21 research outputs found

    Mirnomica de distintos enfoques biológicos de Aedes aegypti (L) (DÍPTERA: CULICIDAE).

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    Los microRNAs (miRNAs) son pequeños RNAs endógenos de una sola hebra con una longitud de entre 21 y 25 nucleótidos y estos regulan la traducción de proteínas mediante el bloqueo de la hibridación con los RNA mensajeros. A la fecha se ha reportado su existencia y rol fisiológico en organismos de todos los reinos. Los microRNAs participan desempeñando múltiples y variadas funciones. A la fecha se han demostrado que los miARN en mosquitos juegan importantes roles en diversos procesos biológicos como la digestión sanguínea, la ovoposición, la diferenciación sexual, la resistencia a insecticidas y la infección con patógenos

    Niveles de expresión de citocromos P450 (CYP6AA7, CYP4C52v1, CYP6BY3, CYP9J34, CYP9M10, CYP9J40 y CYP9AL1) determinados por RT-qPCR en larvas de Culex quinquefasciatus expuestas a diversos insecticidas.

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    En el presente trabajo, se describen los niveles de expresión de siete transcritos de Culex quinquefasciatus que codifican para citocromos P450, estos medidos por qPCR en larvas expuestas a dos concentraciones del insecticida permetrina (0.51 y 0.71 mg) comparadas con un grupo control sin exponer, las cuales fueron colectadas en distintas localidades del noreste de México. Debido a que los genes analizados no se encontraban reportados, fue necesario diseñar oligonucleótidos utilizando secuencias trazas producto de la secuenciación del genoma del mosquito antes mencionado. Con los oligonucleótidos diseñados y utilizando DNA complementario, sintetizado a partir de RNA total de las larvas fueron amplificados por PCR los mensajeros, se procedió a clonar cada uno de estos genes en nueve poblaciones analizadas, posteriormente fueron secuenciados y éstas fueron comparadas para deducir los porcentajes de similitud. Se diseñaron sondas taqman en segmentos conservados, y utilizando el DNA complementario previamente sintetizado fueron deducidos los niveles de expresión de cada uno de los genes analizados bajo las condiciones citadas anteriormente para las poblaciones. Con el trabajo realizado, reportamos las secuencias nucleótidicos y aminoacídicas de cada uno de los genes analizados de cada una de las poblaciones estudiadas y sus niveles de expresión. Concluimos que los genes analizados son una herramienta potente para ahondar en el estatus de resistencia que han desarrollado las poblaciones silvestres de Culex quinquefasciatus en localidades del noreste de México

    La reacción en cadena de la polimerasa a dos décadas de su invención

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    La PCR, tÈcnica inventada por Kary B. Mullis en 1983, emplea un par de oligonucleÛtidos para de- limitar una regiÛn de interÈs y una polimerasa para extenderlos, utilizando ambas hebras del gen en cuestiÛn como plantilla. Al repetir este ciclo dece- nas de veces, se duplica cada vez el fragmento de ADN en cuestiÛn. AsÌ se logra copiar millones de veces la secuencia de interÈs, aunque se encuentre entre millones de otras secuencias de ADN. A 20 aÒos de su invenciÛn, la PCR se cataloga como la estrella de las herramientas de la biologÌa mole- cular. En la actualidad son innumerables las aplica- ciones de su utilizaciÛn en m ̇ltiples campos de las ciencias biolÛgicas, agropecuarias y de la salud

    Aspergillus in liquid-based cervicovaginal cytology in a postmenopausal patient: A case report

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    Abstract. Aspergillus is an opportunistic fungus present in humid environments, whose natural environment is in soil, hay and compost. It is a frequent contaminant in the clinical laboratory. Because of this, the fungus is often inhaled, affecting those with an underlying pulmonary disease or immune deficiency. Fungal genitourinary tract infections are relatively common. A rare Aspergillus spp cervical infection diagnosed via liquid-based cytology is presented in the current study. The 57-year-old woman attended her annual check-up without any relevant medical history. The result of a gynecological examination by Papanicolaou smear was normal and routine liquid-based cytology was performed. The specimen exhibited fungal organisms characterized by septate hyphae branching at acute angles, most consistent with the Aspergillus species. Subsequent cytology demonstrated the same results. Antifungal treatment was initiated and a second post-treatment smear only exhibited atrophy. The cytomorphological features of Aspergillus spp. are discussed in the current study and a brief review of the few reported cases of a primary cervical infection in the literature is provided. In addition, the liquid-based cytology was established as a tool to diagnose the rare Aspergillus infection

    Evaluation of in vivo pathogenicity of Candida parapsilosis, Candida orthopsilosis, and Candida metapsilosis with different enzymatic profiles in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis

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    Six isolates of the Candida parapsilosis complex with different enzymatic profiles were used to induce systemic infection in immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Fungal tissue burden was determined on days 2, 5, 10, and 15 post challenge. The highest fungal load irrespective of post-infection day was detected in the kidney, followed by the spleen, lung,andliver,withatendencyforthefungalburdentodecreasebyday15inallgroups. Significant differences among the strains were not detected, suggesting that the three species of the “psilosis” group possess a similar pathogenic potential in disseminated candidiasis regardless of their enzymatic profile

    Evaluation of in vivo pathogenicity of Candida parapsilosis, Candida orthopsilosis, and Candida metapsilosis with different enzymatic profiles in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis

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    Six isolates of the Candida parapsilosis complex with different enzymatic profiles were used to induce systemic infection in immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Fungal tissue burden was determined on days 2, 5, 10, and 15 post challenge. The highest fungal load irrespective of post-infection day was detected in the kidney, followed by the spleen, lung,andliver,withatendencyforthefungalburdentodecreasebyday15inallgroups. Significant differences among the strains were not detected, suggesting that the three species of the “psilosis” group possess a similar pathogenic potential in disseminated candidiasis regardless of their enzymatic profile

    Detection of Turner Syndrome by Quantitative PCR of SHOX and VAMP7 Genes

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    Turner Syndrome (TS) is an unfavorable genetic condition with a prevalence of 1:2500 in newborn girls. Prompt and effective diagnosis is very important to appropriately monitor the comorbidities. The aim of the present study was to propose a feasible and practical molecular diagnostic tool for newborn screening by quantifying the gene dosage of the SHOX, VAMP7, XIST, UBA1, and SRY genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in individuals with a diagnosis of complete X monosomy, as well as those with TS variants, and then compare the results to controls without chromosomal abnormalities. According to our results, the most useful markers for these chromosomal variants were the genes found in the pseudoautosomic regions 1 and 2 (PAR1 and PAR2), because differences in gene dosage (relative quantification) between groups were more evident in SHOX and VAMP7 gene expression. Therefore, we conclude that these markers are useful for early detection in aneuploidies involving sex chromosomes

    The phenotype, psychotype and genotype of bruxism

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    Abstract. Bruxism is a jaw muscle activity that involves physio-pathological, psycho-social, hereditary and genetic factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations between self-reported bruxism, anxiety, and neuroticism personality trait with the rs6313 polymorphism in the gene HTR2A. A sample of 171 subjects of both sexes (14-53 years of age) was included. The control group (group 1, n=60) exhibited no signs or symptoms of bruxism. The case group had signs and symptoms of bruxism (n=112) and was subdivided into group 2, bruxism during sleep (n=22); group 3, awake bruxism (n=44); and group 4 combined bruxism (n=46). As diagnostic tools, the Self-Reported Bruxism Questionnaire (SBQ), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated (EPQR-A) were used. HTR2A (rs6313) SNPs were determined by qPCR for all the participants. The packages SPSS, maxLik and EPI-INFO were used for data analysis. The combined bruxism group reported higher scores in bruxism symptoms, mean = 32.21; anxiety symptoms, mean = 14.80; and neuroticism, mean = 3.26. Combined bruxism was associated with a higher degree of neuroticism (OR=15.0; CI 1.52-148.32) and anxiety in grade 3-moderate (OR=3.56; CI 1.27-10.03), and grade 4-severe (OR=8.40; CI 1.45-48.61), as determined using EPISODE computer software. Genotypic homogeneity analysis revealed no significant differences in allele frequency (P=0.612) among the four groups. The population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (maxLik package). In conclusion, the three instruments confirm traits of bruxism, anxiety and neuroticism in individuals with bruxism. These data were ratified when the sample was divided by genotypic homogeneity. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the groups in the SNPs rs6313 from the HTR2A gene

    Circulating levels of specific members of chromosome 19 microRNA cluster are associated with preeclampsia development

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    Purpose: To perform serum microRNA expression profiling to identify members of chromosome 19 miRNA cluster involved in preeclampsia development. Methods: Serum chromosome 19 miRNA cluster microRNA expression profiling was evaluated at 12, 16, and 20 gestational weeks and at the time of preeclampsia diagnosis, in women who developed preeclampsia (WWD-PE; n = 16) and controls (n = 18) using TaqMan low density array plates. Results: A total of 51 chromosome 19 microRNA cluster members were evaluated. The circulating hsa-miRs 512-3p, 518f3p, 520c-3p, and 520d-3p, were differentially expressed between groups (P < 0.05). Compared with controls, serum levels of hsa-miR-518f-3p at 20 GW were useful for identifying WWD-Mild-PE (P = 0.035) and WWD-Severe-PE(P = 0.007). Conclusions: Serum hsa-miRs 512-3p, 518f-3p, 520c-3p, and 520d-3p, are differentially expressed between WWD-PE and controls and their role in the development of preeclampsia should be investigated further

    Molecular cloning of the myo-inositol oxygenase gene from the kidney of baboons

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    Abstract. The enzyme myo-Inositol oxygenase (MIOX) is also termed ALDRL6. It is a kidney‑specific member of the aldo‑keto reductase family. MIOX catalyzes the first reaction involved in the myo‑inositol metabolism signaling pathway and is fully expressed in mammalian tissues. MIOX catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of myo‑Inositol and its epimer, D-chiro-Inositol to D-glucuronate. The dioxygen-dependent cleavage of the C6 and C1 bond in myo‑Inositol is achieved by utilizing the Fe2+/Fe3+ binuclear iron center of MIOX. This enzyme has also been implicated in the complications of diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy. The MIOX gene was amplified with reverse transcription‑polymerase chain reaction from baboon tissue samples, and the product was cloned and sequenced. MIOX expression in the baboon kidney is described in the present study. The percentages of nucleotide and amino acid similarities between baboons and humans were 95 and 96%, respectively. The MIOX protein of the baboon may be structurally identical to that of humans. Furthermore, the evolutionary changes, which have affected these sequences, have resulted from purifying forces. Key words: animal models, gene expression, kidney, myo-inositol oxygenase, Old World monke