373 research outputs found

    Deep analysis of the University of Alicante through the news appearing in the Diario Información

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    La constante actividad docente, cultural, investigadora y empresarial de la Universidad de Alicante genera un gran volumen informativo de alto interés periodístico, parte del cual se difunde a través de los medios de comunicación. En este sentido el Diario Información, como periódico impreso de mayor tirada de la provincia de Alicante, no sólo recoge y publica todos estos sucesos noticiosos sino que también permite que la actividad docente e investigadora pueda divulgarse abiertamente en sus páginas. El contenido resultante, por su formato y temática, además de informar sobre la labor multidisciplinar de la Universidad de Alicante, proyecta, voluntaria o involuntariamente, una imagen de dicha organización que puede condicionar la reputación de ésta en el ámbito social, político, económico y cultural. Por tanto, este flujo informativo es capaz de influir en la opinión pública así como en el valor intangible de la marca de la propia Universidad. El presente artículo trata de analizar el contenido que el Diario Información difunde acerca de Universidad de Alicante para poder determinar sus particularidades y averiguar si estos enunciados contribuyen a la generación de una imagen positiva de la Institución. Asimismo pretende constatar la capacidad de la UA para generar contenido periodístico de interés notable tanto para el diario en cuestión como para los públicos receptores del mismo.The constant teaching, cultural, research and business activity at the University of Alicante generates a large volume of high newsworthy information, part of which is disseminated through the media. In this sense the Diario Información, as the largest newspaper in circulation in the province of Alicante, not only collects and publishes these news events but also allows the teaching and research activities can be openly spread on its pages. Voluntarily or involuntarily, the resulting contents, their format and theme, while providing information on the role of multidisciplinary activities of the University of Alicante, project an image of the organization, which can have influence on the rearders’ perception and the reputation of its condition in the social, political, economic and cultural spheres. Therefore, this flow of information is able to have influence on public’s opinion as on the intangible value of the brand of the university. This article attempts to analyze the content about the University of Alicante spread by Diario Información in order to determine their characteristics and find out if these statements contribute to create on the reader a positive image of the institution. It also aims to verify the ability of the UA to generate a significant and interesting journalistic content for both the newspaper in question and for receiving public thereof

    Gastronomy as a Creative Industry in a digital context. Analysis of the websites and social networks of the Spanish restaurants with Michelin star

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    En los últimos años es evidente el éxito creciente de la gastronomía, no sólo como mercado económico sino también desde una perspectiva comunicativa. Entendida como una Industria Creativa, la gastronomía está adquiriendo cada vez más peso en el mercado de la comunicación y se están desarrollando planes estratégicos que acercan progresivamente el sector gastronómico a todos los públicos, democratizando el arte de la cocina y haciendo de éste un talento accesible y disponible para todos los públicos. En pleno contexto de crecimiento, las estrategias y recursos comunicativos que utilizan tanto los mass media como los propios restaurantes y profesionales de la cocina, se han de convertir en objeto de estudio necesario para entender, por ejemplo, de qué manera se explotan los recursos comunicacionales y cuál es el alcance de los mismos así como sus oportunidades. El presente artículo se centra en un análisis de contenido de las páginas webs y las redes sociales utilizadas por los ocho restaurantes españoles galardonados con tres estrellas por la Guía Michelin España-Portugal (2014), sometidos a estudio en la misma semana (del 15 al 21 de septiembre). El objetivo principal es tratar de conocer estrategia de comunicación online llevada a cabo por estos restaurantes y establecer la importancia que se les atribuye a los recursos web a la hora de contribuir tanto a la consolidación de sus propias marcas como a la propia Industria Creativa gastronómica. Los resultados muestran cierta disparidad en el uso tanto de los recursos web como de los social media y avanzan que el sector gastronómico y de la restauración española tiene un reto: seguir comunicando implicándose en mayor medida con la bidireccionalidad e invitación a la participación de sus públicos, con el objetivo de captar nuevos contactos, fidelizar a los clientes actuales y convertir a todos ellos en prescriptores de sus servicios.Over the last few years, the increasing success of gastronomy has been evident, not only as an economic market but also from a communicative perspective. Understanding it as a Creative Industry, gastronomy is becoming more important in the communication market and strategic, which gradually approach the restaurant industry to everyone, are being developed by democratizing the art of cooking and making it an accessible and available talent to everyone. In a full development context, strategies and communication resources used by both the media and the restaurants themselves and culinary professionals, are to become the main objective necessary to understand, for example, how the communication resources are exploited and what their effect is along with their opportunities. This article focuses on a content analysis of the main web resources used by eight Spanish restaurants awarded three stars by the Michelin Guide Spain-Portugal (2014). The main objective is trying to know the online communication strategy undertaken by these restaurants and to establish the importance given to Web resources contributing both their own brands consolidation and the development of the gastronomic Creative Industry itself. The results show some disparity in the use of both web resources and social media. Thus, the restaurant industry and the Spanish restoration has a challenge: to continue providing a stronger engagement with the two-way communication and inviting their audiences to participate, in order to attract new contacts, to ensure current customer’s loyalty and to convert new contacts into customers and influencers

    Campaña de concientización sobre el estrés infantil tres contra el strés... papis profes y amigos

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    The following document is a research and a thesis project. It is goal is understand a social problem; the theme chosen was the childhood stress which kids are exposed in different environments such us: family, school and health, environments in which they develop. This research is made based on national and international sources and interviews to specialists, which let the researchers, understand the principal symptoms and causes of this problem, which is generated because of the threatening or defiant situations that kids are exposed to. Considering that childhood is a period of constant change and development, is very important to treat this problem because this will affect the integral development of kids. The objective of this project was to inform, to make people conscious and to collect money based on the "Tres Contra el Estrés" campaign which had different activities such as: two BTL activations in different locations of the city, a conference and a social activism with the goal of being heard by authorities. Considering parents, teachers and friends are the main actors; they were informed about the importance of teaching kids to overcome stress, by this way developing them emotional and psychologically.El presente trabajo es una investigación y proyecto de titulación, su fin es entender una problemática social; se escogió el tema del estrés infantil cotidiano al que está expuesta la niñez en los distintos entornos como son: el familiar, el escolar y de la salud en los cuales se desenvuelven. Es así como mediante investigaciones de fuentes nacionales e internacionales y entrevistas a especialistas se dio un acercamiento a este tema, se logró comprender los principales síntomas y causas de esta problemática, la cual se genera ante las situaciones amenazadoras o desafiantes a los que los niños y las niñas se exponen cada día. Al ser la niñez una etapa de continuo cambio y desarrollo, es fundamental tratar este tema ya que esta va a influir en su desarrollo integral. El objetivo de este proyecto fue informar, concienciar y recaudar fondos, a través de la campaña Tres Contra el Estrés… papis, profes y amigos, la cual tuvo diferentes actividades como fueron: Dos activaciones BTL en distintos puntos de la ciudad, una conferencia- taller y un activismo social con el fin de llegar a las autoridades. Siendo los principales actores los padres y las madres de familia, los profesores y los amigos, se dio a conocer a estos sobre la importancia de enseñar a los niños y niñas a afrontar el estrés, con el fin de que puedan desarrollarse emocional y psicológicamente

    Enhanced NAPL removal and mixing with engineered injection and extraction

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    Aquifer remediation with in-situ soil washing techniques and enhanced oil removal typically involves the injection of liquid solutions into the geological formation to displace and mobilize non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). The efficiency of these systems is oftentimes low because the displacing fluid bypasses large quantities of NAPL due to the inherent complexity of a heterogeneous natural system. Here, engineered injection and extraction (EIE) generated by rotating periodic injection is proposed as a method to enhance NAPL removal and mixing. To evaluate the method, we perform two-phase flow simulations in multiple realizations of random permeability fields with different correlation structures and connectivity between injection and extraction wells embedded in a five-spot pattern. Results show that EIE can significantly improve removal efficiency and mixing depending on several controlling factors. The effects of EIE are more significant under unfavorable conditions, that is, when injection and extraction wells are well-connected through preferential channels, permeabilities are highly heterogeneous, and/or the mobility ratio between the wetting and the non-wetting fluids is larger than one. Removal efficiency reaches its maximum value when the Kubo number is close to one, that is, when the saturation front travels one range of the permeability field in an injection pulse. These effects can develop in just a few cycles. However, removal efficiency should undergo first an early stage with detrimental effects in order to maximize removal in the long term. EIE not only enhances NAPL removal and mixing but also reduces the uncertainty, making the system more reliable and less dependent on heterogeneity.This work was partially supported by the European Commission, through project MARSOLUT (grant H2020-MSCAITN-2018); by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through project MONOPOLIOS (RTI 2018-101990-B-100, MINECO/FEDER); and by the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants through FI 2017 (EMC/2199/2017).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Teaching Thinking on the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Language and Literature mainstream Classroom

