54 research outputs found

    Contemporary view of atrial fibrillation; beyond the European Guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation

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    A lo largo de esta tesis se recogen recientes avances en el campo de la fibrilación auricular no descritos en las actuales recomendaciones de práctica clínica de la sociedad europea: cambio en la prevalencia en la última década, trascendencia de las nuevas recomendaciones anticoagulantes, la posible asociación entre síndrome de brugada y fibrilación auricular, trascendencia del bloqueo de rama izquierda sin disfunción ventricular, seguridad de la digoxina en pacientes con fibrilación auricular y finalmente la efectividad del tratamiento híbrido (farmacológico y ablación del istmo cavotricuspídeo (ict)). Along this thesis we will try to collect recent advances in the field of atrial fibrillation, advances not described in the current european guideliness: change in the prevalence in the last decade, the relevance of the new anticoagulant recommendations, the possible association between the brugada syndrome and atrial fibrillation, the relevance of a left bundle branch block but without ventricular dysfunction, the safety profile of digoxin in patients with atrial fibrillation and finally, we will analyze the efectiveness of the so-called hybrid aproach (combination of medical treatment plus ablation)

    Omentin protects H9c2 cells against docetaxel cardiotoxicity

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    Background : Association between obesity and cardiovascular diseases is well known, however increased susceptibility of obese patients to develop several cancer types is not so commonly known. Current data suggest that poorer overall survival in cancer patients might be associated to non-cancer-related causes such as higher risk of cardiotoxicity in obese patients treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Omentin, a novel adipokine decreased in obesity, is actually in the spotlight due to its favourable effects on inflammation, glucose homeostasis and cardiovascular diseases. Also, recent data showed that in vitro anthracycline-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis is counteracted by omentin suggesting its cardioprotective role. Objective: Our aim was to evaluate omentin effects against docetaxel toxicity. Results: Our data indicate that omentin inhibits docetaxel-induced viability loss and that increased viability is associated to decreased caspase-3 expression and cell death. Although omentin reduces NOX4 expression, it failed to reduce docetaxel-induced reactive oxygen species production. Our results indicate that omentin decreases docetaxel-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, suggesting that cardioprotective role might be associated to ERS inhibition. Conclusion : These data suggest that omentin treatment may contribute to decrease susceptibility to DTX-induced cardiotoxicity.This work was supported by Fundación Mutua Madrileña 2014 (R.L.), Red de Investigación Cardiovascular (RIC) (RD12/0042/0039) an initiative of ISCIII (J.R.G-J), Programa de Consolidación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas do SUG (GPC 2013-051) of Xunta de Galicia (J.R.G-J) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV) (CB16/11/00226) of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (J.R.G-J). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Leadless pacemaker implantation with hybrid image mapping technique in a congenital heart disease case

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    Sinus venosus atrial septal defect (SVASD) is an interatrial communication caused by a deficiency of the common wall between the superior vena cava and the right-sided pulmonary veins. Implantation of a conventional pacemaker in this setting can be challenging. We report the feasibility of leadless pacemaker (LPM) implantation assisted by imaging integration and electroanatomical mappingS

    Gender differences on healthcare accessibility and outcomes of a electronic inter-clinician consultation program at the cardiology department in a Galician Health Area

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    Aims To assess the longer-term results (hospital admissions and mortality) in women versus men referred to a cardiology department from primary care using an e-consultation in our outpatient care programme. Methods We selected 61,306 patients (30,312 women and 30,994 men) who visited the cardiology service at least once between 2010 and 2021: 69.1% (19,997 women and 20,462 men) were attended in e-consultation (from 2013 to 2021) and 30.9% (8920 women and 9136 men) in in-person consultations (from 2010 to 2012) without gender differences in the proportion of patients attended in each period. Using an interrupted time series regression model, we analysed the impact of incorporating e-consultation into the healthcare model and evaluated the elapsed time to cardiology care, heart failure (HF), cardiovascular (CV), and all-cause hospital admissions and mortality during the one-year after cardiology consultation. Results The introduction of e-consultation substantially decreased waiting times to cardiology care; during the in-person consultation period, the mean delay for cardiology care was 57.9 (24.8) days in men and 55.8 (22.8) days in women. During the e-consultation period, the waiting time to cardiology care was markedly reduced to 9.41 (4.02) days in men and 9.46 (4.18) in women. After e-consultation implantation, there was a significant reduction in the 1-year rate of hospital admissions and mortality, both in women and men iRR [IC 95%]: 0.95 [0.93–0.96] for HF, 0.90 [0.89–0.91] for CV and 0.70 [0.69–0.71] for all-cause hospitalization; and 0.93 [0.92–0.95] for HF, 0.86 [0.86–0.87] for CV and 0.88 [0.87–0.89] for all-cause mortality in women; and 0.91 [0.89–0.92] for HF, 0.90 [0.89–0.91] for CV and 0.72 [0.71–0.73] for all-cause hospitalization; and 0.96 [0.93–0.97] for HF, 0.87 [95% CI: 0.86–0.87] for CV and 0.87 [0.86–0.87] for all-cause mortality, in men. Conclusion Compared with the in-person consultation period, an outpatient care programme that includes an e-consultation significantly reduced waiting time to cardiology care and was safe, with a lower rate of hospital admissions and mortality in the first year, without significative gender differencesS

