2,019 research outputs found

    Immobilization of alpha acetolactate decarboxylase in hybrid gelatin/alginate support for application to reduce diacetyl off-flavor in beer

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    Beer production is the largest among alcoholic beverages. Its production process is complex and demands several steps. Lager beers commonly present an off-flavor of butter that is due to the presence of diacetyl, and to avoid such a problem, a long period of maturation (3–5 weeks) is required. Another way is the application of (α-acetolactate decarboxylase) ALDC to accelerate the process. The objectives of the present work were to develop a low-cost support using gelatin, a residue from capsules from the nutraceutical industry, to immobilize the ALDC enzyme. For this, the yield, efficiency and activity recovered, and the stability of free and immobilized enzymes at different temperatures and pH were evaluated. To evaluate the capacity of immobilized enzymes when applied directly to beer and their operational stability, three concentrations of glutaraldehyde (1%, 2.5% and 5%) were tested in distilled water as a cross-linking agent. The best results obtained were 95.6%, 27.0% and 23.6%, respectively, for yield, efficiency and activity recovery. Immobilization provided a high activity over a wide pH range. The immobilized enzyme showed greater stability at temperatures of 50 and 60 ◦C. The immobilized derivative showed adequate reuse capacity, and its dehydrated form had excellent activity after long periods of storage

    Fungiculture in termites is associated with a mycolytic gut bacterial community

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    ABSTRACT Termites forage on a range of substrates, and it has been suggested that diet shapes the composition and function of termite gut bacterial communities. Through comparative analyses of gut metagenomes in nine termite species with distinct diets, we characterize bacterial community compositions and use peptide-based functional annotation method to determine biomass-degrading enzymes and the bacterial taxa that encode them. We find that fungus-growing termite guts have relatively more fungal cell wall-degrading enzyme genes, while wood-feeding termite gut communities have relatively more plant cell wall-degrading enzyme genes. Interestingly, wood-feeding termite gut bacterial genes code for abundant chitinolytic enzymes, suggesting that fungal biomass within the decaying wood likely contributes to gut bacterial or termite host nutrition. Across diets, the dominant biomass-degrading enzymes are predominantly coded for by the most abundant bacterial taxa, suggesting tight links between diet and gut community composition, with the most marked difference being the communities coding for the mycolytic capacity of the fungus-growing termite gut. IMPORTANCE Understanding functional capacities of gut microbiomes is important to improve our understanding of symbiotic associations. Here, we use peptide-based functional annotation to show that the gut microbiomes of fungus-farming termites code for a wealth of enzymes that likely target the fungal diet the termites eat. Comparisons to other termites showed that fungus-growing termite guts have relatively more fungal cell wall-degrading enzyme genes, whereas wood-feeding termite gut communities have relatively more plant cell wall-degrading enzyme genes. Across termites with different diets, the dominant biomass-degrading enzymes are predominantly coded for by the most abundant bacterial taxa, suggesting tight links between diet and gut community compositions

    Distribution and size of the mojarra Diapterus rhombeus (Cuvier) (Actinopterygii, Gerreidae) in a Southeastern Brazilian bay

