156 research outputs found

    Evaluación comparativa del efecto del Extracto Pituitario de Carpa (EPC) y Gonadotropina Coriónica Humana (HCG) en la reproducción inducida del bagre del Patía (Rhamdia quelen) en condiciones de cautiverio

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    El presente estudio evaluó la técnica de reproducción inducida de la especie íctica nativa Rhamdia quelen, pez considerado hoy en día en categoría vulnerable pero de gran importancia no solo acuícola sino también en la repoblación de cuerpos de agua naturales. El estudio se realizó en la Estación Piscícola “Las Tallas” adscrita a la corporación Regional del Cauca, localizada en las coordenadas geográficas: Latitud N 02° 06’ 22” y Longitud W 077° 25’ 15.4”, a una altura sobre el nivel del mar de 670 m, precipitación promedio anual de 2000 mm, temperatura media de 25.2°C. En el ensayo se estudiaron 36 reproductores, con un peso promedio para las hembras de 217.91 +/- 48.14 g con tallas de 31.7 +/- 2.83 cm y para los machos un peso promedio de 137.20 +/- 13.18 g con tallas de 26.97 +/- 0.86 cm. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar conformado por 4 tratamientos, distribuidos en la siguiente forma: T0 reproducción natural, T1 5.5 mg/kg de EPC, T2 5 UI/g de HCG y el T3 con 2 UI/g de HCG y 4 mg/kg de EPC. El T0 no presentó respuesta positiva. Los demás tratamientos fueron 100% efectivos en la inducción reproductiva, estimándose el efecto de las hormonas con relación al índice de ovulación, número de oocitos, porcentaje de fertilización y de eclosión. Tomando el peso como covariable en el número de oocitos obtenidos, se determinó que el T2, produjo la mayor cantidad de óvulos (332.602 oocitos/Kg) con significancia estadística. Sin embargo, los porcentajes fertilización y eclosión no representaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos T1,T2,T3, de tal manera que el porcentaje de fertilización fue de 32% para el T1, 31.09% para el T2 y 32.5% para el T3. El porcentaje de eclosión fue de 12 % para el T1, 9.43% para el T2, 11% para el T3. En cuanto al análisis económico se estableció que el tratamiento 1 registró la mejor relación beneficio-costo con 1,22 U

    LED-driven photo-Fenton process for micropollutant removal by nanostructured magnetite anchored in mesoporous silica

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    The presence of organic micropollutants in water bodies represents a threat to living organisms and ecosystems due to their toxicological effects and recalcitrance in conventional wastewater treatments. In this context, the application of heterogeneous photo-Fenton based on magnetite nanoparticles supported on mesoporous silica (SBA15) is proposed to carry out the non-specific degradation of the model compounds ibuprofen, carbamazepine, hormones, bisphenol A and the dye ProcionRed®. The operating conditions (i.e., pH, catalyst load and hydrogen peroxide concentration) were optimized by Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The paramagnetic properties of the nanocatalysts allowed their repeated use in sequential batch operations with catalyst losses below 1%. The feasibility of the process was demonstrated as removal rates above 90% after twelve accomplished after twelve consecutive cycles. In addition, the contributions of different reactive oxygen species, mainly •OH, were analyzed together with the formation of by-products, achieving total mineralization values of 15% on averageThis research was supported by HP-NANOBIO [PID2019-111163RB-I00] and MAGDEMON [PID2020-112626RB] projects, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and SPOTLIGHT [PDC2021-121540-I00] project, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. J.G.-R. thanks MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 for their FPU predoctoral fellowship [FPU19/00461] and J.J.C. thanks Xunta de Galicia for his postdoctoral fellowship [ED481B-2021/015]. The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Groups (GRC) ED431C-2021/16 and ED432C-2021/37, co-funded by FEDER (EU)S

    Exploiting the potential of supported magnetic nanomaterials as Fenton-Like catalysts for environmental applications

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    In recent years, the application of magnetic nanoparticles as alternative catalysts to conventional Fenton processes has been investigated for the removal of emerging pollutants in wastewater. While this type of catalyst reduces the release of iron hydroxides with the treated effluent, it also presents certain disadvantages, such as slower reaction kinetics associated with the availability of iron and mass transfer limitations. To overcome these drawbacks, the functionalization of the nanocatalyst surface through the addition of coatings such as polyacrylic acid (PAA) and their immobilization on a mesoporous silica matrix (SBA15) can be factors that improve the dispersion and stability of the nanoparticles. Under these premises, the performance of the nanoparticle coating and nanoparticle-mesoporous matrix binomials in the degradation of dyes as examples of recalcitrant compounds were evaluated. Based on the outcomes of dye degradation by the different functionalized nanocatalysts and nanocomposites, the nanoparticles embedded in a mesoporous matrix were applied for the removal of estrogens (E1, E2, EE2), accomplishing high removal percentages (above 90%) after the optimization of the operational variables. With the feasibility of their recovery in mind, the nanostructured materials represented a significant advantage as their magnetic character allows their separation for reuse in different successive sequential batch cyclesThis research was funded by HP-NANOBIO Project (PID2019-111163RB-I00) and MAGDEMON Project (PID2020-112626RB) granted by Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationS

    Experience in the use of argon plasma in gastrointestinal tract lesions in two institutions in Bogotá

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    La terapia de coagulación con argón plasma (APC) ha tomado importancia en la última década en la endoscopia gastrointestinal, y está posicionada como una técnica efectiva en el tratamiento de lesiones del tracto digestivo. Su efectividad fue inicialmente reportada en el tratamiento paliativo de neoplasias gastrointestinales y, posteriormente, su uso se ha extendido para múltiples indicaciones, entre ellas el tratamiento de sangrado debido a angiodisplasias, proctitis por radioterapia y hoy en día es utilizada para control de hemorragia gastrointestinal en lesiones vasculares como Dieulafoy. En la actualidad su uso se ha extendido, con el advenimiento de la enteroscopia, a lesiones del intestino delgado en especial las angioectasias. En este estudio se describe la experiencia de dos instituciones con el uso endoscópico del APC, y se exponen las indicaciones y efectividad del tratamiento. Métodos: Entre noviembre del 2007 y abril del 2009, la terapia con argón plasma se utilizó para el tratamiento de 65 pacientes con patologías del tracto digestivo con fi n terapéutico, ya fuera curativo o paliativo con un total de 134 sesiones. El tratamiento se efectuó en dos centros de cuarto nivel de atención, el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio y la Clínica de Marly en Bogotá - Colombia. Resultados: El tratamiento con APC se realizó en 65 pacientes, utilizando en total 134 sesiones de argón. Las indicaciones para su uso son similares a las reportadas en la literatura: proctitis actínica, angiodisplasias, ectasia vascular antral y control de sangrado por lesiones tumorales. Se utilizó además en control de sangrado por lesión vascular de Dieulafoy y en el control de hemorragia por úlcera péptica sangrante con vaso expuesto. No se presentaron complicaciones mayores, lo que respalda lo expuesto en la literatura en relación a que es una técnica efectiva y segura para el manejo de diversas patologías del tracto digestivo. Conclusiones: La experiencia recogida en este estudio descriptivo demuestra el posicionamiento de la técnica del APC en nuestro medio, con una amplia gama de indicaciones sobre patologías del tracto digestivo y un excelente margen de efectividad y seguridad. Si se tienen presentes las indicaciones y recomendaciones para su aplicación, el uso del argón es una técnica sencilla, útil y efectiva.Q4In the last decade Argon Plasma Coagulation therapy (APC) has become important in gastrointestinal endoscopy. It is regarded as an effective technique in the treatment of lesions in the gastrointestinal tract. Its effectiveness was initially reported in the palliative treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasm, but its use has subsequently been extended to multiple indications such as treatment of bleeding angiodysplastic lesions, proctitis via radiotherapy and for gastrointestinal hemorrhage control of lesions such as Dieulafoy’s lesion. With the advent of enteroscopy its use has been extended to small intestinal lesions, especially to Angioectasias. This study describes indications and effectiveness of treatment in the experience of two institutions that make endoscopic use of APC. Methods: Between November, 2007 and April, 2009 Argon Plasma therapy was used in a total of 134 sessions for either curative or palliative treatment of 65 patients with digestive tract pathologies. Treatments were performed in two level four attention centers, the San Ignacio University Hospital and the Marly Clinic, both located in Bogotá, Colombia. Results: 65 patients received APC treatment in a total of 134 sessions. Indications for its use were similar to those reported in the literature: actinic proctitis, angiodysplasia, antral vascular ectasia and control of bleeding due to tumoral lesions. It was also used to control bleeding from vascular lesions such as Dieulafoy’s lesion and for hemorrhage control for bleeding peptic ulcers with exposed vessels. The absence of greater higher complications validates reports in the literature that this is a safe and effective technique for management of several digestive tract pathologies. Conclusions: The experience collected in this descriptive study shows that the addition of the APC technique in our environment provides a high range of indications about digestive tract pathologies with good effectiveness and safety margin. Reasonable use of Argon Plasma Coagulation therapy (APC), keeping in mind indications and recommendations for its application, is a simple, useful and effective technique.Revista Nacional - Indexad

