356 research outputs found

    Photon-number-resolving segmented avalanche-photodiode detectors

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    We investigate the feasibility and performance of photon-number-resolved photodetection employing avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with low dark counts. The main idea is to split n photons over m modes such that every mode has no more than one photon, which is detected alongside propagation by an APD. We characterize performance by evaluating the purities of positive-operator-valued measurements (POVMs), in terms of APD number and photon loss.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Rhinovirus C and Respiratory Exacerbations in Children with Cystic Fibrosis

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    To investigate a possible role for human rhinovirus C in respiratory exacerbations of children with cystic fibrosis, we conducted microbiologic testing on respiratory specimens from 103 such patients in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2006–2007. A significant association was found between the presence of human rhinovirus C and respiratory exacerbations

    Segmentação automática de áreas urbanas em imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    A adoção de ferramentas e métodos de visão computacional aplicados as imagens de sensoriamento remoto pode trazer um grande benefício para os estudos de urbanismo. Neste trabalho é apresentado um arcabouço computacional para auxiliar a aquisição e análise de imagens de sensoriamento remoto, provindas do Google Earth®. O sistema proposto se conecta ao Google Earth e compõe uma imagem especificada pelas coordenadas de latitude e longitude informadas pelo usuário. O sistema também segmenta automaticamente a imagem em áreas edificadas e não-edificadas. O processo de segmentação é realizado por meio de métricas do histograma cromático. É apresentado um experimento com imagens de duas cidades do interior paulista, São Carlos e Rio Claro, a fim de validar o sistema e determinar quais as melhores métricas de histogramas devem ser utilizadas para a tarefa.Computer vision methods applied in remote sensing images can bring important benefits to the field of urbanism. In this work, a computer framework to aid acquiring and analyzing remote sensing images from Google Earth® is presented. The proposed system connects to the Google Earth and extracts an image specified by the latitude and longitude coordinates. The image is automatically segmented into edified and non-edified regions. The segmentation process is carried out by the analysis of the image chromatic histogram. An experiment showing results from the segmentation of two São Paulo State’s towns are\ud presented. The comparison of the histogram metrics and the color channels and its segmentation performance are discussed.CNPq (303746/2007-1; 504476/2007-6; 504476/2007-6


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    Modelo do Estudo: O presente estudo é uma revisão de literatura sobre o modelo de hipertensão espontânea e as conseqüências da hipertensão para o sistema nervoso periférico, somático e autonômico. Importância do problema: Hipertensão é o principal fator de risco para acidente vascular cerebral e demência vascular, por causar importantes mudanças cerebrovasculares, tornando o cérebro propenso a infartos, microaneurismas e isquemias. As principais mudanças causadas no sistema nervoso central (SNC) pela hipertensão, incluem: diminuição do volume cerebral, aumento no volume dos ventrículos e perda neuronal. Além das alterações no cérebro, a hipertens ão causa outros danos que culminam em uma série de alterações patológicas renais e outras doenças, as quais sustentam a elevação da pressão arterial, aumento da freqüência cardíaca, e aumento da resistência vascular periférica. O rato espontaneamente hipertenso (SHR) é reconhecido como um excelente modelo de hipertensão experimental e pode servir como modelo de estudos clínicos da hipertensão essencial humana. Embora esse modelo tenha sido bastante explorado em termos fisiológicos, estudos morfológicos, quando presentes, se limitam aos vasos. Mesmo quando nervos periféricos foram estudados morfologicamente nesses animais, os vasos epineurais, perineurais e endoneurais foram o alvo do estudo. Raros são os estudos que envolvem as fibras nervosas nesse modelo de hipertensão. Comentários: Recentemente, estudamos as alterações do nervo depressor aórtico (NDA) em SHR. Nossos resultados mostraram redução do tamanho das fibras mielínicas e redução do tamanho e número das fibras amielínicas, comparados aos controles normotensos da linhagem Wistar-Kyoto. Outro estudo recente do nosso laboratório mostrou que, embora os níveis pressóricos dos SHR machos, bem como a freqüência cardíaca, sejam muito superiores aos das fêmeas, não há diferença morfológica nos nervos vagos cervicais entre SHR machos e fêmeas. Ainda, fazemos uma descrição morfológica e morfométrica do nervo sural de SHR, fornecendo parâmetros morfológicos para posteriores estudos funcionais.    Type of the study: The present study is a literature review about the spontaneous hypertension animal model, and the consequences of the hypertension to the peripheral nervous system, somatic and autonomic. Importance of the topic: Hypertension is the main risk factor to stroke and vascular dementia, due to important cerebrovascular changes that may lead to cerebral microaneurysms, infarction and acute ischemia. The main central nervous system changes due to hypertension are the reduction of the cerebral volume, increase of the ventricles volume and loss of neurons. Moreover, hypertension causes renal alterations and other pathologies that might sustain the high blood pressure, the tachycardia and the elevation of the peripheral vascular resistance. The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is recognized as an excellent model of the human essential hypertension. Nevertheless, despite that this animal model has been widely explored in terms ofphysiological studies, morphological studies, when available, are limited to the vessels. Even when periphera  nerves are being explored, the epineural, perineural and endoneural vessels are the subject of the studies. Information on the alterations of the myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in this model of hypertension is scanty. Comments: Recently, we studied the morphology and morphometry of the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) in SHR and our results have demonstrated a reduction of the myelinated fibers size and a reduction of the number and size of the unmyelinated fibers, compared to the normotensive controls Wistar-Kyoto. Another recent study from our laboratory showed that, despite the significantly higher blood pressure and heart rate on male SHR, compared to female SHR, there are no morphological differences on the vagus nerves between males and females. Also, we have described the morphological and morphometric characteristics of the sural nerve in SHR, thus providing morphological background for further functional studies.   

