309 research outputs found

    Uma perspectiva sobre o equilíbrio entre o valor intangível e o financeiro do design

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    En un contexto local, se percibe la necesidad de identificación de cuáles son los valores del diseño sin tener que recurrir solamente a la percepción de los profesionales como habitualmente venía haciéndose, surge la necesidad de la constitución de uno Observatorio de Mercado, como una estrategia de las instituciones de enseñanza, que de entre otros objetivos se direcciona hacia la identificación y unificación de la relación entre los valores intangibles del diseño y la percepción de su valor financiero

    Metodologia de criação aplicada na proposta de ensino/aprendizagem como forma de aproximação do egresso ao mercado

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    Una clase del curso de Diseño Gráfico fue dividida en seis grupos de alumnos para realizar el trabajo interdisciplinario del segundo módulo. Un cliente describía las necesidades para un proyecto de identidad visual y señalética para el tercer sector. Cada grupo, sigilosamente, desarrolló su material con base en metodología de creación de proyectos. Este artículo relata la experiencia del trabajo interdisciplinario en la disciplina, y los resultados del proceso de aprendizaje de la creación de un proyecto de identidad visual y señalética para el tercer sector

    A questão da complexidade na constituição da percepção de valores no design

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    Para se alcançar a percepção real dos valores do design dentro da realidade do mercado local da cidade de Belo Horizonte há de singrar as realidades das Tabelas de Referências de Valores constituídas para outros mercados, perpassando pela montagem da tradicional Composição de Preço, assim como pela Escala que contextualiza a proposição da solução0, e por fim, se propõe adicionar a essa equação a Complexidade que se exige ao designer. Com isso, além de formatar uma nova percepção de Tabela de Referências de Valores do design para a realidade local se constituirá uma metodologia para que se parametrize o valor do design na realidade contemporânea

    The theory of social representations and quality of life\hiv\aids: integrative literature review

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    Objective: to draw the profile of scientific productions developed with the theory of social representations that address the quality of life in the context of people living with HIV/ aids. Method: integrative literature review in 2014 in virtual portals of Capes, Bireme, Bdenf, USP, UFRJ and UERJ. Results: three publications were found available in full online, a summary of a monograph and a thesis in print form and area studies was the predominance of social psychology. Conclusion: it is concluded that the bio-psychosocial consequences leads us to consider the influence of aids on the quality of life and its power of social representation will be built in a newer representation anchored in pre-existing representation of aids

    Aspectos subjetivos da imagem corporal em mulheres com fibromialgia

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    Introduction: Body image refers to the figuration of the body in the mind, has a strong experiential component, and is permeated by subjective aspects. Objective: To analyze the subjective aspects of body image in women with fibromyalgia. Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study. Participants were 16 women with a confirmed diagnosis for at least six months. The instrument used was the Human Figure Drawing (HFD), a projective technique for the exclusive useof psychologists, following the procedures established in the specialized literature. The examination of the material was carried out independently by two expert evaluators, who usedmeaning attribution criteria established in classic publications in psychological evaluation.   Results: The following indicators in the participants’ drawings were highlighted: medium thickness and continuous line, small size, location in the fourth quadrant, presence of reinforcements and representations of joints, figures with static body posture, and simplified facial features. These indicators were interpreted as signs suggestive of passivity, insecurity, inhibition, feeling of inferiority, conflicts regarding difficulties in contact, propensity to take refuge in fantasy, idealization, regression, and attempts at omnipotent control, psychic rigidity, and devitalization. Therefore, the body image of the participants seemed to bedetermined by mental representations that include the body, but are not restricted to their biological dimensions or the physical limitations resulting from the symptomatic manifestations offibromyalgia. Conclusion: The participants’ body image had an inherently negative value since it was subjectively shaped by internalized and unconscious unfavorable concepts about themselves.Introdução: A imagem corporal se refere à figuração do corpo na mente, possui uma forte vertente experiencial e é perpassada por aspectos subjetivos. Objetivo: Analisar aspectos subjetivos da imagem corporal em mulheres com fibromialgia. Método: Trata-se de um estudo observacional de corte transversal. Participaram 16 mulheres com diagnóstico confirmado havia, no mínimo, seis meses. O instrumento empregado foi o Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), técnica projetiva de uso exclusivo de psicólogos, seguindo osprocedimentos estabelecidos na literatura especializada. O exame do material foi realizado de maneira independente por dois avaliadores especialistas, que utilizaram critérios de atribuição de significados estabelecidos em publicações clássicas da área de avaliação psicológica.   Resultados: Destacou-se a ocorrência dos seguintes indicadores nos desenhos das participantes: traço médio e contínuo, tamanho pequeno, localização no quarto quadrante, presença de reforços e representações de articulações, figuras com postura corporal estática e traços faciais simplificados. Esses indicadores foram interpretados como sinais sugestivos de passividade, insegurança, inibição, sentimento de inferioridade, conflitos relativos a dificuldades de contato, propensão ao refúgio na fantasia, à idealização, à regressão e a tentativas de controle onipotente, rigidez psíquica e desvitalização. Portanto, a imagem corporal das participantes parece ser determinada por representações mentais que incluem o corpo, mas não se restringem às suas dimensões biológicas ou às limitações físicas decorrentes das manifestações sintomáticas da fibromialgia. Conclusão: A imagem corporal das participantes apresenta uma valência essencialmente negativa, uma vez que é moldada subjetivamente por concepções internalizadas e inconscientes pouco favoráveis sobre si mesmas

