4,162 research outputs found

    The social cause advertising creativity: Values and confidence. The advertising discourses in crisis

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    El objeto de este trabajo viene determinado por la importancia que suscitan los temas sociales en una sociedad en crisis como la que tenemos en la actualidad. La comunicación publicitaria española no está siendo ajena a este uso de las causas sociales. La finalidad de este trabajo es comprobar la utilización de estas causas sociales, identificarlas y clasificarlas atendiendo a diferentes criterios: temas, emisores y rentabilidad económica directa. Esta investigación se incluye en los estudios de los contenidos de los medios de comunicación. Para llevar a cabo el análisis se ha analizado un corpus significativo de anuncios publicitarios gráficos y audiovisuales de los años comprendidos entre 2004 a 2011. Los resultados de la investigación realizada muestran que el uso de las causas sociales están siendo cada vez más utilizadas por la publicidad española y que van aumentando progresivamente las temáticas pertenecientes a más parcelas de la realidad social. Así, la publicidad con causa social se convierte en una herramienta eficaz capaz de generar confianza y compromiso para plantar cara a la crisis y poder abrir nuevos horizontes de desarrollo que contribuyan a la creación de una nueva realidad.This project’s aim is determined by the importance of social issues in a society that is going through a crisis such as the present one. Spanish advertising communication is not being unaware of this use of social causes. The aim of this project is to check the use of these social causes, identify them and classify them regarding different criteria: topics, speaker and direct economic profitability. This research is included in the studies of the media’s contents. In order to carry out the analysis, a significant corpus of the graphic and audio-visual advertisements between the years 2004 and 2011 has been analysed. The research’s results show that the use of the social causes are becoming more and more used by Spanish advertising. They also show that the topics related to social reality are increasing gradually. Thus, advertising with a social cause becomes an efficient tool which is capable of generating trust and commitment in order to face the crisis and be able to open new development goals that may contribute to the creation of a new reality

    Firm resources and capabilities and their impact on sustainability: the case of IKEA

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses i Dret. Codi: DA0249. Curs 2022/202

    ‘Is voice inevitable in written texts?’ Animate agents followed by active verbs as writers’ (de)voicing mechanisms in knowledge dissemination practices

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    Writers’ identity (Ivanic, 1998) and positioning in written text have been studied under multiple terms. However, a clearer distinction should be made between writers’ positioning (Hyland, 2005a) and writers’ presence or voice (John, 2005). This paper explores how disseminators and specialised writers adapt or mediate the voice of the researchers and writers of medical research articles (Med-RAs) in the corresponding medical popularizations published on-line (Med-E-Pops). By manually scanning a self-compiled corpus of 40 Med-RAs and their 40 Med-E-Pops published in digital sources, it will be shown how evidence of the most personal authorial voice used in research articles, self-mentions, are adapted in the Med-E-Pops texts using other (de)voicing mechanisms. Results from the data-driven analysis show that whereas Med-RAs researchers claim their authorship, knowledge and prestige, Med-E-Pops writers make their own voice negligible to guide the readers’ attention back to the Med-RAs writers’ presence. Med-E-Pops writers ratify Med-RAs writers’ agency creating trustworthy texts for the audience

    Pax1 and Pax9 activate Bapx1 to induce chondrogenic differentiation in the sclerotome.

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    We have previously shown that the paired-box transcription factors Pax1 and Pax9 synergistically act in the proper formation of the vertebral column. Nevertheless, downstream events of the Pax1/Pax9 action and their target genes remain to be elucidated. We show, by analyzing Pax1;Pax9 double mutant mice, that expression of Bapx1 in the sclerotome requires the presence of Pax1 and Pax9, in a gene dose-dependent manner. By using a retroviral system to overexpress Pax1 in chick presomitic mesoderm explants, we show that Pax1 can substitute for Shh in inducing Bapx1 expression and in initiating chondrogenic differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Pax1 and Pax9 can transactivate regulatory sequences in the Bapx1 promoter and that they physically interact with the Bapx1 promoter region. These results strongly suggest that Bapx1 is a direct target of Pax1 and Pax9. Together, we conclude that Pax1 and Pax9 are required and sufficient for the chondrogenic differentiation of sclerotomal cells