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae como agente probiótico e possível adsorvente de aflatoxina B1 em condições simuladas do trato intestinal de peixes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the probiotic potential and absorption of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the aflatoxin B1 in simulated fish intestinal tract conditions. Three yeast strains were used, two from brewery: S. cerevisiae RC1 and S. cerevisiae RC3 and one from a fish farming environment: S. cerevisiae A8L2. The selected yeasts were subjected to the following in vitro tests: homologous inhibition, self-aggregation, co-aggregation, antibacterial activity, gastrointestinal conditions tolerance and adsorption of AFB1. All S. cerevisiae strains showed good capability of self-aggregation and co-aggregation with pathogenic bacteria. All yeast strains were able to survive the gastrointestinal conditions. In acidic conditions, the factors (strain vs. time) had interaction (P=0.0317), resulting in significant variation among the strains tested in the time periods analyzed. It was observed that there was also interaction (P=0.0062) in intestinal conditions, with an increased number of cells in the 12-hour period for all strains tested. In the adsorption test, the A8L2 strain was statistically more effective (P<0.005) for both AFB1 concentrations evaluated in this study (10 and 25ng/mL). Thus, it was observed that the strains of S. cerevisiae have potential probiotic and adsorbent of AFB1.Objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, avaliar in vitro o potencial probiótico e adsorvente de Saccharomyces cerevisiae para aflatoxina B 1 em condições simuladas do trato intestinal de peixes. Foram utilizadas três cepas de leveduras, sendo duas provenientes de cervejaria: S. cerevisiae RC1 e S. cerevisiae RC3, e uma de ambiente de piscicultura: S. cerevisiae A8L2. As leveduras selecionadas foram submetidas aos seguintes testes in vitro: inibição homóloga, autoagregação, coagregação, atividade antibacteriana, viabilidade às condições gastrointestinais e adsorção de AFB 1 . Todas as estirpes de S. cerevisiae mostraram boa capacidade de autoagregação e coagregação com bactérias patogênicas. Todas as estirpes de levedura foram capazes de sobreviver às condições gastrointestinais. Em condições ácidas, os fatores (cepa x tempo) tiveram interação (P=0,0317), resultando em variações significativas entre as cepas testadas nos períodos de tempo analisados. Observou-se que também houve interação (P=0,0062) em condições intestinais, havendo um aumento do número de células no período de 12h para todas as cepas avaliadas. No ensaio de adsorção, a estirpe A8L2 foi a mais eficaz estatisticamente (P<0,005), para as duas concentrações de AFB 1 avaliadas neste estudo (10 e 25ng. mL -1 ). Dessa forma, conclui-se que as cepas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae possuem potencial probiótico e adsorvente de AFB 1.Fil: Pinheiro, R. E. E.. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; BrasilFil: Rodrigues de Campos, Ana Maria. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; BrasilFil: Lima, Carlos Eduardo. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; BrasilFil: Santos, J. T. O.. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; BrasilFil: Pereyra, Carina Maricel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Instituto para el Desarrollo Agroindustrial y de la Salud. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto para el Desarrollo Agroindustrial y de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Adriana Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Cavaglieri, Lilia Reneé. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Lopes, J. B.. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; BrasilFil: Muratori, M. C. S.. Universidade Federal Do Piaui.; Brasi

