1,126 research outputs found

    The orbital period of the recurrent nova V2487 Oph revealed

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    We present the first reliable determination of the orbital period of the recurrent nova V2487 Oph (Nova Oph 1998). We derived a value of 0.753±0.0160.753 \pm 0.016 d (18.1±0.418.1 \pm 0.4 h) from the radial velocity curve of the intense He II λ\lambda4686 emission line as detected in time-series X-shooter spectra. The orbital period is significantly shorter than earlier claims, but it makes V2487 Oph one of the longest period cataclysmic variables known. The spectrum of V2487 Oph is prolific in broad Balmer absorptions that resemble a white dwarf spectrum. However, we show that they come from the accretion disc viewed at low inclination. Although highly speculative, the analysis of the radial velocity curves provides a binary mass ratio q0.16q \approx 0.16 and a donor star mass M20.21M_2 \approx 0.21 M_\odot, assuming the reported white dwarf mass M1=1.35M_1 = 1.35 M_\odot. A subgiant M-type star is tentatively suggested as the donor star. We were lucky to inadvertently take some of the spectra when V2487 Oph was in a flare state. During the flare, we detected high-velocity emission in the Balmer and He II λ\lambda4686 lines exceeding 2000-2000 km s1^{-1} at close to orbital phase 0.4. Receding emission up to 12001200 km s1^{-1} at about phase 0.3 is also observed. The similarities with the magnetic cataclysmic variables may point to magnetic accretion on to the white dwarf during the repeating flares.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (October 9, 2023

    Consumidores de alcohol estudiados por necropsia. Pinar del Río 2001-2003. Study by necropsy of alcohol addicts. Pinar del Rio 2001-2003

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    Se estudiaron 65 necropsias realizadas en el Departamento de Medicina Legal de Pinar del Río, en casos en que el consumo del alcohol aparece presente y relacionado al momento de la muerte. Se determinó la relación de la causa del deceso con el alcohol y se encontró que tres quintas partes de ellos mueren antes de llegar a la tercera edad, en su mayoría siendo aptos y en activa vinculación laboral, con grados variables de adicción y consumo, pero apareciendo que el alcohol es causa básica o contribuyente de muerte en el 63,2 % de ellos y que en general en el grupo se pierden como promedio 19,5 años de vida respecto a la expectativa del momento con un mínimo de 36 años perdidos para la mitad del grupo, razón que justifica medidas que impongan un consumo responsable en todo lugar y circunstancias. Palabras clave: ALCOHOLISMO, AUTOPSIA, MEDICINA LEGAL. ABSTRACT Sixty five autopsies which were done at Forensic Medicine Department in Pinar del Rio were studied in cases where the alcohol abuse seems to be present and related to death. It?s determined the relationship between the cause of death and the alcohol abuse and it?s found that 3/5 of patients die before old age having most of them an active labouring link, but various grades of addiction and alcohol abuse, but it seems that alcohol is the basic or the contributing factor to death (63.2 %) and it also seems that 19.5 years are lost according to the current expectation of life with a minimal of 36 years lost, so it is necessary some measurements for a responsible alcohol behaviour towards alcohol abuse in every place and every moment. Key words: ALCOHOLISM, AUTOPSY, FORENSE MEDICIN

    Consumidores de alcohol estudiados por necropsia. Pinar del Río 2001-2003. Study by necropsy of alcohol addicts. Pinar del Rio 2001-2003

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    Se estudiaron 65 necropsias realizadas en el Departamento de Medicina Legal de Pinar del Río, en casos en que el consumo del alcohol aparece presente y relacionado al momento de la muerte. Se determinó la relación de la causa del deceso con el alcohol y se encontró que tres quintas partes de ellos mueren antes de llegar a la tercera edad, en su mayoría siendo aptos y en activa vinculación laboral, con grados variables de adicción y consumo, pero apareciendo que el alcohol es causa básica o contribuyente de muerte en el 63,2 % de ellos y que en general en el grupo se pierden como promedio 19,5 años de vida respecto a la expectativa del momento con un mínimo de 36 años perdidos para la mitad del grupo, razón que justifica medidas que impongan un consumo responsable en todo lugar y circunstancias. Palabras clave: ALCOHOLISMO, AUTOPSIA, MEDICINA LEGAL. ABSTRACT Sixty five autopsies which were done at Forensic Medicine Department in Pinar del Rio were studied in cases where the alcohol abuse seems to be present and related to death. It?s determined the relationship between the cause of death and the alcohol abuse and it?s found that 3/5 of patients die before old age having most of them an active labouring link, but various grades of addiction and alcohol abuse, but it seems that alcohol is the basic or the contributing factor to death (63.2 %) and it also seems that 19.5 years are lost according to the current expectation of life with a minimal of 36 years lost, so it is necessary some measurements for a responsible alcohol behaviour towards alcohol abuse in every place and every moment. Key words: ALCOHOLISM, AUTOPSY, FORENSE MEDICIN

