1,569 research outputs found

    Revisiting the fossil group candidates UGC 842 and NGC 6034

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    We present a new insight on NGC 6034 and UGC 842, two groups of galaxies previously reported in the literature as being fossil groups. The study is based on optical photometry and spectroscopy obtained with the CTIO Blanco telescope and Sloan Digital Sky Survey archival data. We find that NGC 6034 is embedded in a large structure, dominated by three rich clusters and other small groups. Its first and next four ranked galaxies have magnitude differences in the r band and projected distances which violate the optical criteria to classify it as a fossil group. We confirm that the UGC 842 group is a fossil group, but with about half the velocity dispersion that is reported in previous works. The velocity distribution of its galaxies reveals the existence of two structures in its line of sight, one with sigmaV ~ 223 km/s and another with sigmaV ~ 235 km/s, with a difference in velocity of ~820 km/s. The main structure is dominated by passive galaxies, while these represent ~60% of the second structure. The X-ray temperature for the intragroup medium of a group with such a velocity dispersion is expected to be kT ~0.5-1 keV, against the observed value of kT ~1.9 keV reported in the literature. This result makes UGC 842 a special case among fossil groups because (1) it represents more likely the interaction between two small groups, which warms the intragroup medium and/or (2) it could constitute evidence that member galaxies lost energy in the process of spiraling toward the group center, and decreased the velocity dispersion of the system. As far as we know, UGC 842 is the first low-mass fossil group studied in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, published in A

    Vermiculite and shading in the formation of 'Rangpur' lime rootstock

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    ‘Rangpur’ lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck cv. Cravo) is widely used as a rootstock for citrus seedlings, although factors such as luminosity and substrate composition are extremely important to obtain quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to analyze the formation of ‘Rangpur’ lime seedlings grown in different substrates and luminosities. A 3x4 factorial arrangement was used in an RBD with four replications of twelve plants. Three luminosities (full sun, 35%, and 70% shading) and four substrate: vermiculite proportions were tested (S1-1: 0, S2-2: 1, S3-1: 2, and S4-0: 1). The seeds were sown in 280 cm3 tubes and emergence was evaluated every two days for 30 days, and biometric assessments at 30, 60, 90, and 120 DAE by measuring the height, diameter, leaves, and mortality. Root length and shoot and root dry mass were measured at 30 and 120 days. Seeds in full sun showed high ESI values and a shorter time period, as well as high mortality at 120 DAE. Highly shaded environments cause etiolation and reduce biomass accumulation and the DQI. Seeds in S4 showed lower results for most variables. It is recommended to use 35% shading associated with the substrate proportions S1, S2, and S3.‘Rangpur’ lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck cv. Cravo) is widely used as a rootstock for citrus seedlings, although factors such as luminosity and substrate composition are extremely important to obtain quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to analyze the formation of ‘Rangpur’ lime seedlings grown in different substrates and luminosities. A 3x4 factorial arrangement was used in an RBD with four replications of twelve plants. Three luminosities (full sun, 35%, and 70% shading) and four substrate: vermiculite proportions were tested (S1-1: 0, S2-2: 1, S3-1: 2, and S4-0: 1). The seeds were sown in 280 cm3 tubes and emergence was evaluated every two days for 30 days, and biometric assessments at 30, 60, 90, and 120 DAE by measuring the height, diameter, leaves, and mortality. Root length and shoot and root dry mass were measured at 30 and 120 days. Seeds in full sun showed high ESI values and a shorter time period, as well as high mortality at 120 DAE. Highly shaded environments cause etiolation and reduce biomass accumulation and the DQI. Seeds in S4 showed lower results for most variables. It is recommended to use 35% shading associated with the substrate proportions S1, S2, and S3

    Recovery of silver residues from dental amalgam

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    Dental amalgam residues are probably the most important chemical residues generated from clinical dental practice because of the presence of heavy metals among its constituents, mainly mercury and silver. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to develop an alternative method for the recovery of silver residues from dental amalgam. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The residue generated after vacuum distillation of dental amalgam for the separation of mercury was initially diluted with 32.5% HNO3, followed by precipitation with 20% NaCl. Sequentially, under constant heating and agitation with NaOH and sucrose, the sample was reduced to metallic silver. However, the processing time was too long, which turned this procedure not viable. In another sequence of experiments, the dilution was accomplished with concentrated HNO3 at 90ºC, followed by precipitation with 20% NaCl. After washing, the pellet was diluted with concentrated NH4OH, water and more NaCl in order to facilitate the reaction with the reducer. RESULTS: Ascorbic acid was efficiently used as reducer, allowing a fast reduction, thus making the procedure viable. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed methodology is of easy application and does not require sophisticated equipment or expensive reagents.FAPESPODONTOPRE

