17 research outputs found

    Influence of Shoe Mass on Performance and Running Economy in Trained Runners

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the effects of adding shoe mass on running economy (RE), gait characteristics, neuromuscular variables and performance in a group of trained runners. Methods Eleven trained runners (6 men and 5 women) completed four evaluation sessions separated by at least 7 days. The first session consisted of a maximal incremental test where the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) and the speed associated to the VO2max(vVO(2max)) were calculated. In the next sessions, RE at 75, 85, and 95% of the VT(2)and the time to exhaustion (TTE) at vVO(2max)were assessed in three different shoe mass conditions (control, +50 g and +100 g) in a randomized, counterbalanced crossover design. Biomechanical and neuromuscular variables, blood lactate and energy expenditure were measured during the TTE test. Results RE worsened with the increment of shoe mass (Control vs. 100 g) at 85% (7.40%, 4.409 +/- 0.29 and 4.735 +/- 0.27 kJ.kg(-1).km(-1),p= 0.021) and 95% (10.21%, 4.298 +/- 0.24 and 4.737 +/- 0.45 kJ.kg(-1).km(-1),p= 0.005) of VT2. HR significantly increased with the addition of mass (50 g) at 75% of VT2(p= 0.01) and at 75, 85, and 95% of VT2(p= 0.035, 0.03, and 0.03, respectively) with the addition of 100 g. TTE was significantly longer (similar to 22%, similar to 42 s,p= 0.002,ES= 0.149) in the Control condition vs. 100 g condition, but not between Control vs. 50 g (similar to 24 s,p= 0.094,ES= 0.068). Conclusion Overall, our findings suggest that adding 100 g per shoe impairs running economy and performance in trained runners without changes in gait characteristics or neuromuscular variables. These findings further support the use of light footwear to optimize running performance

    Influence of advanced shoe technology on the top 100 annual performances in men's marathon from 2015 to 2019.

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    [EN]The NIKE Vaporfly shoe was introduced in May 2017 as part of the original #Breaking2 Project (an event aimed to run the first marathon under 2h). This new advanced shoe technology (NAST) changed the footwear design conception. The aim of this study was (i) to analyse the effect of NAST in men's marathon performance, (ii) to analyse whether the changes in the environmental constraints (temperature and wind) and orography of the marathons, age and birthplace of the runners has changed from 2015 to 2019 and (iii) to analyse the impact of NAST on the historical 50 best performances. Data from top-100 men's marathon performances were collected in that timeframe. The shoes used by the athletes were identified (in 91.8% of the cases) by publicly available photographs. External and environmental conditions of each marathon and age and birthplace of the runners were also analysed. Marathon performances improved from 2017 onwards between 0.75 and 1.50% compared to 2015 and 2016 (p<0.05). In addition, the improvement was greater in the upper deciles than in the lower ones (p<0.001). Runners wearing NAST ran~1% faster in marathon compared to runners that did not use it (p<0.001). When conducting an individual analysis of athletes who ran with and without NAST, 72.5% of the athletes who completed a marathon wearing NAST improved their performance by 0.68% (p<0.01). External and environmental conditions, age or birthplace of runners seems not to have influenced this performance improvement. NAST has had a clear impact on marathon performance unchanged in the environmental constraints (temperature and wind), orography, age, and birthplace of the runners but with differences between venues.This work was financed by groups grants from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. Research Group: Grupo de Investigación Rendimiento Deportivo (GIRD)

    Issues Number 12. Journal of the Center for Research in Social Sciences, Education and Arts

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    En el pasado Encuentro Académico de Facultades de Comunicación Social organizado por AFACOM, el profesor Jesús Martín-Barbero nos invitaba a trascender el. "Encuentro de Teorías" en favor de un encuentro con el País. Es que hay tiempo para todo y en la coyuntura actual, de exaltación de la violencia, de corrupción política y administrativa, de economía angustiante y desbocada, urge revisar las responsabilidades que como comunicadores nos competen. Si la teoría no nos es de utilidad para comprender y transformar la vida, carece de sentido promoverla.Comunicación en tiempos de crisis Comunicación y gestión, un llamado para superar la desarticulación Palabras y comunicación El juego con las palabras: Pasión, razón y creación Sin interacción no hay contexto Desde la estética Hacia una nueva pedagogía Escríbir ensayos u ordenar la cabeza La lectura de textos como producción de sentido Música: ¿Sublime contaminación?In the last Academic Meeting of Faculties of Social Communication organized by AFACOM, Professor Jesús Martín-Barbero invited us to transcend the. "Encounter of Theories" in favor of an encounter with the Country. It is that there is time for everything and in the current situation, of exaltation of violence, political and administrative corruption, of distressing and runaway economy, it is urgent to review the responsibilities that we as communicators are responsible for. If the theory is not useful to us to understand and transform life, there is no point in promoting it

