71 research outputs found

    Avaliação do estado de hidratação dos atletas, estresse térmico do ambiente e custo calórico do exercício durante sessões de treinamento em voleibol de alto nível

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    Sweating is the main mechanism to dissipate the heat during exercise in hot environments. Fluid replacement has been recommended to prevent the dehydration, reduction on physical performance, and hyperthermia. However, the recommendations do not quantify the metabolic cost of the activity and the thermal environmental stress in a real sport situation. This study measured the fitness level ( VO 2 peak)» heart rate (HR), energy cost (CAL), sweat rate (SR), urine volume (Vu), specific gravity (Gu), and color (Uc), and the thermal environmental conditions (WBGT) during training sessions (Straj„) in a youth volleyball team. The Strain were equivalent to a mean CAL = 650.8 ± 99.1 kcal.h' 1 (55% V 0 2peak)» with a mean HR = 133 ± 9 beat.min*1 During Strain, the mean SR = 15.1 ± 4.6 ml.min'1 (1,56 1, total), with a water ingestion ad libitum = 8.9 ± 3.7 ml.min' 1 (0,9 1, total). The mean Vu= 0.8 ± 0.4 ml.min' 1 (0.08 1 total), the Uc was classified as “2” (initial) e “3” (final). The mean Gu = 1024 ± 4 (initial) and 1026 ± 6 (final). The WBGT averaged from thermoneutral to warm (20.1 a 24.6 °C WBGT). In conclusion, the Strain were of moderate intensity and conducted in an environment classified as moderate risk for hyperthermia. The athletes finished the sessionswithin the range of 0.9% of the body mass and euhydrated in agreement with the urine specific gravity and color.A sudorese (Ts) é o principal mecanismo dissipador de calor durante o exercício em ambientes quentes. Recomenda-se a ingestão de água (H2O) suficiente para repor a perda hídrica pela sudorese e evitar os efeitos adversos da desidratação no rendimento esportivo. No entanto, as recomendações não quantificam o custo calórico (CAL) e os fatores ambientais (IBUTG) em situações esportivas reais. Este estudo mediu a capacidade aeróbica ( V 0 2PiCo)* a H20, o CAL, a freqüência cardíaca (FC), a Ts, o fluxo urinário (Vu), a coloração (Ucor) e a gravidade específica da urina (Du) e o IBUTG durante sessões de treinamento (Streino) de uma equipe juvenil (média de 18 anos) masculina de voleibol. O CAL de uma Strein0= 650 ± 99 kcal.h (55% do V 0 2Pico)> a FC média = 133 ± 9 bat.min'1 A Ts média = 15 ± 4 ml.min'1 (1,5 litros, total), com uma ingestão de água = 8,9 ± 3,7 ml.min"1 (0,9 litros total). O Vu = 0,8 ± 0,4 ml.min'1 (0,08 litros total), e a Ucor = “2” no início e “3” no final. A Du inicial = 1024 ± 4 e a final = 1026 ± 6. O IBUTG variou entre termoneutro e moderadamente quente (20,1 a 24,6 °C). Concluiu-se que, as Streino foram de intensidade moderada e o ambiente classificado como risco moderado para hipertermia. Os atletas terminaram as sessões com -0,9% da massa corporal e eu-hidratados de acordo com a gravidade específica e coloração da urina

    Cardiovascular adjustments induced by hypertonic saline in hemorrhagic rats: Involvement of carotid body chemoreceptors

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    The peripheral hyperosmolarity elicited by intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline brings potential benefits to the treatment of hemorrhage. the neural mechanisms involved in these beneficial effects remain unknown. the present study examines the role of carotid chemoreceptors in cardiovascular responses induced by hypertonic saline after hypovolemic hemorrhage in rats. Male Wistar rats (300-400 g) were anesthetized with thiopental, and instrumented for recording of mean arterial pressure. Arterial pressure was reduced to 60 mm Hg by withdrawal of arterial blood over 10 min, and maintained at this level for 60 min by withdrawal or infusion of blood. in control rats (n = 8) with intact chemoreceptors, the subsequent intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline (3M NaCl, 1.8 ml kg(-1) body weight, in 2 min) restored blood pressure (pressure increased from 61 +/- 4 to 118 +/- 5 mm Hg). in experimental rats (n = 8), the carotid body arteries were tied, 30 min after the beginning of the hypotensive phase, leaving the carotid chemoreceptors ischemic. in these rats, hypertonic saline failed to restore blood pressure (pressure increased from 55 +/- 1 to 70 +/- 6 mm Hg). These findings suggest that the restoration of blood pressure after hypovolemic hemorrhage induced by hypertonic saline depends on intact carotid chemoreceptors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Fed Goias, Dept Physiol Sci, Inst Ciencias Biol 2, BR-74001970 Goiania, Go, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Physiol, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilCAPES: BEX1380/07-9Web of Scienc