    Trigeminal Schwannomas

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    Trigeminal schwannomas (TS) are rare entities occurring in various trigeminal nerve locations and present a peak incidence between the fourth and fifth decades of life, being more common in women. Patients usually present with symptoms of trigeminal nerve dysfunction. Depending on the tumor’s topography, various approaches might be used to obtain its gross total resection. Trigeminal schwannoma’s classification, nuances of the approaches, pathology, postoperative care, and outcomes are revised as follows. In conclusion, anatomical knowledge and the disease’s comprehension are essential when dealing with such lesions, and despite their rarity, we must be obstinately committed to the surgical technique and devoted to the patient’s functional postoperative outcome

    Long-term fracture load of all-ceramic crowns : effects of veneering ceramic thickness, application techniques, and cooling protocol

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    To evaluate, in vitro, the effects of the cooling protocol, application technique, and veneering ceramic thickness on the fracture resistance of ceramic crowns with Y-TZP frameworks. 80 frameworks were made from zirconia by the CAD/CAM technique and divided into 8 groups (n = 10) according to the factors: ?application technique? (stratified-L and pressed -P), ?thickness? (1 mm and 2 mm), and ?cooling protocol? (slow-S and fast-F) of the feldspathic veneering ceramic. After, all crowns were cemented over G10 preparations with resin cement (Panavia F, Kuraray), mechanically cycled (2x106 cycles, 200 N, 3Hz), and subjected to the axial compression resistance test (0.5 mm/min, 10 kN). The data (N) underwent descriptive statistical analysis by 3-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test (5%). Fracture analysis was performed to determine the possible origin of failure. The factors ?cooling protocol? (P=0.0058) and ?application? technique (P=0.0001) influenced the fracture resistance of the crowns. For pressed veneer technique, the P2S (4608.9±464.5). A presented significantly higher results than that P2F(3621.1±523.0)BCD (Tukey?s test). For the stratified technique, this difference was not observed (P>0.05). The thickness of the veneering ceramic was not significant regardless of the cooling protocol and technique (P>0.05). The predominant failure mode was chipping of the ceramic veneer originating in the subsurface. The pressed technique, used with a slow-cooling protocol, leads to the best outcome for the veneering of all-ceramic crowns

    Characterization of PVDF/HAP composites for medical applications

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    Biomaterials (composites and blends) play a major role in the health of modern society. This paper reports on the preparation and characterization of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and hydroxyapatite (HAP) composites, analyzing the incorporation of HAP in PVDF and investigating their mechanical properties and cytotoxicity (biocompatibility) for use in bone restoration and filling. The material was prepared in film form by the casting method. PVDF pellets were dissolved in dimethylacetamide (DMA), a HAP/DMA emulsion was prepared. The materials were mixed in proportions of 100/00, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, 30/70 in weight and left to dry in an oven, resulting in homogeneous, flexible films which were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X ray diffractometry (XRD), contact angle measurement, and by mechanical and cytotoxicity tests.247251Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Análise ergonômica de uma banqueta de bar

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    O presente estudo consiste em avaliar ergonomicamente o design de uma banqueta de bar, verificando o grau de percepção de conforto do usuário na utilização e na apresentação visual do produto. Para elaboração deste estudo, foi utilizado um modelo de banqueta com estilo retrô, disponível no mercado em duas apresentações formais: com e sem o encosto ou apoio lombar. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise postural de situações de uso em laboratório e a aplicação de questionários dirigidos aos usuários, buscando verificar a influência da presença do apoio lombar, no conforto percebido por seu usuário. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo possibilitam que, tanto o fabricante, quanto o usuário ou potencial comprador do modelo estudado, possam identificar qual o nível de valor que o apoio lombar pode agregar ao produto.Palavras chave: Antropometria - Banqueta de ba

    Prevalence of dengue, Zika and chikungunya viruses in Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in a medium-sized city, Amazon, Brazil

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    Aedes aegypti is associated with epidemic diseases in Brazil, such as urban yellow fever, dengue, and more recently, chikungunya and Zika viruses infections. More information about Ae. aegypti infestation is fundamental to virological surveillance in order to ensure the effectiveness of control measures in use. Thus, the present study aims to identify and compare infestation and infectivity of Ae. aegypti females in Macapa city, Amapa State (Amazon region), Brazil, between the epidemiological weeks 2017/02 and 2018/20. A total number of 303 Ae. aegypti females were collected at 21 fixed collection points, 171 at the 10 collection points in the Marabaixo neighborhood and 132 at the 11 collection points in the Central neighborhood. Among the collected samples, only two were positive for dengue virus, with a 2.08% (2/96 pools) infectivity rate for Marabaixo. The difference between the medians of Ae. aegypti females captured in Central and Marabaixo sites was not statistically significant. The findings indicate similar mosquito infestation levels between the neighborhoods, and a low-level of mosquito infectivity, although dengue virus was found only in Marabaixo. Virological surveillance of Ae. aegypti was important to identify sites of infection and determine possible routes of transmission to enable health surveillance teams to adopt preventive strategies where infected mosquitoes are present and act faster
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