36 research outputs found

    El origen universitario como determinante del resultado empresarial de las spin-offs españolas: análisis de su supervivencia, crecimiento e innovación

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    El fenómeno de las spin-off universitarias ha experimentado un importante incremento los últimos años en España. En gran medida, este crecimiento se ha visto sustentado por las administraciones públicas y las autoridades académicas que han seguido una política de apoyo a las iniciativas emprendedoras basadas en resultados de investigación. El apoyo a estas compañías se fundamenta, básicamente, en la creencia de que las spin-offs universitarias contribuyen en mayor medida que otras empresas al crecimiento económico y al desarrollo de la sociedad en la que surgen. Sin embargo, la evidencia empírica, tanto a nivel internacional como a nivel español, no permite concluir de manera rotunda que esto sea así. En la presente tesis, se pretende determinar si el carácter de spin-off universitaria otorga a las empresas ventajas que se traduzcan en mejores resultados en cuanto a supervivencia, crecimiento y actividad innovadora, y por ende en beneficios sociales y económicos para el entorno en el que se encuentran, contribuyendo al desarrollo de la tercera misión de la universidad. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si el origen universitario ejerce algún efecto sobre el resultado empresarial de las compañías, de manera que sea posible juzgar si está suficientemente justificado el apoyo público prestado a este tipo de empresas en los últimos años. Adicionalmente, se identifica el efecto que una serie de factores complementarios (características empresariales, características financieras y características propias de las spin-offs universitarias) ejercen sobre el resultado empresarial en sus tres dimensiones y se determina si el efecto de tales factores difiere entre las spin-offs universitarias y otras empresas comparables surgidas fuera del ámbito académico

    Os seminarios PAT da Facultade de Economía e Empresa na Nova Normalidade Académica

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    [Resumo] O Plan de Acción Titorial (PAT) da Facultade de Economía e Empresa (FEE) da Universidade da Coruña (UDC) tivo que enfrontarse no curso 2020-2021, como o resto da Universidade, á Nova Normalidade Académica (NNA) derivada da crise sanitaria provocada polo virus SARS-CoV-2 que deu lugar á enfermidade COVID-19. Un dos aspectos nos que o PAT da FEE debeu adaptarse á NNA foi no relativo ao seu Plan de Formación coordinado dende o Servizo de Formación do PAT e no que se encadran os Seminarios PAT da FEE, cursos breves de formación complementaria, transversal, opcional e gratuíta. Coa intención de manter en funcionamento o Servizo de Formación do PAT e continuar ofertando os Seminarios PAT da FEE, decidiuse facer un movemento cara a un sistema de seminarios PAT virtuais e síncronos a través da plataforma MS TEAMS, así como a unha coordinación e xestión dos mesmos tamén maioritariamente telemática. Os resultados deste necesario cambio de sistema foron positivos e, non so se mantiveron os seminarios que tradicionalmente se viñan impartindo, se non que incluso se incrementou a oferta dos mesmos, logrando cifras de asistencia notables.[Abstract] The Tutorial Action Plan (PAT) of the Facultade de Economía e Empresa (FEE) of the Universidade da Coruña (UDC) had to face in the academic year 2020-2021, like the rest of the University, with the New Academic Normal (NAN) arising from the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that gave rise to COVID-19 disease. One of the aspects in which the FEE PAT had to adapt to the NAN was in relation to its Coordinating Training Plan from the PAT Training Service and in which the FEE PAT Seminars are framed, short courses of complementary, transversal, optional and free training. With the aim of keeping the PAT Training Service running and continuing to offer the FEE PAT Seminars, it was decided to make a move towards a system of virtual and synchronous PAT seminars through the MS TEAMS platform, as well as a mostly telematic coordination and management. The results of this necessary change of system have been positive and, not only have the Seminars traditionally taught been maintained, but also the offer has been increased, achieving remarkable attendance figures.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    Incentivos para la participación activa del alumnado: experiencia en materias de contabilidad