    The impact of inter-clinician electronic consultation in patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in primary care

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    Background An early diagnosis and early initiation of oral anticoagulants (OAC) are main determinants for outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Inter-clinician electronic consultations (e-consultations) program for the general practitioner referrals to cardiologist may improve health care access by reducing the elapsed time for cardiology care. Objective To evaluate the effect of a reduced elapsed time to care after a inter-clinician e-consultations program implementation (2013–2019) in comparison with previous in-person consultation (2010–2012) in the outpatient health care management in a Cardiology Department. Methodology We included 10,488 patients with AF from 1 January 2010, to 31 December 2019. Until 2012, all patients attended an in-person consultation (2010–2012). In 2013, we instituted an e-consult program (2013–2019) for all primary care referrals to cardiologists that preceded patient's in-person consultation when considered. The shared electronic patient dossier (EPD) was available between GP and cardiologist, and any change in therapy advice from cardiologist was directly implemented in this EPD. Results During the e-consultation period (2013–2019) were referred 6627 patients by GPs to cardiology versus 3861 during the in-person consultation (2010–2012). The e-consultation implementation was associated with a reduction in the elapsed time to anticoagulation prescription (177.6 ± 8.9 vs. 22.5 ± 8.1 days, p < .001), and an increase of OAC use (61% [95% IC: 19.6%–102.4%], p < .001). The e-consult program implementation was associated with a reduction in the 1-year CV mortality (.48 [95% CI: .30–.75]) and all-cause mortality (.42 [95% CI: .29–.62]). The OAC reduces the stroke mortality (.15 [95% CI: .06–.39]) and CV mortality (.43 [95% CI: .29–.62]) and all-cause mortality (.23 [95% CI: .17–.31]). Conclusion A shared EPD-based inter-clinician e-consultation program significantly reduced the elapsed time for cardiology consultation and initiation of OAC. The implementation of this program was associated with a lower risk of stroke and cardiovascular/all-cause mortalityS

    Neuromodulatory Approaches for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

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    In this review, the authors describe evolving alternative strategies for the management of AF, focusing on non-invasive and percutaneous autonomic modulation. This modulation can be achieved – among other approaches – via tragus stimulation, renal denervation, cardiac afferent denervation, alcohol injection in the vein of Marshall, baroreceptor activation therapy and endocardial ganglionated plexi ablation. Although promising, these therapies are currently under investigation but could play a role in the treatment of AF in combination with conventional pulmonary vein isolation in the near future

    Long-term cardiac reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Introduction: The benefit of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in heart failure (HF) patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) have been observed in the first year. However, there are few data on long-term follow-up and the effect of changes of LVEF on mortality. This study aimed to assess the LV remodeling after CRT implantation and the probable effect of changes in LVEF with repeated measures on mortality over time in a real-world registry. Methods: Among our cohort of 328 consecutive CRT patients, mixed model effect analysis have been made to describe the temporal evolution of LVEF and LVESV changes over time up with several explanatory variables. Besides, the effect of LVEF along time on the probability of mortality was evaluated using joint modeling for longitudinal and survival data. Results: The study population included 328 patients (253 men; 70.2 ± 9.5 years) in 4.2 (2.9) years follow-up. There was an increase in LVEF of 11% and a reduction in LVESV of 42 mL during the first year. These changes are more important during the first year, but slight changes remain during the follow-up. The largest reduction in LVESV occurred in patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) and the smallest reduction in patients with NYHA IV. The smallest increase in LVEF was an ischemic etiology, longer QRS, and LV electrode in a nonlateral vein. Besides, the results showed that the LVEF profiles taken during follow-up after CRT were associated with changes in the risk of death. Conclusion: Reverse remodeling of the left ventricle is observed especially during the first year, but it seems to be maintained later after CRT implantation in a contemporary cohort of patients. Longitudinal measurements could give us additional information at predicting the individual mortality risk after adjusting by age and sex compared to a single LVEF measurement after CRTS