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    Irene Gómez Marí - Universidad de Valencia - 0000-0002-0452-3293Carmen Rodríguez Gonzalo - Universidad de Valencia - 0000-0002-8013-7503Fecha de publicación: 05.01.2024Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Irene Gómez-Marí - 0000-0002-0452-3293Financiación: Ministerio de Educación, código: FPU19/06330Área o categoría del conocimiento: MultidisciplinarLas personas con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) tienen dificultades en la comunicación y las habilidades sociales. La literatura científica evidencia las potencialidades de la asignatura de Lengua y Literatura (LyL) sobre el desarrollo comunicativo del alumnado con TEA. Los docentes desempeñan un papel crucial. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio es analizar el pensamiento docente sobre la inclusión del alumnado con TEA en la materia de LyL. Desde un paradigma metodológico mixto, siguiendo un diseño exploratorio-descriptivo, encuestamos a un total de 40 profesionales, en su mayoría profesorado de Lengua, mediante un cuestionario de preguntas de respuesta corta, abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados evidencian el pensamiento positivo del profesorado con respecto al papel de la materia de LyL como herramienta de inclusión, pese a las dificultades que detectan. Estas barreras detectadas por los docentes colocan a los profesionales de la educación en un punto de inacción. Es necesario seguir formando al profesorado en materia de inclusión y de TEA, debido a la creciente presencia de alumnado con este trastorno en el aula. La actitud general expresada en el estudio supone un buen punto de partida para ello, pues la mayoría de participantes reconoce las potencialidades de asignatura para la inclusión educativa.Abstract: People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have difficulties in communication and social skills. The scientific literature shows the potentialities of the subject of Language and Literature on the communicative development of students with ASD. Teachers play a crucial role. The objective of the study is to analyze the teaching thinking about the inclusion of students with ASD in the subject of Language and Literature. From a mixed methodological paradigm, following an exploratory-descriptive design, we surveyed a total of 40 professionals, mostly language teachers, through a questionnaire of short, open and closed answer questions. The results show the positive thinking of teachers regarding the role of the language subject as a tool of inclusion, despite the difficulties they detect. These barriers identified by teachers place education professionals at a point of inaction. It is necessary to continue training teachers in inclusion and ASD, due to the increasing presence of students with this disorder in the classroom. The general attitude expressed in the study is a good starting point for this, as most participants recognize the potential of the subject for educational inclusion.Ministerio de Educación, código: FPU19/0633

    Iconoscotopías, espacios de relación entre mi tele y yo

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    Iconoscotopías, espacios de relación entre mi tele y yo es un proyecto de arqueología contemporánea apoyado por una investigación teórico-práctica a del trabajo de campo en el I.E.S. Segundo de Chomón de Teruel –obteniendo así una experiencia directa con los alumnos– en la que se ha buscado analizar cómo se relacionan las personas con el audiovisual, hasta qué punto forma parte de la memoria colectiva e individual de cada uno y su relación con la constitució de una identidad propia. Todo ello trabajando desde distintas dimensiones como la espacio-temporal (lugares donde vemos audiovisuales, personas con las que los vemos, cantidad de horas que pasamos consumiendo audiovisuales) o la psicológica (cómo vemos esos audiovisuales, por qué los vemos, qué vemos en ellos o si nos sentimos identificados)