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    Diapterus rhombeus é uma das espécies de peixes mais abundantes na Baia de Sepetiba, ambiente costeiro de 520 km² de área semifechada no sudoeste do Brasil. O tamanho e distribuição dos indivíduos desta espécie foram descritos com o objetivo de determinar o uso das áreas de criação numa dimensão espacial e temporal (sazonal). Um programa de amostragem de arrasto de fundo foi conduzido mensalmente entre outubro 1998 a setembro 1999, em três zonas da baía (externa, central, interna), definidas através de gradientes de profundidade e salinidade. Diferenças altamente significativas foram encontradas para CPUEs (número e biomassa) entre estações do ano e zonas. O comprimento variou de 50 a 230 mm CT. Três grupos de tamanhos foram definidos de acordo com uma escala de maturação gonadal (n = 1435): 1 - imaturo (< 80 mm Comprimento Total - CT); 2- indivíduos em primeira maturação (L50) (80-90 mm CT); e 3 - adultos (L100) (&gt; 100 mm CT). Imaturos e indivíduos L50 foram abundantes (número e biomassa) durante o outono na zona interna, enquanto adultos (L100) predominaram durante o verão na zona externa. Evidências de movimento de indivíduos jovens (50-90 mm CT) da zona interna para zona externa foram detectadas conforme os animais foram atingindo maiores tamanhos (180 mm CT), no segundo ano de vida. A condição (k) aumentou em indivíduos maiores na zona externa durante a primavera, quando estes se tornam aptos a iniciar o processo reprodutivo. Duas coortes foram detectadas de acordo com a progressão modal: a primeira (menores tamanhos) mostrando crescimento mais rápido do que a segunda, evidenciando uma taxa menor de crescimento a medida que atingem maiores tamanhos. Diferentes classes de comprimento ocupando diferentes zonas da baía sugerem que grupos de idades otimizam sua coexistência compartilhando os recursos disponíveis e evitando competição intra-especifica.Diapterus rhombeus is one of the most abundant fish species in the Sepetiba bay, which is a 520 km² semi-closed coastal area in Southeastern Brazil. The size and distribution of this species have been described in order to assess the use of the area as a rearing ground in both spatial and temporal (seasonal) dimensions. A fish sampling program was conducted monthly by using an otter trawl between October 1998 and September 1999, in three bay zones (outer, middle and inner), defined according to depth and salinity gradient. Highly significant differences were found for CPUEs (number and biomass) among seasons and zones. Size ranged from 50 to 230 mm TL, and three size-groups were defined according to a maturation scale (n = 1435): 1 - immature (< 80 mm Total Length - TL); 2- individuals at the first maturation (L50) (80-90 mm TL), and 3 - adults (L100) (&gt; 100 mm TL). Immature and L50 individuals were more abundant (number and biomass) during Autumn in the inner zone, while adults (L100) predominated during Summer in the outer zone. Evidences of movements of young-of-the-year (50-90 mm TL) individuals from the inner to the outer zone were detected as they reach larger sizes (180 mm TL) in the second year of life. Condition (k) was higher in larger sized individuals in the outer zone during Spring, when they are apt to start the reproductive process. Two cohorts were detected according to modal progression: the first (smaller size) showing faster growth than the second, evidencing a slower growth rate as they reach larger size. Distinct size classes occupying different bay zones suggest that the age-groups optimize their coexistence by partitioning the available resources, avoiding intra-specific competition

    Enzymatically Treated Spent Cellulose Sausage Casings as an Ingredient in Beef Emulsion Systems

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    The objective of this research was to incorporate an ingredient obtained from spent cellulose casings in beef emulsion modeling systems. The test ingredient (residual sausage casing [RSC]) was procured from cellulose sausage casings following thermal processing of the sausages. The casings were cleaned of contaminants before a combination of enzymatic hydrolysis and high-speed homogenization was conducted in an effort to improve the functional attributes of the cellulose casing residue (i.e., recycling/upcycling of the spent casings). The beef emulsion modeling systems used in this study consisted of 57.30% beef, 20% water, 15% olive oil, 6% of the combination of RSC and an all-purpose binder, 1.45% NaCl, 0.40% sodium tri-polyphosphate, 0.15% sodium nitrite cure, and 0.0035% sodium erythorbate. The overlying goal was to test the ability of the RSC ingredient as a partial or full replacement of binder ingredients in a beef emulsion system. Therefore, the beef emulsion model systems were prepared with 5 different levels of the RSC ingredient (0% RSC, 25% RSC, 50% RSC, 75% RSC, and 100% RSC). This study was independently replicated in its entirety 3 times (n = 3) in a completely randomized design, and data were analyzed using a generalized linear mixed statistical model. Emulsion samples were tested for proximate composition, cooking loss, emulsion stability, texture profile analysis, and instrumental color. Overall, technological properties and emulsion stability were lost as the level of the RSC ingredient increased, but low levels of the RSC ingredient (25% RSC) may help maintain acceptable levels of yield and emulsion stability while improving the sustainability of the sausage production system

    Neuromuscular taping does not change fibularis longus latency time and postural sway

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    Ankle sprains are a common injury and fibularis longus plays an important role improving functional stability. Neuromuscular tape seems to improve muscle force, although little is known regarding its effect on latency time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Permeability coefficients and vapor pressure determination for fragrance materials

