80 research outputs found

    A double safety lock tumor-specific device for suicide gene therapy in breast cancer

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    Producción CientíficaThe complexity and continuous evolution of cancer make the design of novel strategies of treatment a constant challenge in biomedicine. Moreover, most of cancer treatments are still not tumor-specific and provoke high systemic toxicity. Herein we have developed a novel selective nanodevice to eliminate tumor cells while leaving healthy ones intact. To achieve this objective, a polyplex carrier, comprising an elastin like-recombinamer covalently conjugated to an aptamer and complexed with therapeutic DNA, was tested. This carrier forms a double-lock multifunctional device due to specific binding to a tumor cell marker and the selective expression of therapeutic DNA inside human breast-cancer cells. Due to the stability provided by ELRs, the homogeneous population of polyplexes obtained showed selective toxicity against cancer cells in in vitro and in vivo assay. Inhibition of tumor progression was detected early being very significant at the end point, with a dose-dependent reduction in tumor mass. Histological studies revealed a specific reduction in tumor parenchyma and in specific tumor cell markers. These results represent an important step toward the rational development of an efficient, safe and more specialized gene-delivery device for tumor therapy.Fondo Social Europeo - FEDER- Unión Europea (project MP-2014-646075Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project PCIN-2015-010 / MAT2015-68901-R / MAT2016-78903-R)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA317P18

    Prediction of Grapevine Yield Based on Reproductive Variables and the Influence of Meteorological Conditions

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    Climate has a direct influence on crop development and final yield. The consequences of global climate change have appeared during the last decades, with increasing weather variability in many world regions. One of the derived problems is the maintenance of food supply in this unstable context and the needed changes in agricultural systems, looking for sustainable and adaptation strategies. The study was carried out from 2008 to 2017. Aerobiological data were obtained with a Lanzoni VPPS-2000 volumetric sampler, following the Spanish Aerobiological Network protocol. The pollen and flower production was studied on ten vines of the Godello grapevine cultivar. A HOBO Micro Station and a MeteoGalicia station were used to obtain meteorological information. We observed the detrimental effect of rain on airborne pollen presence, and we statistically corroborated the negative effect of high temperatures on fruit set and ripening. We developed an accurate multiple regression model to forecast the grape yield, applying a Spearman’s correlation test to identify the most influential variables. The use of aerobiological and meteorological studies for crop yield prediction has been widely used in different crops that suppose important engines for economy development. This enables growers to adapt their crop management and adjust the spent resourcesThis work was funded by Xunta de Galicia CITACA Strategic Partnership (Reference: ED431E 2018/07), the AGL2014-60412-R Economy and Competence Ministry of Spain Government project and the VITICAST 20190020007473 project of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Ministry of Spain Government. González-Fernández E. was supported by the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities (FPU grant FPU15/03343). Piña-Rey A. was supported by Xunta de Galicia Pre-doctoral Period Support Program (ED481A-2017/xxx). Fernández-González M. was supported by FCT (SFRH/BPD/125686/2016) through the HCOP-Human Capital Operational Program, financed by “Fundo Social Europeu” and “Fundos Nacionais do MCTESS

    Data mining methods to detect airborne pollen of spring flowering arboreal taxa

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    Variations in the airborne pollen load are among the current and expected impacts on plant pollination driven by climate change. Due to the potential risk for pollen-allergy sufferers, this study aimed to analyze the trends of the three most abundant spring-tree pollen types, Pinus, Platanus and Quercus, and to evaluate the possible influence of meteorological conditions. An aerobiological study was performed during the 1993–2020 period in the Ourense city (NW Spain) by means of a Hirst-type volumetric sampler. Meteorological data were obtained from the ‘Ourense’ meteorological station of METEOGALICIA. We found statistically significant trends for the Total Pollen in all cases. The positive slope values indicated an increase in pollen grains over the pollen season along the studied years, ranging from an increase of 107 to 442 pollen grains. The resulting C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models coincided with the Spearman’s correlations since both statistical analyses showed a strong and positive influence of temperature and sunlight on pollen release and dispersal, as well as a negative influence of rainfall due to washout processes. Specifically, we found that slight rainfall and moderate temperatures promote the presence of Pinus pollen in the atmosphere and a marked effect of the daily thermal amplitude on the presence of high Platanus pollen levels. The percentage of successful predictions of the C5.0 models ranged between 62.23–74.28%. The analysis of long-term datasets of pollen and meteorological information provides valuable models that can be used as an indicator of potential allergy risk in the short term by feeding the obtained models with weather prognostics.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. CO-0034-2021 00VTUniversidad de Vigo | Ref. INOU 2021Universidad de Vigo | Ref. OUR1 131H 64

    Nanotechnological Approaches to Therapeutic Delivery Using Elastin-Like Recombinamers

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    Producción CientíficaThis Review discusses the use of elastin-like polymers and their recombinant version, elastin-like recombinamers, in drug-delivery systems. These macromolecules exhibit a number of interesting properties that are rarely found together in any other family of materials, especially extremely high biocompatibility, high bioactivity and functionality, complex yet fully controlled composition, and stimuli responsiveness. Appropriate design of these molecules opens up a broad range of different possibilities for their use in new therapeutic platforms. The first of these described herein is the use of ELRs in single-molecule devices as therapeutic entities in their own right. Subsequently, we describe how the self-assembly properties of these materials can be exploited to create nanocarriers and, eventually, microcarriers that are able to temporally and spatially control and direct the release of their drug load. Intracellular drug-delivery devices and nanocarriers for treating cancer are among the uses described in that section. Finally, the use of ELRs as base materials for implantable drug depots, in the form of hydrogels, is discussed.Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad (proyectos PRI-PIBAR-2011–1403, MAT2012–38043, MAT2013–42473-R y MAT2013–41723-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA152A12, VA155A12 y VA313U14)CIBER-BBN, y la Junta de Castilla y León y el Instituto de Salud Carlos III mediante el "Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León

    Modelo de comunicação sobre o uso do preservativo em homens

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    The purpose of this research is to propose a model of communication factors (content, style, context, and time) on consistency in condom use in men. 1524 men participated through an intentional sampling who were invited to answer a survey, later three groups were formed, diagnosed with HIV, who have taken an HIV test, but whose result is negative, and who never They have done a screening test. Initially, the differences between the groups and correlations between variables are shown, as results before the realization of structural equations. Second, the model was tested in the entire sample and by group, the first model that considered all the participants was adequately adjusted, when doing this same analysis, but by group, the results were similar, although in the case of men with HIV, the time of HIV diagnosis was incorporated for a better fit of the model. The results are discussed in terms of the empirical evidence of the model and the design of intervention programs that promote condom use in men.El propósito de la presente investigación es proponer un modelo de los factores de la comunicación (contenido, estilo, contexto y tiempo) sobre la consistencia en el uso del condón en hombres. Participaron 1524 hombres a través de un muestreo intencionado a quienes se les invitó a responder una encuesta, posteriormente se formaron tres grupos, con diagnóstico de VIH, que se han realizado una prueba de VIH, pero que su resultado es negativo, y que nunca se han hecho una prueba de detección. Inicialmente, se muestran las diferencias entre los grupos y correlaciones entre variables, como resultados previos a la realización de ecuaciones estructurales. Segundo, se probó el modelo en toda la muestra y por grupo, el primer modelo que consideró a todos los participantes se ajustó adecuadamente, al hacer este mismo análisis, pero por grupo, los resultados fueron similares, aunque en el caso de los hombres con VIH se incorporó el tiempo de diagnóstico de VIH para un mejor ajuste del modelo. Los resultados se discuten en términos de la evidencia empírica del modelo y del diseño de programas de intervención que promuevan el uso del condón en hombres.O propósito da presente investigação é propor um modelo de fatores de comunicação (conteúdo, estilo, contexto e tempo) sobre a consistência no uso do preservativo em homens. Participaram 1524 homens por meio de uma amostragem intencional, os quais foram convidados a responder uma pesquisa, posteriormente foram formados três grupos, com diagnóstico de HIV; que realizaram um teste de HIV, mas que seu resultado foi negativo; e que nunca fizeram um teste de detecção. Por meio da modelagem de equações estruturais, foi testado o ajuste do modelo em toda a amostra e por grupo. O primeiro modelo que considerou todos os participantes foi adequadamente ajustado, ao fazer a mesma análise por grupo, os resultados foram semelhantes, embora no caso dos homens com HIV, o tempo de diagnóstico de HIV tenha sido incorporado para um melhor ajuste do modelo. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da evidência empírica do modelo e do desenho de programas de intervenção que promovam o uso do preservativo em homens

    Highly graphitized carbon nanosheets with embedded Ni nanocrystals as anode for Li-ion batteries

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    A C/Ni composite was prepared via thermal decomposition of a nickel oleate complex at 700 °C, yielding disperse Ni nanocrystals with an average size of 20 nm, encapsulated by carbon nanosheets as deduced from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and confirmed from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction pattern revealed a good ordering of the carbon layers, forced by the Ni encapsulation to adopt a bending structure. Considering the close interaction between the graphitized framework and the metallic nanoparticles we have studied the properties of the composite as an anode for Li-ion batteries. Compared with other nanostructured synthetic carbons, this carbon composite has a low voltage hysteresis and a modest irreversible capacity value, properties that play a significant role in its behaviour as electrodes in full cell configuration. At moderate rate values, 0.25 C, the electrode delivers an average capacity value around 723 mAh·g−1 on cycling, among the highest values so far reported for this carbon type. At higher rate values, 1 C, the average capacity values delivered by the cell on cycling decrease, around 205 mAh·g−1, but it maintains good capacity retention, a coulombic efficiency close to 100% after the first cycles and recovery of the capacity values when the rate is restored from 3 to 0.1 C

    Elastin-like recombinamers with acquired functionalities for gene-delivery applications

