159 research outputs found

    Los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario ante el reto de la convergencia europea: algunos obstáculos en su implementación

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    Los profesionales que trabajamos en el ámbito de la educación superior debemos ser conscientes de los cambios que traerá consigo el proceso de convergencia europea. Esta nueva situación implicará serias modificaciones en la manera de entender los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que en ella se desarrollan. En este marco, el presente artículo esboza ligeramente algunos de estos cambios, al tiempo que se exponen las principales dificultades que presenta el contexto universitario español para desarrollar con eficacia las modificaciones que se deben introducir. En particular, se analiza la mentalidad del profesorado universitario, así como las creencias de los estudiantes en tanto obstáculos que pueden dificultar la implementación del proceso.The professionals who are working in Higher Education need to be conscious of the changes which will be derived from the European convergence. This new situation will imply serious modifications in the conception of teaching and learning. In this context, this paper tries to outline some of these changes. At the same, time it points out some of the difficulties which may need a quick answer from the Spanish system of Higher Education in order to develop the expected modifications efficiently. The mentality of the University teachers as well as the students' beliefs will be analysed, as they are obstacles that can impede the implementation of the process

    Hacia una nueva conceptualización del control parental desde la teoría de la autodeterminación

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónTítulo, palabras clave y resumen también en inglés y francésLas investigaciones desarrolladas sobre los estilos educativos parentales, específicamente, aquellas en las que se aborda el estudio del «control parental», se han realizado sobre múltiples conceptualizaciones de este término. Esta disparidad en la acepción del concepto ha tenido un efecto directo sobre los resultados de las investigaciones, de modo que la evidencia empírica sobre los efectos del control parental en menores ha sido frecuentemente inconsistente o equivocada. En este contexto, el artículo analiza los principales problemas epistemológicos y metodológicos producidos por el uso ambiguo del término. Además, y desde el marco que proporciona la teoría de la autodeterminación, se propone una nueva definición del constructo y se explicitan sus relaciones con otras dimensiones educativas parentales. Específicamente, se proponen dos dimensiones que son complementarias: apoyo a la autonomía versus control y estructura parental. Esta propuesta permite superar los problemas mencionados y abrir un nuevo campo en el estudio de la parentalidad.ES

    Libertad y necesidad en el marco de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible

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    La Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible se quiere defender como un ámbito general de educación, siendo uno de los ejes centrales para desarrollar unas relaciones con los otros que permitan construir un nuevo orden social. Para ello, se parte de los conceptos de libertad y necesidad. A continuación, se quiere establecer la conexión sobre cómo autores clásicos de la Teoría de la Educación analizaron estos dos conceptos, y establecer su vínculo en la sociedad del siglo XXI. Asimismo, se realiza una primera aproximación sobre cómo se presenta la Educación para el desarrollo sostenible en el curriculum oficial educativo

    Father involvement and marital relationship during transition to parenthood: Differences between dual and single-earner families

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    Research into the process of becoming mother or father shows very conclusively that this important life transition is accompanied by both a decrease in marital quality and a more traditional division of labour. In this paper these changes are analyzed with special emphasis on the relationships between them and exploring the role played in this process by the mother’s work status. Results showed a significant link between the development of marital quality and violated expectations regarding father involvement on childrearing. Dual-earner families were characterized by a specific pattern of changes, with greater stability than single-earner families in marital and parental roles during transition to parenthood and a significant role played by spouse support as a partner, but not as a parent.La investigación sobre el proceso de convertirse en madre o en padre muestra, de manera muy concluyente, que esta importante transición evolutiva suele estar caracterizada por un decremento en la calidad de la relación de pareja y por una tradicionalización en la división de las tareas dentro del hogar. En este artículo se analizan ambos tipos de cambios prestando especial atención a la relación entre los mismos, y se explora el papel que juega en ellos el hecho de que la mujer trabaje o no fuera del hogar. Los resultados indican que existe una importante relación entre el desarrollo de la relación de pareja y la violación de expectativas respecto a la implicación del padre en la crianza y el cuidado del bebé. Las parejas en las que ambos miembros trabajan fuera del hogar tienden a estar caracterizadas por una mayor estabilidad en los roles como pareja y como progenitores durante la transición, y por el significativo papel que en este proceso juega el apoyo del cónyuge como pareja y no como progenito

