2,292 research outputs found

    Pulsational frequencies of the eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189

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    The eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189 is a probable member of the open cluster IC 4756 and a promising candidate target for the CoRoT mission. The detection of pulsation modes is the first step in the asteroseismological study of the star. Further, the calculation of the orbital parameters of the binary system allows us to make a dynamical determination of the mass of the star, which works as an important constraint to test and calibrate the asteroseismological models. From a detailed frequency analysis of 210 hours of photometric data of HD 172189 obtained from the STEPHI XIII campaign we have identified six pulsation frequencies with a confidence level of 99% and a seventh with a 65% confidence level in the range between 100-300 uHz. In addiction, three eclipses were observed during the campaign, allowing us to improve the determination of the orbital period of the system.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    On delay-dependent robust stability under model transformation of some neutral systems

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    summary:This paper focuses on the delay-dependent robust stability of linear neutral delay systems. The systems under consideration are described by functional differential equations, with norm bounded time varying nonlinear uncertainties in the "state" and norm bounded time varying quasi-linear uncertainties in the delayed "state" and in the difference operator. The stability analysis is performed via the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach. Sufficient delay dependent conditions for robust stability are given in terms of the existence of positive definite solutions of LMIs

    Efectos de un entrenamiento en neurorretroalimentación en los niveles de cortisol salival

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    Existen diversas técnicas para el manejo del estrés, siendo una de ellas la neurorretroalimentación. Esta técnica consiste en hacer perceptibles las ondas cerebrales por medio de imágenes y sonidos con la finalidad de aprender a evocarlas. Por otro lado, los eventos estresores incrementan los niveles de la hormona cortisol. Con base en lo anterior, se exploró la relación entre la segregación de la hormona cortisol, un entrenamiento con neurorretroalimentación en alfa 2 y la actividad EEG asociada con tensión muscular. Para esto, participaron diez hombres de entre 20 y 30 años en veinte sesiones de neurorretroalimentación de 20 minutos de duración. Se tomaron muestras de saliva antes y después de cada sesión para medir los niveles de cortisol en esta. Los resultados indicaron una disminución significativa de la concentración del cortisol en el grupo EEG, mas no en el grupo alfa 2. El primero obtuvo una correlación negativa entre el cortisol post y el porcentaje obtenido de alfa 2, mientras que este no obtuvo una correlación entre estas variables. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias en la producción de alfa 2 entre los grupos, pareciera que un entrenamiento con esta técnica no tiene efectos sobre el eje neuroendocrino relacionado con la hormona cortisol.ITESO, A.C

    Valoració de la condició física saludable en els adults (I): antecedents i protocols de la bateria AFISAL-INEFC

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    La valoració de la condició física saludable es pot utilitzar en la valoració funcional i en la prescripció d'exercici per a la salut i pot constituir, a més, una eina d'utilitat en la investigació de diferents aspectes de l'activitat física i la condició física relacionades amb la salut. En aquest article es descriuen els antecedents, justificació i protocols d'aplicació d'una sèrie de proves que componen la bateria de valoració de la condició física saludable en adults AFISAL-INEFC (Rodríguez et al. 1995 a-c). L'objectiu de la bateria és valorar, de forma senzilla, ràpida i econòmica, alguns dels principals factors de la condició física relacionats amb la salut. Els criteris per al disseny de la bateria de proves han estat els de validesa, fiabilitat, pertinença, seguretat, aplicabilitat i economia. Es van revisar i es van discutir les proves i ítems utilitzats habitualment per valorar els components i factors de la condició física saludable i es va procedir al disseny d'un conjunt de proves que complissin al màxim els criteris establerts. La bateria es composa de vuit proves per a la valoració dels següents factors de la condició física relacionada amb la salut: estat de salut (aptitud general), composició corporal, flexibilitat (del tronc), força màxima (de prensió), força-resistència (abdominal), potència (força explosiva del tren inferior), equilibri (estàtic) i resistència cardiorespiratària

    Hole spin driving by strain-induced spin-orbit interactions

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    Hole spins in semiconductor quantum dots can be efficiently manipulated with radio-frequency electric fields owing to the strong spin-orbit interactions in the valence bands. Here we show that the motion of the dot in inhomogeneous strain fields gives rise to linear Rashba spin-orbit interactions (with spatially dependent spin-orbit lengths) and g-factor modulations that allow for fast Rabi oscillations. Such inhomogeneous strains may build up spontaneously due to process and cool down stress. We discuss spin qubits in Ge/GeSi heterostructures as an illustration. We highlight that Rabi frequencies can be enhanced by one order of magnitude by shear strain gradients as small as 3×1063\times 10^{-6} nm1^{-1} within the dots. This underlines that spin in solids can be very sensitive to strains and opens the way for strain engineering in hole spin devices for quantum information and spintronics.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Hole spin manipulation in inhomogeneous and non-separable electric fields

