491 research outputs found

    Considerations on Designing a Geo-targeted AR Application

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    AbstractWhen designing an AR application for mobile devices there are some factors to take into account such as gyroscope drift and device orientation, compass noise and six axis or accelerometer and GPS sensors accuracy. This work focuses on Geo- targeted Augmented Reality applications. We expose the procedure followed to design an AR framework almost from scratch from the software design point of view. We have also detailed the technical difficulties encountered during the development of the application and how they were addressed. Finally we propose some guidelines and recommendations for future work and improvements which can also serve as a common pattern design for Geo-tagging AR applications

    Multimode: An R Package for Mode Assessment

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    In several applied fields, multimodality assessment is a crucial task as a previous exploratory tool or for determining the suitability of certain distributions. The goal of this paper is to present the utilities of the R package multimode, which collects different exploratory and testing nonparametric approaches for determining the number of modes and their estimated location. Specifically, some graphical tools, allowing for the identification of mode patterns, based on the kernel density estimation are provided (SiZer map, mode tree or mode forest). Several formal testing procedures for determining the number of modes are described in this paper and implemented in the multimode package, including methods based on the ideas of the critical bandwidth, the excess mass or using a combination of both. This package also includes a function for estimating the modes locations and different classical data examples that have been considered in mode testing literature

    Filling the Gaps to Solve the Extensin Puzzle

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    Extensins (EXTs) are highly repetitive plant O-glycoproteins that require several post-translational modifications (PTMs) to become functional in plant cell walls. First, they are hydroxylated on contiguous proline residues; then they are O-glycosylated on hydroxyproline and serine. After secretion into the apoplast, O-glycosylated EXTs form a tridimensional network organized by inter- and intra-Tyr linkages. Recent studies have made significant progress in the identification of the enzymatic machinery required to process EXTs, which includes prolyl 4-hydroxylases, glycosyltransferases, papain-type cysteine endopeptidases, and peroxidases. EXTs are abundant in plant tissues and are particularly important in rapidly expanding root hairs and pollen tubes, which grow in a polar manner. Small changes in EXT PTMs affect fast-growing cells, although the molecular mechanisms underlying this regulation are unknown. In this review, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of EXT modifications throughout the secretory pathway, EXT assembly in cell walls, and possible sensing mechanisms involving the Catharanthus roseus cell surface sensor receptor-like kinases located at the interface between the apoplast and the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. This review describes recent progress in our understanding of extensin post-translational modifications throughout the secretory pathway, extensin secretion and assembly in the cell walls, and possible sensing mechanisms at the interface between the apoplast and the cytoplasmic side of the cell surface.Fil: Marzol, Eliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Borassi, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bringas, Mauro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Sede, Ana Rocío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez Garcia, Diana Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Capece, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Estevez, Jose Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Comparative-Causal Study of the Immigration’s Term in Students of the University of Granada, Spain

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    This study, of comparative-causal type, cutting wants to determine if different variables inherent to the students of the University of Granada (as the genre, degree where they study, etc.) influence in the way they assess the term of “inmigration”. We use a survey that evaluated the perception of agree vs disagree on the term “inmigrantion” of a sample (N = 423) students of this university selected by cluster random sampling. The obtained results show that, really, some of the referred variables have shown to be relevant when assessing with varying agreement to the concept previously mentioned, over all, regarding the different degrees, ideology and the students economic situation, the object of the research.El presente estudio, de corte comparativo-causal, pretende determinar si diferentes variables consustanciales al alumnado de la Universidad de Granada (como el género, titulación donde desarrolla sus estudios, etc.) inciden en la forma en cómo valoran el término de “inmigración”. Para ello utilizamos un inventario que ha evaluado la percepción de agrado vs desagrado de dicho término de una muestra de estudiantes (N = 423) de la dicha universidad seleccionados mediante un muestreo probabilístico por conglomerados. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que, efectivamente, algunas de las variables contempladas han resultado relevantes a la hora de valorar con mayor o menor agrado el concepto anteriormente mencionado, sobre todo, por lo que respecta a las variables titulación, ideología y situación económica del alumnado objeto de la investigación.O presente estudo, de corte comparativo-causal, pretende verificar se diferentes variáveis inerentes aos estudantes da Universidade de Granada (como o gênero, a titulação onde cursam seus estudos, dentre outras) afetam a forma como avaliam o termo “imigração”. Foi utilizado um inventário que avaliou a percepção sobre o agrado versus desagrado do termo referido de uma amostra de (N = 423) alunos desta universidade selecionada através de uma amostragem probabilística por conglomerados. Os resultados obtidos destacam que, de fato, algumas das variáveis referidas foram relevantes na hora de avaliar positiva ou negativamente o termo imigração, sobretudo, no que diz respeito às variáveis titulação, ideologia e situação econômica dos estudantes da nossa pesquisa

