1,895 research outputs found

    A large, broad and deep tomb: Health food in the Atlantic, 16th to 18th centuries

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    From the historiography, the colonial chronic and the travel journal across theAtlantic, this article proposes a study about the nourishment of seamen and healthproblems result of supply ships. Quantity and quality of food are seen as factorthat interfered with the success of the travels.A partir da historiografia, da crônica colonial e dos diários de viagens através doAtlântico, este texto propõe um estudo sobre a alimentação dos marinheiros e doproblemas de saúde decorrentes do abastecimento dos navios. Quantidade e qualidade dacomida são entendidas como elementos que interferiam no desenvolvimento daviagens.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    A new world in the Atlantic: sailors and rites of passage cross the Equator, from the 15th to the 20th centuries

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    The article analyzes the rite of passage upon crossing the Equator line and its transformations. In the 20th century the persistence of this ritual gave the impression that its form had always been the same. However, looking at the sources from the 16th century, we can understand its origin, dissemination, and transformation in maritime culture. Sailors and officers participated in the construction of ritual, full of significance for the professional life of men working at sea. The sources used here are basically travel narratives from the period in question.O artigo analisa o rito de passagem da travessia da linha do equador e suas transformações. No século XX, a persistência desse ritual deixa a impressão de que suas formas tenham sido sempre as mesmas. Todavia, ao acompanharmos as fontes desde o século XVI, podemos perceber sua origem, disseminação e transformação na cultura marítima. Marinheiros e oficiais participaram da construção do ritual repleto de significados para a vida profissional dos homens embarcados como trabalhadores do mar. As fontes aqui utilizadas são basicamente narrativas de viagens no período assinalado.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas Departamento de HistóriaUNIFESP, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas Depto. de HistóriaSciEL

    Tourism Demand in Portugal: Market Perspectives

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    Tourism has experienced different levels of development in the different regions of Portugal. To frame this development, several panel data models were estimated. The main objective is to explain the evolution of overnight stays by nationality in each region. Secondary data from 2000 to 2010 was used. The analysis includes the main tourism markets, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Spain. Tourism literature suggests that, among others, the main determinants of tourism demand are Income (GDP), population, tourist´s income by place of residence, households’ consumption, unemployment rate, inflation rate, compensation of employees, comparative prices and households’ investment rate. It is observed that, although significant, the explanatory power of these variables varies according to the origin and the destination region considered

    From Motivations to Yield Paths of Tourism Development: The Case of the Algarve

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    This paper develops new measurements of tourist yield in the context of the Algarve, which is a sun and sand destination where tourism demand persistently grows, in spite of the signs of destination maturity. This growth contradicts the essence of maturity and drove this research, which attempts to identify the critical preferences which are able to improve destination positioning. According to Pine and Gilmore (1999) in the emerging experience economy, consumers seek unique experiences. This new demand for unique and memorable experiences leads destinations to offer a distinct value-added provision for products and services when they have already achieved a consistent, high level of functional quality. New tourists are more concerned with sophistication, specialization and innovation of tourism products. Thus, because tourism products contain a large number and range of attributes, each tourist experience becomes distinct. Moreover, the overall attractiveness of a destination has long been regarded as a critical criterion in tourism consumer decision making and choice (Crouch, 2011). Hence, the uniqueness of those experiences relies on the declared tourists preferences, which will be treated as motivations in this research (Decrop, 2000; Goodall, 1991; Hsu et al, 2009). However, another stream of research shows that motivations are of paramount importance for the positioning of destinations (Seddighi & Theocharous, 2002), and that these motivations are dynamic (Crompton & McKay, 1997). Motivations and preferences are treated as indistinguishable constructs since we only focus on attributes of the destination and therefore, the tangibility of these motivations may be assumed as preferences. Despite the slight difference outlined by Decrop (2000), it seems widely accepted that motivations may be regarded as comprising two stages, the first one is the driving force that pushes tourists to travel and the other, related with the destination and type of holidays chosen,44 are the so called pull motivations that in essence reflect tourists preferences. Under this theoretical background, pull motivations may be assumed as a proxy for preferences.The contribution of this study lies in the scope of microeconomic theories, namely stated preference theory, which is a descriptive theory in the field of consumer choice as well as in a wide range of other applications within choice-theoretic economics (Hands, 2012). Thus, following this theoretical framework could help the understanding of the role of behavioural variables as proxies of tourist yield when managing and planning tourism destinations for higher competitiveness. On the other hand, this paper also has important managerial implications, in particular in new tourist yield measures for marketing/promotion of the destination.This research starts by exploring the way international tourists value a number of attributes comprised by the Algarve. After identification of the most important attributes, these were evaluated based on the number of overnight stays per tourist and tourist daily spending. This research is supported by secondary data, provided by a self-administrated questionnaire survey applied to international tourists during their departure from Faro international airport. The methodology included a first selection of the motivations that present higher heterogeneity acrossyears. The sample consists of 15542 observations collected from 2007 to 2010 (Correia & Pimpão, 2012). Therefore, this paper identifies the high-yield visitors by country based on tourist preferences. Previous results reveal that preferences with higher yield expenditure markets are: sightseeing and excursions; information available; price; accommodation; and gastronomy. In this light, the aims of this study are: - to identify patterns of value-added given by international tourists for each motivation; - to analyse the high-yield visitors by motivations across nationalities; - to contribute to the understanding of how the yield potential of different source markets and segments can underpin destination marketing by destination sector organisations