    Comparación de la comprensión lectora en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria de centros educativos estatales y no estatales de Lima Metropolitana

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    Revista de Investigación en Psicología, Vol. 13, No. 1Objetivos: a. Estudiar el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria. b. Analizar el nivel de desarrollo de la comprensión de los alumnos de centros educativos estatales y no estatales en cuarto de secundaria. c. Comparar el nivel de desarrollo de la comprensión lectora por género en cuarto año de secundaria. d. Establecer las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento utilizado. e. Construir los baremos para los alumnos del cuarto año de secundaria, considerando las variables género y tipo de gestión del centro educativo. f. Estudiar el modelo del constructo de la comprensión lectora utilizando el análisis factorial confirmatorio. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo comparativo, llevado a cabo en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria considerando centros educativos estatales y no estatales, y considerando el género. Material y Métodos: Muestreo por conglomerados en dos etapas, con probabilidades proporcionales al tamaño; la muestra estuvo constituida por 613 participantes de las siete UGEL de Lima Metropolitana. Se elaboró una Prueba de Comprensión Lectora para el cuarto de secundaria. Se llevó a cabo el estudio psicométrico del instrumento para evaluar la validez y la confiabilidad. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo el estudio descriptivo e inferencial de las variables estudiadas. Resultado: el 64,77% de los alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria pertenecían a colegios estatales mientras que el 35,23% provenían de colegios privados. El 46,33% de los estudiantes de cuarto de secundaria fueron varones mientras que el 53,67% fueron mujeres. Conclusiones: se ha encontrado que el instrumento creado es válido y confiable. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de comprensión lectora entre los alumnos de colegios estatales y no estatales. Se han elaborado baremos diferenciados para cada tipo de colegio

    Chemically Induced Cryptic Sesquiterpenoids and Expression of Sesquiterpene Cyclases in Botrytis cinerea Revealed New Sporogenic (+)-4-Epieremophil-9-en-11-ols

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    The sequencing of the genomes of the B05.10 and T4 strains of the fungus Botrytis cinerea revealed an abundance of novel biosynthetic gene clusters, the majority of which were unexpected on the basis of the previous analyses of the fermentation of these and closely related species. By systematic alteration of easy accessible cultivation parameters, using chemical induction with copper sulfate, we have found a cryptic sesquiterpenoid family with new structures related to eremophil-9-ene, which had the basic structure of the sesquiterpene (+)-5-epiaristolochene ((+)-4-epieremophil-9- ene). An expression study of the sesquiterpene cyclase genes present in the Botrytis cinerea genome, under culture conditions, is reported. In general, a 3 day delay and a higher BcSTC genes expression were observed when copper (5 ppm) was fed to the fermentation broth. In addition, to the observed effect on the BcBOT2 (BcSTC1) gene, involved in the biosynthesis of the botrydial toxin, a higher expression level for BcSTC3 and BcSTC4 was observed with respect to the control in the strain B05.10. Interestingly, under copper conditions, the BcSTC4 gene was the most expressed gene in the Botrytis cinerea UCA992 strain. In vitro evaluation of the biological role of these metabolites indicates that they contributed to the conidial development in B. cinerea and appear to be involved in self-regulation of the production of asexual spores. Furthermore, they promoted the formation of complex appressoria or infection cushions

    Caracterización medico legal de los delitos sexuales en Pinar del Río, 2003-2005 / Medical and legal characteristics of sex offenses in Pinar del Río, 2003-2005

