3,684 research outputs found

    Mecanismos de plasticidad sináptica en sinapsis neocorticales en desarrollo

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    ConferenciaSpike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is a strong candidate for an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-dependent form of synaptic plasticity that could underlie the development of receptive field properties in sensory neocortices. NMDA receptors are necessary for both synaptic potentiation and depression, but the precise location of these receptors has not been established until recently. By loading MK-801 into pre- or postsynaptic neurons during paired recordings of synaptically connected layer 4 and layer 2/3 neurons in mouse barrel cortex, we found that synaptic potentiation requires postsynaptic, but not presynaptic, NMDA receptors, whereas synaptic depression requires presynaptic, but not postsynaptic, NMDA receptors. We have investigated the developmental profile of t-LTD at layer 4-to-layer 2/3 synapses of mouse barrel cortex and studied their NMDA receptor subunit dependence. Timing-dependent LTD emerged in the first postnatal week, was present during the second week and disappeared in the adult, whereas t-LTP persisted in adulthood. An antagonist at GluN2C/D subunit-containing NMDA receptors blocked t-LTD but not t-LTP. Conversely, a GluN2A subunit-preferring antagonist blocked t-LTP but not t-LTD. The GluN2C/D subunit requirement for t-LTD appears to be synapse specific, as GluN2C/D antagonists did not block t-LTD at horizontal cross-columnar layer 2/3-to-layer 2/3 synapses, which was blocked by a GluN2B antagonist instead. These results show an NMDA receptor subunit-dependent double dissociation of t-LTD and t-LTP mechanisms at layer 4-to-layer 2/3 synapses, and suggest that t-LTD is mediated by distinct molecular mechanisms at different synapses on the same postsynaptic neuronUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Periodontal granulation tissue preservation in surgical periodontal disease treatment: a pilot prospective cohort study

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    © Korean Academy of Periodontology 2022 . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ This document is Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Periodontal Implant Science. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.5051/jpis.2105780289Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of periodontal granulation tissue preservation (PGTP) in access flap periodontal surgery. Methods Twenty patients (stage III–IV periodontitis) with 42 deep periodontal pockets that did not resolve after non-surgical treatment were consecutively recruited. Access flap periodontal surgery was modified using PGTP. The clinical periodontal parameters were evaluated at 9 months. The differences in the amount of granulation tissue width (GTw) preserved were evaluated and the influence of smoking was analyzed. Results GTw >1 mm was observed in 97.6% of interproximal defects, and the granulation tissue extended above the bone peak in 71.4% of defects. At 9 months, probing pocket depth reduction (4.33±1.43 mm) and clinical attachment gain (CAG; 4.10±1.75 mm) were statistically significant (P0 mm. The clinical results in smokers were significantly worse. Conclusions PGTP was used to modify access flap periodontal surgery by preserving affected tissues with the potential for recovery. The results show that preserving periodontal granulation tissue is an effective and conservative procedure in the surgical treatment of periodontal disease

    Apical approach in periodontal reconstructive surgery with enamel matrix derivate and enamel matrix derivate plus bone substitutes: a randomized, controlled clinical trial

