3,243 research outputs found

    Informal Collaborative Housing: The case of Chile and dwellings in 9x18 lots

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    The neighbourhoods 9X18 emerged from a housing policy promoted in the 60s in Chile. They represent today a particular way of collective habitat in relation to their neighbourhood scale and to the interior of each plot. They are territories constituted and built by familiar and community networks. In Santiago, they are 466 neighbourhoods, and 216.000 lots between 160 and 250 m2, with a 38% of public space surface and an excellent pericentral location. Here, there is a lot to observe, learn and protect; and a tremendous potential that needs to be explored and imagined from the understanding of their physical and immaterial patrimony and their opportunities for human-scale densification

    Detecting hot spots of mountain pine beetle infestations in the forests of British Columbia: An approach using local spatial autocorrelation

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    Mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) is an endemic species in the forests of British Columbia that has become epidemic and reached infestation levels like never before. Different approaches have been taken in order to try and manage the forest and understand the processes affecting the behavior of mountain pine beetle. No single model has been entirely successful in unearthing the complexity of mountain pine beetle behavior. In this thesis, large spatial data sets of mountain pine beetle attacks, obtained from helicopter and ground surveys, and further adjusted for the incorporation of uncertainty, are studied using a spatial autocorrelation approach in a pattern-based analysis. The study of spatial patterns is carried out by simulating possible scenarios of the observed data set. Moran’s I is used to obtain an overall measure of spatial autocorrelation of the global pattern and Local Indicators of Spatial Autocorrelation, specifically Local Moran’s I, are used to identify local pockets of high levels of infestation (hot spots). Using a significance criterion, regions that have intense infestations are screened to retain those that are more pervasive, thus having a more robust set of results that can be more reliable. Different levels of significance can be used to allow for a more ‘liberal’ or ‘strict’ screening of results. Study of the sensitivity of the data model and detection approach is carried out by comparing the locations of hot spots obtained with different detection methods. A comparison between results derived from data sets containing only aerial data and those containing aerial and field data is useful to determine the impact and effectiveness of sending crews to groundtruth aerial surveys

    International Workshop: Imagining Housing Renewal In Deprived Areas

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    The ‘International Workshop 9 x 18. Imagining housing renewal in deprived areas’, is presented as a synthetic experience of diagnosis, analysis, proposal, and reflection on the challenges of regeneration of vulnerable urban neighborhoods, which are triggered from collective housing projects. Its structure, principles, and methodologies are born from the accumulated experience of the course 9 x 18, design module of the School of Architecture of the Catholic University of Chile, complemented with the knowledge and experience of the teaching team of the University of TU Delft. The Workshop was held on November 2017 in Santiago, Chile in Las Palmas neighborhood of Central Station


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    京都大学新制・論文博士博士(工学)乙第13618号論工博第4215号(主査)教授 渦岡 良介, 教授 肥後 陽介, 准教授 上田 恭平, 教授 安原 英明学位規則第4条第2項該当Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)Kyoto UniversityDFA