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    Se encuestó una muestra de 399 víctimas de diferentes edades enviadas al departamento de Medicina legal de Pinar del Río en el trienio 2003-2005 por estarse instruyendo procedimiento penal a causa de algún delito realizado por intermedio de una conducta sexual impositiva que da lugar a la radicación del expediente. Se aplicó de modo directo una encuesta anónima, abierta, previamente elaborada y constitutiva de 9 preguntas, los resultados fueron tabulados por el método de los palotes y llevadas las variables a sábanas, agrupadas en tablas, arrojando la información que los municipios más afectados fueron Pinar del Río, San Cristóbal, consolación del Sur, San Juan y Sandino, siendo los grupos etáreos más vulnerantes las menores de 20 años. Las figuras delictivas que más se repiten son la violación y los abusos lascivos predominando en la relación víctima - victimario; los conocidos, vecinos, padrastros y familiares. En el modus operandi sobresalen el abuso de confianza, intimidación, violencia física y abuso de autoridad, siendo la casa de la víctima y alrededores, casa del victimario, centro de estudios o trabajo y cercanías, caminos, carreteras, lugares recreativos, los lugares mayormente escogidos por los ofensores. Palabras clave: Violación, acoso sexual, delitos sexuales, víctimas de crimen, medicina legal, perfil de salud. ABSTRACTThis study was conducted on different ages 399 victims, where a questionnaire was assessed. They were sent to Legal Medicine Departament of Pinar del Río, during triennium 2003-2005 due to a penal processing. A crime was comsummated in relation to impositive sexual mis conduct with proceeding files an anonymous, opening and direct questionnaire with 9 questions was analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed using palotes methods. All the variables were placed in a sheep and graphic. Pinar del Río, San Cristobal, Consolación Sur, San Juan and Sandino, were more affected. Patients of 20 years old and lees were more wounded violation and lascivious abuse were more frcuently with a big important to stepfather neighbor and relatives. In the operanting modus we consider abuse of confidence, intimidation and physical violence the perfect selected place by ofender are victim home and around, hear a school or job.Key words: Rape, sexual harassment, sex offenses, crime victims, forensic medicine, health profile

    Caracterización medico legal de los delitos sexuales en Pinar del Río, 2003-2005 / Medical and legal characteristics of sex offenses in Pinar del Río, 2003-2005

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    Se encuestó una muestra de 399 víctimas de diferentes edades enviadas al departamento de Medicina legal de Pinar del Río en el trienio 2003-2005 por estarse instruyendo procedimiento penal a causa de algún delito realizado por intermedio de una conducta sexual impositiva que da lugar a la radicación del expediente. Se aplicó de modo directo una encuesta anónima, abierta, previamente elaborada y constitutiva de 9 preguntas, los resultados fueron tabulados por el método de los palotes y llevadas las variables a sábanas, agrupadas en tablas, arrojando la información que los municipios más afectados fueron Pinar del Río, San Cristóbal, consolación del Sur, San Juan y Sandino, siendo los grupos etáreos más vulnerantes las menores de 20 años. Las figuras delictivas que más se repiten son la violación y los abusos lascivos predominando en la relación víctima - victimario; los conocidos, vecinos, padrastros y familiares. En el modus operandi sobresalen el abuso de confianza, intimidación, violencia física y abuso de autoridad, siendo la casa de la víctima y alrededores, casa del victimario, centro de estudios o trabajo y cercanías, caminos, carreteras, lugares recreativos, los lugares mayormente escogidos por los ofensores. Palabras clave: Violación, acoso sexual, delitos sexuales, víctimas de crimen, medicina legal, perfil de salud. ABSTRACTThis study was conducted on different ages 399 victims, where a questionnaire was assessed. They were sent to Legal Medicine Departament of Pinar del Río, during triennium 2003-2005 due to a penal processing. A crime was comsummated in relation to impositive sexual mis conduct with proceeding files an anonymous, opening and direct questionnaire with 9 questions was analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed using palotes methods. All the variables were placed in a sheep and graphic. Pinar del Río, San Cristobal, Consolación Sur, San Juan and Sandino, were more affected. Patients of 20 years old and lees were more wounded violation and lascivious abuse were more frcuently with a big important to stepfather neighbor and relatives. In the operanting modus we consider abuse of confidence, intimidation and physical violence the perfect selected place by ofender are victim home and around, hear a school or job.Key words: Rape, sexual harassment, sex offenses, crime victims, forensic medicine, health profile