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    © The Author(s) 2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Clinical Oral Investigations. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1007/s00784-021-04256-1Objectives This parallel, randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the influence of bone substitutes (BS) on the efficacy of the non-incised papillae surgical approach (NIPSA) with enamel matrix derivate (EMD) in resolving deep, isolated, combined non-contained intrabony and supra-alveolar periodontal defects, preserving the soft tissue. Material and methods Twenty-four patients were randomized to treatment with NIPSA and EMD or NIPSA plus EMD and BS. Bleeding on probing (BoP), interproximal clinical attachment level (CAL), interproximal probing depth (PD), recession (REC), location of the tip of the papilla (TP), and width of the keratinized tissue (KT) were evaluated before surgery and at 1 year post-surgery (primary outcomes). Wound closure was assessed at 1 week post‐surgery, and supra‐alveolar attachment gain (SUPRA-AG) was recorded at 1 year post‐surgery. Results At 1 week, 87.5% of cases registered complete wound closure and there were no cases of necrosis, without differences between groups (p > .05). At 1 year, all cases showed negative BoP. A significant PD reduction (NIPSA + EMD 8.25 ± 2.70 mm vs. NIPSA + EMD + BS 6.83 ± 0.81 mm) and CAL gain (NIPSA + EMD 8.33 ± 2.74 mm vs. NIPSA + EMD + BS 7.08 ± 2.68 mm) were observed (p  .05). The residual PD was  .05; KT: 0.00 ± 0.43 mm vs. 0.08 ± 0.67 mm, p > .05). There were improvements in the papilla in both groups (TP: NIPSA + EMD 0.33 ± 0.49 mm vs. NIPSA + EMD + BS 0.45 ± 0.52 mm, p > .05), which was only significant in the NIPSA EMD + BS group (0.45 ± 0.52 mm; p  .05). Conclusions NIPSA and EMD with or without BS seem to be a valid surgical approach in the treatment of isolated, deep non-contained periodontal defects. In our study, both treatments resulted in significant PD reduction and CAL gain, that extended in the supra-alveolar component, without differences with the use of BS. Both treatments resulted in soft tissue preservation. However, the addition of BS may improve interdental papillary tissue. Clinical relevance NIPSA, with or without bone substitutes, resulted in significant periodontal improvement, with soft tissue preservation in isolated, deep non-contained periodontal defects. The application of bone substitutes may provide interproximal soft tissue gain

    Evolutionary computing and particle filtering: a hardware-based motion estimation system

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    Particle filters constitute themselves a highly powerful estimation tool, especially when dealing with non-linear non-Gaussian systems. However, traditional approaches present several limitations, which reduce significantly their performance. Evolutionary algorithms, and more specifically their optimization capabilities, may be used in order to overcome particle-filtering weaknesses. In this paper, a novel FPGA-based particle filter that takes advantage of evolutionary computation in order to estimate motion patterns is presented. The evolutionary algorithm, which has been included inside the resampling stage, mitigates the known sample impoverishment phenomenon, very common in particle-filtering systems. In addition, a hybrid mutation technique using two different mutation operators, each of them with a specific purpose, is proposed in order to enhance estimation results and make a more robust system. Moreover, implementing the proposed Evolutionary Particle Filter as a hardware accelerator has led to faster processing times than different software implementations of the same algorithm

    Digitalization beyond technology: Proposing an explanatory and predictive model for digital culture in organizations

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    Continuous technological advancements and digitalization are transforming organizations’ resources and capabilities, yet many have not adapted their corporate culture accordingly. Aligning with a digital-oriented culture archetype is crucial for successful digital transformation. This paper presents a research model that predicts digital culture in organizations based on traditional culture archetypes. Using cutting-edge multivariate analysis techniques, such as PLS-SEM, IPMA, or PLS-Predict, on a sample of 285 managers from Spanish companies, the results indicate that a People-oriented culture archetype is the most important for digital culture, while values inherent to Norms or Goals culture archetypes hinder it. The paper contributes to the development of Functionalist and Structuralist Theories of culture, demonstrating the interplay of micro-cultures and cultural archetypes within an organization.Junta de Andalucía SEJ-57