    O financiamento do BNDES ao ensino superior: uma avaliação dos impactos do primeiro Programa IES

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    Bibliografia: p. 76-78O objetivo deste artigo é investigar se o financiamento do BNDES às instituições de ensino superior (IES) por meio do primeiro Programa IES (Programa de Recuperação e Ampliação dos Meios Físicos das Instituições de Ensino Superior), vigente de 1997 a 2007, cumpriu seus objetivos. Este trabalho dá sequência a estudos sobre o setor de ensino superior já divulgados pelo BNDES, acrescentando, na perspectiva de uma avaliação de impacto, a comparação do resultado das IES apoiadas com as demais, por meio do método de análise de covariância. Considerando os indicadores disponíveis, foi estabelecido o foco em um dos objetivos específi cos do programa, de caráter quantitativo, mensurado pelo número de matrículas das IES.The aim of this paper is to investigate wheter BNDES financing of Higher Education Institutions (IES) through the first IES Program (Program of Recovery and Expansion and Infrastructure of Higher Education Institutions), in place from 1997 to 2007, achieved its goals. This is part of a group of articles on higher education and the support of BNDES, constituting a partial analysis of this program with a quantitative focus. To this end, results of IES supported institutions were compared against the results of other higher education institutions

    Use of phytotherapy in treating diabetic foot in older adults: an integrative review

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    Objective: to identify the scientific evidence on herbal medicines used in treating diabetic foot in older adults. Methods: an integrative review conducted in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, SCOPUS, EMBASE, Web of Science and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature databases. The Rayyan platform was used as a supporting tool for archiving, organizing and selecting articles. Results: the search resulted in 158 articles. After identifying, selecting, evaluating eligibility, systematization and performing a full reading of the articles, the final sample consisted of 10 articles. We identified herbal medicines derived from Calendula officinalis, Ageratina pichinchensis, Phellodendron chinense, Curcumin phytosome, Capsicum spp., Rehmannia Glutinosa and Astragalus membranaceus. Conclusion: investigations of herbal compounds derived from four plants used in treating diabetic foot in older adults predominated. Considerations for practice: supported by legislation, nurses can guide users interested in using phytotherapy as an accessible solution with proven efficacy

    Assessing the extent of flood-prone areas in a south-american megacity using different high resolution dtms

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    Current forecasts estimate that almost 68% of the global population will be living in urban centers by 2050. As a result, the increase in impermeable surface area can result in severe hydrological impacts, such as the increase in surface runoff and the frequency of floods and their magnitude. Thus, this work analyzes the performance of the hydrodynamic model HEC-RAS for assessing the extent of flood-prone areas, using two digital terrain models (DTM) with different spatial resolutions (5 and 0.50 m). Four different computing intervals (1, 15, 30, and 60 s) were adopted aiming to evaluate the simulations outputs performance. Additionally, reported data by the civil defense are used for calibration and validation. In general, the model showed to be a powerful tool in the identification of susceptible areas to urban flooding. The simulated results in this work provide crucial geographic information when identifying spots with the highest risk of flooding, which should receive priority attention during such events. The simulations with a spatial resolution of 5 m showed the flood maps with the largest coverage of the flooded points (278 points out of 286—97.20%), within the shortest computation times. We highlight that the more refined DTM derived from spatial images did not produce the best flood simulation compared to the DTM with a spatial resolution of 5 m derived from orthoimages

    Avaliação das possíveis interações medicamentosas de inibidores da HMG-coA-redutase utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia

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    As dislipidemias são caracterizadas por transtornos no perfil lipídico dos pacientes, causando transtornos graves de saúde, como a ateromatose e distúrbios cardiovasculares. O aumento dos níveis séricos do colesterol total e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) configura um dos principais problemas de desordem lipídica, em que os inibidores da HMG-coA redutase, conhecidos como estatinas, conseguem modular significativamente o perfil lipídico do paciente a favor de um equilíbrio benéfico, porém essa classe farmacológica tem grande potencial de interação com outras drogas, especificamente em interações das vias de metabolismo hepático, causando aumentos sérios de seus níveis plasmáticos e transtornos de toxicidade ao tecido muscular, como a rabdomiólise e suas complicações. O objetivo neste artigo foi trazer, à luz da literatura, as principais interações medicamentosas das estatinas disponíveis para terapêutica no País, fazendo-se, para isso, uma abordagem analítico-discursiva de dados encontrados em bases de dados sobre medicamentos. As estatinas sofrem interação medicamentosa com as principais classes de medicamentos disponíveis no mercado, especialmente as drogas que sofrem metabolismo microssomal hepático pela via CYP3A4, e essa competição pela via metabólica pode aumentar os níveis séricos das estatinas, predispondo o paciente a ter patologias do musculo esquelético. Entre as principais estatinas disponíveis para a terapêutica, a grande maioria tem metabolismo hepático comum pela CYP3A4, o que aumenta as possibilidades de interação com a maioria de fármacos disponíveis, porém existem também opções de estatinas que têm metabolismo alternativo, seja por outras isoformas de CYP, seja por metabolismo citosólico comum, e representam opções com menos potencial para causar interações farmacológicas. Palavras-chave: Estatinas. Interação medicamentosa. Rabdomiólise. Dislipidemia

