314 research outputs found

    Long-Term Influence of the Practice of Physical Activity on the Self-Perceived Quality of Life of Women with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Background: There is still no consensus on the most suitable interventions for exercise practice in breast cancer survivors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a two-year physical activity intervention (strength, aqua fitness and aerobic exercise programs) on the self-perceived quality of life and physical functionality of female breast cancer survivors. Methods: A randomized, controlled, experimental trial with a sample of 316 women (63 +/- 7 years), who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The evaluations were performed using the Rikli & Jones Senior Fitness Test, and the Short Form 12 Health Survey (SF-12). Results: The participants in the strength program showed statistically significant improvements in all the items of the SF-12. The aqua fitness program obtained significant improvements in Physical Functioning and Limitations, Pain and Emotional Limitations, General Health, Vitality, Social Functioning and the physical and mental components of the SF-12. The participants in the aerobic program showed a progressive deterioration of Vitality and Mental Health. Conclusion: When assigning breast cancer survivors to an exercise program, the preferential or predominant activity should include strength exercises. On the other hand, as the second choice, those patients with particularly low levels of Vitality or Physical Limitations will show greater improvement with an aqua fitness program

    Sistematizaci?n de experiencias y su aporte a la pr?ctica pedag?gica

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    56 p. Recurso Electr?nicoNuestro prop?sito en el presente trabajo es recalcar la importancia de la sistematizaci?n de experiencia en el ?mbito pedag?gico, para lo cual nos enfocaremos en analizar diferentes teor?as referentes al tema, esto con el fin de explicar cuan profundo y complejo es este proceso y c?mo su realizaci?n nos genera grandes aportes en un campo como la ense?anza. Para nuestro trabajo utilizaremos los aportes realizados por autores como: Marco Ra?l Mej?a, Oscar Jara Holliday, Ana Bickel, Antoni Verger Planells, Herman Van de Velde, Claudia Patricia Roa Mendoza, Alexander Arbey S?nchez Upegui, Mar?a Mercedes Barnechea Garc?a, Luz Dary Ruiz Botero. Analizaremos la convergencia que tienen estos autores respecto a 3 categor?as (Concepto, Estrategias de sistematizaci?n y Herramientas de sistematizaci?n) pudiendo as? establecer un conceso entre dichos te?ricos lo que nos permitir? plantear una nueva mirada a ?ste tipo de procesos.Our purpose in the present work is to emphasize the importance of the systematization of experience in the pedagogical field, for which we will focus on analyzing different theories referring to the theme, in order to explain how deep and complex this process is and how its realization generates great contributions in a field such as teaching. For our work we will use the contributions made by authors such as Marco Ra?l Mej?a, Oscar Jara Holliday, Ana Bickel, Antoni Verger Planells, Herman Van de Velde, Claudia Patricia Roa Mendoza, Alexander Arbey S?nchez Upegui, Mar?a Mercedes Barnechea Garc?a, Luz Dary Ruiz Botero . We will analyze the convergence that these authors have with respect to 3 categories (Concept, Strategies of systematization and Tools of systematization), thus establishing a concession between these theorists which will allow us to propose a new look at this type of processes. Keywords: Systematization of experiences, pedagogy, process analysis, teaching, systematization, strategies, systematization tools

    Plan de negocios para la producci?n y exportaci?n de uva de mesa variedad Sweet Globe de la empresa Sociedad Agr?cola Rapel S.A.C. a Estados Unidos : propuesta de ampliaci?n de l?nea productiva en un terreno agr?cola en Piura

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    La uva de mesa se consume mientras est? fresca, a diferencia de las uvas que se cultivan para vinos o secas como para hacer pasas. En la actualidad existen programas gen?ticos que generan nuevas variedades patentadas que tienen: una alta demanda en el mercado internacional, sobre todo en Estados Unidos; un costo de producci?n bajo; un precio de venta internacional elevado. Por lo tanto, la utilidad es mayor en comparaci?n de las otras variedades, lo que representa un atractivo para los productores para incursionar en esta nueva alternativa que genera mayor rentabilidad a los mismos. La variedad Sweet globe responde a las nuevas necesidades del mercado: alta calidad, uva sin semilla y buena presentaci?n en calibre de uva. El producto est? dirigido al mercado norteamericano aprovechando la oportunidad que se tiene con la ventana exportable. El departamento de Piura cuenta con condiciones agrometeorol?gicas y propiedades de suelo ?ptimas para producir uva de mesa y otros frutales

    Psychiatric comorbidities in Asperger syndrome are related with polygenic overlap and differ from other Autism subtypes