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    Objective This study aims to correlate new experimental data relevant to the description of the combined evaporation/permeation process of a perfume applied onto the skin. Methods The vapor pressure data was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TG‐DTA). The Antoine constants and the Clarke & Glew parameters were determined for the same set of fragrance molecules to describe its low vapor pressures at new temperature ranges. The permeability coefficient of a set of 14 fragrance molecules in ethanolic solution was determined by Franz diffusion cell experiments, using porcine skin. The samples were analyzed by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID) and high‐performance liquid chromatography with UV visible detector (HPLC/UV). A QSAR model was proposed to correlate the experimental data. Results The Antoine constants were determined and presented low standard deviations. The Clarke & Glew physically significant parameters were obtained along with its statistical analysis. The fitting is good since the magnitude order is in accordance with the literature, associated with the low correlation between the estimated parameters and low standard deviations. The presented correlation, based on a mixture using only ethanol as solvent, showed better results than previous QSAR models with a standard relative deviation (σr) of 0.190, a standard error (SE) of 0.397, and a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.7786. Conclusion The dataset is still small compared to larger and more general QSAR models; however, it is much more specific as to the type of solvent and class of materials studied. This work represents an advance for the modeling of the perfume diffusion process since it specifies important properties that until then had been treated in a more general way.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    cGAS-STING pathway as a potential trigger of immunosenescence and inflammaging

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    Aging is associated with an increased incidence of autoimmune diseases, despite the progressive decline of immune responses (immunosenescence). This apparent paradox can be explained by the age-related chronic low-grade systemic inflammation (inflammaging) and progressive dysregulation of innate signaling. During cellular aging, there is an accumulation of damaged DNA in the cell’s cytoplasm, which serves as ubiquitous danger-associated molecule, promptly recognized by DNA sensors. For instance, the free cytoplasmic DNA can be recognized, by DNA-sensing molecules like cGAS-STING (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase linked to a stimulator of interferon genes), triggering transcriptional factors involved in the secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators. However, the contribution of this pathway to the aging immune system remains largely unknown. Here, we highlight recent advances in understanding the biology of the cGAS-STING pathway, its influence on the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), and its modulation of the immune system during sterile inflammation. We propose that this important stress sensor of DNA damage is also a trigger of immunosenescence and inflammaging

    Plataforma Web de Indicadores Nacionais de CT&I: uma ferramenta de apoio à gestão na SETEC/AP

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    The objective of the paper is to analyze how national indicators of ST&amp;I can contribute to the development of innovation in ST&amp;I institutions. These performance indicators assist managers in the decision-making process and strengthen innovation management actions. The study is classified as qualitative research with a descriptive approach, using the action research method. The research was developed with the management team of the Science and Technology Secretariat of Amapá (SETEC), agency responsible for the ST&amp;I ecosystem in the state. Information was gathered through bibliographic research, meetings, and analysis of documents and national innovation indicators provided by MCTI. The study contributed to the development of a Web Indicators Platform, a tool that allows performance measurement and evaluation through indicator management, strengthening the management and planning of SETEC/AP.O objetivo geral do artigo foi analisar de que forma os indicadores nacionais de CT&amp;I podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da inovação nas instituições de CT&amp;I. Esses indicadores de desempenho auxiliam o processo de tomada de decisões dos gestores e fortalecem as ações de gestão da inovação. O estudo é classificado como pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem descritiva, e foi utilizado o método de pesquisa-ação. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com a equipe de gestores da Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia (SETEC) do Amapá, órgão responsável pelo ecossistema de CT&amp;I no Estado. O levantamento das informações ocorreu com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, reuniões e análise de documentos e indicadores nacionais de inovação disponibilizados pelo MCTI. O estudo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de uma Plataforma Web de Indicadores, uma ferramenta que permite mensurar e avaliar o desempenho por meio da gestão de indicadores, fortalecendo a gestão e o planejamento da SETEC/AP

    Applying a neuro-fuzzy approach for transient identification in a nuclear power plant

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    Transient identification in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is often a very hard task and may involve a great amount of human cognition. The early identification of unexpected departures from steady state behavior is an essential step for the operation, control and accident management in NPPs. The bases for the transient identification relay on the evidence that different system faults and anomalies lead to different pattern evolution in the involved process variables. During an abnormal event, the operator must monitor a great amount of information from the instruments that represents a specific type of event. Several systems based on specialist systems, neuralnetworks, and fuzzy logic have been developed for transient identification. In the work, we investigate the possibility of using a Neuro-Fuzzy modeling tool for efficient transient identification, aiming to helping the operator crew to take decisions relative to the procedure to be followed in situations of accidents/transients at NPPs. The proposed system uses artificial neural networks (ANN) as first level transient diagnostic. After the ANN has done the preliminary transient type identification, a fuzzy-logic system analyzes the results emitting reliability degree of it. A preliminary evaluation of the developed system was made at the Human-System Interface Laboratory (LABIHS). The obtained results show that the system can help the operators to take decisions during transients/accidents in the plant