19 research outputs found

    Free Expression Painting Studio with Sheltered Children: Reflections on the Phenomenology of Life

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    Com o intuito de proporcionar um espaço de acolhimento para que crianças abrigadas pudessem resgatar sua individualidade e expressar suas vivências de perdas, foi criado em 2013 um Projeto de Extensão para observação e intervenção em um Ateliê de Desenho de Livre-Expressão com crianças de uma Instituição de Acolhimento de São Paulo, que funcionou por um ano e três meses. Seguiu-se a metodologia desenvolvida pelo Dr. Michel Ternoy na França, e implementada no Brasil pelo Hospital- -Dia e Centro de Atenção Psicossocial do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP, desde 1999, com pacientes psiquiátricos, a partir do método fenômeno-estrutural de Eugène Minkowski. O projeto foi estabelecido numa parceria entre a Casa Abrigo e o Instituto de Psicologia da USP. As atividades do Ateliê foram realizadas na Clínica Psicológica Durval Marcondes, USP, com dez crianças e adolescentes abrigados, com idade entre 4 e 15 anos. A partir dessa experiência, buscaremos uma reflexão teórica abrindo diálogo com a fenomenologia da vida do filósofo francês Michel Henry.Towards the complex universe of institutional sheltering, we created in 2013 an observation and in tervention extension project of a Free-Expression Painting Studio with children from a sheltering institution in São Paulo, lasting for one year and three months. We followed the methodology developed in France by Doctor Michel Ternoy and developed in Brazil Hospital-day and Psychosocial Care Center at the Psychiatry Department from Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), since 1999, in a study with psychiatric patients using the phenomenological structural method by Eugène Minkowski. The project was established on a partnership between the Sheltering Institution and the discipline of Supervised Internship of the Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo (IPUSP). The studio activities were held in the Psychological Clinic of Durval Marcondes School Center at IPUSP, with ten institutionalized children and teenagers, aged between 4 and 15 years old. From this experience, we will try to make a theoretical reflection by opening dialogue with the phenomenology of life of the French philosopher Michel Henr

    Ateliê de Desenho de Livre-Expressão com Universitários: Afetividade como Evidência do Processo Terapêutico

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    The present work refers to the doctorship research that implemented the Free-Expression Painting Studio technique to assist university students who had suicidal ideations or attempts. This technique was developed in France by the psychologist Michel Ternoy, based on Minkowski’s structural-phenomenon analysis method. A group session will be presented and discussed from Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life. Psychology and phenomenology can create spaces for belonging and support, which allow the transformation of suffering from experiences in the community. The Painting Studio makes it possible to experience the affection of the other as a potential of one’s own possibilities, mobilizing the affective dialectical relationship, through which one can go from unbearable suffering to original fruition. We seek to show that art can be part of the therapeutic process as an alternative to the passage to the act of suicide before it becomes unbearable.O presente trabalho se refere à pesquisa de doutorado que implementou um Ateliê de Desenho de Livre-Expressão no atendimento a estudantes universitários que apresentavam ideações e/ou tentativas de suicídio. Tal técnica foi desenvolvida na França, pelo psicólogo Michel Ternoy, a partir do método de análise fenômenoestrutural de Minkowski. Será apresentada uma sessão em grupo, discutida a partir da fenomenologia da vida de Michel Henry. A psicologia e a fenomenologia podem criar espaços de pertencimento e acolhimento, que permitem transformar o sofrimento a partir de vivências em comunidade. O Ateliê possibilita vivenciar o afeto do outro como potencial das próprias possibilidades de cada um, mobilizando a relação dialética afetiva, pela qual se pode passar do sofrimento insuportável à fruição originária. Buscaremos mostrar que a arte pode fazer parte do processo terapêutico como alternativa à passagem ao ato do suicídio, antes que este se torne insuportável