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    There is great phenotypic heterogeneity within autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which has led to question their classification into a single diagnostic category. The study of the common genetic variation in ASD has suggested a greater contribution of other psychiatric conditions in Asperger syndrome (AS) than in the rest of the DSM-IV ASD subtypes (Non_AS). Here, using available genetic data from previously performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS), we aimed to study the genetic overlap between five of the most related disorders (schizophrenia (SCZ), major depression disorder (MDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and anxiety (ANX)), and AS, comparing it with the overlap in Non_AS subtypes. A Spanish cohort of autism trios (N = 371) was exome sequenced as part of the Autism Sequencing Consortium (ASC) and 241 trios were extensively characterized to be diagnosed with AS following DSM-IV and Gillberg's criteria (N = 39) or not (N = 202). Following exome imputation, polygenic risk scores (PRS) were calculated for ASD, SCZ, ADHD, MDD, ANX, and OCD (from available summary data from Psychiatric Genomic Consortium (PGC) repository) in the Spanish trios' cohort. By using polygenic transmission disequilibrium test (pTDT), we reported that risk for SCZ (Pscz = 0.008, corrected-PSCZ = 0.0409), ADHD (PADHD = 0.021, corrected-PADHD = 0.0301), and MDD (PMDD = 0.039, corrected-PMDD = 0.0501) is over-transmitted to children with AS but not to Non_AS. Indeed, agnostic clustering procedure with deviation values from pTDT tests suggested two differentiated clusters of subjects, one of which is significantly enriched in AS (P = 0.025). Subsequent analysis with S-Predixcan, a recently developed software to predict gene expression from genotype data, revealed a clear pattern of correlation between cortical gene expression in ADHD and AS (P < 0.001) and a similar strong correlation pattern between MDD and AS, but also extendable to another non-brain tissue such as lung (P < 0.001). Altogether, these results support the idea of AS being qualitatively distinct from Non_AS autism and consistently evidence the genetic overlap between AS and ADHD, MDD, or SCZ

    Increased Serum Levels of sCD14 and sCD163 Indicate a Preponderant Role for Monocytes in COVID-19 Immunopathology

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    Background: Emerging evidence indicates a potential role for monocytes in COVID-19 immunopathology. We investigated two soluble markers of monocyte activation, sCD14 and sCD163, in COVID-19 patients, with the aim of characterizing their potential role in monocyte-macrophage disease immunopathology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind. Methods: Fifty-nine SARS-Cov-2 positive hospitalized patients, classified according to ICU or non-ICU admission requirement, were prospectively recruited and analyzed by ELISA for levels of sCD14 and sCD163, along with other laboratory parameters, and compared to a healthy control group. Results: sCD14 and sCD163 levels were significantly higher among COVID-19 patients, independently of ICU admission requirement, compared to the control group. We found a significant correlation between sCD14 levels and other inflammatory markers, particularly Interleukin-6, in the non-ICU patients group. sCD163 showed a moderate positive correlation with the time lapsed from admission to sampling, independently of severity group. Treatment with corticoids showed an interference with sCD14 levels, whereas hydroxychloroquine and tocilizumab did not. Conclusions: Monocyte-macrophage activation markers are increased and correlate with other inflammatory markers in SARS-Cov-2 infection, in association to hospital admission. These data suggest a preponderant role for monocyte-macrophage activation in the development of immunopathology of COVID-19 patients

    Mild to moderate hypersensitivity reactions to beta-lactams in children: a single-centre retrospective review.

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    Objective: Beta-lactam (BL) antibiotics are the most reported drugs in hypersensitivity reactions in children. More than 90% of these children tolerate the suspected drug after diagnostic work-up. Skin tests (STs) show low sensitivity. Our aim was to assess the performance of drug provocation tests (DPTs) without previous ST in mild and moderate delayed reactions and to propose a new DPT protocol. Design of the study: Charts from 213 children under 15 years of age referred for suspected BL allergy from 2011 to 1013 were reviewed. Prick, intradermal and patch tests were performed with major determinant penicilloyl-polylysine, minor determinant mixture, amoxicillin (AMX), cefuroxime, penicillin G and AMX-clavulamate. Children with negative skin tests underwent DPT. After an initial full dose of antibiotic, DPT was carried on for 3 days at home in patients reacting within the first 3 days of treatment. If the reaction took place from day 4 on of treatment, patients took the antibiotic for 5 days. Results: We included 108 girls and 105 boys. Mean age at the time of reaction was 3.66+/-3.06 years. 195 patients (91.5%) reacted to one BL. 154 reactions (67.2%) were non-immediate. Mild to moderate skin manifestations were most frequently reported. AMX-clavulanate was the most frequently involved (63.4%). DPT confirmed the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity in 17 (7.3%) cases. These 17 patients had negative ST. Conclusion: In mild and moderate cases of BL hypersensitivity, diagnosis can be performed by DPT without previous ST

    Effect of antiseptic gels in the microbiologic colonization of the suture threads after oral surgery

