12 research outputs found

    Acanthagrion marinae sp. Nov. (zygoptera: Coenagrionidae): A new species of the apicale group

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    Acanthagrion marinae sp. nov. (Holotype male: BRASIL, Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, UFMS, 20°29’56.26’’S-54°36’48.43’’W, 547m, leg. M.E. Rodrigues, 03.ii.2015, collection code: VZYG437, MLP) is described and illustrated on the basis of 15 males. The new species belongs to the apicale species group by having horns on S10 and sclerotized hooks on tip of distal segment of the genital ligula. It can be easily distinguished from other species of the group by a combination of characters of the genital ligulae (presence of setae on segment two; absence of setae at flexure; distal lateral lobes of segment three absent). Notes on habitat and a modification of previous keys for the species of the apicale group are provided.Fil: Lozano, Federico. Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rodrigues, Marciel E. Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; Brasi

    A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels.

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    The hypotheses that beta diversity should increase with decreasing latitude and increase with spatial extent of a region have rarely been tested based on a comparative analysis of multiple datasets, and no such study has focused on stream insects. We first assessed how well variability in beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities is predicted by insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties across multiple drainage basins throughout the world. Second, we assessed the relative roles of environmental and spatial factors in driving variation in assemblage composition within each drainage basin. Our analyses were based on a dataset of 95 stream insect metacommunities from 31 drainage basins distributed around the world. We used dissimilarity-based indices to quantify beta diversity for each metacommunity and, subsequently, regressed beta diversity on insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties (e.g., number of sites and percentage of presences). Within each metacommunity, we used a combination of spatial eigenfunction analyses and partial redundancy analysis to partition variation in assemblage structure into environmental, shared, spatial, and unexplained fractions. We found that dataset properties were more important predictors of beta diversity than ecological and geographical factors across multiple drainage basins. In the within-basin analyses, environmental and spatial variables were generally poor predictors of variation in assemblage composition. Our results revealed deviation from general biodiversity patterns because beta diversity did not show the expected decreasing trend with latitude. Our results also call for reconsideration of just how predictable stream assemblages are along ecological gradients, with implications for environmental assessment and conservation decisions. Our findings may also be applicable to other dynamic systems where predictability is low

    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

    Land Uses for Pasture and Cacao Cultivation Modify the Odonata Assemblages in Atlantic Forest Areas

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    Tropical forests such as the Atlantic Forest are under constant threats from the impact of human activities, mostly being caused by the loss of native forest areas for other land uses. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of changes in land use for pasture and cacao cultivation on the richness and composition of Odonata assemblages in comparison to native forest areas. We also evaluated the species as possible indicators of these different land uses. In total, 64 streams were sampled in southern Bahia, Brazil. A total of 84 species were recorded. The results indicated that changes in land use modify the richness and composition of Odonata assemblages. Regarding composition, our results indicated a difference among the assemblages in the three land use areas and that the native areas maintain more stable assemblages. According to the indicator species analysis, 13 species were recorded as possible bioindicators for different land uses. Changes in aquatic ecosystems and their surroundings caused by different land uses a select group of different species groups, modifying Odonata diversity among these areas. Notably, land uses that maintain a certain integrity of the environment, as in the case of cacao cultivation, are the best alternatives for conserving Odonata biodiversity in comparison with pasture

    Dragonflies (Odonata) in Cocoa Growing Areas in the Atlantic Forest: Taxonomic Diversity and Relationships with Environmental and Spatial Variables

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    In the south of Bahia state, a large part of the native Atlantic Forest areas has been modified for the cultivation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao). These crops are cultivated under the shade of the canopy of native trees, a system locally known as the “cabruca” agroforestry system. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of Odonata assemblages (adults and larvae) in cocoa farming areas and to identify the relationships of these species with local and spatial environmental variables of the monitored sites. Altogether, adult and larvae were sampled at 22 sites. Physical and physicochemical water variables were recorded for each site. A total of 1336 dragonflies were collected, of which 20 were Zygoptera species and 30 were adult Anisoptera representatives. The different life stages were related to environmental variables such as conductivity, watercourse channel width, and dissolved oxygen. The space predictors were also associated with the assemblages, mainly for adults. The present study identified that cabruca areas maintain a great diversity of dragonflies, including species that are considered to be forest specialists and more sensitive to landscape changes. The characteristics of this cropping system are considered to be favorable for the conservation of the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest

    Land Uses for Pasture and Cacao Cultivation Modify the Odonata Assemblages in Atlantic Forest Areas

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    Tropical forests such as the Atlantic Forest are under constant threats from the impact of human activities, mostly being caused by the loss of native forest areas for other land uses. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of changes in land use for pasture and cacao cultivation on the richness and composition of Odonata assemblages in comparison to native forest areas. We also evaluated the species as possible indicators of these different land uses. In total, 64 streams were sampled in southern Bahia, Brazil. A total of 84 species were recorded. The results indicated that changes in land use modify the richness and composition of Odonata assemblages. Regarding composition, our results indicated a difference among the assemblages in the three land use areas and that the native areas maintain more stable assemblages. According to the indicator species analysis, 13 species were recorded as possible bioindicators for different land uses. Changes in aquatic ecosystems and their surroundings caused by different land uses a select group of different species groups, modifying Odonata diversity among these areas. Notably, land uses that maintain a certain integrity of the environment, as in the case of cacao cultivation, are the best alternatives for conserving Odonata biodiversity in comparison with pasture

    New records of the Critically Endangered Leptagrion acutum Santos, 1961 (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) from southern Bahia, Brazil

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    Leptagrion acutum Santos, 1961 is endemic to Brazil and, since 2003, listed as Critically Endangered in the Red Book of Threatened Brazilian Fauna. In this study, L. acutum is recorded for the first time from the state of Bahia, expanding known occurrences of this species to northern areas of the Atlantic Forest. Three males were collected in the Veracel Station Private Reserve of Natural Heritage. Information concerning distributional records of rare or endangered species is essential because it can add to species’ occurrence records and assist in future Red List assessments

    A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels.

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    The hypotheses that beta diversity should increase with decreasing latitude and increase with spatial extent of a region have rarely been tested based on a comparative analysis of multiple datasets, and no such study has focused on stream insects. We first assessed how well variability in beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities is predicted by insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties across multiple drainage basins throughout the world. Second, we assessed the relative roles of environmental and spatial factors in driving variation in assemblage composition within each drainage basin. Our analyses were based on a dataset of 95 stream insect metacommunities from 31 drainage basins distributed around the world. We used dissimilarity-based indices to quantify beta diversity for each metacommunity and, subsequently, regressed beta diversity on insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties (e.g., number of sites and percentage of presences). Within each metacommunity, we used a combination of spatial eigenfunction analyses and partial redundancy analysis to partition variation in assemblage structure into environmental, shared, spatial, and unexplained fractions. We found that dataset properties were more important predictors of beta diversity than ecological and geographical factors across multiple drainage basins. In the within-basin analyses, environmental and spatial variables were generally poor predictors of variation in assemblage composition. Our results revealed deviation from general biodiversity patterns because beta diversity did not show the expected decreasing trend with latitude. Our results also call for reconsideration of just how predictable stream assemblages are along ecological gradients, with implications for environmental assessment and conservation decisions. Our findings may also be applicable to other dynamic systems where predictability is low

    Educomunicação e diversidade: integrando práticas

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    Depois de um ano da realização do VI Educom e III EducomSul, a ABPEducom disponibiliza novos produtos, desdobramentos daquela importante ação, com o evento realizado nas dependências da PUC/RS, Porto Alegre (2015). Trata-se de quatro obras organizadas em forma de e-books que trazem arranjos temáticos a partir dos trabalhos apresentados durante o evento, por meio dos trabalhos inscritos. É o caso deste e-book que traz o eixo temático do referido evento – Educomunicação e Diversidade, agrupando trabalhos que trazem relatos de experiências, e pretende integrar práticas e experiências que se deram nas áreas da comunicação, educação, da educomunicação, mídiaeducação, educação midiática e informacional, dentre outras. Aqui, serão debatidos os tópicos: Educomunicação e Diversidade nos processos educativos do Ensino Básico (Parte I); Educomunicação e Diversidade nos processos educativos do Ensino Superior (Parte II); Educomunicação e Diversidade nos processos de educação em comunidades (Parte III). A razão desta classificação para a divisão e agrupamento dos trabalhos está mais detalhadamente apresentado no artigo que antecede as partes, de autoria do professor Claudemir Edson Viana, intitulado Educomunicação nos processos educativos, onde apresenta algumas outras classificações utilizadas para identificar tipos de educação mais comuns, e justifica a utilizada nesta obra