    New perspectives on corpora amylacea in the human brain

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    Corpora amylacea are structures of unknown origin and function that appear with age in human brains and are profuse in selected brain areas in several neurodegenerative conditions. They are constituted of glucose polymers and may contain waste elements derived from different cell types. As we previously found on particular polyglucosan bodies in mouse brain, we report here that corpora amylacea present some neo-epitopes that can be recognized by natural antibodies, a certain kind of antibodies that are involved in tissue homeostasis. We hypothesize that corpora amylacea, and probably some other polyglucosan bodies, are waste containers in which deleterious or residual products are isolated to be later eliminated through the action of the innate immune system. In any case, the presence of neo-epitopes on these structures and the existence of natural antibodies directed against them could become a new focal point for the study of both age-related and degenerative brain processes

    A KDE-based random walk method for modeling reactive transport with complex kinetics in porous media

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sole-Mari, G., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., Rodríguez-Escales, P., & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2017). A KDE-based random walk method for modeling reactive transport with complex kinetics in porous media. Water Resources Research, 53, 9019–9039, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/2017WR021064. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.In recent years, a large body of the literature has been devoted to study reactive transport of solutes in porous media based on pure Lagrangian formulations. Such approaches have also been extended to accommodate second-order bimolecular reactions, in which the reaction rate is proportional to the concentrations of the reactants. Rather, in some cases, chemical reactions involving two reactants follow more complicated rate laws. Some examples are (1) reaction rate laws written in terms of powers of concentrations, (2) redox reactions incorporating a limiting term (e.g., Michaelis-Menten), or (3) any reaction where the activity coefficients vary with the concentration of the reactants, just to name a few. We provide a methodology to account for complex kinetic bimolecular reactions in a fully Lagrangian framework where each particle represents a fraction of the total mass of a specific solute. The method, built as an extension to the second-order case, is based on the concept of optimal Kernel Density Estimator, which allows the concentrations to be written in terms of particle locations, hence transferring the concept of reaction rate to that of particle location distribution. By doing so, we can update the probability of particles reacting without the need to fully reconstruct the concentration maps. The performance and convergence of the method is tested for several illustrative examples that simulate the Advection-Dispersion-Reaction Equation in a 1-D homogeneous column. Finally, a 2-D application example is presented evaluating the need of fully describing non-bilinear chemical kinetics in a randomly heterogeneous porous medium.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Systematic Review of Plasmid AmpC Type Resistances in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae and Preliminary Proposal of a Simplified Screening Method for ampC

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    Beta-lactamase (BL) production is a major public health problem. Although not the most frequent AmpC type, AmpC-BL is increasingly isolated, especially plasmid AmpC-BL (pAmpCBL). The objective of this study was to review information published to date on pAmpC-BL in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and on the epidemiology and detection methods used by clinical microbiology laboratories, by performing a systematic review using the MEDLINE PubMed database. The predictive capacity of a screening method to detect AmpC-BL using disks with cloxacillin (CLX) was also evaluated by studying 102 Enterobacteriaceae clinical isolates grown in CHROMID ESBL medium with the addition of cefepime (FEP), cefoxitin (FOX), ertapenem (ETP), CLX, and oxacillin with CLX. The review, which included 149 publications, suggests that certain risk factors (prolonged hospitalization and previous use of cephalosporins) are associated with infections by pAmpC-BL-producing microorganisms. The worldwide prevalence has increased over the past 10 years, with a positivity rate ranging between 0.1 and 40%, although AmpC was only detected when sought in a targeted manner. CMY-2 type has been the most prevalent pAmpC-BLproducing microorganism. The most frequently used phenotypic method has been the double-disk synergy test (using CLX disks or phenyl-boronic acid and cefotaxime [CTX] and ceftazidime) and the disk method combined with these inhibitors. In regard to screening methods, a 1- g oxacillin disk with CLX showed 88.9% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% positive predictive value (PPV), 98.9% negative predictive value (NPV), and 98.9% validity index (VI). This predictive capacity is reduced with the addition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases, showing 62.5% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% PPV, 93.5% NPV, and 94.1% VI. In conclusion, there has been a worldwide increase in the number of isolates with pAmpC-BL, especially in Asia, with CMY-2 being the most frequently detected pAmpC-BL-producing type of microorganism. Reduction in its spread requires routine screening with a combination of phenotypic methods (with AmpC inhibitors) and genotypic methods (multiplex PCR). In conclusion, the proposed screening technique is an easy-to-apply and inexpensive test for the detection of AmpC-producing isolates in the routine screening of multidrugresistant microorganisms