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    Three different bioadhesive gels were evaluated in a double-blind randomized clinical trial in which microbial growth in the suture thread was assessed following post-surgical application of the aforementioned gels. Also assessed in this trial were, the intensity of post-surgical pain as well as the degree of healing of the patients' surgical wounds. A total of 21 patients (with 42 wisdom teeth) participated in this trial. Chlorhexidine gel, chlorhexidine-chitosan gel, and hyaluronic acid gel were evaluated, with a neutral water-based gel serving as the control agent. The aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacterial recovery on blood agar was lower in the placebo group than in the experimental groups. The most significant difference (p = 0.04) was observed in the chlorhexidine-chitosan group. in which the growth of Blood Agar and Mitis Salivarius Agar was significantly higher than in the placebo group. The intensity of post-surgical pain was very similar among all the groups. Significantly better healing rates were observed in the patients treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan gel when compared with those who used the placebo gel (p = 0.03), and in particular when compared with those patients who used hyaluronic acid gel (p = 0.01). Through our microbiological analyses, we were able to conclude that none of the bioadhesive gels tested resulted in beneficial reductions in the bacterial/fungal populations. However, the healing rates of patients who were treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan were better than those of the patients who used either the placebo gel or the hyaluronic acid gel

    Systemic Effects Induced by Hyperoxia in a Preclinical Model of Intra-abdominal Sepsis

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    Supplemental oxygen is a supportive treatment in patients with sepsis to balance tissue oxygen delivery and demand in the tissues. However, hyperoxia may induce some pathological effects. We sought to assess organ damage associated with hyperoxia and its correlation with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a preclinical model of intra-abdominal sepsis. For this purpose, sepsis was induced in male, Sprague-Dawley rats by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We randomly assigned experimental animals to three groups: control (healthy animals), septic (CLP), and sham-septic (surgical intervention without CLP). At 18 h after CLP, septic (n = 39), sham-septic (n = 16), and healthy (n = 24) animals were placed within a sealed Plexiglas cage and randomly distributed into four groups for continuous treatment with 21%, 40%, 60%, or 100% oxygen for 24 h. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated serum levels of cytokines, organ damage biomarkers, histological examination of brain and lung tissue, and ROS production in each surviving animal. We found that high oxygen concentrations increased IL-6 and biomarkers of organ damage levels in septic animals, although no relevant histopathological lung or brain damage was observed. Healthy rats had an increase in IL-6 and aspartate aminotransferase at high oxygen concentration. IL-6 levels, but not ROS levels, are correlated with markers of organ damage. In our study, the use of high oxygen concentrations in a clinically relevant model of intra-abdominal sepsis was associated with enhanced inflammation and organ damage. These findings were unrelated to ROS release into circulation. Hyperoxia could exacerbate sepsis-induced inflammation, and it could be by itself detrimental. Our study highlights the need of developing safer thresholds for oxygen therapy

    Drug Delivery to the Posterior Segment of the Eye: Biopharmaceutic and Pharmacokinetic Considerations

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    The treatment of the posterior-segment ocular diseases, such as age-related eye diseases (AMD) or diabetic retinopathy (DR), present a challenge for ophthalmologists due to the complex anatomy and physiology of the eye. This specialized organ is composed of various static and dynamic barriers that restrict drug delivery into the target site of action. Despite numerous efforts, effective intraocular drug delivery remains unresolved and, therefore, it is highly desirable to improve the current treatments of diseases affecting the posterior cavity. This review article gives an overview of pharmacokinetic and biopharmaceutics aspects for the most commonly-used ocular administration routes (intravitreal, topical, systemic, and periocular), including information of the absorption, distribution, and elimination, as well as the benefits and limitations of each one. This article also encompasses different conventional and novel drug delivery systems designed and developed to improve drug pharmacokinetics intended for the posterior ocular segment treatment

    Plan de negocios para la creaci?n de una aplicaci?n multiplataforma y el uso de pulseras inteligentes para el monitoreo de entrenamientos en el sector gimnasios de Lima Metropolitana

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    El actual sector de los gimnasios en el Per? ha demostrado un gran crecimiento, logrando convertirse atractivo para los inversionistas. Sin embargo, este crecimiento ha venido acompa?ado de grandes desaf?os, entre los cuales destaca la poca innovaci?n en la experiencia de usuario dentro de los gimnasios, catalog?ndose como ?tradicional?, siendo constante y sin ning?n tipo de cambio a lo largo de los a?os. Asimismo, la tecnolog?a wearable ha cambiado la forma en la que vemos los accesorios de vestir como relojes, pulseras, entre otros, en dispositivos que mediante sensores monitorean actividades cotidianas recogiendo informaci?n de manera continua sobre nuestra salud y h?bitos de comportamiento. Finalmente, trataremos c?mo innovar y mejorar la experiencia de usuario en los gimnasios, y m?s concretamente, sobre la propuesta de negocio basada en el uso de una aplicaci?n movil y plataforma web integrando tecnolog?a wearable con el uso de pulseras inteligentes. As? de esta manera lograremos que los gimansios de Lima se conviertan en organizaciones de servicios que venden experiencias, siendo claros ejemplos de organizaciones que satisfacen el inter?s de una comunidad por realizar actividad f?sica y sociabilizar a trav?s de la participaci?n en actividades deportivas