    Attitudes and Discourse: Spanish Practitioners' and Undergraduates' Survey Results

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    The emergence of English as the international language of communication has increased the attention and concern given its teaching and learning. This survey-based study explores the attitudes of Spanish practitioners and undergraduate students towards English as the vehicular language in the field of medicine and towards Medical Electronic Popularizations as an alternative to medical research articles. The survey results point out that these subjects’ perception of English as the vehicle of communication in the medical field and their conceptualization of medical electronic popularizations are positive. Pedagogical implications can be drawn from this study since it confirms our students’ awareness of the use of English and the new-born genres or communication channels

    Una reflexión sobre el canon literario y la traducción: el caso de España a finales de los 90 y comienzos de 2000

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    The term Literary Canon has always been a complex issue to describe. The debate that this fact origins affects either the editorial market and higher education. In this exploratory reflection, based on the literary market observation in the last ten years, a lot of parameters are questioned. I question from the personal criteria that lead somebody to gather an anthology to the relation between canon and power. Fowler, Evan-Zohar, Sullà and Reyes, among others, have presented different approaches to the possible structure of Literary Canon: Dynamic, hierarchic, primary, secondary, etc. Nonetheless, there are neither sources nor academics that openly claim if there is a known identity that establish the Canon under political, social, cultural or globalisation factors. Though, it is generally conveyed that the quality of a work is measured according to the number of languages to which it has been translated.El concepto de Canon literario siempre ha sido una cuestión compleja. El debate que origina afecta tanto al mercado literario, y por tanto editorial, como a la educación de los estudiantes españoles (en este caso). En esta breve reflexión, basada en la observación del mercado literario de los últimos diez años, se plantean desde los criterios personales que llevan a elaborar una antología literaria hasta la relación entre poder y el canon literario. Fowler, Evan-Zohar, Sullà, Reyes (entre otros escritores) han planteado distintos modelos que definen la posible estructura del canon literario: dinámica, jerarquizada, primaria, secundaria, etc. Sin embargo, ninguna fuente o académico puede identificar con claridad si tras la identidad que establece el canon podemos encontrar factores políticos, sociales, globalizantes o culturales. Pese a ello, se sigue creyendo, a nivel general, que la calidad de una obra literaria se puede medir según el número de lenguas al cual se traduce dicha obra

    Raising awareness around writers' voice in academic discourse : an analysis of writers' (in)visibility

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    This paper aims to contribute to the study of the concept of writer's visibility inspired by approaches to the analysis of identity in written discourse (see Ivanic 1998, Charles 1999 and John 2005). The way medical academic writers selfrepresent themselves in their research articles can be seen in terms of a gradable visibility cline crafted and constrained by the academic genre expectations of these texts (Swales and Feak 2004; Stock and Eik-Nes 2016). Traditionally, authorial visibility has been studied within frameworks such as evaluation, authorial voice and stance. Still, there is no framework as yet been proposed that binds together possible textual realisations that can be considered as visibility features in academic written texts. This paper conducts a study of 40 medical research articles that reveal different manifestations of the authors' presence. A cline is proposed that encompasses different lexico-grammatical realisations such as self-mentions, passive constructions and non-animated subjects followed by active verbs. These features can be interpreted as authorial voice realisations that allow us to measure or grade writers' visibility and its rhetorical implication in the text

    Assisting language learning with new technologies: A case of Spanish degrees facing European educational change process