    Tourist spending dynamics in the Algarve: a cross-sectional analysis

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    This paper assesses the determinants of international tourists’ spending in the Algarve from 2007 to 2010. Based on a sample of 15,542 observations a cross-section model was estimated using ordinary least squares. The results reveal that a combination of socio-demographic, behavioural and motivation variables explain the spending patterns of international tourists in the Algarve. Analysis of the data indicates that tourist motivations related to accommodation facilities, cultural and historical resources, gastronomy, hospitality, prices and sightseeing tours positively affect tourists’ spending. Moreover, the findings provide evidence that, over the years, the most loyal markets in Algarve reveal changing patterns in their spending behaviour. Destination management authorities should be aware of this spending behaviour of second-generation sun and sand visitors and should formulate strategies accordingly. Policy and managerial recommendations are discussed

    Species composition, habitat use and breeding seasons of anurans of the restinga forest of the Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, Southeastern Brazil

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    Apresentamos aqui dados sobre a composição de espécies, o uso de hábitat e as estações reprodutivas dos anuros da floresta de restinga da Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, sudeste do Brasil. Entre fevereiro e dezembro de 1993, foram realizadas visitas mensais à área de estudo, com permanência de três ou quatro dias, totalizando 28 dias de trabalhos de campo. Três poças pré-selecionadas foram investigadas diariamente entre 18:00 e 22:30 horas, quando foi estimado o número de machos vocalmente ativos nas agregações observadas, tentando-se localizá-los visualmente em seus substratos característicos de vocalização. A fauna é composta por 20 espécies, a maior riqueza já registrada em um ambiente de restinga do Brasil. De acordo com os critérios da IUCN, oito dessas espécies possuem populações em declínio, devido principalmente à perda de hábitat. Onze espécies apresentaram machos em atividade de vocalização e reprodução nas poças monitoradas mensalmente durante todo o período de estudo; a maioria dos hilídeos apresentou segregação vertical em seus sítios de vocalização sobre a vegetação marginal. Scinax hayii e S. littoralis foram consideradas de reprodução contínua, mas o período reprodutivo da maior parte das espécies mostrou-se associado à estação chuvosa. A alta riqueza de espécies observada na área e a indicação de declínios populacionais de algumas espécies em outras regiões sugerem que a região da Juréia apresenta uma grande relevância como área de preservação de anuros.Herein we present data on species composition, habitat use, and calling seasons of anurans from the Restinga forest of the Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, Southeastern Brazil. The study site was visited monthly (3 to 4 days) between February and December 1993, a total of 28 days of field work. Three previously selected puddles were searched for anurans between 6:00 and 10:30 PM, when the number of calling males of each species was estimated and the positions of their calling sites were recorded. Anuran fauna is composed by 20 species, the highest richness ever recorded in a Brazilian restinga habitat. According to IUCN criteria, eight of these species have populations declining mainly due to habitat loss. Eleven species showed calling males in the three pools monitored during the study period; most hylids showed some vertical segregation on the marginal vegetation used as calling sites. Scinax hayii and S. littoralis were considered continuous breeders, but the calling and breeding period of most species was associated to the rainy season. The high species richness recorded and the indication of declining populations for some species outside the area suggest the E.E. Juréia-Itatins has a high potential to preserve anuran fauna.FAPESPCNP

    Ranking Algarve Tourists Preferences: An Ordered Probit Approach

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    The starting point for tourism development is tourists’ preferences. Preferences are the cognitive motivations that drive tourists to a certain destination. There are a plethora of published studies in the field of tourist motivations, such as Dann (1977); Crompton (1979); Witt and Wright (1992); Pearce and Lee (2005) to name a few, who contributed to the understanding of this area of research. However, research which focus on motivations’ dynamics overtime is scant if not non-existent. This is even more critical as these preferences assume a dynamics that challenges the need to foresee tourist preferences over the years. This paper aims to rank Algarve tourists’ preferences, in a leisure continuum from 2007 up to 2010. Ordered probit models were employed in order to rank and classify preferences by year, taking into account market heterogeneity. Preference turning-points and continuity points are depicted to illustrate the dynamics of tourist preferences. Data were obtained from a survey applied to international tourists who spent their holidays in Algarve. The population of the study is matched to all international tourists visiting Algarve for the purpose of holidays/leisure. Questionnaires were administrated in the airport departures lounge. Over the four years in which the administration of this questionnaire occurred the interviews were made randomly to the most nearby person. A total of 15554 persons were interviewed from which, 2636 questionnaires were collected in 2007; 2187 in 2008; 5938 in 2009 and 4781 in 2010. Results revealed dynamic motivations in several markets. The Algarve reveals a potential to attract new and repeat visitors that goes beyond its main competitive advantage, the sun and sea. Managerial implications of the results are discussed

    Um sepulcro grande, amplo e fundo: saúde alimentar no Atlântico, séculos XVI ao XVIII

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    A partir da historiografia, da crônica colonial e dos diários de viagens através do Atlântico, este texto propõe um estudo sobre a alimentação dos marinheiros e dos problemas de saúde decorrentes do abastecimento dos navios. Quantidade e qualidade da comida são entendidas como elementos que interferiam no desenvolvimento das viagens.From the historiography, the colonial chronic and the travel journal across the Atlantic, this article proposes a study about the nourishment of seamen and health problems result of supply ships. Quantity and quality of food are seen as factors that interfered with the success of the travels