637 research outputs found

    Evaluation of 4 prognostic indices in follicular lymphoma treated in first line with immunochemotherapy

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    Several clinical risk models have been proposed to predict the outcome of follicular lymphoma (FL). The development of next-generation sequencing technologies has allowed the integration of somatic gene mutations into clinical scores to build genotyped-based risk models, such as the m7–Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (FLIPI). We explored 4 clinical or clinicogenetic-risk models in patients with symptomatic FL who received frontline immunochemotherapy. Of 191 patients with FL grades 1 to 3a, 109 were successfully genotyped. The treatment consisted of rituximab (R) plus cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CVP)/cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) (72.5%) or R-bendamustine (R-B) (27.5%). The proportion of cases classified as high risk for FLIPI, FLIPI-2, PRIMA–prognostic index, or m7-FLIPI were 39.3%, 14%, 30.3%, and 22%, respectively. No case with low-intermediate FLIPI was upgraded in the m7-FLIPI, but 18 of the 42 high-risk patients with FLIPI were downgraded to low-risk m7-FLIPI. The sensitivity and specificity for the prediction of POD24 were highest for FLIPI. The discrimination between progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was the best for FLIPI (c-index: 0.644 and 0.727, respectively). When analyzed only in patients treated with R-B, m7-FLIPI showed a higher discrimination between PFS and OS. Thus, the FLIPI remains the clinical risk score with higher discrimination in patients with advanced FL treated with immunochemotherapy; however, the performance of the m7-FLIPI should be further investigated in patients treated with R-B.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIIIEuropean Union (FIS-FEDER PI15/0459, FIS-FEDER PI19/00034GILEAD GLD18/00117, 2017SGR205, and PT20/00023)Xarxa de Banc de Tumors de CatalunyaPla Director d’Oncologia de CatalunyaThe biobank of the Fundació

    ¿Cómo acercar los bienes patrimoniales a los ciudadanos? Educación Patrimonial, un campo emergente en la gestión del patrimonio cultural

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    El patrimonio cultural es un espacio para la ‘complicidad social’ y la construcción de significados. Lamentablemente en las sociedades contemporáneas éste se aleja de la memoria de los ciudadanos. Por ello la gestión patrimonial busca la participación de los actores sociales, en donde la Educación Patrimonial puede ser una herramienta importante en este proceso. Esto implica desarrollar bases teóricas y metodológicas específicas que involucren a los ciudadanos en la sustentabilidad de las comunidades y sus bienes patrimoniales. En tal sentido, proponemos analizar la educación patrimonial como un campo emergente, a través de cuatro dimensiones pedagógicas que permitan sistematizar sus alcances y estrategias. Para luego articular dichas dimensiones en tres áreas de actuación educativa.The cultural heritage is a space for "social complicity" and meaning construction. Unfortunately, cultural heritage leads far from the memory of the citizens in the contemporary society. On this basis, heritage management seeks the participation of social actors, so Heritage education can be used as an important tool in this process. Such process implies the development of specific theoretical and methodological basis, which integrates citizens in the sustainability of their communities and legacy assets. In this sense, we propose to analyze heritage education as an emergent field through four pedagogical dimensions which enable the systematization of their ranges and strategies in order to articulate them in three educational performance areas.

    Development of Clay Plasters Containing Thermoregulating Microcapsules for Indoor Walls

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    This work shows the technical feasibility of incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) into clay plastering mortars to improve the thermal properties of the building envelopes. Due to the absence of regulated and internationally agreed-upon norms for clay mortars containing thermoregulating microcapsules (MPCMs), two tests following UNE-EN-998-1:2010 and UNE-EN-1015, were designed to provide the greatest similarity to its final application. Three different dosages 5, 10, and 15 wt% of MPCM relative to the dried mortar weight were used. Fresh mortars were physically characterized to determine its consistency, apparent density, period of workability and open time, and occluded air content. Physical and mechanical characteristics were determined for hardened mortar. The thermal characteristics of the specimens were analysed by using a differential scanning calorimetry, obtaining their apparent specific heat capacities and the enthalpy curves. Building simulation software is a fundamental tool for designing buildings with almost zero energy consumption. In this study, three identical architectural models were simulated. The reference building had inner coatings of clay-based mortar, mortar with 15% added material, and a conventional gypsum mortar. These buildings were subjected to the same exposure and radiation conditions, which allowed the result to be compared to evaluate the effect of incorporating the PCM

    Performance critical comparison of offline SPE, online SPE, and direct injection for the determination of CECs in complex liquid environmental matrices