    Avian influenza virus (H11N9) in migratory shorebirds wintering in the Amazon region, Brazil

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    Aquatic birds are the natural reservoir for avian influenza viruses (AIV). Habitats in Brazil provide stopover and wintering sites for water birds that migrate between North and South America. The current study was conducted to elucidate the possibility of the transport of influenza A viruses by birds that migrate annually between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In total, 556 orotracheal/cloacal swab samples were collected for influenza A virus screening using real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR). The influenza A virus-positive samples were subjected to viral isolation. Four samples were positive for the influenza A matrix gene by rRT-PCR. From these samples, three viruses were isolated, sequenced and characterized. All positive samples originated from a single bird species, the ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), that was caught in the Amazon region at Caeté Bay, Northeast Pará, at Ilha de Canelas. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation of H11N9 in the ruddy turnstone in South America. (Résumé d'auteur

    Microsatellite analysis supports clonal propagation and reduced divergence of Trypanosoma vivax from asymptomatic to fatally infected livestock in South America compared to West Africa

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    Background: Mechanical transmission of the major livestock pathogen Trypanosoma vivax by other biting flies than\ud tsetse allows its spread from Africa to the New World. Genetic studies are restricted to a small number of isolates\ud and based on molecular markers that evolve too slowly to resolve the relationships between American and West\ud African populations and, thus, unable us to uncover the recent history of T. vivax in the New World.\ud Methods: T. vivax genetic diversity, population structure and the source of outbreaks was investigated through the\ud microsatellite multiloci (7 loci) genotype (MLGs) analysis in South America (47isolates from Brazil, Venezuela and\ud French Guiana) and West Africa (12 isolates from The Gambia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin and Nigeria).\ud Relationships among MLGs were explored using phylogenetic, principal component and STRUCTURE analyses.\ud Results: Although closely phylogenetically related, for the first time, genetic differences were detected between\ud T. vivax isolates from South America (11 genotypes/47 isolates) and West Africa (12 genotypes/12 isolates) with no\ud MLGs in common. Diversity was far greater across West Africa than in South America, where genotypes from Brazil\ud (MLG1-6), Venezuela (MLG7-10) and French Guiana (MLG11) shared similar but not identical allele composition. No\ud MLG was exclusive to asymptomatic (endemic areas) or sick (outbreaks in non-endemic areas) animals, but only\ud MLGs1, 2 and 3 were responsible for severe haematological and neurological disorders.\ud Conclusions: Our results revealed closely related genotypes of T. vivax in Brazil and Venezuela, regardless of\ud endemicity and clinical conditions of the infected livestock. The MLGs analysis from T. vivax across SA and WA\ud support clonal propagation, and is consistent with the hypothesis that the SA populations examined here derived\ud from common ancestors recently introduced from West Africa. The molecular markers defined here are valuable to\ud assess the genetic diversity, to track the source and dispersion of outbreaks, and to explore the epidemiological\ud and pathological significance of T. vivax genotypes.This work was funded through projects within the PROAFRICA and PROSUL programs from the Brazilian agency CNPq. We are grateful to Professor Erney P. Camargo for the joint coordination of these projects and helpful commentaries on the manuscript. HAG was funded by a CDCH-UCV studentship from Venezuela; ACR is a postdoctoral fellow of PNPD-CAPES and CMFR is recipient of PhD scholarships from CNPq-PROTAX. The authors would like to acknowledge for clinical and epidemiological information, blood samples of T. vivax infected livestock and valuable help in the fieldwork several colleagues Garcia et al. Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:210 Page 11 of 13\ud http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/7/1/210 from African countries, Venezuela and Brazil (Galiza GF, Da Silva A and Cadioli L\ud also for previous joint studies). We are grateful to The Wellcome Trust for making available sequences from the genome of T. vivax from Sanger Institute. We are deeply in debt to Wendy Gibson (Bristol University, UK) for helpful discussions and suggestions that much improved our manuscript