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    [Resumen] El trabajo describe la puesta en práctica de un enfoque para la docencia en materias de contabilidad orientado a convertir al estudiante en un participante activo en el proceso de aprendizaje. El objetivo último es que el alumnado pueda continuar su formación, ya de manera autónoma, al abandonar la universidad, lo que le permitirá adaptarse a los continuos cambios a los que deberá enfrentarse en el ejercicio de su profesión. Con este fin, en la metodología docente se promueve el aprender haciendo; el papel del profesorado deja de ser el de proveer de conocimiento, para pasar a apoyar, orientar y estimular al estudiante para que derive, por sí mismo, la solución a las problemáticas objeto de estudio en la asignatura. El trabajo en clase se completa con un importante volumen de tareas a realizar fuera del aula. En coherencia con la metodología docente, el sistema de evaluación contempla, a través de diferentes actividades de evaluación continua, el esfuerzo realizado por los estudiantes en clase, pero, fundamentalmente, el trabajo llevado a cabo fuera del aula. Con las actividades propuestas se persigue, además, el desarrollo de habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación, esenciales para nuestros egresados en su ejercicio profesional.[Abstract] The paper describes the implementation of a teaching approach in accounting subjects aimed at promoting the active involvement of students in the learning process. The ultimate goal is that students can continue their training, in an autonomous way, upon leaving university, which will allow them to adapt to the continuous changes they will have to face in the exercise of their profession. To this end, the teaching methodology promotes learning by doing; the role of the teacher ceases to be that of providing knowledge, to support, guide and encourage students to derive, by themselves, the solution to the problems addressed in the subject. The work in class is completed with an important volume of tasks to be done outside the classroom. In coherence with the teaching methodology, the evaluation system contemplates, by means of different continuous assessment activities, the effort made by students in class, but, fundamentally, the work developed outside the classroom. With the proposed activities we also pursue the development of interpersonal and communication skills, essential for our graduates in their professional practice

    Mujeres: efecto palanca del empleo en las spin-offs universitarias

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    [Resumen] En las últimas décadas el número de spin-offs creadas en los sistemas universitarios se ha incrementado considerablemente. El objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar si la presencia de mujeres en el capital social de las spinoffs universitarias españolas ejerce algún efecto sobre su crecimiento. Adicionalmente se contrasta esta misma hipótesis en un grupo de empresas de control no originadas a partir de la investigación universitaria con el fin de identificar posibles diferencias en el efecto del factor mujer. n Europa dende finais do século XIX, analizamos tamén a situació

    Disentangling the Efects of Knowledge Spillovers and Family Firm Nature on Innovative Performance: a Multilevel Approach

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    The idiosyncrasies of family firms (FFs) may enable or hamper their ability to exploit the region’s knowledge spillovers. To the date, this issue has not been addressed by the literature. The purpose of this paper is twofold: firstly, to explore whether FF nature influences on firm innovative performance by acknowledging the fact that firm innovation happens in a certain location where firms are exposed to knowledge spillovers; and secondly, to analyse whether FF management plays a moderating role in the effects of regional knowledge spillovers on innovative outcomes. We used multilevel modelling and panel data methodology in a sample of 1191 Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 2009–2016. By applying multilevel analysis and panel data methods, the results indicate that being part of a family group increases innovative performance, and this effect seems to be even more important in regions with low technological or human capital resourcesOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    What knowledge management approach do entrepreneurial universities need?

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    [Abtract]: This paper explores how the entrepreneurial outcomes (patents, university spin-offs, research projects and R&D contracts) of universities relate to the availability and use of information and telecommunications (IT) solutions for knowledge management (KM) over the period 2011-2014. We hypothesize that entrepreneurial universities may benefit from a good connection between knowledge infrastructure (IT solutions) and knowledge management processes for KM. We tested this hypothesis by estimating generalized least squares models and negative binomial regression models in a sample of 63 Spanish universities over the period 2011-2014. The results show that using data grouping infrastructure increases several measures of entrepreneurial outcomes of universities. Unexpectedly, institutional tools of collaborative work and data warehouse significantly decrease the number of patents. According to these results we suggest that process-oriented approaches for KM may decrease the entrepreneurial outcomes of universities. The contribution of this analysis is twofold. First, it allows a better empirical understanding of how IT solutions for KM affect the entrepreneurial outcomes of universities. Second, this analysis could guide a new design of IT solutions in order to increase these outcomes