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    One of the biggest challenges European countries have lately faced is The Bologna Process which consists of a series of ministerial agreements between European countries designed to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher education qualifications. The resulting European Higher Education Area (EHEA) propelled a sudden implementation of a new organizational approach into the Spanish academic system in 2008. This paper traces the evolution of lectures in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) over three semesters in this changing teaching environment in the Health Science and Medicine Faculties of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). The aim of this paper is to assess the value, among students, of the use of social media and virtual tools in a strictly academic context. The implementation of change in instructional design was necessary due to the limitations in the existing teaching practices. Consequently, the teacher’s and students’ experiences over each of the three semesters led to the implementation of Microsoft MSN Messenger, a course blog and a Facebook profile. Data from this contribution to action research suggest that students’ opinions and perceptions of the use of personally oriented technology in the language learning process were positive in my university academic context

    Creatividad y nuevas tecnologías: Las claves de la cultura emprendedora. El papel de la universidad en la formación de intelectuales con espíritu emprendedor

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    Vivimos en una sociedad azotada por una fuerte depresión económica y, lo que es más preocupante, una crisis de ideas y valores. Las respuestas tomadas desde los poderes públicos a esta situación, como recortes o contención, no han servido para resolver los problemas sino para poner en jaque la idea de un estado del bienestar, de naturaleza social, que trata de mitigar las desigualdades entre sus ciudadanos. Precisamente por este motivo se hace necesario buscar una solución más compleja y a largo plazo. Una estrategia que apueste de forma decidida y sin complejos por la educación, la investigación y la creatividad como ejes vertebradores de las diferentes políticas de recuperación. Una nueva universidad que tenga como fin principal formar ciudadanos con competencias intra e interpersonales, partícipes de una cultura emprendedora que permita dar respuestas a los problemas actuales y a los nuevos que se presentarán en el futuro. Nuevos modelos que generen ideas creativas e innovadoras encaminadas a la creación de empleo de calidad, incrementen el bienestar de los ciudadanos, ampliando sus espacios de participación activa, de comunicación y expresión, y construyendo una sociedad más equilibrada, presidida por la idea de justicia social, donde cobren importancia los valores del compromiso emocional, racional y ético, y que gestione la diversidad como una fuente de riqueza.We live in a society plagued by a severe economic depression and, more worryingly, a crisis of ideas and values. Answers taken from the public authorities to this situation, as cuts or containment, have failed to solve the problems but to jeopardize the idea of a welfare state, social nature, which seeks to mitigate inequalities among its citizens. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to seek a more complex and long-term solution. A strategy to bet decisively without complex for education, research and creativity as backbones of the different recovery policies. A new university that has as main purpose to educate citizens intra and interpersonal skills, participants in an entrepreneurial culture that allows to respond to current and new problems that arise in the future. New models that generate creative and innovative aimed at creating quality employment ideas, increase the welfare of citizens, expanding their areas of active participation, communication and expression, and building a more balanced society, dominated by the idea of social justice where gain importance values emotional, rational and ethical commitment, and to manage diversity as a source of wealth

    Osteogenesis Imperfecta with Celiac Disease and Type II Diabetes Mellitus Associated: Improvement with a Gluten-Free Diet

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease, with a connective tissue alteration, consisting in the presence of multiple spontaneous fractures or after minimal traumatism. Its association with other metabolic processes is rarely described. We present the clinical case of a female adult patient of 43 years. From her infancy, she has had multiple fractures, needing several surgical interventions, and she was diagnosed of OI type 2 at adolescence age. Due mainly to difficulties in walking remaining in wheel-chair in the last three years, she was overweight with morbid obesity (BMI = 45.4) and had a type-II DM associated. She suffered from recurrent abdominal pain and chronic diarrhea and was diagnosed of celiac disease (CD) with increased intraepithelial duodenal infiltration, being classified as lymphocytic enteritis, Marsh I type. She was put on a gluten-free diet (GFD), having lost 6 kg of weight after 6 months, with a good control of DM-II and presenting a significant clinical improvement. It is rewarding to search the presence of two coincidental metabolic diseases associated to OI, specially CD, because of the dramatic clinical benefit in the general found after putting on a GFD