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, well-defined elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) were studied as a choice to the existing nonviral vectors due to their biocompatibility and ease of scale-up. Functional motifs, namely penetratin and LAEL fusogenic peptides were incorporated into a basic ELR sequence, and imidazole groups were subsequently covalently bound obtaining ELRs with new functionalities. Stable polyplexes composed of plasmid DNA and ELRs were formed. A particle size around 200 nm and a zeta potential up to nearly +24 mV made them suitable for gene delivery purposes. Additionally, viability and transfection assays with C6 rat glioma cell line showed an increase in the cellular uptake and transfection levels for the construction containing the LAEL motif. This study highlights the importance of controlling the polymer functionality using recombinant techniques and establishes the utility of ELRs as biocompatible nonviral systems for gene-therapy applications.ERDF Funding from the EU and MINECO; contract grant number: MAT2010-15982FCCI Subprogram: Modality ACI-COLABORA Spain-India 2010-2012; contract grant numbers: MAT2010-15310, PRIPIBAR- 2011-1403, MAT2012-38043, and MAT2013-41723-RJCyL; contract grant numbers: VA049A11, VA152A12, and VA155A12CIBER-BBN, JCyL, and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III under the “Network Center of Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy of Castilla and Leon” and DST (Indo-Spanish), (New Delhi

    El impacto de la acreditación en los programas académicos de la DES Agropecuaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

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    La presente investigación se enfocó en estudiar y hacer un análisis enfocado en el impacto que están teniendo los procesos de acreditación en la calidad y en los programas educativos que se manejan dentro de las universidades, en este caso en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas (FACIATEC) y en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales (FCAyF), ambas pertenecientes a la DES Agropecuaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH). Como instrumentos de medición se empleó la realización de un cuestionario, el cual contenía 36 preguntas simples y comprensibles al momento de contestar, para ello se eligieron cuatro líneas, las cuales fueron: Calidad, Calidad educativa, Gestión Institucional y Gestión de la Calidad

    Nutrición de Vanilla planifolia A. post estrés abiótico

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    La vainilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) es una orquídea que produce frutos aromáticos comestibles, lo que la posiciona como uno de los legados agro biológicos más trascendentales de las culturas de Mesoamérica. (Fernández, 2014). El objetivo de la investigación fue estimular la recuperación de una plantación de Vanilla planifolia Andrews en el Municipio de Tihuatlán, Ver. México, después de estas sometida a estés por sequía. Se seleccionando esquejes estresados que estaban sanos con yemas viables con al menos un cm de diámetro y 80 cm de largo; se desinfectaron antes de la siembra, se reguló la luz y se establecieron los tutores. Para motivar la recuperación se emplearon dos sistemas de nutrición, una convencional y otra orgánica. Las variables de respuesta evaluadas fueron: longitud de planta, número de hojas, grosor de tallo, raíces aéreas, entrenudos, concentración de clorofila y Número de brotes por esqueje. El resultado final fue que no se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativas entre los dos sistemas de nutrición por lo que se concluye que la recuperación del cultivo de vainilla puede ser provocara por ambos, sin embargo es mejor mantener un manejo completamente orgánico por diversos beneficios a la salud, ambientales, sociales y económicos

    Propuesta para el establecimiento del cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L) en la zona norte del estado de Veracruz

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    México produce 28, 607 toneladas anuales de cacao, ocupa el 11vo lugar en la producción de cacao en grano contribuyendo con el 1.2% de la producción mundial. El cacao es cultivado en el sureste del país, en donde destacan los estados de Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca y Tabasco. La Secretaria de Agricultura estima que para el 2030 el consumo y la producción nacional de cacao presentaran un crecimiento acumulado de 19.49% por ser un cultivo muy redituable, lo anterior hace al cultivo del cacao una opción viable para intentar introducirlo a la zona norte del estado de Veracruz. Por lo anterior eta investigación tuvo como propósito dar a conocer la problemática que tiene el cultivo de cacao para establecerse y desarrollarse favorablemente en la zona norte del estado de Veracruz, y dar a conocer si es viable como alternativa para cultivar en grandes extensiones. Este trabajo se desarrolló en una huerta del municipio de Tihuatlán, Veracruz en plantas de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) durante la etapa de crecimiento inicial comparando el método convencional y el natural. Se realizó un análisis físico-químico del suelo y se evaluaron diferentes variables para evaluar el desarrollo de las plantas y se analizaron los resultados. A los resultados se le realizó un análisis estadístico simple. Determinando en la variable de altura que ambos tratamientos mostraban un crecimiento similar sin embargo el tratamiento convencional al finalizar el experimento mostró mejores resultados. Con respecto a la variable brotes nuevos al finalizar las plantas con tratamiento convencional fueron las que mayor número de brotes presentaron con una media de 4 brotes, superior a 3 brotes con respecto al natural. En base a los resultados obtenidos concluimos que se debe tratar al suelo antes de la siembra y que el método convencional es el que mejores resultados presentó, por lo que se considera que el Cacao es una magnifica alternativa para los agricultores de la región