    Rendimiento en la PAU y elección de estudios Científico-Tecnológicos en razón de género

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    ABSTRACTBoys and girls’ behaviours when they have to choose university studies have been investigated for decades. In these researching works it has been found that, despite the efforts made, those decisions are still conditioned by gender. Taking this into account, this paper analyzes the results and decisions made by the students of Biomedical, Science and Technological Senior Secondary Education who have attended the entrance exam (PAU) at the University of Oviedo in a period of five years (2006-2010). The University has supplied us all data and they have been processed with SPSS 19 in order to obtain different parameters disaggregated by gender, score on the issues, career choice, and so on. The paper also shows the dimensions of the sample disaggregated by gender, scientific-technological and bio-health subjects and career choice. We are also interested in the results achieved in the entrance examination in relation to gender, the subjects which have been evaluated and the academic choice. More specifically, we explore the factors that predict the already mentioned choice. Our outcomes are discussed comparing them with conclusions of other studies. The data verify certain lines of evolution but, on the other hand, some of them contradict long-established trends in other countries: resistance to choose technological studies is still observed in girls, whereas a set of changes are taking place (more women are present in traditionally male studies and there is a decline or even disappearance of differences between boys and girls’ academic performance).RESUMENDurante las últimas décadas se han estudiado los diferentes comportamientos que siguen chicos y chicas en la elección de estudios universitarios. En esas investigaciones se ha constatado que, pese a los esfuerzos realizados, esas decisiones siguen estando marcadas por el género. El texto analiza los resultados y decisiones que toman los y las estudiantes de Bachillerato Científico-Tecnológico y Biosanitario que realizan la PAU (prueba de acceso) en la Universidad de Oviedo durante un lustro (2006-2010). Este análisis se realiza a partir de los datos suministrados por la Universidad, siendo tratados mediante el programa informático SPSS 19.0, con el que se obtienen distintos parámetros estadísticos desagregados por género, puntuación en las materias, elección de carrera, etc. Se da cuenta de las dimensiones de la población desagregada por género, asignaturas de la modalidad científico-tecnológica y bio-sanitaria, y rama y carrera académica elegida. Se analiza el rendimiento en la prueba de acceso en relación con el género, asignaturas evaluadas y elección de carrera universitaria. Los resultados confirman ciertas esquematizaciones en razón de género, como la pervivencia de la resistencia a cursar estudios tecnológicos por parte de las chicas, pero también se formulan observaciones que contradicen tendencias muy asentadas en otros países y que permiten sustentar algunas conclusiones que evidencian la mayor presencia femenina en carreras tradicionalmente masculinas y la disminución e, incluso, desaparición de diferencias de rendimiento entre chicos y chicas.ABSTRACTBoys and girls’ behaviours when they have to choose university studies have been investigated for decades. In these researching works it has been found that, despite the efforts made, those decisions are still conditioned by gender. Taking this into account, this paper analyzes the results and decisions made by the students of Biomedical, Science and Technological Senior Secondary Education who have attended the entrance exam (PAU) at the University of Oviedo in a period of five years (2006-2010). The University has supplied us all data and they have been processed with SPSS 19 in order to obtain different parameters disaggregated by gender, score on the issues, career choice, and so on. The paper also shows the dimensions of the sample disaggregated by gender, scientific-technological and bio-health subjects and career choice. We are also interested in the results achieved in the entrance examination in relation to gender, the subjects which have been evaluated and the academic choice. More specifically, we explore the factors that predict the already mentioned choice. Our outcomes are discussed comparing them with conclusions of other studies. The data verify certain lines of evolution but, on the other hand, some of them contradict long-established trends in other countries: resistance to choose technological studies is still observed in girls, whereas a set of changes are taking place (more women are present in traditionally male studies and there is a decline or even disappearance of differences between boys and girls’ academic performance).

    Hacia la corresponsabilidad familiar: "Construir lo cotidiano. Un programa de educación parental".