    Effectiveness and safety of the bevacizumab and erlotinib combination versus erlotinib alone in EGFR mutant metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BackgroundThe EGFR gene encodes a protein that stimulates molecular pathways that allow the growth and development of the tumor microenvironment. The current preferred tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) for the first-line treatment of EGFRm metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is osimertinib. However, the combination of angiogenesis inhibitors and TKI has produced discordant results. We aimed to assess the effects of the bevacizumab and erlotinib combination in EGFRm metastatic NSCLC.MethodsUsing eligibility criteria focused on patients with EGFRm metastatic NSCLC treated with bevacizumab and erlotinib, we searched databases including clinical trial randomized studies and reviews published until April 15, 2023 in Medline (PubMed), Scopus, and Embase. Eight clinical trials (1,052 patients) were selected from 1,343 articles for quantitative and qualitative assessment. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Data were synthesized through random-effects meta-analysis.ResultsThe bevacizumab and erlotinib combination significantly improved the progression-free survival (PFS) (log(HR) = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.54–0.73, p &lt; 0.001) and overall response ratio (ORR) (RR = 0.79; 95% CI, 0.64–0.97, p = 0.03). However, it did not improve the overall survival (log(HR) = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.78–1.10, p = 0.38) and was associated with higher serious adverse events (SAEs) (OR = 3.48; 95% CI, 1.76–6.88, p = 0.005). A subgroup analysis suggested similar benefits in different mutation subtypes and brain metastasis condition. The evidence is limited by a moderate risk of bias across studies and heterogeneity in the reporting of SAEs.ConclusionsThe bevacizumab and erlotinib combination significantly improved PFS and ORR in EGFRm metastatic NSCLC but were also associated with higher-grade (≥3) adverse events. These results suggest that while the combination therapy may enhance progression-free survival and overall response, it does not improve the overall survival and is associated with higher toxicity. Thus, the treatment should be personalized based on individual patient comorbidities. Further prospective trials are needed to validate these results.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/#searchadvanced, identifier CDR 42022364692

    1er. Coloquio de educación para el diseño en la sociedad 5.0

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    Las memorias del 1er. Coloquio de Educación para el Diseño en la Sociedad 5.0 debenser entendidas como un esfuerzo colectivo de la comunidad de académicos de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, que pone de manifiesto los retos y oportunidades que enfrenta la educación en diseño en un contexto de cambio acelerado y rompimiento de paradigmas.El evento se realizó el pasado mes de mayo de 2018 y se recibieron más de 50 ponencias por parte de las profesoras y profesores de la División.Las experiencias y/o propuestas innovadoras en cuanto a procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que presentan los autores en cada uno de sus textos son una invitación a reflexionar sobre nuestra situación actual en la materia, y emprender acciones en la División para continuar brindando una educación de calidad en diseño a nuestras alumnas, alumnos y la sociedad.Adicionalmente, se organizaron tres conferencias magistrales sobre la situación actual de la educación en Diseño y de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, impartidas por el Mtro. Luis Sarale, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en Mendoza (Argentina), y Presidente en su momento, de la Red de Carreras de Diseño en Universidades Públicas Latinoamericanas (DISUR), el Dr. Romualdo López Zárate, Rector de la Unidad Azcapotzalco, así como del Mtro. Luis Antonio Rivera Díaz, Jefe de Departamento de Teoría y Procesos del Diseño de la División de la Ciencias de la Comunicación y Diseño, en la Unidad Cuajimalpa de nuestra institución.La publicación de estas memorias son un esfuerzo divisional, organizado desde la Coordinación de Docencia Divisional y la Coordinación de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, del Conocimiento y la Comunicación, para contribuir a los objetivos planteados en el documento ACCIONES:Agenda CyAD2021, en particular al eje de Innovación Educativa. Es necesario impulsar a todos los niveles de la División espacios de discusión orientados a reflexionar sobre el presente y futuro en la educación del diseñador, que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de la docencia y favorezca al fortalecimiento de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Finalmente, extiendo un amplio reconocimiento a todos los miembros de la División que hicieron posible este evento, así como a todos los ponentes y participantes por compartir su conocimiento para que la División sea cada día mejor