    Rol de sCD40L en la predicción de súper-respuesta a la terapia de resincronización cardiaca

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    Background. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of the biomarkers Interleukin 6, Tumoral Necrosis Factor α, sCD40L, high sensitive Troponin T, high sensitive C-Reactive Protein and Galectin-3 in predicting super response (SR) to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT), as they have not been studied in this field before. Methods. Clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic data was obtained preimplant and after one year. SR was defined as reduction in LVESV ≥ 30% at one year follow-up. Blood samples were extracted preimplant. Multivariate logistic regression and ROC curves were performed. Results. 50 patients were included, 23 (46%) were SR. Characteristics related to SR were: female (35 vs. 11%, p=0.04), suffering from less ischemic cardiomyopathy (13 vs. 63%, p<0.0001) and lateral (0 vs. 18%, p=0.03), inferior (4 vs. 33%, p=0.01) and posterior infarction (0 vs. 22%, p=0.01); absence of mitral regurgitation (47% vs. 22%, p=0.04), wider QRS width (157.7±22.9 vs. 140.8±19.2ms, p=0.01), higher concentrations of sCD40L (6.9±5.1 vs. 4.4±3.3 ng/mL, p=0.02), and left ventricular lead more frequent in lateral medial position (69 vs. 26%, p=0.002). QRS width, lateral medial position of the lead and absence of mitral regurgitation were independent predictors of SR. sCD40L showed a moderate direct correlation with SR (r=0.39, p=0.02) and with the reduction of LVESV (r=0.44, p=0.02). Conclusion. sCD40L correlates significantly with SR to CRT. QRS width, absence of mitral regurgitation and lateral medial position of the lead are independent predictors of SR in this cohort.Fundamento. Analizar los biomarcadores Interleuquina 6, factor de necrosis tumoral α, sCD40L, troponina T hipersensible, proteína C-reactiva hipersensible y galectina-3 en la predicción de súper-respuesta (SR) a la terapia de resincronización cardiaca (TRC), ya que no han sido valorados con anterioridad. Material y métodos. Se recopilaron datos clínicos, electrocardiográficos y ecocardiográficos preimplante y al año. Se definió SR como disminución del VTSVI ≥ 30% al año de seguimiento. Las muestras sanguíneas fueron extraídas preimplante. Se realizó regresión logística multivariante y curvas ROC. Resultados. Se incluyeron 50 pacientes, 23 (46%) fueron SR.Las características relacionadas con la SR fueron: ser mujer (35 vs. 11%, p=0,04), sufrir menos cardiopatía isquémica (13 vs. 63%, p<0,0001) e infarto lateral (0 vs. 18%, p=0,03), inferior (4 vs. 33%, p=0,01) y posterior (0 vs. 22%, p=0,01); ausencia de insuficiencia mitral (47% vs. 22%, p=0,04), mayor anchura del QRS (157,7±22,9 vs. 140,8±19,2 ms, p=0,01), mayor concentración de sCD40L (6,9±5,1 vs. 4,4±3,3 ng/mL, p=0,02), y electrodo ventricular izquierdo más frecuentemente en posición lateral media (69 vs. 26%, p=0,002). El QRS, la posición lateral media del electrodo y la ausencia de insuficiencia mitral fueron predictores independientes de SR. sCD40L mostró una correlación moderada directa con SR (r=0,39, p=0,02) y con la disminución del VTSVI (r=0,44, p=0,02). Conclusiones. sCD40L se correlaciona significativamente con SR a la TRC. El QRS, la ausencia de insuficiencia mitral y la posición lateral media del electrodo son predictores independientes de SR en esta cohorte