    Fucoidan-degrading fungal strains: screening, morphometric evaluation, and influence of medium composition

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    Ten different fungal strains from the genus Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Mucor were screened for fucoidan hydrolyzing ability aiming to find microorganisms able to produce sulfated fucan-degrading enzymes. Screening was carried out by measuring the strains kinetic and morphometric behavior over plate assays using Laminaria japonica fucoidan as only carbon source, testing three nitrogen sources (urea, peptone, and sodium nitrate). The selected fungal strains were subsequently used in submerged fermentations, which were performed for (1) selection of the strains able to growth over fucoidan medium and (2) media selection, testing the synergy of fucoidan with other sugars for inducing high enzyme titles. Radial expansion and hyphae parameters were observed for Aspergillus niger PSH, Mucor sp. 3P, and Penicillium purpurogenum GH2 grown only over fucoidan-urea medium. A. niger PSH showed the maximum enzymatic activity values, which were significantly different (p<0.05) from those achieved by the other selected fungi. Sucrose addition to fucoidan media proportioned the highest fucoidanase activity values for this fungal strain. This research allowed establishing optimal conditions for metabolites synthesis by fungal stains able to act toward fucoidan ramified matrix.Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT

    Tracking pollutants in a municipal sewage network impairing the operation of a wastewater treatment plant

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    This work provides a screening of organic contaminants and characterization of the dissolved organic matter in the sewer network until the municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), identifying the network areas with a higher degree of contamination and their impact on the WWTP performance, particularly in the activated sludge reactor. Three monitoring campaigns were carried out at six selected locations of the sewage system (PVZ-1, PVZ-2, PS-F, PS-VC, CP-VC, and PS-T), influent (WWTPINF) and effluent (WWTPEFF) of the WWTP. Advanced analytical techniques were employed, namely excitation/emission matrix fluorescence-parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC), size exclusion chromatography with organic carbon detector (SEC-OCD), and liquid chromatography with high-resolution-mass spectrometric detection (LC-HRMS). EEM-PARAFAC showed higher fluorescence intensity for the protein-like component (C2), particularly at CP-VC (near seafood industries) associated with the presence of surfactants (~50 mg/L). SEC-OCD highlighted the WWTP efficiency in removing low molecular weight acids and neutrals. LC-HRMS tentatively identified 108 compounds of emerging concern (CEC) and similar detection patterns were obtained for all wastewater samples, except for PVZ-2 (lower detection), many of which occurred in the effluent. Eight CECs included on relevant Watch-Lists were detected in all WWTPEFF samples. Furthermore, 111 surfactants were detected, the classes more frequently found being alcohol ethoxylates (AEOs), nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPEOs) and linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS). The continuous presence of LAS and NPEOs allied to surfactants concentrations in the WWTPINF of 15–20 mg/L, with CP-VC location (linked with food industries) as an important contributor, explain the morphological changes in the activated sludge and high LAS content in the dewatered sludge, which may have impacted WWTP performance.i) Base-UIDB/50020/2020 and Programmatic-UIDP/50020/2020 Funding of LSRE-LCM, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); ii) European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (ref. 0725_NOR_WATER_1_P); iii) Xunta de Galicia (Verónica Castro predoctoral contract: ED481A-2017/156, and ED431C2017/36), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación – MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 (ref. PID2020-117686RB-C32); iv) NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000069 (Healthy Waters) co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement. The authors also acknowledge Águas do Norte, S.A. for supporting the development of this work. Daniela F.S. Morais acknowledges her Ph.D. scholarship supported by FCT (SFRH/BD/146476/2019). Bianca M. Souza Chaves gratefully acknowledges her postdoctoral scholarship supported by CNPq through the Science Without Borders Program (Process No. 201989/2014-0). Vítor J.P. Vilar acknowledges the FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2017 (CEECIND/01317/2017)S