    Uncertainty management at the airport transit view

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    Air traffic networks, where airports are the nodes that interconnect the entire system, have a time-varying and stochastic nature. An incident in the airport environment may easily propagate through the network and generate system-level effects. This paper analyses the aircraft flow through the Airport Transit View framework, focusing on the airspace/airside integrated operations. In this analysis, we use a dynamic spatial boundary associated with the Extended Terminal Manoeuvring Area concept. Aircraft operations are characterised by different temporal milestones, which arise from the combination of a Business Process Model for the aircraft flow and the Airport Collaborative Decision-Making methodology. Relationships between factors influencing aircraft processes are evaluated to create a probabilistic graphical model, using a Bayesian network approach. This model manages uncertainty and increases predictability, hence improving the system's robustness. The methodology is validated through a case study at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport, through the collection of nearly 34,000 turnaround operations. We present several lessons learned regarding delay propagation, time saturation, uncertainty precursors and system recovery. The contribution of the paper is two-fold: it presents a novel methodological approach for tackling uncertainty when linking inbound and outbound flights and it also provides insight on the interdependencies among factors driving performance

    El Videojuego. Un enfoque educativo en el área de la matemática

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    Documento elaborado para ser utilizado como apoyo en el trabajo docente.Con el auge en las modalidades educativas en los últimos tiempos, así como en las propuestas en el modelaje de la elaboración de nuevos materiales didácticos que apoyen el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, además del aporte que ofrecen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación; elementos conjuntos que demandan un cambio de fondo en el diseño de herramientas lúdicas, en cuanto a las metodologías y estrategias educativas, están dando como resultado nuevas formas de enseñar y de aprender. En este sentido, se han realizado diversas acciones para proporcionar recursos educativos, derivados del juego, que apoyen la actividad diaria de docentes-discentes. Es por ello que la propuesta de investigación va encaminada a presentar un videojuego educativo y la manera en que puede estimular el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Todo lo anterior desde la perspectiva de los estilos de aprendizaje de los educandos, tomando en consideración las teorías de Gardner. Para este caso de estudio, se implementó un software denominado MALV en el área de la matemática para la resolución de ecuaciones de primer grado con una incógnita, como apoyo para alumnos de una licenciatura de la UAE

    Newmark displacement data for low to moderate magnitude events in the Betic Cordillera

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    Land-use decisions in relation to seismic-induced landslide hazard are usually made through the preparation of hazard maps. The rigid-block method is probably the most used for this purpose. Under this method, Newmark displacement is computed for each slope unit and this displacement is used as a guide for establishing categories of hazard. At present, most relations used for computing Newmark displacement are established from moderate-to-high magnitude earthquakes (Mw ≥ 6.5). This data article provides Newmark displacements computed from accelerograms recorded in the Betic Cordillera for low-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes (Mw = 3.5 – 6.3). Records come from the Spanish Strong Ground Motion database (Instituto Geográfico Nacional). Newmark displacements were computed focusing on yield accelerations frequently recorded in such scenarios (0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10), although higher accelerations were also considered (0.125, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 g's). These data are useful for the study of the hazard in seismic scenarios of low-to-moderate magnitude, very frequent in practice. These data have been used in the study by Delgado et al., 2020.This work was partially founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and EU FEDER funds (CGL2015-65602-R), by the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresa y Universidad (Junta de Andalucía), in the frame of the Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 – call made by the University of Jaén 2018, and by the Research Group VIGROB-184 (University of Alicante)