    Avaliação das possíveis interações medicamentosas de inibidores da HMG-coA-redutase utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia

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    As dislipidemias são caracterizadas por transtornos no perfil lipídico dos pacientes, causando transtornos graves de saúde, como a ateromatose e distúrbios cardiovasculares. O aumento dos níveis séricos do colesterol total e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) configura um dos principais problemas de desordem lipídica, em que os inibidores da HMG-coA redutase, conhecidos como estatinas, conseguem modular significativamente o perfil lipídico do paciente a favor de um equilíbrio benéfico, porém essa classe farmacológica tem grande potencial de interação com outras drogas, especificamente em interações das vias de metabolismo hepático, causando aumentos sérios de seus níveis plasmáticos e transtornos de toxicidade ao tecido muscular, como a rabdomiólise e suas complicações. O objetivo neste artigo foi trazer, à luz da literatura, as principais interações medicamentosas das estatinas disponíveis para terapêutica no País, fazendo-se, para isso, uma abordagem analítico-discursiva de dados encontrados em bases de dados sobre medicamentos. As estatinas sofrem interação medicamentosa com as principais classes de medicamentos disponíveis no mercado, especialmente as drogas que sofrem metabolismo microssomal hepático pela via CYP3A4, e essa competição pela via metabólica pode aumentar os níveis séricos das estatinas, predispondo o paciente a ter patologias do musculo esquelético. Entre as principais estatinas disponíveis para a terapêutica, a grande maioria tem metabolismo hepático comum pela CYP3A4, o que aumenta as possibilidades de interação com a maioria de fármacos disponíveis, porém existem também opções de estatinas que têm metabolismo alternativo, seja por outras isoformas de CYP, seja por metabolismo citosólico comum, e representam opções com menos potencial para causar interações farmacológicas. Palavras-chave: Estatinas. Interação medicamentosa. Rabdomiólise. Dislipidemia

    Desafios do mercado para os produtos de origem animal da agricultura familiar

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    The family farming has a great importance in the food production in Brazil, hoewer this sector is most often not highlighted and faces several difficulties, including the commercialization of products, mainly those of animal origin. Thus, a literature review was carried out to collect informations about the characteristics of livestock in family farming the ways of transporting animal products and the alternatives for valuing these products. The system of animal handling in the family agricultural shows its own characteristcs which depend of cultural and environment issues from each community, therefore must be considered when proposing ways to market these products.Family agricultural shows difficulties of market the animal product in the formal market mainly  due to the difficulty in meeting the legal requirements of inspection services moreover the public policies has been developing are not adjusted of the reality of the rural families. Thereby gets important to encourage the reformulation of public policies like “Selo Arte” and “geographic location” with adequacies that support the family farms and consolidate the Agroecology in Search of major appreciation by the animal products from the Family farms.A agricultura familiar tem grande importância na produção de alimentos no Brasil, porém este setor é muitas vezes invisibilizado e enfrenta diversas dificuldades, entre elas a comercialização dos produtos, principalmente os de origem animal. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica para levantar informações sobre as características da criação animal na agricultura familiar, as formas de escoamento dos produtos de origem animal e as alternativas para valorização desses produtos. Os sistemas de criação animal na agricultura familiar possuem características próprias que dependem de questões culturais e ambientais de cada comunidade e, portanto, devem ser consideradas ao se propor formas para a comercialização desses produtos. A agricultura familiar apresenta dificuldades de comercializar os produtos de origem animal no mercado formal, principalmente, pela dificuldade de atender as exigências legais dos serviços de inspeção, além disso, as políticas públicas quem vêm sendo desenvolvidas não se adequam a realidade das famílias no campo. Dessa forma, torna-se importante incentivar a reformulação das políticas públicas, como o Selo Arte e Indicação geográfica, com adequações que favoreçam os produtores familiares, e fortalecer a Agroecologia em busca de maior valorização dos produtos de origem animal oriundos da agricultura familiar