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    The usual models for electrical spin manipulation in semiconductor quantum dots assume that the confinement potential is separable in the three spatial dimensions and that the AC drive field is homogeneous. However, the electric field induced by the gates in quantum dot devices is not fully separable and displays significant inhomogeneities. Here, we address the electrical manipulation of hole spins in semiconductor heterostructures subject to inhomogeneous vertical electric fields and/or in-plane AC electric fields. We consider Ge quantum dots electrically confined in a Ge/GeSi quantum well as an illustration. We show that the lack of separability between the vertical and in-plane motions gives rise to an additional spin-orbit coupling mechanism (beyond the usual linear and cubic in momentum Rashba terms) that modulates the principal axes of the hole gyromagnetic g-matrix. This non-separability mechanism can be of the same order of magnitude as Rashba-type interactions, and enables spin manipulation when the magnetic field is applied in the plane of the heterostructure even if the dot is symmetric (disk-shaped). More generally, we show that Rabi oscillations in strongly patterned electric fields harness a variety of g-factor modulations. We discuss the implications for the design, modeling and understanding of hole spin qubit devices

    Valoración de la condición física saludable en adultos (1): antecedentes y protocolos de la batería AFISAL-INEFC

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    La valoración de la condición física saludable puede ser utilizada en la valoración funcional y la prescripción de ejercicio para la salud y puede constituir, además, una herramienta de utilidad en la investigación de distintos aspectos de la actividad física y la condición física relacionadas con la salud. En este artículo se describen los antecedentes, justificación y protocolos de aplicación de una serie de pruebas que componen la batería de valoración de la condición física saludable en adultos AFISAL-INEFC (Rodríguez et al. 1995a-c). El objetivo de la batería es valorar, de manera sencilla, rápida y económica, algunos de los principales factores de la condición física relacionados con la salud. Los criterios prioritarios para el diseño de la batería de pruebas han sido los de validez, fiabilidad, pertinencia, seguridad, aplicabilidad y economía. Se revisaron y discutieron las pruebas e ítems utilizados habitualmente para valorar los componentes y factores de la condición física saludable y se procedió al diseño de un conjunto de pruebas que cumplieran en la máxima medida posible los criterios establecidos. La batería se compone de ocho pruebas para la valoración de los siguientes factores de la condición física relacionada con la salud: estado de salud (aptitud general), composición corporal, flexibilidad (del tronco), fuerza máxima (de prensión), fuerza-resistencia (abdominal), potencia (fuerza explosiva del tren inferior), equilibrio (estático) y resistencia cardio-rrespiratoria

    Seismology of beta Cephei stars: differentially-rotating models for interpreting the oscillation spectrum of nu-Eridani

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    A method for the asteroseismic analysis of beta Cephei stars is presented and applied to the star nu Eridani. The method is based on the analysis of rotational splittings, and their asymmetries using differentially-rotating asteroseismic models. Models with masses around 7.13 M_sun, and ages around 14.9 Myr, were found to fit better 10 of the 14 observed frequencies, which were identified as the fundamental radial mode and the three L=1 triplets g, p, and p. The splittings and aymmetries found for these modes recover those provided in the literature, except for p. For this last mode, all its non-axysimmetric components are predicted by the models. Moreover, opposite signs of the observed and predicted splitting asymmetries are found. If identification is confirmed, this can be a very interesting source of information about the internal rotation profile, in particular in the outer regions of the star. In general, the seismic models which include a description for shellular rotation yield slightly better results as compared with those given by uniformly-rotating models. Furthermore, we show that asymmetries are quite dependent on the overshooting of the convective core, which make the present technique suitable for testing the theories describing the angular momentum redistribution and chemical mixing due to rotationally-induced turbulence.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 8 tables. ApJ (in press

    Asteroseismic analysis of the CoRoT \delta-Scuti star HD174936

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    We present an analysis of the \delta-Scuti star object HD 174936 (ID 7613) observed by CoRoT during the first short run SRc01 (27 days). A total number of 422 frequencies we are extracted from the light curve using standard prewhitening techniques. This number of frequencies was obtained by considering a spectral significance limit of sig = 10 using the software package SigSpec. Our analysis of the oscillation frequency spectrum reveals a spacing periodicity of around 52 \muHz. Although modes considered here are not in the asymptotic regime, a comparison with stellar models confirms that this signature may stem from a quasi-periodic pattern similar to the so-called large separation in solar-like stars.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A CoRoT Special Featur

    A comprehensive asteroseismic modelling of the high-amplitude delta Scuti star RV Arietis

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    We present a comprehensive asteroseismic study of the double-mode high-amplitude delta Scuti star HD 187642 (RV Arietis). The modelling includes some of the most recent techniques: 1) effects of rotation on both equilibrium models and adiabatic oscillation spectrum, 2) non-adiabatic study of radial and non-radial modes, 3) relationship between the fundamental radial mode and the first overtone in the framework of Petersen diagrams. The analysis reveals that two of the observed frequencies are very probably identified as the fundamental and first overtone radial modes. Analysis of the colour index variations, together with theoretical non-adiabatic calculations, points to models in the range of [7065,7245] K in effective temperature and of [1190, 1270] Myr in stellar age. These values were found to be compatible with those obtained using the three other asteroseismic techniques.Comment: accepted for publication in A&