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    Nowadays, family co-responsability which implies a new model of shared fatherhood and motherhood, is on one of the most important topics when we analyse and study families’ dynamics. The aim of these pages is to present the programme Constructing the daily routines. A programme of family education which has been designed by the research group ASOCED to work with mothers and fathers with children in Pre-primary and Primary Education. We consider this is an important period in parents and children lives as it is in this moment when families start the construction of their educational model in cooperation with another relevant socialization institution, that is, the school. The programme model is based on parents and mothers’ implicit conceptions of the education and socialization of their daughters and sons. Taking these preconceptions into account, the programme tries to check family dynamics, to reconstruct the frame of relations, the division of the tasks and the redistribution of responsibilities, so that habits of equality, solidarity and shared responsibility are promoted in mothers and fathers. Therefore, the programme focuses on the transformation of families attitudes, preferences and beliefs dealing with sexual roles and moreover on the different ways of combining the remunerated and domestic work. The main conclusion could be that it would be impossible to desire and aspire to democratic, egalitarian, participative, adaptative and tolerant societies and families when, inside them, models and spaces of experience of the above mentioned values are not generated and promoted.Dentro de la dinámica familiar, uno de los temas de gran actualidad es la corresponsabilidad familiar, un nuevo modelo de paternidad y maternidad compartida.El objetivo de estas páginas es presentar un programa de educación parental con características propias (“Construir lo cotidiano. Un programa de educación parental”) dirigido a madres y padres con hijas e hijos de Educación Infantil y Primaria elaborado por miembros del grupo de investigación ASOCED. El programa tiene como objetivo abordar el proceso de construcción de un modelo educativo en un momento importante, cuando padres y madres comienzan a colaborar con otra institución socializadora relevante como es la escuela. El modelo que se pretende construir toma como punto de partida las concepciones implícitas que los padres y madres tienen acerca de la educación y socialización de sus hijas e hijos. Partiendo de ellas se pretende revisar la dinámica familiar y reconstruir el marco de relaciones, de división de las tareas y de redistribución de responsabilidades, de manera que fomenten en ellos hábitos de igualdad, solidaridad y responsabilidad compartida Nos centramos, por tanto, en la transformación de las actitudes, preferencias y creencias que la familia posee sobre los papeles sexuales y sobre los modos y maneras de combinar el trabajo remunerado y el trabajo familiar.Difícilmente podemos anhelar y aspirar a una sociedad y unas familias democráticas, igualitarias, participativas, adaptativas y tolerantes, si en su seno no se generan modelos y espacios de vivencia de dichos valores que sirvan de ejemplo y estímulo

    Validating a model of effective teaching behaviour and student engagement:perspectives from Spanish students

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    Research consistently shows that teaching behaviour is a highly-important indicator of learning environments. Based on a teacher effectiveness model with six observable teaching behaviour domains (safe learning climate, efficient classroom management, clarity of instruction, activating teaching, teaching–learning strategies, and differentiation), the present paper examines the psychometric quality of the My Teacher questionnaire for capturing student perceptions of teaching behaviour in the Spanish secondary-education context. Additionally, this study validated the model of teaching behaviour and student engagement and its relevance in Spain. 7114 students of 410 teachers attending 56 public and private Spanish schools constituted the sample. The six teaching behavioural dimensions model were confirmed in the Spanish context. Regarding student academic engagement, the presence of two domains (behavioural and emotional engagement) were confirmed. Furthermore, results of a multiple-group structural equation modeling path analysis, examining the relationship between teaching behaviour and student engagement across different teaching experiences, revealed differential effects of teaching behaviour influences on students’ engagement. The percentage of explained variance was larger for emotional engagement than for behavioural engagement. Furthermore, teachers’ teaching experience explained differences in the relationship between perceived teaching behaviour and engagement. Two domains (learning climate and activating teaching) appeared to be the two most-important teaching domains for students’ behavioural engagement while, for emotional engagement, the most important domains for student engagement were learning climate and teaching learning strategies

    Validation of COL11A1/procollagen 11A1 expression in TGF-β1-activated immortalised human mesenchymal cells and in stromal cells of human colon adenocarcinoma

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    Our observations stress once more the usefulness of the DMTX1/1E8.33 mAb for cancer research, and the clinical significance of procollagen 11A1 as a very valuable biomarker to characterise cancer-associated stromal cells and to evaluate human colon adenocarcinomas.Background: The human COL11A1 gene has been shown to be up-regulated in stromal cells of colorectal tumours, but, so far, the immunodetection of procollagen 11A1, the primary protein product of COL11A1, has not been studied in detail in human colon adenocarcinomas. Some cancer-associated stromal cells seem to be derived from bone marrow mesenchymal cells; the expression of the COL11A1 gene and the parallel immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 have not been evaluated in these latter cells, either. Methods: We used quantitative RT-PCR and/or immunocytochemistry to study the expression of DES/desmin, VIM/vimentin, ACTA2/αSMA (alpha smooth muscle actin) and COL11A1/procollagen 11A1 in HCT 116 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells, in immortalised human bone marrow mesenchymal cells and in human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cultured stromal cells. The immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 was performed with the new recently described DMTX1/1E8.33 mouse monoclonal antibody. Human colon adenocarcinomas and non-malignant colon tissues were evaluated by immunohistochemistry as well. Statistical associations were sought between anti-procollagen 11A1 immunoscoring and patient clinicopathological features. Results: Procollagen 11A1 was immunodetected in human bone marrow mesenchymal cells and in human colon adenocarcinoma-associated spindle-shaped stromal cells but not in colon epithelial or stromal cells of the normal colon. This immunodetection paralleled, in both kinds of cells, that of the other mesenchymalrelated biomarkers studied: vimentin and alpha smooth muscle actin, but not desmin. Thus, procollagen 11A1+ adenocarcinoma-associated stromal cells are similar to “activated myofibroblasts”. In the series of human colon adenocarcinomas here studied, a high procollagen 11A1 expression was associated with nodal involvement (p = 0.05), the development of distant metastases (p = 0.017), and advanced Dukes stages (p = 0.047). Conclusion: The immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 in cancer-associated stromal cells could be a useful biomarker for human colon adenocarcinoma characterisation. Keywords: Procollagen 11A1, Human bone marrow mesenchymal cells, Cancer-associated stromal cells, Human colon adenocarcinom

    COL11A1/(pro)collagen 11A1 expression is a remarkable biomarker of human invasive carcinoma-associated stromal cells and carcinoma progression

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    The COL11A1 human gene codes for the α1 chain of procollagen 11A1 and mature collagen 11A1, an extracellular minor fibrillar collagen. Under regular conditions, this gene and its derived products are mainly expressed by chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells as well as osteoblasts. Normal epithelial cells and quiescent fibroblasts from diverse locations do not express them. Mesenchyme-derived tumors and related conditions, such as scleroderma and keloids, are positive for COL11A1/(pro)collagen 11A1 expression, as well as high-grade human gliomas/glioblastomas. This expression is almost absent in benign pathological processes such as breast hyperplasia, sclerosing adenosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. By contrast, COL11A1/(pro)collagen 11A1 is highly expressed by activated stromal cells of the desmoplastic reaction of different human invasive carcinomas, and this expression is correlated with carcinoma aggressiveness and progression, and lymph node metastasis. COL11A1 upregulation has been shown to be associated to TGF-β1, Wnt, and Hh signaling pathways, which are especially active in cancerassociated stromal cells. At the front of invasive carcinomas, neoplastic epithelial cells, putatively undergoing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and carcinoma-derived cells with highly metastatic capabilities, can express COL11A1. Thus, in established metastases, the expression of COL11A1/ (pro)collagen 11A1 could rely on both the metastatic epithelial cells and/or the accompanying activated stromal cells. COL11A1/(pro)collagen 11A1 expression is a remarkable biomarker of human carcinoma-associated stromal cells and carcinoma progression

    Medidas de desigualdad: Un estudio analítico

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    Este documento es el primero de una serie de trabajos en los que abordamos la cuantificación de la desigualdad de renta de una población. En el trabajo de discusión que ahora presentamos se hace un planteamiento general de las medidas de desigualdad desde una óptica puramente analítica. Comenzaremos considerando los índices usualmente utilizados para cuantificar la desigualdad haciendo explícitos los inconvenientes que plantea el empleo de los mismos. A continuación se hace referencia a las propiedades que intuitivamente parece lógico exigir a las medidas de desigualdad. En la sección siguiente estudiaremos de modo exhaustivo el Índice de orden - 1, poniendo de manifiesto las ventajas que esta medida presenta frente a otros indicadores. A modo de apéndice se recogen otros tipos de medidas de desigualdad además de las ya estudiadas y se evalúa la bondad de todas ellas a partir de un conjunto de propiedades consideradas deseables