium hydride/tungsten (LiH/W) shield encircling the reactor vessel. Design emphasis is on ease of deployment, safety, and reliability, while utilizing relatively near-term technology. The second design combines Brayton conversion with the SP-100 reactor in a erectable 550-kWe powerplant concept intended to satisfy later-phase lunar base power requirements. This system capitalizes on experience gained from operating the initial 100-kWe module and incorporates some technology improvements. For this system, the reactor is emplaced in a lunar regolith excavation to provide man-rated shielding, and the Brayton engines and radiators are mounted on the lunar surface and extend radially from the central reactor. Design emphasis is on performance, safety, long life, and operational flexibility

    Propagación de estacas y concentración de taninos y flavonoides en hojas de dos procedencias de Ugni molinae de la región del Maule (Chile)

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    Doll, U (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Forestales, Casilla 721-747, Talca, Chile.The high content of active compounds with antioxidant power found in Ugni molinae leaves, an understory shrub of native forests, caused a search for promising material for cultivation. The aims of this study were to determine the rooting capacity of cuttings of two provenances from the northern distribution limit of the species, and the effect of sun exposure and leaf age on tannin and flavonoid concentration. The rooting trial was carried out in a warm rooting-bed over cuttings coming from 10 mother plants of each provenance. After three months, more than 70% of cuttings rooted; Cordillera de Los Andes provenance outdid Cordillera de la Costa provenance. The application of rooting hormone at the base of cuttings significantly improved the share of successful rooting and the quality of roots formed. Leaves of five sun plants and five shadow plants were collected from each provenance for quantification of active compounds. Sun leaves show higher flavonoid concentration than did shadow leaves in both provenances. Cordillera de los Andes sun leaves contain more tannin than that contained by shadow leaves of the same provenance. Leaf age has no impact on the concentration of active compounds