    El efecto de la buena gobernanza en la creación de empresas: un análisis multinivel

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    Entrepreneurship is a priority for governments worldwide and different studies have pointed out the importance of public governance to promote it. We used multilevel modelling on a sample of 206 countries for the period of 2004 to 2014, to empirically test three hypotheses. Firstly, we tested whether creation of new businesses is partly determined by the supranational regions where the countries are located. Secondly, we estimated the immediate impact of governance on entrepreneurial rates, and thirdly, the delayed effect of governance was considered. Our results showed countries located in the same supranational region are more homogeneous in terms of entrepreneurship than countries situated in a different regionEl emprendimiento es una prioridad para los gobiernos en todo el mundo y numerosos estudios han señalado la importancia de la gobernanza para promover la creación de empresas. En este trabajo utilizamos una modelización multinivel sobre una muestra de 206 países, para el período 2004-2014, para probar empíricamente tres hipótesis. En primer lugar, verificamos si la creación de nuevas empresas está parcialmente determinada por las regiones supranacionales donde se encuentran los países. En segundo lugar, estimamos el impacto inmediato de la gobernanza en las tasas de creación de empresas y, en tercer lugar, se consideró el efecto retardado de la gobernanza. Nuestros resultados mostraron que los países ubicados en la misma región supranacional son más homogéneos en términos de emprendimiento que los países ubicados en una región diferent

    The effect of Strategic Knowledge Management on the universities’ performance: An empirical approach

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    [Abstract]: Purpose. This article explores the relationship between the availability and use of IT solutions for SKM and the universities´ performance, measured in terms of scientific production. Design/methodology/approach. Drawing on the resource-based view (RBV) and the Knowledgebased theory, we develop a conceptual framework for exploring the effect of SKM based on IT on the organization’s performance that we empirically test by applying panel data methodology to a sample of 70 Spanish universities over the period 2011-2014. Findings. We confirm that the SKM based on IT influences the university’s performance. This effect is positive in the case of the IT solutions referred to the infrastructure of data grouping and more evident when the university’s performance is measured by indicators more directly related to scientific quality. Contrary to expected, the percentage of training and research staff that uses institutional tools of collaborative work is negatively related with the universities´ capacity of publication. Practical implications. We followed the system dynamics approach to identify a causal diagram and a flow sequence that lets us group universities in three different profiles in the KM flow diagram. Originality/value: First, we develop a conceptual framework for exploring the effect of SKM based on IT on the organization’s performance that could be applicable to analyse the case of other knowledgedriven organizations. Second, in contrast with the large number of studies dealing with SKM and performance focused on firms, we analyse universities. Third, our empirical approach used panel data methodology with a large sample of universities over the period 2011-2014

    The effect of population size and technological collaboration on firms' innovation

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    [Abstract]: In the current knowledge economy, firms hardly innovate alone; the collaboration with other partners has become crucial for successful innovation. Literature has recently focused on two modes of collaboration: the learning-by-doing, by-using and by-interacting (DUI) and science and technology-based innovation (STI). Nevertheless, collaboration seems to be easier if firms are located in highly populated areas. This paper aims to analyse whether the population size of municipalities where firms are located influences firm innovation either in a direct way or by shaping the effect of the DUI and STI partnerships. Applying panel data methodology to a sample of 3004 Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 2009 to 2016, the results show that innovative performance benefits from STI and DUI innovation modes, especially product innovation. In contrast, location in less populated municipalities seems to have no effect on innovation, regardless of the threshold used to limit the number of inhabitants. Also, weak evidence of the moderating role of the population size on the effect of DUI and STI partnerships on firm innovation is found