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    Producción CientíficaSample preparation for the analysis of organic micropollutants in wastewater samples is commonly carried out by solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedures, which involve different manual laboratory operations. This conventional approach requires several hours of counter labour and entail the use of a lot of disposable material, and the subsequent contaminated non-recyclable plastic-residue production. In contrast, by coupling and automatizing the pre-treatment to the instrumental analysis most of that burden erases, sample size gets miniaturized and, thus, storage becomes freed-up. Even lab counters get cleared off from sample pre-treatment apparatus. However, method performance could get alter as a trade-off. This paper presents the results from a study in which methodology, including SPE online-coupled to UHPLC-MS/MS chromatography, was developed for multi-residue (58) determination of veterinary and pharmaceutical drugs in urban and piggery wastewater (influent and effluent to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)). Similarly, the direct injection (DI) of large volumes (hundreds of µL) of same matrix samples into the chromatographic system was optimized too. The performance of both automated methods was statistically compared with the classical off-line SPE. As dealing with trace analysis, suitable injection volumes for the alternative approaches were selected on the premise of low limits of quantification (MLQs). Under the selected conditions, validation parameters such as linearity range, method quantification limits, peak shape and carry over were determined. Usually more than 50 % of the analytes showed MLQs below 50 ng/L, for all matrices and methodologies, especially for DI. Real wastewater samples from a local urban WWTP and farm were analysed with all three tested methodologies. Determined concentrations and removal rates were statistically compared and turned out being quite similar. However, analysis under offline SPE and DI approaches provided a larger amount of information as they reached lower MLQs. Offline-SPE provided the worst precision among all.Junta de Castilla y León, y el programa EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09),(CL-EI-2021-07),(UIC 071),(UIC 338),(INFRARED2018-UVA3).Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (proyectos CTQ2017-84006-C3-1-R y PID2020-113544RB-I00

    Role and Effects of Hippotherapy in the Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    We thank our medical translator Megan Berry for her services and comments that contributed to improving the manuscript for publication.Cerebral palsy is described as a group of permanent neuromotor-type disorders caused by non-progressive injuries in the developmental stages of the central nervous system, and which have serious repercussions on the quality of life of affected children due to the physical and psychological damage it entails for them. Today, it is the leading cause of physical disability in childhood. Since there is no cure for this disorder, treatment is based on the improvement of symptoms, which is not always achieved through conventional therapies. For this reason, the need arises to investigate other alternative therapies, such as hippotherapy, to determine the main effects of hippotherapy as a rehabilitation therapy in children with cerebral palsy. The review was performed in accordance with the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol and was registered under the number CRD42021233003. The databases used were PubMed, Dialnet and the web browser Google Scholar. After applying the inclusion criteria, we included 11 articles. As a conclusion, we found that hippotherapy provides benefits at physical, psychological, cognitive and social levels in children with cerebral palsy, and thus it should be considered as a complementary rehabilitation therapy to conventional treatments

    Removal of veterinary antibiotics in swine manure wastewater using microalgae-bacteria consortia in a pilot scale photobioreactor

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    Producción CientíficaScenedesmus almeriensis microalgae-bacteria consortia were evaluated for the removal of a mixture of tetracycline (TET), ciprofloxacin (CIP), and sulfadiazine (SDZ) from the real liquid fraction of pig slurry in a pilot scale photobioreactor. After 15 days of operation, the reactor was spiked with a mixture of /L of each antibiotic. The experiment ran for 20 additional days. From the liquid phase, antibiotic removal were 77 ± 5 %, 90 ± 14 %, and 60 ± 27 % for TET, CIP, and SDZ, respectively. The antibiotics found in the solid phase were 979 ± 382 ng/g for TET and 192 ± 69 ng/g for SDZ; CIP was not detected in the biomass. The parameters analyzed before and after antibiotic addition showed that the antibiotics did not have a negative effect on the reactor biomass. The removal efficiencies of the analyzed parameters were 64.6 ± 0.6 % for TOC, 56.9 ± 0.6 % for IC, 63.9 ± 0.6 % for TN, 88.6 ± 0.9 % for N-NH, 64.9 ± 0.6 % for N-NO, and 30.1 ± 0.3 % for P-PO. This study demonstrated the good performance of microalgae-based technology for swine manure wastewater treatment, not only in terms of organic matter and nutrient removal, but also regarding the removal of antibiotics. The mass balance analysis of the entire process is presented. Additionally, the present study is a validation of previous laboratory scale batch studies operating in a quasi-continuous mode on veterinary antibiotics (VA) removal efficiencies and kinetics.Junta de Castilla León (UIC 071, CLU 2017-09 y VA080G18)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Ministerio de Universidades (PID2020-113544RB-I00, PDC2021-121861-C22)EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07, UIC 315

    Diseño de un Sistema de Ejercicios Pliométricos para la Fuerza Explosiva en Voleibolistas del Club Santa Rosa Vóley de Argentina

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    The objective of this study was to design a system of plyometric exercises to contribute to explosive strength in lower limbs of volleyball players from the “Santa Rosa Voley” club in the 15-16 year category of La Pampa, Argentina. The study participants were 10 athletes from the men's team in the 15-16 year-old category, 8 coaches and 2 specialists. In general, the exercise system consisted of a 12-week cycle (3 meso cycles) distributed in groups of 4 weeks for each meso cycle. The weekly frequency was 3 days for the first two mesocycles (level 1 and 2), and 2 for the last mesocycle. The duration of the sessions was between 20 and 45 min. The results show that 88% of coaches consider plyometrics important for sports training, while 12% consider it not necessary. On the other hand, 100% of coaches know about plyometrics; However, they do not know how to work this method. Therefore, it can be concluded that plyometrics is an efficient training method that allows developing large percentages of strength (150-200%), in addition, this exercise system contributed to improving the explosive strength of athletes.El objetivo de este estudio fue diseñar un sistema de ejercicios pliométricos para contribuir con la fuerza explosiva en miembros inferiores de voleibolistas del club “Santa Rosa Voley” (Club SRV) categoría 15-16 años de La Pampa, Argentina. Los participantes del estudio fueron N = 20 (10 atletas del equipo masculino categoría 15-16 años, ocho entrenadores y dos especialistas). De forma general, se evaluaron 10 atletas. El  sistema de ejercicios consistió en un ciclo de 12 semanas (tres mesociclos) distribuidas en grupos de cuatro semanas por cada mesociclo. La frecuencia semanal fue de tres días para los dos primeros mesociclos (nivel 1 y 2), y dos para el último mesociclo. La duración de las sesiones tuvo entre 20 y 45 min. Los resultados muestran que la media de alcance de los jugadores del Club SRV está muy por debajo de los niveles que se encuentran en la competencia fundamental, aun cuandoestos equipos tienen características similares. Por su parte, el 88% de los entrenadores considera importante la pliometría para los entrenamientos deportivos, por su parte, el 12% consideran que no es necesario. Por otro lado, el 100% de los entrenadores conoce sobre la pliometría; no obstante, desconocen cómo trabajar este método. Por tanto, se puede concluir, que la pliometría es un método de entrenamiento eficiente que permite desarrollar grandes porcentajes de fuerza (150-200%), además, este sistema de ejercicios contribuyó a mejorar la fuerza explosiva de los atletas

    Sistema combinado de calefacción y enriquecimiento carbónico a partir de biomasa

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    Número de publicación: ES2514090 A1 (27.10.2014) También publicado como: ES2514090 B1 (10.08.2015) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201300422 (26.04.2013)La invención consiste en un proceso de aprovechamiento energético de biomasa vegetal que permite aprovechar el calor contenido en la biomasa para la calefacción de cultivos protegidos y/o sistemas, así como recuperar el CO2 contenido en los gases de combustión generados para ser utilizado en sistemas de enriquecimiento carbónico de atmósferas, como en los cultivos intensivos bajo plástico. Se han establecido las condiciones de operación adecuadas del proceso de forma que se optimiza su eficiencia. El empleo de este sistema en cultivos bajo plástico permite conseguir una importante mejora en el crecimiento de los cultivos. Este proceso consigue aprovechar el 80% de la energía contenida en la biomasa para calefacción, así como retener el 99% del CO2 generado con un consumo energético inferior a 100 kJ/kgCO2, permitiendo además liberar este CO2 a demanda para el enriquecimiento carbónico de atmósferas.Universidad de Almerí

    Photobioreactors based on microalgae-bacteria and purple phototrophic bacteria consortia: A promising technology to reduce the load of veterinary drugs from piggery wastewater

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    Producción CientíficaTraditional swine manure treatments are not fully effective in the removal of veterinary drugs. Moreover, they are costly and entail a significant carbon footprint in many cases. Innovative biological approaches based on phototrophic microorganisms have recently emerged as promising alternatives to overcome those limitations. This work evaluated the removal of 19 veterinary drugs (i.e., 16 antibiotics, 1 analgesic, 1 anti-parasitic and 1 hormone) from piggery wastewater (PWW) in two open photobioreactors (PBR) operated with a consortium of microalgae-bacteria (AB-PBR) and purple photosynthetic bacteria (PPB-PBR). Multiple hydraulic retention times (HRT), in particular 11, 8 and 4 days, were tested during stage I, II and III, respectively. Ten out of 19 target compounds were detected with inlet drug concentrations ranging from ‘non-detected’ (n.d.) to almost 23,000 ng L−1 for the antibiotic oxytetracycline. Moreover, three of the antibiotics (i.e., enrofloxacin, sulfadiazine and oxytetracycline) were found at concentrations above the analytical linearity range in some or all of the samples under study. AB-PBR supported higher removal efficiencies (REs) than PPB-PBR, except for danofloxacin. Overall, REs progressively decreased when decreasing the HRT. The highest REs (>90%) were observed for doxycycline (95 ± 3%) and oxytetracycline (93 ± 3%) in AB-PBR during stage I. The other drugs, except sulfadimidine that was the most recalcitrant, showed REs above 70% during stage I in the same photobioreactor. In contrast, no removal was observed for danofloxacin in AB-PBR during stage III, sulfadimidine in PPB-PBR during stage III or marbofloxacin in PPB-PBR during the entire experiment.Gobierno regional de Castilla y León- FEDER (CLU 2017-09 and UIC71)EURICA program (Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 15, grant 2013-2587)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (projects JCI-2015-23304, RED NOVEDAR and CTQ2017-84006-C3-1-R