    Henkilöstötuottavuuden raportoinnin kehittäminen Palmiassa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli pohtia henkilöstötuottavuuden raportoinnin kehittämistä ja hyödyllisyyttä toimeksiantajayritykselle. Tarkoituksena oli mahdollisuuksien selvittäminen henkilöstötuottavuuden seuraamiseksi ja tunnuslukujen saatavuuden kartoittaminen. Tavoitteena oli myös arvioida käytännön tunnuslukujen kautta henkilöstötuottavuutta kahden eri Palmian koulu- ja päiväkotipalveluiden aluepäällikön alueiden välillä. Toimeksiantajayrityksellä ei ollut käytössä selkeää mallia henkilöstötuottavuuden seuraamiseksi. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin kehittämishankkeena, ja se koostuu teoriaosuudesta sekä tunnuslukujen vertailusta ja raportoinnin kehittämismahdollisuuksista. Raportissa oli alkuun johdanto, joka käsitti työn sisällön ja aihepiirin esittelyn. Sen jälkeen käsiteltiin teoriaosuus, jossa oli tietoa henkilöstötuottavuudesta, organisaation rakenteesta ja kehitysvaiheista, työhyvinvoinnin merkityksestä henkilöstötuottavuuteen sekä esiteltiin raportissa käytettävät tunnuslukujen kaavat. Raportin lopussa oli vertailua kahden eri alueen tunnusluvuista ja arviointi henkilöstötuottavuuden raportoinnin mahdollisuuksista toimeksiantajayrityksessä. Raportissa huomioitiin näkökulma toimeksiantajayrityksen liiketoimintamallin tilanteesta. Raportin prosessin edetessä tuli esille, ettei esimiesten tarvitsemia tunnuslukuja henkilöstötuottavuuden seuraamiseksi ole helposti saatavana. Myös vertailulukujen saaminen toimialan muilta yksityisiltä yrityksiltä ei ole mahdollista yritysten salassapitovelvollisuuden vuoksi. Julkiselta sektorilta luvut on mahdollista saada, mutta vertailu on työlästä, koska toiminnoissa on eroja.The aim of the present study was to develop the ways of reporting personnel productivity and its usefulness for the client company. The purpose was to identify possible solutions for following up personnel productivity and to find out the availability of the key indicators. The client company did not have a clear model for monitoring personnel productivity. The theoretical part was based on literature of personnel productivity. It dealt with organizational structure and stages of development, the meaning of well-being in work life and different calculation formulas. This study was a development project and consisted of a theoretical part and a comparison of indicators and reporting of development opportunities. At the end of the report was to compare the indicators in two different areas and assessment of personnel productivity reporting possibilities of the client company. These figures were obtained from the company's financial reports. During the process, it became clear that the needed indicators for the managers to follow were not readily available. Additionally, it proved to be problematic to get the figures from other companies due to confidentiality which prevented the comparison between different companies. The comparison of indicators is possible and report showed that it is useful to start develops of monitoring of personnel productivity

    Prevalencia de fracturas maxilofaciales y traumatimos dentoalveolares atendidas en el Servicio de Cirugia Maxilofacial del Hospital Regional de Talca. Julio 2002 - Junio 2007 Chile

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    93 p.Introducción: Los traumatismos son una constante en la vida del hombre a través de las generaciones, por lo que son un problema grave de la salud pública tanto a nivel mundial, como en la realidad local. Dentro de los traumatismos en general, tenemos las fracturas maxilofaciales y los traumatismos dentoalveolares que son tratados dentro de este estudio, que por la alta prevalencia que presentan, merecen que se aborde la problemática que hay tras ellos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de fracturas maxilofaciales y traumatismos dentoalveolares (TDA) en pacientes atendidos en el servicio de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital Regional de Talca (HRT) desde el 1 de Julio de 2002 al 30 de Junio de 2007. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de prevalencia en pacientes atendidos en el servicio de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital de Talca que presentaban fracturas maxilofaciales y TDA, en el periodo comprendido entre Julio 2002 a Junio 2007. Resultados: Se obtuvo información de un total de 190 pacientes entre 1 y 84 años de edad con una media de 32.62 años, de ellos 159 pacientes presentaron fracturas maxilofaciales, encontrándose un total de 226 fracturas maxilofaciales y 31 pacientes con traumatismos dentoalveolares (TDA) más 6 pacientes que presentaban TDA concomitante a las fracturas maxilofaciales, correspondiendo a un total de 263 patologías individualizadas Las mayores prevalencias corresponden a fractura mandibular 31.6% (n = 83), fractura complejo cigomático-maxilar 25.1% (n = 66) y Traumatismo dentoalveolar 14.1% (n = 37). Discusión: La fractura más prevalente fue la mandibular con 31.6%, en segundo lugar está el complejo cigomático-maxilar con un 25.1%, coincidiendo con otros estudios hechos en otros países. La tendencia de tratamiento es a favor de la tratamiento abierto con un 64.8% versus un tratamiento cerrado 23.3%. Conclusión: La fractura más común es la mandibular. La mayor causa de fracturas maxilofaciales y traumatismos dentoalveolares es la agresión. Los hombres entre 20-39 son los más afectados