    Newmark displacement data for low to moderate magnitude events in the Betic Cordillera

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    Land-use decisions in relation to seismic-induced landslide hazard are usually made through the preparation of haz- ard maps. The rigid-block method is probably the most used for this purpose. Under this method, Newmark displace- ment is computed for each slope unit and this displace- ment is used as a guide for establishing categories of haz- ard. At present, most relations used for computing New- mark displacement are established from moderate-to-high magnitude earthquakes (Mw ≥6.5). This data article pro- vides Newmark displacements computed from accelerograms recorded in the Betic Cordillera for low-to-moderate mag- nitude earthquakes (Mw = 3.5–6.3). Records come from the Spanish Strong Ground Motion database (Instituto Geográfico Nacional). Newmark displacements were computed focusing on yield accelerations frequently recorded in such scenarios (0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10), although higher accelerations were also considered (0.125, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 g’s). These data are useful for the study of the hazardEuropean Union (EU) CGL2015-65602-RResearch Group (University of Alicante) VIGROB-184Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresa y Universidad (Junta de Andalucía), in the frame of the Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-202

    Eficiencia de un reactor biológico secuencial en el tratamiento de efluentes de una planta procesadora de productos cárnicos

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    The wastewater from a meat processing plant consists basically of organic matter and high nitrogen and phosphorus contents. This research had as objective to evaluate the efficiency of a sequential biological reactor in the removal of organic matter and nutrients, treating effluents of a meat processing plant located in Zulia state, Venezuela. The reactor was operated with three operational cycle times (7, 10 and 12 h), a cell retention time of 25 days and an anaerobic-aerobic-anoxic sequence (An/Ae/Ax). The parameters measured at the beginning, during and end of each cycle were: chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, pH, total alkalinity, total phosphorus, color and turbidity. The treatments applied to this effluent in the sequential batch reactor (SBR) allowed the removal of organic matter and nutrients higher than 92.6% for DQOT, 44.7% for NT and 52.6% for PT, due to the flexibility of the reactor for adapt to different operating conditions. The greatest removal of organic matter, nutrients, color and turbidity was achieved with operational cycle times (TCO) of 10 and 12 h, generating an effluent that complied with what is established in the Venezuelan regulations for discharge into bodies of water.El agua residual proveniente de una planta procesadora de productos cárnicos está constituida básicamente por materia orgánica y altos contenidos de nitrógeno y fósforo. Es por ello, que esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficiencia de un reactor biológico secuencial en la remoción de materia orgánica y nutrientes, tratando efluentes de una planta procesadora de productos cárnicos ubicada en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. El reactor fue operado con tres tiempos de ciclo operacional (7, 10 y 12 h), un tiempo de retención celular de 25 días y una secuencia anóxica-anaeróbica/aeróbica/anóxica (Ax-An/Ae/Ax). Los parámetros medidos al inicio, durante y al final de cada ciclo evaluado fueron: demanda química de oxígeno total, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, nitrógeno total, nitrógeno amoniacal, nitritos, nitratos, pH, alcalinidad total, fósforo total, color y turbidez. Los tratamientos aplicados a dicho efluente en el reactor biológico secuencial (SBR) permitieron obtener remociones de materia orgánica y nutrientes superiores al 92,6 % para la DQOT, 44,7 % para el NT y 52,6 % para el PT, debido a la flexibilidad del reactor para adaptarse a distintas condiciones de operación. La mayor remoción de materia orgánica, nutrientes, color y turbidez se alcanzó con los tiempos de ciclo operacional (TCO) de 10 y 12 h, generando un efluente que cumplió con lo establecido en la normativa venezolana para descarga en cuerpos de agua