    Criminological Study on Insecurity in Rural Areas Based on the Use of Ict Tools

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    La percepción de inseguridad y el miedo al delito han sido sobradamente analizados en la literatura criminológica nacional e internacional. Desafortunadamente, los estudios realizados se han centrado principalmente en las ciudades y sus barrios. Esta investigación tiene como finalidad conocer la inseguridad y el miedo que existe en las áreas rurales de nuestro país. Para ello, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio de victimización en la localidad de Cilleros, un municipio al noroeste de la provincia de Cáceres en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura de 1.617 habitantes. Para este estudio se ha empleado una metodología geoestadística, y cuyos resultados muestran mayoritariamente que las personas se sienten seguras, pero arrojan también un número relevante de ilícitos acaecidos conforme al tamaño de la población o la necesidad de una mayor presencia policial en este municipio.The perception of insecurity and fear of crime has been extensively analyzed in the national and international criminological literature. Unfortunately, the studies carried out have mainly focused on cities and their neighbourhoods. This research aims to understand the insecurity and fear that exists in rural areas of our country. To this end, we have carried out a victimization study in the town of Cilleros, a municipality in the northwest of the province of Cáceres in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura with a population of 1,617 inhabitants. A geostatistical methodology was used for this study, the results of which mainly show that people feel safe, but also show a sig-nificant number of crimes that have occurred in accordance with the size of the population or the need for a greater police presence in this municipality

    A Free-Expression Painting Studio with University Students: Aesthetic Reflection from Michel Henry

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    The present study intends to present a reflection on the aesthetics in the work of Michel Henry, based on the experience of a Free-Expression Painting Studio with university students who had suicidal ideations or attempts. The Studio took place online, between September 2020 and September 2021. The case of one of the participants who was present in 8 sessions will be presented. Henry’s reflections in the aesthetic field help us to understand how the therapeutic process in the Studio does not operate at the level of deductive thinking, but at the level of affective transformation that, through our actions, originally implies us in it. What the Painting Studio mobilizes is the affective dialectical relationship, through which one can move from despair to the original pleasure. There is a common background between patient and therapist, which is the feeling of the power of transitivity in the life of suffering in pleasure – a feeling that is to be, in one’s own life, every possibility of transformation. The therapeutic relationship opens the possibility to find mobilization for painful affections in the community

    Fenomenologia da vida em pesquisas clínicas

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    We will present a possible operationalization of Michel Henry's Phenomenology of Life and his method in clinical situations. This method investigates the concept developed by Michel Henry in this phenomenology called corpspropriation and the reflexive intuition in the comprehension and clinical intervention. It is a therapeutic relationship in health institutions that is placed In the foreground, both in the care of an adult patient with psychiatric disorder and in a group with sheltered children. It is verified how therapists body-apropriation of their patients and how they body-appropriate their sufferings in clinical care, as well as the use of intuitive reflections in dialogue. The results show that a sick body can be humanized in the therapeutic relationship and has possibilities of embodying experiences, thus increasing the affective mobility, of suffering when enjoying oneself. However, if the relationship does not have support and continuity, it is difficult to achieve the stability of this transformation, but leaves marks rooted in each inter-human encounter.Apresentaremos uma possível operacionalidade da Fenomenologia da Vida de Michel Henry e seu método em situações clínicas. Neste método investigamos o conceito desenvolvido por Michel Henry nesta fenomenologia denominado corpopropriação e a intuição reflexiva na compreensão e intervenção clínica. É a relação terapêutica em instituições de saúde que é colocada em primeiro plano, tanto nos cuidados a um paciente adulto com transtorno psiquiátrico quanto em grupo com crianças acolhidas. Verifica-se como os terapeutas se corpo-apropriam de seus pacientes e como estes se corpo-apropriam de seus sofrimentos nos cuidados clínicos, bem como o uso das reflexões intuitivas no diálogo. Os resultados nos mostram que um corpo doente pode ser humanizado na relação terapêutica e tem possibilidades de encarnar vivências, ampliando assim a mobilidade afetiva, do sofrer ao fruir de si. No entanto, se a relação não tiver sustentação e continuidade, dificilmente se consegue a estabilidade dessa transformação, mas deixa marcas enraizadas em cada encontro inter-humano.Presentaremos una posible operatividad de la Fenomenología de la Vida de Michel Henry y su método en situaciones clínicas. En este método investigamos el concepto desarrollado por Michel Henry en esta fenomenología denominado cuerpopropriación y la intuición reflexiva en la comprensión e intervención clínica. Es la relación terapéutica en instituciones de salud que es colocada en primer plan, tanto en el cuidado a un paciente adulto con trastorno psiquiátrico como en grupo con niños huérfanos. Se verifica cómo los terapeutas se apropian de sus pacientes y cómo éstos se apropian de sus sufrimientos en los cuidados clínicos, así como el uso de las reflexiones intuitivas en el diálogo. Los resultados nos muestran que un cuerpo enfermo puede ser humanizado en la relación terapéutica y tiene posibilidades de encarnar vivencias, ampliando así la movilidad afectiva, del sufrir al goce de sí. Sin embargo, si la relación no tiene sustentación y continuidad, difícilmente se consigue la estabilidad de esa transformación, pero deja marcas enraizadas en cada encuentro interhumano