    Ahorrando energía en Educación Primaria: estudio de una propuesta de enseñanza

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    L'objectiu central del treball és el disseny d'una unitat didàctica sobre el consum i l'estalvi d'energia en l'Educació Primària, la seva posada en pràctica, i la valoració d'alguns dels efectes produïts en l'aprenentatge de l'alumnat. Després de revisar algunes propostes i aportacions en la relació amb aquesta temàtica, vam decidir planificar una unitat didàctica per a aquesta etapa educativa. Una vegada elaborats els materials, estudiem com van evolucionar les subcompetències en les activitats realitzades i com aplicaven els coneixements apresos en diferents situacions.The main aim of the didactic unit project done about the energy consumption and saving at Primary School, it functioning, and the valuation of some of the effects produced on the student body learning. After having checked some proposals and contributions in relation to this subject, we decided to plan a didactic unit for this educational stage. Once the materials have been done we tried to study, how they evolved the subcompetencies in the maken activities and how they used the constructed knowledge in the learning process.El objetivo central del trabajo es el diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre el consumo y el ahorro de energía en la Educación Primaria, su puesta en práctica, y la valoración de algunos de los efectos producidos en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Tras revisar algunas propuestas y aportaciones en la relación con esta temática, decidimos planificar una unidad didáctica para esta etapa educativa. Una vez elaborados los materiales, estudiamos cómo evolucionaron las subcompetencias en las actividades realizadas y cómo aplicaban los conocimientos aprendidos en diferentes situaciones

    Aprender competencias en una propuesta para la enseñanza de los circuitos eléctricos en Educación Primaria

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    La aparición de las competencias exige dos cosas: encajarlas en el cuerpo de conocimiento existente de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y clarificar su significado. El objetivo central del trabajo es el diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre el Estudio de los Circuitos Eléctricos en la Educación Primaria, su puesta en práctica, y la valoración de algunos de los efectos producidos en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Tras revisar algunas propuestas y aportaciones en la relación con esta temática, decidimos adaptar la planteada por Pro (2008) para esta etapa educativa. Una vez elaborados los materiales, estudiamos cómo evolucionaron las subcompetencias en tres actividades prácticas: realización de montajes, descripción de observaciones, realización de predicciones, interpretación de observaciones y predicciones, y uso de modelo de corriente eléctrica.The appearance of the competencies demands two things: to fit them into the body of existing knowledge of the Science Education and to clarify his meaning. The main aim of the didactic unit project done about the Electrical Circuits Study at Primary School, its functioning, and the valuation of some of the effects produced on the student body learning. After having checked some proposals and contributions in relation to this subject, we decided to adapt the raised one by Pro (2008) for this educational stage. Once the materials have been done we tried to study how they evolved the subcompetencies in three experimental activities: realization of assemblies, description of observations, elaboration of predictions, interpretation of observations and predictions, and model use of electrical current

    “Keeping it personal” or “getting real”? : On the drivers and effectiveness of personal versus real loan guarantees

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    Poco se sabe todavía sobre los factores que determinan el uso de garantías personales en comparación con las garantías reales en el marco de los préstamos bancarios a empresas, así como sobre su posterior impacto en la toma de decisiones de las empresas. Este trabajo analiza 477.209 contratos de préstamos concedidos durante el período 2006-2014 por una institución financiera española compuesta por distintas unidades organizativas distinguibles a lo largo del tiempo. Mientras que el uso de garantías personales se determina principalmente por el entorno económico como reflejo de las condiciones de la empresa y del banco, el uso de las garantías reales se explica mayoritariamente por las características del préstamo. Como respuesta a los mayores requerimientos de capital impuestos por las autoridades europeas en 2011, el uso de las garantías personales se incrementó de forma mucho más acusada que el uso de las garantías reales. Nuestros resultados indican que las garantías personales pueden mitigar el riesgo que las empresas están dispuestas a asumir, pero su uso excesivo puede limitar este efecto e impactar negativamente sobre la rentabilidad de las empresasLittle is known about the drivers and effectiveness of personal as opposed to real loan guarantees provided by firms. This paper studies a dataset of 477,209 loan contracts granted over the 2006-2014 period by one Spanish financial institution consisting of several distinguishable organisational units. While personal guarantees are mostly driven by the economic environment as reflected in firm and bank conditions, real guarantees are mostly explained by loan characteristics. In response to higher capital requirements imposed by the European authorities in 2011, personal guarantee requirements increased signifi cantly more than their real counterparts. Our results imply that personal guarantees can discipline firms in their risk-taking, but their overuse can limit this positive effect and damage their performanc