81 research outputs found

    High molecular weight polystyrene particles by cationic miniemulsion polymerization catalyzed by an iron-containing imidazolium-based ionic liquid

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    Cationic styrene polymerizations in aqueous media were conducted using the miniemulsion polymerization technique with the ionic liquid 1-N-butyl-3-N-methylimidazolium heptachloro diferrate (BMI.Fe2Cl7) as catalyst, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as surfactant and hexadecane as costabilizer. The ionic liquid was effective to initiate styrene miniemulsion polymerization at a BMI.Fe2Cl7:styrene molar ratios as low as 1:1000. Increasing the reaction temperature from 70 °C to 90 °C led to an increase in both, conversion and molecular weight. And polystyrene with much higher molecular weight (viscosity average molecular weights of up to 2231 kDa) than those usually obtained in cationic polymerizations was produced. Furthermore, while particle sizes remained almost constant around 150 nm during polymerizations, an almost linear increase of conversion with reaction time was observed. In addition, molecular weight increased steadily with conversion approaching the behavior of living cationic polymerization. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstrac

    Public Management Focused to the Smart City

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    This study focuses on municipal management through information and communication technology in Smart City modeling. It presents a model for management of a Smart City with information technology resources to demonstrate the process of structuring integrated systems, analyze the benefits that this will bring by modeling local government activities, and introduce innovative measures for local government restructuring. It applies the simulated case study method and related procedures in a qualitative research approach, based on creativity and innovation. It reports the process of structuring integrated systems and analyses the benefits of a model of a Smart City. The Smart City will make the living conditions of the population much more pleasant and will reduce budgetary costs by deploying smart services. Eco-innovation, as set out in the Oslo Manual, extends to public businesses and is confirmed by the organizational innovation of civic processes. The solution in todayrsquo;s conditions is to manage cities using information technology and communication, where millions of citizens may enjoy the maximum benefit of a project of this kind. This study providing a framework for a smart city about its technology, innovation, and public affairs

    Physical Exercise Restores the Generation of New born Neurons in an Animal Model of Chronic Epilepsy

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    Neurogenesis impairment is associated with the chronic phase of the epilepsy in humans and also observed in animal models. Recent studies with animal models have shown that physical exercise is capable of improving neurogenesis in adult subjects, alleviating cognitive impairment and depression. Here, we show that there is a reduction in the generation of newborn granule cells in the dentate gyrus of adult rats subjected to a chronic model of epilepsy during the postnatal period of brain development. We also show that the physical exercise was capable to restore the number of newborn granule cells in this animals to the level observed in the control group. Notably, a larger number of newborn granule cells exhibiting morphological characteristics indicative of correct targeting into the hippocampal circuitry and the absence of basal dendrite projections was also observed in the epileptic animals subjected to physical exercise compared to the epileptic animals. The results described here could represent a positive interference of the physical exercise on the neurogenesis process in subjects with chronic epilepsy. The results may also help to reinterpret the benefits of the physical exercise in alleviating symptoms of depression and cognitive dysfunction.Fapemig (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico)FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)INNT (Instituto Nacional de Neurociencia Translacional)CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior)Univ Fed Sao Joao del Rei, Dept Engn Biossistemas, Lab Neurociencia Expt Computac, Sao Joao Del Rei, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Inst Cerebro, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Mogi das Cruzes, Nucleo Pesquisas Tecnol, Mogi Das Cruzes, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Fisiol, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Disciplina Neurol Expt, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Fisiol, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Disciplina Neurol Expt, Escola Paulista Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Respuesta reproductiva a la inducción hormonal en Gymnotus sp. (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes)

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    Technological development for Gymnotus sp. farming is relevant because this species has a socio-economic impact in South American regions where sport fishing is an important activity. Although Gymnotus sp. breeds in captivity, fry survival in ponds can be unacceptable for culture systems. The objective of this work was to test the response to hormonal induction of Gymnotus sp. with carp pituitary extract (CPE) and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in relation to different male and female reproductive parameters. CPE treatment specimens were stripped 12 and 20 hours after the triggering dosage, and GnRH treatment specimens were stripped 10 and 12 hours after hormonal application. We could obtain positive results using CPE with a short capture-induction interval (C-II) with broodstock in mature stages of gonadal development. Percentage of oocytes with peripheral germinal vesicle (%OPGV) and oocyte diameter showed significant differences between groups treated with CPE. Oocytes could be successfully extracted from two females treated with CPE and stripped 12 hours after the last dosage. Semen was only extracted from males treated with CPE. GnRH stimulation did not give positive results because gametes could not be extracted with different doses and C-II used. This work is the first description of semen quality parameters in Gymnotus sp. Future works should focus on combining hormonal induction strategies with CPE and the management of environmental variables.El desarrollo tecnológico para el cultivo de Gymnotus sp. es relevante porque este género tiene un impacto socioeconómico en regiones sudamericanas donde la pesca deportiva es una actividad importante. Aunque Gymnotus sp. se reproduce en cautiverio, la supervivencia de los alevines en los estanques puede ser insuficiente para un sistema de cultivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la respuesta de diferentes parámetros reproductivos a la inducción hormonal en Gymnotus sp. con extracto bruto de hipófisis de carpa (EBH) y hormona liberadora de gonadotrofinas (GnRH). Las muestras de gametos del tratamiento con EBH se extrajeron 12 y 20 horas después de la dosis desencadenante, las muestras del tratamiento con GnRH se extrajeron 10 y 12 horas después de la aplicación hormonal. El porcentaje de ovocitos con vesícula germinal periférica (%OVGP) y el diámetro de los ovocitos mostraron diferencias significativas entre grupos tratados con EBH con un intervalo captura-inducción (IC-I) de corta duración, con reproductores en etapas avanzadas de desarrollo gonadal. Se pudieron extraer ovocitos con éxito a dos hembras inducidas con EBH, 12 horas después de la dosis desencadenante y, además, se extrajo semen sólo de los machos inducidos con EBH. La estimulación con GnRH no dio resultados positivos en las diferentes dosis e IC-I utilizados, dado que no se pudieron extraer gametos. Este trabajo es la primera descripción de los parámetros de calidad del semen en Gymnotus sp. Futuras líneas de trabajo deberán centrarse en el manejo de variable

    A Recombinant Protein Based on Trypanosoma cruzi P21 Enhances Phagocytosis

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    Background: P21 is a secreted protein expressed in all developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the recombinant protein based on P21 (P21-His(6)) on inflammatory macrophages during phagocytosis. Findings: Our results showed that P21-His(6) acts as a phagocytosis inducer by binding to CXCR4 chemokine receptor and activating actin polymerization in a way dependent on the PI3-kinase signaling pathway. Conclusions: Thus, our results shed light on the notion that native P21 is a component related to T. cruzi evasion from the immune response and that CXCR4 may be involved in phagocytosis. P21-His(6) represents an important experimental control tool to study phagocytosis signaling pathways of different intracellular parasites and particles.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais [APQ-00621-11]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior [23038005295/2011-40]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologic