128 research outputs found

    Productive Development Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of Mexico

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    While Mexico has potential to grow rapidly, its economic growth has remained low for the past three decades. There is no consensus on the country’s development path or on how to achieve specific goals. Since the policy debate remains ideological and lacks pragmatism, productive development policies (PDPs) are often uncoordinated, redundant or even incongruent with each other. It is therefore important to understand the process whereby PDPs are designed and the institutional setting in which they are are implemented. This paper consequently examines whether PDPs respond to market failures and/or government failures. When PDPs are not designed to address specific market failures they can produce unwanted results or prove completely ineffective. When PDPs do address government failures, it is important to determine the reasons why the failure cannot be corrected in the first place and whether PDPs will be effective at addressing the problem in a second-best manner.Industrial Policy, Institutions, Policymaking, Mexico

    DeepReading @ SardiStance: Combining Textual, Social and Emotional Features

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    In this paper we describe our participation to the SardiStance shared task held at EVALITA 2020. We developed a set of classifiers that combined text features, such as the best performing systems based on large pre-trained language models, together with user profile features, such as psychological traits and social media user interactions. The classification algorithms chosen for our models were various monolingual and multilingual Transformer models for text only classification, and XGBoost for the non-textual features. The combination of the textual and contextual models was performed by a weighted voting ensemble learning system. Our approach obtained the best score for Task B, on Contextual Stance Detection

    Diseño de Muqui: un robot narrador de cuentos

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    El periodo de constante modernización que se vive en la actualidad, en particular la urbanización de zonas rurales de Latinoamérica, amenaza una de las formas más usadas para transmitir y preservar la cultura, costumbres y anécdotas de una comunidad: la tradición oral. Se hace importante rescatar la identidad cultural de dichas comunidades para lo cual se quiere aprovechar otro aspecto del contexto actual como es la robótica social. En la década reciente se tiene una emergente categoría de robots de servicio que está ganando una presencia significativa en las actividades de la vida diaria. En este contexto, la presente tesis desarrolla el diseño de MUQUI, un robot compañero de comunidad que forme parte de ella y comparta su cultura y tradiciones. Este trabajo se enfoca en la problemática técnica en el desarrollo de MUQUI, centrándose en los requerimientos y funciones que deben ser cubiertos en el diseño, haciendo énfasis en la estética e interacción. En el presente documento se describe a detalle el sistema mecánico y electrónico del robot planteado obteniendo un diseño que posee formas antropomórficas con movimiento de la cabeza, una pantalla para mostrar ojos que permitan comunicar emociones, un proyector en la cabeza para la emisión de imágenes y un sombrero distintivo para identificarlo con la comunidad a la que pertenece. Cuenta con brazos, los cuales mueve mientras habla para reforzar las ideas que busca transmitir y finalmente posee un sistema de locomoción en base a ruedas para desplazamiento. Las formas antropomórficas del robot son logradas a través de carcasas de plástico ABS elaboradas por impresión 3D, todas estas sujetas a una estructura interna formada por planchas de acero que soporta todos los componentes del robot. Con el fin de validar el diseño de la estructura se realiza una simulación por elementos finitos y se implementa y prueba el funcionamiento de la tarjeta que regula la distribución de energía a todo el robot. Con los resultados satisfactorios obtenidos, se puede concluir que se consigue un diseño satisfactorio de un robot proveedor de servicios capaz de desempeñarse como un narrador de cuentos de manera automática.Tesi

    Análise do papel dos defensivos agrícolas e a relação com a sustentabilidade / Analysis of the role of agricultural defensives and the relationship with sustainability

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    Em 2050, a estimativa é que o planeta atinja 9 bilhões de habitantes, com isso o aumento na produção agrícola será necessário, porém deve-se fazer sem afetar o meio ambiente e incorporando a este contexto a necessidade de utilização de biotecnologias e defensivos agrícolas nas plantas. Assim, o estudo tem como objetivo análisar o papel dos defensivos agrícolas e sua relação com a sustentabilidade, demonstrar o que é possível fazer para que sua presença não agrida os recursos naturais que estão escassos. O estudo é de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, na qual foram analisados o papel dos defensivos agrícolas em relação com a sustentabilidade e a coleta de dados secundários foi realizada através de sites. Verificou-se que o tema sustentabilidade está cada vez mais debatido e praticado pelas empresas, incluindo as do ramo de defensivos agrícolas, o crescimento econômico deve ser de forma controlada, com a necessidade de implementar ações nos pilares social, ambiental e econômico, inclusive nas diferentes formas de agricultura e também lidar com o impasse dos ambientalistas. Por fim, percebe-se que o uso de defensivos agrícolas nas lavouras vai continuar, por isso é necessário evitar as contaminações pelo seu uso excessivo ou irregular, é importante fazer com que os agricultores, juntamente com as empresas produtoras e fornecedoras destes produtos, busquem alternativas para fazer com que o produto a ser consumido chegue a mesa da população o mais saudável possível

    Copper-Arsenic-Sulfide Thin-Films from Local Raw Materials Deposited via RF Co-Sputtering for Photovoltaics

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    LA/P/0037/2020 DFA/BD/7882/2020The inexorable increase of energy demand and the efficiency bottleneck of monocrystalline silicon solar cell technology is promoting the research and development of alternative photovoltaic materials. Copper-arsenic-sulfide (CAS) compounds are still rather unexplored in the literature, yet they have been regarded as promising candidates for use as p-type absorber in solar cells, owing to their broad raw material availability, suitable bandgap and high absorption coefficient. Here, a comprehensive study is presented on the structural and optoelectronic properties of CAS thin-films deposited via radio-frequency magnetron co-sputtering, using a commercial Cu target together with a Cu-As-S target with material obtained from local resources, specifically from mines in the Portuguese region of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Raman and X-ray diffraction analysis confirm that the use of two targets results in films with pronounced stoichiometry gradients, suggesting a transition from amorphous CAS compounds to crystalline djurleite (Cu31S16), with the increasing proximity to the Cu target. Resistivity values from 4.7 mΩ·cm to 17.4 Ω·cm are obtained, being the lowest resistive films, those with pronounced sub-bandgap free-carrier absorption. The bandgap values range from 2.20 to 2.65 eV, indicating promising application as wide-bandgap semiconductors in third-generation (e.g., multi-junction) photovoltaic devices.publishersversionpublishe

    Colloidal lithography for photovoltaics: An attractive route for light management

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    DFA/BD/7882/2020The pursuit of ever‐more efficient, reliable, and affordable solar cells has pushed the development of nano/micro‐technological solutions capable of boosting photovoltaic (PV) performance without significantly increasing costs. One of the most relevant solutions is based on light management via photonic wavelength‐sized structures, as these enable pronounced efficiency improvements by reducing reflection and by trapping the light inside the devices. Furthermore, optimized microstructured coatings allow self‐cleaning functionality via effective water repulsion, which reduces the accumulation of dust and particles that cause shading. Nevertheless, when it comes to market deployment, nano/micro‐patterning strategies can only find application in the PV industry if their integration does not require high additional costs or delays in high‐throughput solar cell manufacturing. As such, colloidal lithography (CL) is considered the preferential structuring method for PV, as it is an inexpensive and highly scalable soft‐patterning technique allowing nanoscopic precision over indefinitely large areas. Tuning specific parameters, such as the size of colloids, shape, monodispersity, and final arrangement, CL enables the production of various templates/masks for different purposes and applications. This review intends to compile several recent high‐profile works on this subject and how they can influence the future of solar electricity.publishersversionpublishe

    Improvement of tensile properties by controlling the microstructure and crystallographic data in commercial pearlitic carbon-silicon steel via quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process

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    In the current research, a complex microstructure and crystallographic data were developed through quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process to improve tensile properties of commercial pearlitic carbon-silicon steel. Two-stage Q&P process, including full austenitization, quenching at 220 °C, followed by two different partitioning temperatures, was applied to the as-received specimen to generate a complex microstructure composed of tempered martensite, bainite, ultrafine carbides/martensite-austenite/retained austenite particles. Microstructure and crystallographic data were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), and X-ray diffraction techniques. Then, hardness and tensile properties were evaluated to confirm the improvement of mechanical properties. Dilatation-temperature curves exhibited the kinetics of martensitic and bainitic transformation during quenching and isothermal partitioning stages. The presence of nano-carbide particles inside athermal martensite was confirmed by electron microscopy due to the pre-formed martensite carbon depletion during the partitioning stage coupled with bainitic transformation. The formation of preferential atomic-compact direction in BCC (martensite/bainite) plates characterized by EBSD, could enhance ductility by providing adequate slip systems. Point-to-point misorientation analyses demonstrated a slight dominance of low angle boundaries proportion in bainitic dominance structure in Q&P-220-375 specimen, which could be used in phase characterization. Results revealed that the development of nanoscale carbide dispersed in refined bainite/martensite matrix boosted the yield and ultimate tensile strength by over 100% and 110% compared to the initial pearlitic microstructure. However, ductility reduced to half value in Q&P-220-325 and Q&P-220-375 specimens.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Soft-Microstructured Transparent Electrodes for Photonic-Enhanced Flexible Solar Cells

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    H2020-LCE-2017-RES-RIA DFA/BD/7882/2020Microstructured transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) have shown great potential as photonic electrodes in photovoltaic (PV) applications, providing both optical and electrical improvements in the solar cells’ performance due to: (1) strong light trapping effects that enhance broadband light absorption in PV material and (2) the reduced sheet resistance of the front illuminated contact. This work developed a method for the fabrication and optimization of wavelength-sized indium zinc oxide (IZO) microstructures, which were soft-patterned on flexible indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) substrates via a simple, low-cost, versatile, and highly scalable colloidal lithography process. Using this method, the ITO-coated PET substrates patterned with IZO micro-meshes provided improved transparent electrodes endowed with strong light interaction effects—namely, a pronounced light scattering performance (diffuse transmittance up to ~50%). In addition, the photonic-structured IZO mesh allowed a higher volume of TCO material in the electrode while maintaining the desired transparency, which led to a sheet resistance reduction (by ~30%), thereby providing further electrical benefits due to the improvement of the contact conductance. The results reported herein pave the way for a new class of photonic transparent electrodes endowed with mechanical flexibility that offer strong potential not only as advanced front contacts for thin-film bendable solar cells but also for a much broader range of optoelectronic applications.publishersversionpublishe

    Self-Cleaned Photonic-Enhanced Solar Cells with Nanostructured Parylene-C

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    Foundation for Science and Technology. Grant Number: UID/CTM/50025/2019 SuperSolar. Grant Number: PTDC/NAN-OPT/28430/2017 TACIT. Grant Number: PTDC/NAN-OPT/28837/2017 LocalEnergy. Grant Number: PTDC/EAM-PEC/29905/2017 FCT. Grant Number: SFRH/BD/148078/2019Photonic front-coatings with self-cleaning properties are presented as means to enhance the efficiency and outdoor performance of thin-film solar cells, via optical enhancement while simultaneously minimizing soiling-related losses. This is achieved by structuring parylene-C transparent encapsulants using a low-cost and highly-scalable colloidal-lithography methodology. As a result, superhydrophobic surfaces with broadband light-trapping properties are developed. The optimized parylene coatings show remarkably high water contact angles of up to 165.6° and extremely low adhesion, allowing effective surface self-cleaning. The controlled nano/micro-structuring of the surface features also generates strong anti-reflection and light scattering effects, corroborated by numeric electromagnetic modeling, which lead to pronounced photocurrent enhancement along the UV–vis–IR range. The impact of these photonic-structured encapsulants is demonstrated on nanocrystalline silicon solar cells, that show short-circuit current density gains of up to 23.6%, relative to planar reference cells. Furthermore, the improvement of the devices' angular response enables an enhancement of up to 35.2% in the average daily power generation.authorsversionpublishe