    Reverse Periodization for Improving Sports Performance:A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Reverse periodization is commonly touted as a salient planning strategy to improve sport performance in athletes, but benefits have not been clearly described. OBJECTIVES: We sought to identify the main characteristics of reverse periodization, and the influence of training volume and periodization models on enhancing physiological measures and sports performance. DESIGN: Systematic review. METHODS: The electronic databases Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science were searched using a comprehensive list of relevant terms. RESULTS: A total of 925 studies were identified, and after removal of duplicates and studies based on title and abstract screening, 17 studies remained, and 11 finally included in the systematic review. There was a total of 200 athletes in the included studies. Reverse periodization does not provide superior performance improvements in swimming, running, muscular endurance, maximum strength, or maximal oxygen uptake, compared to traditional or block periodization. The quality of evidence levels for the reverse periodization studies was 1b (individual randomized controlled trial) for two investigations, 2b (individual cohort study) for the remaining studies and a mean of 4.9 points in the PEDro scale (range 0–7). CONCLUSIONS: It appears that reverse periodization is no more effective than other forms of periodization in improving sports performance. More comparative studies on this alternative version of periodization are required to verify its effectiveness and utility across a range of endurance sports

    Inteligencia emocional y su relación en el consumo de alcohol en universitarios mexicanos

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    Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol en jóvenes universitarios. Método: diseño descriptivo, transversal y correlacional, muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia con una muestra de 365 estudiantes de una institución pública de educación superior en el periodo 2021-2022, en H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México, se utilizó estadística descriptiva y correlacional. Resultados: el género femenino fue mayor (76.7%), con un rango de edad de 18 a 24 años, donde la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol en la vida fue de 77% y la edad de primer consumo se ubicó entre 15 y 18 años (56.4%). El consumo lapsico fue en el último año 38.8%. Las dimensiones inteligencia emocional de atención de los sentimientos y reparación de emociones presentaron en ambos géneros valores similares, en su mayoría un nivel adecuado y excelente. La correlación en mujeres entre edad de consumo de alcohol y las dimensiones la inteligencia emocional, fue significativa e inversa. Conclusión: los estudiantes presentan altas prevalencias de consumo y inteligencia emocional, se encontró que para el género masculino la claridad emocional requiere estrategias que permitan mejorarla

    DataSheet_1_Effectiveness and safety of the bevacizumab and erlotinib combination versus erlotinib alone in EGFR mutant metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis.docx

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    BackgroundThe EGFR gene encodes a protein that stimulates molecular pathways that allow the growth and development of the tumor microenvironment. The current preferred tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) for the first-line treatment of EGFRm metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is osimertinib. However, the combination of angiogenesis inhibitors and TKI has produced discordant results. We aimed to assess the effects of the bevacizumab and erlotinib combination in EGFRm metastatic NSCLC.MethodsUsing eligibility criteria focused on patients with EGFRm metastatic NSCLC treated with bevacizumab and erlotinib, we searched databases including clinical trial randomized studies and reviews published until April 15, 2023 in Medline (PubMed), Scopus, and Embase. Eight clinical trials (1,052 patients) were selected from 1,343 articles for quantitative and qualitative assessment. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Data were synthesized through random-effects meta-analysis.ResultsThe bevacizumab and erlotinib combination significantly improved the progression-free survival (PFS) (log(HR) = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.54–0.73, p ConclusionsThe bevacizumab and erlotinib combination significantly improved PFS and ORR in EGFRm metastatic NSCLC but were also associated with higher-grade (≥3) adverse events. These results suggest that while the combination therapy may enhance progression-free survival and overall response, it does not improve the overall survival and is associated with higher toxicity. Thus, the treatment should be personalized based on individual patient comorbidities. Further prospective trials are needed to validate these results.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/#searchadvanced, identifier CDR 42022364692.</p

    Late Pleistocene leopards as a bone accumulator: taphonomic results from S’Espasa cave and other Iberian key sites

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    The Pleistocene faunal accumulations documented in caves have commonly been attributed to the activity of humans or carnivores. According to the palaeontological and archaeological literature, cave hyena (Crocuta spelaea) was the main known bone accumulator in karstic environments. However, in recent times, the role of leopards as bone accumulators has been revealed, and recent research has identified this behaviour in the Iberian Pleistocene. Moreover, there are other caves where leopard could have been claimed as an accumulator such as S’Espasa. In this work we present its taphonomic study. This cave was compared with the actualistic studies of leopards. Besides, the site of S’Espasa was compared with the other leopard dens in the Iberian Peninsula. These sites present faunal assemblages composed mainly by leopard (Panthera pardus) and Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica), the bones of this ungulate present a similar pattern of bone modification by carnivores, skeletal survival rate, and bone breakage. These features indicate that goats could have been accumulated by leopards. With the data from this work and the previous ones, we try to establish a pattern that will help in the future to identify other accumulations created by this big cat.Fil: Sauqué Latas, Víctor. Universidad de Zaragoza; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Sanchis, Alfred. Museu de Prehistòria de València; EspañaFil: Madurell Malapeira, Joan. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