409 research outputs found

    La liberación del sector aeronáutico y su impacto sobre las relaciones laborales individuales del personal a bordo de aeronaves.

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    415 p.La tesis -La liberalización del sector aéreo y su impacto sobre las relaciones laborales individuales del personal a bordo de aeronaves- tiene por objeto analizar y valorar el impacto que la liberalización y la globalización del transporte aéreo han tenido sobre las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de los trabajadores que prestan servicios a bordo de las aeronaves (pilotos y tripulantes de cabina de pasajeros). En este sentido, este trabajo realiza un recorrido a través del estudio de la evolución de la regulación del transporte aéreo y su impacto en las relaciones laborales del sector aeronáutico desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad haciendo especial hincapié en lo acaecido en el ámbito comunitario

    Towards a cultural rhetoric of humor

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    The proposal of a Cultural Rhetoric includes also explanatory categories of analysis and reflection on some of the diverse mechanisms and resources. These are supporting it and allowing to explain communicative processes of rhetorical-cultural nature as well as to emphasize interdiscursivity. In the present work we propose an approach towards the configuration of a cultural rhetoric of humor from five concrete proposals that have been provided by Cultural Rhetoric: we are referring to Poliacroasis, the Communicative Cenesthesia, the Game Space, the Communicative Cultural-Rhetoric Code and the Metaphorical EngineLa propuesta de una Retórica cultural lo es también de categorías explicativas de análisis y de reflexión sobre los diversos mecanismos y recursos que la sustentan y que permiten explicar procesos comunicativos de índole retórico-cultural así como subrayar la interdiscursividad. En el presente trabajo proponemos una aproximación hacia la configuración de una retórica cultural del humor desde cinco propuestas concretas facilitadas por la Retórica cultural: la poliacroasis, la cenestesia comunicativa, el espacio de juego, el código comunicativo cultural-retórico y el motor metafóricoEste trabajo es resultado de investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto de investigación METAPHORA (Referencia FFI2014-53391-P), financiado por la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de Españ

    Plant diversity and botanical composition in an Atlantic heather-gorse dominated understory after horse grazing suspension: Comparison of a continuous and rotational management

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    Floristic diversity changes substantially depending on the type of land management. We evaluated the impact of a continuous (CG) and rotational (RG) grazing system on the dynamics of plant diversity and community composition in a heather-gorse understory after a two and six-year pause from horse grazing. Previously grazed sites had higher total and rare species richness and diversity than ungrazed (UN), regardless the type of grazing system. The positive impact of previous grazing on species richness was higher in CG and continued after six years in both grazing systems. Seven species of high conservation interest in heathlands were present in the studied areas. Most of them were associated to CG management and none was exclusively in RG. The reduction of the shrub component by previous horse grazing led to a decrease of gorse dominance, thus potentially reducing fire risk and increasing plant diversity. The extent of the positive effect of horse grazing controlling excessive accumulation of combustible material and favoring species richness differed when relative abundance of species, and not solely the number of species, was taken into account (Simpson’s dominance increased and Pielou’s evenness decreased after six years). Overall, the effects of previous rotational and continuous grazing on plant diversity in an Atlantic heather-gorse dominated plant community were still apparent 2 or 6 years after grazing interruption, although declined after the six-year grazing interlude. Rotational management revealed a slight advantage upon the control of gorse biomass long term, and assisted to maintain the relative abundance of species more evenly over time. The alpha and beta diversity indices confirmed that plant diversity similarity between rotational and continuous management increased after six yearsConstantino Arce provided valuable assistance in developing contingency tables for analyzing statistic associations of plant species with experimental conditions. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their highly valuable comments that significantly helped to improve this manuscript.The previous grazing experiment, from which the current study was later developed, was funded by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (AGF 98-0368) and by the Rural Development Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia).S

    Phylogeography and genetic variability of the Arnica montana chemotypes in NW Iberian Peninsula

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    The threatened European species Arnica montana L. is a plant much appreciated in the pharmaceutical industry, Galicia (North-Western Spain) being one of the main supply regions. Two chemotypes based on the content of sesquiterpene lactones have been found in this area: a chemotype dominated by helenalins, common in Central Europe, and another dominated by dihydrohelenalins, only found currently in Galicia. The aim of this work was to analyse the phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of Arnica montana in Galicia and their concordance with previous biochemical and environmental information. Two polymorphic chloroplast markers were sequenced in individuals from populations showing significant biochemical differences and situated in different environments (heathland, hay-meadow and peatland). Three haplotypes, different from those previously described in Europe, were found in Galicia and our results suggest that one of them could be ancestral inside the species. Significant population differentiation was detected in the studied area but genetic diversity within populations was low, only showing variability in heathland populations. This study is the first one describing the genetic diversity of Arnica montana in the extreme SW of Europe. The results suggested the presence of two different genetic groups (one of them ancestral) and were congruent with the two chemotypes described. Plants from heathlands displayed the highest variability because the two chemotypes were present in them. Future design of conservation and economical management plans for this threatened species should take into account this genetic variability and prioritize further genetic and chemical characterizations across the distribution range of the speciesThis research was supported by funding from GI-1251-ACUIGEN and GI-1648-SILVOPAST research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)S

    Hacia una Retórica cultural del humor

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    La propuesta de una Retórica cultural lo es también de categorías explicativas de análisis y de reflexión sobre los diversos mecanismos y recursos que la sustentan y que permiten explicar procesos comunicativos de índole retórico-cultural así como subrayar la interdiscursividad. En el presente trabajo proponemos una aproximación hacia la configuración de una retórica cultural del humor desde cinco propuestas concretas facilitadas por la Retórica cultural: la poliacroasis, la cenestesia comunicativa, el espacio de juego, el código comunicativo cultural-retórico y el motor metafórico.Palabras clave: Retórica cultural, Retórica del humor, Retórica de la comunicación.AbstractThe proposal of a Cultural Rhetoric includes also explanatory categories of analysis and reflection on some of the diverse mechanisms and resources. These are supporting it and allowing to explain communicative processes of rhetorical-cultural nature as well as to emphasize interdiscursivity. In the present work we propose an approach towards the configuration of a cultural rhetoric of humor from five concrete proposals that have been provided by Cultural Rhetoric: we are referring to Poliacroasis, the Communicative Cenesthesia, the Game Space, the Communicative Cultural-Rhetoric Code and the Metaphorical Engine.Key words: Cultural Rhetoric. Rhetoric of Humor. Rhetoric of Communication.</p

    Technical, economic and environmental comparison of Portland cuban cements P-350 and PP-250 with its pozzolanic equivalents PP-350 and PZ-250

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    En este estudio se aplica la metodología del Análisis de Ciclo de Vida a la producción de cementos en la empresa Cementos Cienfuegos S. A., con el objetivo de cuantificar los impactos ambientales que ocasiona la producción de cementos, identificar mejoras potenciales y seleccionar la más factible. Según el análisis realizado, el principal impacto que se produce en el proceso es la producción de clínker, por lo que las medidas de mejora están encaminadas a disminuir su uso, siendo sustituido por puzolanas. Se realizan experimentos para comprobar las características de los nuevos cementos y se emplean técnicas de análisis económico para evaluar las propuestas. Para el análisis ambiental con enfoque de ciclo de vida se utiliza el método Eco-speed, soportado por el software SimaPro. Como resultado del trabajo se obtiene que la adición de puzolanas al cemento disminuye el uso de clínker, reduciendo el impacto ambiental de su producciónIn this study, Life-Cycle Assessment methodology is applied to cements production in “Ce-mentos Cienfuegos SA” company with the objective of quantifying environmental impact in cement production, identifying potential improvement efforts and selecting the most feasible. According to the analysis, the main negative impact is clinker production. For this reason, improvement measures are aimed to reduce it use and replace it with pozzolana. Experiments are carried out to check characteristics of new cements and techniques of economic analysis are used to evaluate proposals. For environmental assessment with life-cycle outlook, “Eco-speed” method is used, which is supported by SimaPro software. Results demonstrate that pozzolanas addition to cement decreases the use of clinker, hence, reducing the environmen-tal impact of its productio

    Comparación técnica, económica y ambiental de los cementos cubanos portland P-350 y PP-250 con sus equivalentes puzolánicos PP-350 y PZ-2501

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    En este estudio se aplica la metodología del Análisis de Ciclo de Vida a la producción de cementos en la empresa Cementos Cienfuegos S. A., con el objetivo de cuantificar los impactos ambientales que ocasiona la producción de cementos, identificar mejoras potenciales y seleccionar la más factible. Según el análisis realizado, el principal impacto que se produce en el proceso es la producción de clínker, por lo que las medidas de mejora están encaminadas a disminuir su uso, siendo sustituido por puzolanas. Se realizan experimentos para comprobar las características de los nuevos cementos y se emplean técnicas de análisis económico para evaluar las propuestas. Para el análisis ambiental con enfoque de ciclo de vida se utiliza el método Eco-speed, soportado por el software SimaPro. Como resultado del trabajo se obtiene que la adición de puzolanas al cemento disminuye el uso de clínker, reduciendo el impacto ambiental de su producción

    Analysis of the nutritive forest quality in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula

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    El conocimiento de la calidad nutritiva de la vegetación es esencial para el desarrollo de una gestión eficien te y ecológicamente sostenible de los sistemas silvopastorales. Se compararon 11 parámetros nutricionales: Fibra Ácido Detergente (FAD), lignina, celulosa, sílice, proteína bruta (PB), digestibilidad in vitro (DMO), materia seca (MS), fósforo (P), calcio (Ca), magnesio (Mg) y potasio (K) en 47 especies vegetales presentes en robleda les, pinares y matorrales gallegos. Para facilitar la comparativa de la calidad nutritiva entre las diferentes forma ciones forestales se utilizó el Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP), técnica de análisis multivariante que permite la interpretación de las relaciones (distancia) entre un número elevado de especies definidas por una variedad de parámetros nutricionales. La representación gráfica de los dos primeros componentes evidenció una agrupación coherente de las formaciones forestales, separando especies típicas de tojales y brezales de otras pro pias del sotobosque de robledales. El primer eje (CP1) explicó un 50% de la variabilidad de los datos, situándo se en su lado positivo las especies con una mayor digestibilidad y un más alto contenido en K. Su lado opuesto agrupó a especies de las familias Ericaceae, Cistaceae y del género Ulex que presentaron mayor contenido en celulosa y en MS. El segundo componente (CP2), representado por el Ca y lignina, explicó un 16% de la varianza, contribuyendo de manera limitada a una ordenación concluyente de las especiThe knowledge of the nutritive quality of the vegetation is essential for the development of an efficient and ecologically sustainable management of silvopastoral systems. 11 nutritional parameters were compared: Acid Fiber Detergent (FAD), lignin, cellulose, silica, crude protein (PB), in vitro digestibility (BMD), dry matter (DM), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium ( Mg) and potassium (K) in 47 plant species present in oak groves, pine groves and Galician scrub. To facilitate the comparison of the nutritional quality between the diffe rent forest formations, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used, a multivariate analysis technique that allows the interpretation of relationships (distance) among a large number of species defined by a variety of nutritional parameters The graphic representation of the first two components showed a coherent grouping of forest formations, separating typical species of Ulex formations and heaths from others typical of oak groves. The first axis (PC1) explained 50% of the variability of the data, with the positive side of the species with gre ater digestibility and a higher content of K. Its opposite side grouped species of the families Ericaceae, Cistaceae and Ulex genus that presented higher content in cellulose and DM. The second component (CP2), represented by Ca and lignin, explained 16% of the variance, contributing in a limited way to a conclusive ordering of the species.S