99 research outputs found

    Implementación de la metodología ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas) en la enseñanza de los materiales bituminosos para los estudiantes de Arquitectura de Interiores

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    This paper describes the application of the methodology of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in the Course of Construction I of Interior Architecture Degree by University of Burgos. This teaching experience was carried out with a small group of students for three academic years, using bituminous materials module. The results obtained were analyzed taking into account the satisfaction degree of student with the working method. The comparative study of the results obtained was compared with the traditional techniques of study.Este trabajo describe una experiencia docente de enseñanza-aprendizaje puesta en marcha a través de la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), llevada a cabo durante tres años con un grupo reducido de alumnos en el módulo de materiales bituminosos de la asignatura de Construcción I de la Titulación de Arquitectura de Interiores de la Universidad de Burgos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron referidos a la idoneidad de las soluciones adoptadas a los encargos realizados, al grado de satisfacción de los alumnos con el método de trabajo y al estudio comparativo de los resultados con las técnicas tradicionales de estudio seguidas hasta ahora

    Effect of mold temperature on the impact behavior and morphology of injection molded foams based on polypropylene polyethylene–octene copolymer blends

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, an isotactic polypropylene (PP) and a polyethylene–octene copolymer (POE) have been blended and injection-molded, obtaining solids and foamed samples with a relative density of 0.76. Different mold temperature and injection temperature were used. The Izod impact strength was measured. For solids, higher mold temperature increased the impact resistance, whereas in foams, the opposite trend was observed. In order to understand the reasons of this behavior, the morphology of the elastomeric phase, the crystalline morphology and the cellular structure have been studied. The presence of the elastomer near the skin in the case of high mold temperature can explain the improvement produced with a high mold temperature in solids. For foams, aspects as the elastomer coarsening in the core of the sample or the presence of a thicker solid skin are the critical parameters that justify the improved behavior of the materials produced with a lower mold temperature.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant DI-15-07952

    Foams with enhanced ductility and impact behavior based on polypropylene composites

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, formulations based on composites of a linear polypropylene (L-PP), a long-chain branched polypropylene (LCB-PP), a polypropylene–graft–maleic anhydride (PP-MA), a styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene copolymer (SEBS), glass fibers (GF), and halloysite nanotubes (HNT-QM) have been foamed by using the improved compression molding route (ICM), obtaining relative densities of about 0.62. The combination of the inclusion of elastomer and rigid phases with the use of the LCB-PP led to foams with a better cellular structure, an improved ductility, and considerable values of the elastic modulus. Consequently, the produced foams presented simultaneously an excellent impact performance and a high stiffness with respect to their corresponding solid counterparts.Unión Europea (Evolution project under grant 314744)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project RTI2018-098749-B-I00)Junta de Castilla y Leon (project VA275P18

    Desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los estudiantes de Educación Superior mediante la e-Evaluación orientada al aprendizaje.

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    La e-Evaluación orientada al aprendizaje (e-EOA) es un proceso de aprendizaje, mediado por las TIC, que promueve el desarrollo de competencias útiles para el presente académico y el futuro laboral de los estudiantes. En esta investigación cuasi-experimental, con diseño pretest-postest con grupos experimentales y de control, consideramos que las actuaciones de la e-EOA (VI) favorecen un mayor desarrollo de competencias (VD). Los resultados revelan que en los grupos experimentales se mejora el nivel competencial y existen diferencias significativas entre su pretest-postest. Además, se comprueba que las competencias que mejoran son coherentes con la teoría planteada (creatividad, resolución de problemas…)

    Systematic Review on Inclusive Education, Sustainability in Engineering: An Analysis with Mixed Methods and Data Mining Techniques

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    In the last few years, research in the field of sustainability has experienced a significant increase in interest between sustainability and other areas (inclusive education, active methodologies, and society). Moreover, the use of mixed research methods (quantitative and qualitative) along with the application of data mining techniques, enables the analysis of information and the connection between the different studies. The objectives of this paper were: (1) To establish the results of the research related to the concepts of sustainability, inclusive education, and disability. (2) To study the key concepts that are detected in the articles selected with respect to the concepts of sustainability, inclusive education, disability, and their relations. In order to do so, two studies were carried out (quantitative and qualitative). In the first study, K-means and heat map clustering techniques were applied. In the second study, the technique of text mining was applied. One hundred and thirty-three scientific papers were studied, of which 54 fulfilled all the inclusion criteria. Three clusters were found in the first study; cluster 1 included the categories: inclusive society, educational innovation, and active methodologies. Cluster 2 included active methodologies and society and economy and cluster 3 included inclusive society and society and economy. In the second study, the highest Krippendorff’s Alpha coefficient were found in articles that linked sustainability with social transformation stemming from a change in education by means of the use of active teaching methods and technological resources. The research moves towards the development of competencies in sustainability at all stages of the educational system, and in all areas of knowledge.European Project “Enabling professionals and families to transfer SU Stainable knowledge and Skills to down syndrome individuals” 2018-ES01-KA201-050639 COORDINADOR 7

    Ecological Design of New Efficient Energy-Performance Construction Materials with Rigid Polyurethane Foam Waste

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    An ecological mortar is designed from industrial sub-products, with the objective of utilizing both the slag residues, generated during steel manufacturing processes, and the waste from Polyurethane Foam (PF) panels, generated during refrigerator chamber manufacturing processes. The ecological mortar design involves the dosing of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slag, together with finely ground Polyurethane Foam, cement, and additives. An energy efficient prefabricated block is designed with the mortar, for use in construction, and its energy performance is assessed as a material inserted within the envelope of a service sector (hospital) building, either as an exterior skin, or as an enclosing component within the façade interior. The main contribution of this research is the characterization of the thermo-physical and mechanical properties of a new prefabricated panel made with recycled materials. The full characterization of the properties of these new materials is presented and discussed. The new prefabricated panel demonstrates adequate thermomechanical characteristics as a substitute for traditional materials, while improving the sustainability of the building. As a secondary objective, the energy behaviour of the new panels when integrated in a real building is presented by means of a case study simulation. The use of computational thermal simulation confirmed that the properties of the prefabricated block influenced the annual thermal demand of the building for heating and cooling. Improvements to the thermal inertia of the building envelope were also confirmed with the inclusion of PF waste, giving the mortar an energy performance that was similar to conventional materials, in such a way that its use in façade construction may be validated, in addition to its environmental benefits, due to it having been manufactured with critical recycled industrial waste such as EAF slag and PF, thereby contributing to both the circular economy and sustainable development.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (España), grant number GIR D02V.03 2018-202

    Crosslinked ethylene butyl acrylate copolymer foams with different cellular structure interconnectivity and tortuosity: Microstructure and physical properties

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, the cellular structure, physical properties, and the structure–property relationship of several novel crosslinked ethylene butyl acrylate (EBA) foams with different cellular structure interconnectivity (low tortuosity and high tortuosity) have been analyzed and compared to that of closed cell EBA foams and to that of an open-cell polyurethane foam. The results have shown that these materials present interesting properties highly dependent on the tortuosity of the cellular structure. In particular, it has been proved that reducing the tortuosity allows enhancing the acoustic absorption, the oil uptake, and the cushioning behavior. On the other hand, increasing tortuosity allows improving the impact behavior. In addition, the new open-cell materials present an enhanced damping factor for low-frequency vibrations.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant DI-15-07952)Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital-FEDER, UE (project MAT2015-69234-R)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA275P18

    Sintomatología de la corrosión en barras de acero de armar embebidas en morteros con incorporación de escorias blancas de horno cuchara

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar la sintomatología que produce la corrosión de barras de acero de armar embebidas en probetas de mortero, en las que se han incorporado escorias blancas de horno cuchara (LFS) sustituyendo parte del árido y del cemento y añadiéndose en el momento del amasado, distintos porcentajes de ión cloruro en peso de cemento. Se han fabricado probetas prismáticas de 6x8x2cm3, en las que se han embebido 3 barras de acero de diámetro 6 mm, en las cuales se ha estudiado el comportamiento a corrosión en probetas con presencia de cloruros durante 180 días. Posteriormente se ha corroído aceleradamente la barra central de las probetas con porcentajes de ión cloruro del 1,2 y 2%, conectándolas a una fuente de corriente para hacer pasar un intensidad constante de 1,3mA, equivalente a una corrosión10?A/mm2. Una vez observados los efectos que la corrosión produce en las barras de acero de armar mediante medidas de velocidad de corrosión, técnicas gravimétricas y observación de la sintomatología, se puede afirmar que el comportamiento es similar en las probetas patrón y en las probetas con escorias para porcentajes de 1,2 y 2% de ión cloruro en peso de cemento

    Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de armar embebidas en morteros con incorporación de escorias blancas de horno cuchara

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de armar embebidas en probetas de mortero, en las que se ha sustituido parcialmente el árido y el cemento por escorias blancas de horno cuchara (LFS) y se ha añadido en el momento del amasado distintos porcentajes de ión cloruro, en peso de cemento. Se han fabricado probetas prismáticas de 6x8x2 cm3, en las que se han embebido 3 barras de acero de diámetro 6 mm, con el fin de comparar el potencial de corrosión y la velocidad de corrosión, en las probetas patrón y en las probetas con escorias. Los resultados alcanzados permiten afirmar que el comportamiento frente a la corrosión inducida por iones cloruro en barras de acero embebidas en probetas patrón y en probetas fabricadas parcialmente con escorias blancas de horno cuchara son semejantes, tanto en las velocidades de corrosión alcanzadas como en el umbral de cloruros que produce la despasivación del acero

    Development of corrosion of steel bars embedded in mortar made with slag from secondary metallurgy

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    The aim of this work is to study the evolution of the corrosion rate of reinforcements embedded in mortar specimens that have been partly or fully replaced by the sand ladle furnace white slag. Prisms are manufactured mortar 6cm x 8cm x 2cm in which are embedded reinforcing steel bars of 6mm diameter B500SD. At the time of mixing were added varying amounts of chloride ion content by weight of cement (0%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2%, 2%). The specimens were made totally or partially replacing the white slag, getting four different mixes depending on the degree of substitution. After curing the specimens for 28 days in moist chambers proceeded to dry up naturally. Here are gradually dampened by its conservation in a moist chamber, periodically measuring the corrosion rate of the bars using the technique of polarization curve. The results, in terms of corrosion current and corrosion potential, were compared with those obtained on standard samples, without replacement by slag aggregate. The analysis of results allows us to know, depending on the type of mortar used, the chloride threshold with the depassivation produced steel and the corrosion rates achieved in steels in the active state in terms of mortar moisture, obtained from qualitatively using gravimetric techniques. The results achieved to date support the conclusion that no significant differences in the behavior against corrosion induced by chloride ions, between the steel bars embedded in standard samples and the steel bars embedded in samples including with aggregates from slag. Both the chloride threshold resulting in the depassivation steel as the corrosion rate reached through the bars in an active state are very similar in both types of mortars when they have the same moisture content