    Leptospirosis: an update - parte 2 of 2: pathogenesis, clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment / Leptospirose: uma actualização - parte 2 de 2: patogénese, aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento

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    Leptospirosis belongs to the category of neglected infectious diseases and, due to its great epidemic potential, its local distribution in tropical regions is of extreme importance. It is a worldwide public health problem, known for the emergence and reappearance of the disease, lack of sanitary conditions and its abandonment. Human infections usually occur after skin contact with soil and/or water that has been contaminated by the urine of chronically infected mammals. The clinical manifestations of the disease range from mild fever, chills and flu-like symptoms to acute forms of the disease. Based on these brief considerations, this article - part 2 of 2 - aims to discuss the biological, ecoepidemiological, prophylactic and control aspects of leptospirosis in Brazil

    Leptospirosis: An Update - Part 1 Of 2: Etiology, Ecology, Epidemiology, Prophylaxis And Contro / Leptospirose: Uma actualização - Parte 1 De 2: Etiologia, Ecologia, Epidemiologia, Profilaxia e Controlo

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    Leptospirosis belongs to the category of neglected infectious diseases and, due to its great epidemic potential, its local distribution in tropical regions is of extreme importance. It is a worldwide public health problem, known for the emergence and reappearance of the disease, lack of sanitary conditions and abandonment of the disease. Human infections usually occur after skin contact with soil and/or water contaminated by the urine of chronically infected mammals. The clinical manifestations of the disease range from mild fever, chills and flu-like symptoms to acute forms of the disease. Based on these brief considerations, this article - part 1 of 2 - aims to discuss the biological, ecoepidemiological, prophylactic and control aspects of leptospirosis in Brazil

    Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Neurofibromatosis Type 2

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    PURPOSE. Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal-dominant disease, characterized by bilateral vestibular schwannomas, multiple central nervous system (CNS) tumors, skin tumors, and juvenile cataract. The present study assessed retinal abnormalities using spectraldomain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in a case series of NF2 patients. METHODS. Nine NF2 patients from the neurofibromatosis outpatient reference center of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, were submitted to a complete anamnesis and a detailed ophthalmic evaluation, including SD-OCT, to detect retinal lesions. RESULTS. Of the nine NF2 patients evaluated, five had an early onset (<20 years) of NF2, and four patients had a late onset (>20 years) of symptoms. SD-OCT scans revealed retinal abnormalities in every patient with early onset (EOS) and in two patients with late onset (LOS) of the disease. In the EOS group, SD-OCT scans revealed flame-shaped epiretinal membranes (ERM) with peculiar characteristics in four eyes of three patients. Two patients had fine undulations of the inner retinal surface with a subtle ERM. Retinal hamartomas were present in four eyes of three patients with EOS; in two eyes, they were subclinical and were detected only by SD-OCT scans. In two patients with LOS and one patient with EOS, SD-OCT scans revealed retinal tufts of a nerve fiber layer. CONCLUSIONS. SD-OCT revealed ERM in most patients with NF2, therefore it may be a valuable exam for evaluating NF2 patients. Epiretinal membranes in NF2 has unique features, distinguishing it from idiopathic ERM or membranes associated with other diseases. We suggest that flame-shaped ERM seems to be specific for NF2 and that ERM can be considered as an important diagnostic sign of NF2

    Temperature of the ingested water on fatigue during exercise until exhaustion in a thermoneutral environment