    Ultra-processed food consumption and the incidence of obesity in two cohorts of Latin-American young children: A longitudinal study

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    Purpose: We evaluated the potential associations between the consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) and the incidence of obesity among Uruguayan and Brazilian preschoolers. Design and methods:We conducted a longitudinal analysis using data from preschool children fromUruguay and Brazil. The “Health, child development and nutritional survey” (ENDIS) was conducted in Uruguay in 2013–2014 and 2015–2016. The Brazilian survey (Pelotas 2015 Birth Cohort) has measures from 2017 and 2019. The main outcome measure was obesity defined as body mass index (BMI) for age and sex ≥ +3 z-scores. The score of UPF consumption was the main exposure measured. Multilevel crude and adjusted Poisson regressions were performed to estimate risk ratios and the respective 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI). Results: The overall incidence of obesity in this group of young Latin-American children with a mean age of 48 months was 4.1%. We observed a relationship between UPF and obesity with statistical significance (RR: 1.10 (95% CI, 1.02–1.18). Adjustment for weight at birth, age, sex, breastfeeding, country, and time between waves resulted in a similar relationship but lack of statistical significance. Conclusions: Whilst in this study we did not find strong evidence of an association between the incidence of obesity and the intake at baseline and currently of UPF, results suggest that higher UPF consumption is more favorable than reduced consumption for the development of obesity. Practice implications: The present study reinforces the importance of nutrition education and more effective public policies for promoting healthier food choices in early childhood.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Ultra-processed food consumption and the incidence of obesity in two cohorts of Latin-American young children: A longitudinal study

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    Purpose: We evaluated the potential associations between the consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) and the incidence of obesity among Uruguayan and Brazilian preschoolers. Design and methods:We conducted a longitudinal analysis using data from preschool children fromUruguay and Brazil. The “Health, child development and nutritional survey” (ENDIS) was conducted in Uruguay in 2013–2014 and 2015–2016. The Brazilian survey (Pelotas 2015 Birth Cohort) has measures from 2017 and 2019. The main outcome measure was obesity defined as body mass index (BMI) for age and sex ≥ +3 z-scores. The score of UPF consumption was the main exposure measured. Multilevel crude and adjusted Poisson regressions were performed to estimate risk ratios and the respective 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI). Results: The overall incidence of obesity in this group of young Latin-American children with a mean age of 48 months was 4.1%. We observed a relationship between UPF and obesity with statistical significance (RR: 1.10 (95% CI, 1.02–1.18). Adjustment for weight at birth, age, sex, breastfeeding, country, and time between waves resulted in a similar relationship but lack of statistical significance. Conclusions: Whilst in this study we did not find strong evidence of an association between the incidence of obesity and the intake at baseline and currently of UPF, results suggest that higher UPF consumption is more favorable than reduced consumption for the development of obesity. Practice implications: The present study reinforces the importance of nutrition education and more effective public policies for promoting healthier food choices in early childhood.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    The influence of consumption of ultra-processed food on obesity among Uruguayn and Brazilian prescholers

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    Objective: To evaluate potential associations between the consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) and sugary drinks and the nutritional status evolution among Uruguayan and Brazilian preschoolers, in an attempt to improve public health policies. Design: Cross-sectional analysis Setting: Population based surveys in two Latin American countries, Uruguay and Brazil. Participants: Preschool children Main outcome measures: Obesity: defined as BMI for age and sex ≥ + 3 z-scores, according to the WHO standards Analysis: Crude and adjusted logistic regressions were performed to estimate odds ratios, and respective 95% Confidence Intervals (95%CI), for the associations of UPF consumption and nutritional status in preschoolers. Results: Nearly 5% of the sample of Uruguayan and Brazilian young children were obese. We observed a relationship between score of UPF consumption and obesity (OR: 1.06 (95% CI, 1.01–1.11). Adjustment for weight at birth resulted in modest attenuation of the relationship and lack of statistical significance. The score of UPF consumption was associated with childhood obesity in children under 48 months, OR:1.09 (95% CI, 1.02–1.16). Conclusions and implications: Higher consumption of UPFs and sugary drinks is associated with obesity in Uruguayan and Brazilian children younger than 4 yearsAgencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació