13 research outputs found

    Percepción de violencia intrafamiliar de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades étnicas del caso Urbano-Puerto Cabezas

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    El estudio Percepción de violencia intrafamiliar de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades étnicas del caso Urbano-Puerto Cabezas, es de tipo cualitativo de corte transversal, en el que se estudiaron diez familias de cada una de las etnias

    Implementación de un plan de seguridad y salud ocupacional para reducir los accidentes laborales en la empresa Faremeg S.A.C Lima - 2021

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    El presente proyecto de investigación titulado “Implementación de un Plan de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional para reducir los accidentes laborales en la empresa Faremeg S.A.C Lima - 2021”, buscó reducir el índice de accidentabilidad en el trabajo a través de un PSSO. La investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo y aplicado con el diseño pre experimental, la cual tuvo como muestra un periodo de 8 meses, 4 meses antes de la implementación y 4 meses después de la implementación, además se utilizó las fichas de observación para la recolección de datos en la empresa metalmecánica Faremeg S.A.C. Se utilizo el software SPSS 25 para el análisis de la hipótesis y la validación de los datos obtenidos del antes y después de la implementación los cuales fueron agrupados en tablas de resumen. En conclusión, se determinó que nuestra implementación del PSSO, si reduce los accidentes en un 43% en la empresa metalmecánica Faremeg S.A.C en el año 2021

    iGo Green: A Life Cycle Assessment of Apple's iPhone

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to rise as a result of growth in population and industrialization. Manufacturing of new products with shortened life cycles, like the iPhone, are a significant source of GHG emissions. To identify and analyze potential environmental impacts of the iPhone, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was completed. A survey of iPhone users was conducted to gain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. As part of this research it has been found that Apple’s design of the iPhone used a strategy of planned obsolescence, resulting in a shorter life cycle, increased mining of rare earth minerals (REMs), higher rates of product turnover, and higher shipping costs and fuel usage. Surveyed iPhone users were largely unaware of Apple’s iPhone recycling program.ye

    Las Chingonas: An Ecological Approach to Latina Student Mothers’ Journey Through College

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    Women with children are one of the growing student sub-populations in higher education. However, the support student mothers receive in colleges and universities has been historically unreliable and their experiences in college have not been studied in depth. This is especially true for student mothers from minoritized backgrounds with differing racial, ethnic, sexual, gender, and ability identities. This research aims to understand the experiences Latina graduate student mothers from an ecological and critical perspective. Guided by Critical Human Ecology and Black Feminist Thought, eight open-ended interviews were conducted and analyzed. Themes and categories came out of the patterns in the collected data. The results of this research are shared in form of a composite narrative based on the experiences of student mothers in college. Student mothers use different navigation strategies to cover their needs. They depend on the support of their family, especially women of the family. The aim of this research is to be a resource for the scholastic community that brings to light the inequities in the experiences of minoritized student mothers in college

    Coagulación intravascular “retiniana” como signo clínico de embolización de líquido amniótico*

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    La embolización de líquido amnniótico es una delas condiciones más infrecuentes pero devastadora quepuede presentarse en embarazadas. La prevalencia se hareportado de 1 en 80 000, con un alto índice de mortalidad(86 %). El diagnóstico está basado en uno o más delos 4 signos clínicos: colapso cardiovascular, dificultadrespiratoria, coma y/o convulsiones y coagulopatía.Coagulación intravascular diseminada puede ocasionarpérdida visual bilateral en el grupo de sobrevivientes,por oclusión del sistema arterial retiniano u coroideo.Los síntomas visuales se presentan usualmente despuésdel desarrollo de síntomas sistémicos; sin embargo, en elcaso clínico que se expone a continuación la manifestaciónvisual ocurrió simultáneamente con el desarrollo de lassistémicas. Por tanto, la pérdida visual bilateral en elcontexto de los signos clínicos sistémicos expuestos, debealertar al obstetra sobre la posibilidad de embolizaciónde líquido amniótico.Palabras clave: Embolismo líquido amniótico;Complicaciones embarazo; Oclusión arteria central deretina; Retinopatía pseudo-Purtscher.SUMMARYAmniotic fluid embolism is one of the most devastatingand infrequent condition known in pregnant women. Theprevalence has been reported as a 1 in 80 000 deliverieswith high mortality rate, almost 86 %. The diagnosis isbased on one or more of the four symptoms and signs:cardiovascular collapse, respiratory distress, coma/seizures and/or coagulopathy. Disseminated intravascularcoagulopathy can cause bilateral visual loss in the groupof survivors by occlusion of the retinal artery and/orthe choroid system. The visual manifestations appearusually after the development of systemic symptoms, butin the clinical case described below the visual symptomsoccurred simultaneously to the development of systemicmanifestations. Therefore, bilateral visual loss in thecontext of the systemic clinical signs exposed, should alertthe obstetrician about the possibility of embolization ofamniotic fluid.Key words: Amniotic fluid embolism; Pregnancycomplications; Central retinal artery occlusion; PseudoPurtscher retinophaty

    Sequential Fundus Findings After Platelet Rich Plasma For Facial Rejuvenation

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    "Injections of dermal filler as autologous fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and polymethylmethacrylate are used for facial rejuvenation. Complications for these procedures are cerebral ischemia and infarction, central retinal artery occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy, ocular ischemia, palsy nerve ischemia, skin necrosis and even death. The mechanism of these event presumably via high pressure retrograde flow from the supratrochlear, supraorbital, and dorsal nasal artery to central retinal artery and long posterior ciliary artery oclussion. Platelet rich plasma have been used in plastic surgery by scars and skin rejuvenation.

    Assessing teaching quality in nutrition education : A study of two programs in the Netherlands and Australia

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    The quality with which teachers deliver school-based nutrition programs may impact program effectiveness. The current study examined teaching quality of two programs, Taste Lessons (n = 15 Grade 6 and 7 teachers) and CUPS (n = 3 Year 3 and 4 teachers) via lesson observation using the Quality Teaching Model (QTM). Taste Lessons is a well-established Dutch program on healthy eating and CUPS is a novel Australian program that contains lessons in which nutritional content is integrated with mathematical concepts. The QTM evaluates three dimensions of teaching (Intellectual Quality, Quality Learning Environment and Significance), each containing six elements of classroom practice. Each element was coded using a 1–5 scale (1 – ‘not evident’ to 5 - ‘highly evident’) to describe the degree to which the lesson exhibits high levels of the element. Both programs were of moderate to high teaching quality and lowest scores were observed for Metalanguage, Student direction, Cultural knowledge and the use of Narrative. The QTM can be an effective tool to assess the teaching quality of nutrition education programs by examining classroom practice