    TRAF3 alterations are frequent in del-3′IGH chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients and define a specific subgroup with adverse clinical features

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    Interstitial 14q32 deletions involving IGH gene are infrequent events in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), affecting less than 5% of patients. To date, little is known about their clinical impact and molecular underpinnings, and its mutational landscape is currently unknown. In this work, a total of 871 CLLs were tested for the IGH break-apart probe, and 54 (6.2%) had a 300 kb deletion of 3′IGH (del-3′IGH CLLs), which contributed to a shorter time to first treatment (TFT). The mutational analysis by next-generation sequencing of 317 untreated CLLs (54 del-3′IGH and 263 as the control group) showed high mutational frequencies of NOTCH1 (30%), ATM (20%), genes involved in the RAS signaling pathway (BRAF, KRAS, NRAS, and MAP2K1) (15%), and TRAF3 (13%) within del-3′IGH CLLs. Notably, the incidence of TRAF3 mutations was significantly higher in del-3′IGH CLLs than in the control group (p < .001). Copy number analysis also revealed that TRAF3 loss was highly enriched in CLLs with 14q deletion (p < .001), indicating a complete biallelic inactivation of this gene through deletion and mutation. Interestingly, the presence of mutations in the aforementioned genes negatively refined the prognosis of del-3′IGH CLLs in terms of overall survival (NOTCH1, ATM, and RAS signaling pathway genes) and TFT (TRAF3). Furthermore, TRAF3 biallelic inactivation constituted an independent risk factor for TFT in the entire CLL cohort. Altogether, our work demonstrates the distinct genetic landscape of del-3′IGH CLL with multiple molecular pathways affected, characterized by a TRAF3 biallelic inactivation that contributes to a marked poor outcome in this subgroup of patients.Funding information: Universidad de Salamanca; Fundación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia (FEHH); Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer (CIBERONC), Grant/Award Number: CB16/12/00233; Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC); “Fundación Memoria Don Samuel Solórzano Barruso”: FS/33–2020, Grant/Award Number: RD12/0036/0069; “Gerencia Regional de Salud, SACYL”:, Grant/Award Numbers: GRS2385/A/21, GRS2140/A/20; Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Grant/Award Number: SA118P20; European Regional Development Fund and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: CD19/00222, FI19/00191; Spanish Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Grant/Award Numbers: PI21/00983, PI18/0150

    Enfrentando los riesgos socionaturales

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    El objetivo del libro es comprender la magnitud de los Riesgos Socionaturales en México y Latinoamérica, para comprender el peligro que existe por algún tipo de desastre, ya sea inundaciones, sismos, remoción en masa, entre otros, además conocer qué medidas preventivas, correctivas y de contingencias existen para estar atentos ante alguna señal que la naturaleza esté enviando y así evitar alguna catástrofe. El libro se enfoca en los aspectos básicos de análisis de los peligros, escenarios de riesgo, vulnerabilidad y resiliencia, importantes para la gestión prospectiva o preventiva