    Caracterización de Dregs y Grits para su eventual uso como corrector de la acidez del suelo

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    46 p.En el escenario actual la industria de la celulosa se ha visto en la necesidad de producir sustentablemente, lo que obliga a considerar la gestión ambiental como parte importante de sus acciones. Dentro del proceso productivo de la Planta de Celulosa Nueva Aldea, específicamente en el área de caustificación se generan dos tipos de residuos, llamados Dregs y Grits, se generan en gran cantidad (37.000 m3/año) y son dispuestos en el depósito de residuos industriales de la planta. Lo anterior implica una preocupación en la dimensión ambiental y económica.Al considerar que este tipo de residuos tienen características de basicidad, este estudio plantea la opción de evaluar la alternativa de usarlos como encalante, para corregir la acidez del suelo. El estudio tuvo como resultados que el contenido de carbonato de calcio equivalente es relevante y comparable con los contenidos de otros productos comerciales que se usan actualmente, la conductividad eléctrica (C.E.), para el caso de los Dregs es alta, por lo que su aplicación a los suelos debe ser considerando esta variable, el aporte de este residuo como corrector de la fertilidad del suelo no es relevante.Luego de evaluar los resultados obtenidos de la caracterización de los Dreg y Grits de Planta Celulosa Nueva Aldea, es posible mencionar que este residuo podría ser usado como corrector de la acidez del suelo. Cabe hacer presente que esta aseveración debe ser comprobada a través de experimentos de campo./ SUMMARY: In the current scenario the pulp industry has seen the need to produce sustainably, which requires considering environmental management as an important part of its action. Within the production process of the New Village Pulp Plant (Nueva Aldea) specifically in the area of recausticizing, two types of waste are generated called Dregs and Grits. They are generated in large quantities (37.000 m3/year) and are arranged in the industrial waste disposal plant. The latter implies a concern in the economic and environmental dimension.Considering that this type of waste has basicity characteristics, this study proposes the option to evaluate the alternative use as liming to correct soil acidity. The results of this study showed the content of Calcium Carbonate is relevant and comparable with the contents of the other commercial products which are currently used. The electrical conductivity (E.C) as in the case of Dregs is high, so its application to the soils should be considering this variable. The contribution of this waste as correcting soil fertility is not relevant. After evaluating the results obtained from the characterization of the Dreg and Grits of New Village Pulp Plant, it is possible to mention that this waste could be used as correctors of soil acidity. It should be stated that this claim must be verified through field experiment

    Evaluacion de la metodologia de estudio de eventos en el mercado de capitales chilenos.

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    251 p.Considerando que el poder de la metodología de Estudio de Eventos ha sido escasamente validado para el caso de mercado de capitales emergentes, en el presente trabajo utilizamos el enfoque de simulación sugerido por Brown y Wagner (1980, 1985) con el fan de evaluar el poder de dicha metodología en el mercado de capitales chileno. Analizando 18 muestras obtenidas de la Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, los resultados sugieren que a pesar de la escasa profundidad que exhibe el mercado de capitales domestico, los modelos de Media Constante y de Ajuste al Mercado muestran un desempeño razonable en la detección de retornos anormales. Para un nivel de significancia del 5% ambos modelos detectan retornos anormales de un 1% y un 5% diario en el 65% y en el 100% de los casos, respectivamente

    Design of a didactic guide for teachers based on the text book “I speak” to increase the academic level in the students of 7th grade of basic education at coronel Germanico Ribadeneira Valencia elementary school in the period 2010 – 2011.

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    In the last 10 years Latin America has experienced a severe socio-economic crisis, which has resulted in increase in problems such as unemployment, migration, corruption, illiteracy, etc., which are part of the capitalist system development. Knowing English is vital for success, since English is considered the universal language of communication in science, technology, trade, tourism, etc., hence knowing and mastering at least some of the ways to communicate in English is therefore, of vitally important