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    Os efeitos da ingestão de água durante o exercício em ambiente termoneutro, assim como os efeitos da temperatura da água ingerida sobre a fadiga ainda não estão bem estudados. Este trabalho foi realizado para estudar os efeitos de três diferentes temperaturas da água ingerida sobre a tolerância ao esforço submáximo de seis voluntários sadios (idade 24,0 ± 3,5 anos; peso 67,0 ± 4,8 kg; V 02pjCo 47,8 ± 9,1 mL/kg.min*1 e percentual de gordura 9,5 ± 2,0%) durante o repouso (60 min) ou durante o esforço submáximo numa bicicleta ergométrica (60% da V02PiCO) até a exaustão. As temperaturas da água foram escolhidas para produzir resfriamento corporal (10 °C), ou para simular a temperatura corporal interna (38 °C) ou constituir um ponto intermediário (24 °C). Foram medidos continuamente o consumo de oxigênio (V02), a extração de gás carbônico (VC02), a freqüência cardíaca (FC), as temperaturas retal (Tr) e média da pele (TMP), e o calor acumulado (S). O lactato plasmático (La) foi dosado antes e ao final do exercício. Em todas as situações experimentais, os indivíduos ingeriam 1320 mL de água (nas temperaturas de 10, 24 e 38 °C), assim distribuídas: 600 mL 15 minutos antes do procedimento experimental e três doses de 240 mL, aos 15, 30 e 45 minutos, do repouso ou do exercício. A temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar durante os experimentos variaram de 22,4 a 22,8 °C e 62,6 a 65%, respectivamente. O estudo seguiu o delineamento de um Quadrado Latino e a análise de variância de dois fatores (para o TTE) com medidas repetidas no segundo fator (para Tre, TMP, S, FC e V 02) seguidas do teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). A temperatura da água não afetou o tempo máximo de exercício. O exercício aumentou todas as variáveis, como esperado, mas a temperatura da água não interferiu nas respostas. No repouso, observou-se uma redução da Tre, TMP e S ao longo do tempo, sugerindo um resfriamento decorrente do repouso ou das condições térmicas do ambiente. Os resultados mostram que a temperatura da água ingerida não interferiu na temperatura corporal e na performanceThe effects of water ingestion during exercise at a thermoneutral environment and the effects of the ingested water temperature on fatigue have not been studied. This research was designed to study the effects of three different temperatures of ingested water on fatigue of six healthy male subjects (age 24.0 ± 3.5 years; weight 67.0 ± 4.8 kg; V 0 2Peak 47.8 ± 9.1 mL/kg.min'1 and body fat 9.5 ± 2.0%) during rest (60 min) or at a sub-maximal cycle ergometer exercise (60% V O 2 peak) to the exhaustion (ET). The water temperatures were chosen to produce physical cooling (10 °C), to simulate the body temperature (38 °C) and to find an intermediate point (24 °C). There were continuous measurements of oxygen uptake ( V 0 2), carbonic gas extraction (V C 0 2), heart rate (HR), rectal (Tre) and skin (Tsk) temperatures, and heat storage (S). Plasma lactate (La) was measured before and at the end of exercise. In all of the six experimental conditions the volunteers ingested 1320 mL of water (at 38 °C or 24 °C or 10 °C) following the schedule: 600 mL (15 min before) and three doses of 240 mL each at 19, 34 and 49 minutes of resting or exercise. The temperature and air relative humidity during the experiments ranged from 22.4 to 22.8 °C and 62.6 to 65% respectively. The experimental design followed a latin square model and a two-way anova (for TE) and repeated measures (for Tre, TMP, S, FC, V 0 2 and V C 0 2) with post hoc Tukey’s test was used to analyze data, with significance level of p < 0.05. The temperature of ingested water did not change the time to exhaustion. The exercise increased all variables, as expected, but the temperature of ingested water did not modify their responses. During resting, there were lower Tre, TMP, and S, suggesting an cooling effect that could be due to the resting itself or to the thermal environmental conditions. The results showed that the temperature of ingested water did not modify the body temperatures neither the time do exhaustio

    Neurofibromatose tipo 1: mais comum e grave do que se imagina

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência das características clínicas da neurofibromatose tipo 1 (NF1), avaliar sua gravidade e visibilidade e quantificar baixa estatura, macrocrania, força muscular e as alterações da motricidade oral e da voz nesta enfermidade. MÉTODOS: 183 pacientes atendidos no Centro de Referência em Neurofibromatose de Minas Gerais (CRNF-MG) foram avaliados quanto à frequência de manifestações clínicas e complicações da NF1. A gravidade e a visibilidade foram avaliadas com o uso de escalas de Riccardi e Ablon respectivamente. As alterações da motricidade oral e da voz foram verificadas com uso do software Vox-Metria, e a medida quantitativa da força muscular realizada com uso de dinamômetro. RESULTADOS: As manifestações clínicas habituais da NF1 observadas neste estudo são semelhantes às descritas na literatura. Entretanto, mais de 50% dos pacientes apresentaram gravidade e visibilidade moderada e grave. A incidência de macrocrania e baixa estatura foi maior nos pacientes do CRNF-MG. As alterações da voz e da motricidade oral foram pela primeira vez quantificadas, com rouquidão e distúrbios da motricidade oral observados em mais de 60% dos pacientes. A força muscular estava reduzida em 67% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O perfil clínico destes pacientes é semelhante aos relatos prévios da literatura. Mais da metade dos pacientes avaliados apresenta as formas moderada e grave da doença (gravidade e visibilidade), incluindo baixa estatura, macrocrania, distúrbios da voz e da motricidade oral e redução da força muscular. Os resultados desta pesquisa contrariam o conceito tradicional de que a NF1 é uma doença benigna e demonstram alguns aspectos clínicos, ainda não descritos na literatura.OBJECTIVE: To study prevalence of clinical features among Brazilian patients diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1), comparing these features with international data to evaluate the severity and visibility of the disease and quantify less frequent manifestations such as short stature, macrocephaly, muscle strength, voice abnormalities and oral motor disorders. METHODS: 183 patients diagnosed with NF1, attended at the Neurofibromatosis Outpatient Reference Center, were evaluated for clinical manifestations and complications of NF1. Severity and visibility were verified using the Riccardi and Ablon scales respectively. Voice abnormalities and oral motor disorders were quantified using the Vox-Metria software and maximal voluntary muscle strength (MVMS) was quantified using a handgrip dynamometer. RESULTS: Clinical manifestations of NF1 observed were comparable to those described in literature. However, more then 50% of patients presented severity and visibility classified as moderate and severe. The incidence of macrocephaly and short stature was higher among the Brazilian patients. Voice abnormalities and oral motor disorders were quantified for the first time, with hoarseness and oral motor disorders observed in more then 60% the patients. Maximal voluntary muscle strength was found to be reduced in 67% of patients. CONCLUSION: The main clinical features of these patients are similar to those reported in previous studies. More then one-half of the patients presented moderate and severe levels of NF1 (severity and visibility), including short stature, macrocephaly, voice abnormalities and oral motor disorders and decreased muscle strength. These results are in disagreement with the traditional concept that NF1 is a benign disease and also disclosed some clinical aspects not previously reported

    Caracterização de casos de agressão canina em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil

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    A retrospective study was conducted with information on the cases of canine aggression notified in 2009 in the municipality of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Information was obtained from 87 (3.8%) out of 2,281 cases. Cumulative incidence of canine aggression was 2.42% per year (CI95%: 2.32-2.51) per 1000 inhabitants. Most victims of aggressive dogs were men (53.0%), adults (72.0%), and owners (52.9%). The attacks occurred mainly in the street (55.2%), while the victim was interacting with the dog (79.3%), and the upper limbs were the most affected part of the body (49.4%). Most of these dogs were males (74.7%), adults (74.3%), mixed-breed (65.5%), not castrated (98.9%), restricted (55.2%), without training (98.1%), and half of them had already bitten. Canine aggression was not associated to sex, breed, reproductive status, type of restrain, and training, because frequency distribution of these variables among the canine population of Campinas is unknown. In order to develop preventive protocols for dog bites, populational studies assessing the characteristics and prevalence of dog aggression are needed.Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com os dados sobre casos de agressão canina notificados em 2009 em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram obtidas informações de 87 (3,8%) entre 2.281 casos. A incidência acumulada de agressões foi de 2,42% por ano (IC95%: 2,32-2,51) para cada mil habitantes. A maior parte das vítimas de cães agressores eram homens (53,0%), adultos (72,0%) e os próprios proprietários (52,9%). Os ataques ocorreram principalmente na rua (55,2%), enquanto a vítima interagia com o cão (79,3%) e os membros superiores foram a parte do corpo mais acometida (49,4%). Os cães eram majoritariamente machos (74,7%), adultos (74,3%), sem raça definida (65,5%), não castrados (98,9%), domiciliados (55,2%), sem adestramento (98,1%) e a metade deles já havia causado agressão com mordedura. A agressão canina não foi atribuída a sexo, raça, estado reprodutivo, tipo de restrição, ou adestramento dos animais, pois a distribuição da frequência destas variáveis na população canina do município era desconhecida. Para desenvolver protocolos de prevenção de mordeduras, devem ser realizados estudos populacionais para avaliar as características e a prevalência da agressão canina

    Caracterização de casos de agressão canina em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com os dados sobre casos de agressão canina notificados em 2009 em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram obtidas informações de 87 (3,8%) entre 2.281 casos. A incidência acumulada de agressões foi de 2,42% por ano (IC95%: 2,32-2,51) para cada mil habitantes. A maior parte das vítimas de cães agressores eram homens (53,0%), adultos (72,0%) e os próprios proprietários (52,9%). Os ataques ocorreram principalmente na rua (55,2%), enquanto a vítima interagia com o cão (79,3%) e os membros superiores foram a parte do corpo mais acometida (49,4%). Os cães eram majoritariamente machos (74,7%), adultos (74,3%), sem raça definida (65,5%), não castrados (98,9%), domiciliados (55,2%), sem adestramento (98,1%) e a metade deles já havia causado agressão com mordedura. A agressão canina não foi atribuída a sexo, raça, estado reprodutivo, tipo de restrição, ou adestramento dos animais, pois a distribuição da frequência destas variáveis na população canina do município era desconhecida. Para desenvolver protocolos de prevenção de mordeduras, devem ser realizados estudos populacionais para avaliar as características e a prevalência da agressão canina