1,984 research outputs found

    La formación integral de los estudiantes universitarios mediante el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales/The comprehensive training of university students through differential equation learning

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    En la asignatura Matemática para las carreras con perfiles de ciencia y técnica, se incluye el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias de primer y segundo orden y su aplicación a la solución de ejercicios y problemas, contenido de enseñanza con elevadas exigencias para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes por cuanto deben integrar varios sistemas de conocimientos y habilidades estudiados con antelación. Es objetivo de este ensayo valorar didácticamente las potencialidades del estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales para la formación integral de los futuros profesionales de las ciencias. El enfoque se sustenta en la perspectiva de la enseñanza por problemas y la aplicación integrada de habilidades matemáticas generalizadas; se ofrecen ejemplos y reflexiones teórico-metodológicas orientadoras

    Integrating Semantic Web Services Ranking Mechanisms Using a Common Preference Model

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    Service ranking has been long-acknowledged to play a fundamental role in helping users to select the best o erings among services retrieved from a search request. There exist many ranking mechanisms, each one providing ad hoc preference models that o er di erent levels of expressiveness. Consequently, applying a single mechanism to a particular scenario constrains the user to de ne preferences based on that mechanism's facilities. Furthermore, a more exible solution that uses several independent mechanisms will face interoperability issues because of the di erences between preference models provided by each ranking mechanism. In order to overcome these issues, we propose a Preference- based Universal Ranking Integration (PURI) framework that enables the combination of several ranking mechanisms using a common, holistic preference model. Using PURI, di erent ranking mechanisms are seamlessly and transparently integrated, o ering a single fa cade to de ne preferences using highly expressive facilities that are not only decoupled from the concrete mechanisms that perform the ranking process, but also allow to exploit synergies from the combination of integrated mechanisms. We also thoroughly present a particular application scenario in the SOA4All EU project and evaluate the bene ts and applicability of PURI in further domains

    On the use of many-core machines for the acceleration of a mesh truncation technique for FEM

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    Finite element method (FEM) has been used for years for radiation problems in the field of electromagnetism. To tackle problems of this kind, mesh truncation techniques are required, which may lead to the use of high computational resources. In fact, electrically large radiation problems can only be tackled using massively parallel computational resources. Different types of multi-core machines are commonly employed in diverse fields of science for accelerating a number of applications. However, properly managing their computational resources becomes a very challenging task. On the one hand, we present a hybrid message passing interface + OpenMP-based acceleration of a mesh truncation technique included in a FEM code for electromagnetism in a high-performance computing cluster equipped with 140 compute nodes. Results show that we obtain about 85% of the theoretical maximum speedup of the machine. On the other hand, a graphics processing unit has been used to accelerate one of the parts that presents high fine-grain parallelism.This work has been fnancially supported by TEC2016-80386-P, TIN2017-82972-R, CAM S2013/ICE-3004 projects and “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formación del Profesorado Universitario FPU”

    Conservation approach of a front dune system through the study of its blowouts (Cala Agulla, Mallorca)

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    Most of the beach-dune systems in the western Mediterranean today show animportant state of fragmentation with obvious signs of erosion, largely because ofblowouts on the dune front. Blowouts were studied in the dune front of the CalaAgulla beach-dune system (Mallorca, Spain) in order to better understand andquantify the backward dune movement over the last decades. A spatiotemporalanalysis taking into account the boundary drawn by the vegetation along the first lineof dunes was carried out. The analysis was performed using GIS software ArcView,applying DSAS extension 2.0 (Digital Shoreline Analysis System). Fourteenblowouts located along a front about 600 m long were studied. For each blowout,some ecological and morphometric variables were analyzed in order to establish therelationship between the different types of blowouts. To this end, it was applied anindex Rt-v to link each morphology with the patterns shown by the existingvegetation, both herbaceous and woody. Applying the iTx index represents the linkbetween each typology and its inner topography. The results show integral recoil ofthe dune front over the last decades - the average recoil ranges from 10-20 m,although in some places exceed 20 m -. However, from 2008 to 2010 some advanceswere recorded, except at the sites that coincided with the main entrances to the beach,which suggests a direct relationship between maximum erosion and the places withhighest attendance. Blowouts were divided into 5 categories, trough blowouts beingthe most prevalent (50% of samples). Each type showed distinct morphometricfeatures and had a different relationship with the vegetal species

    Caracterització i dinàmica del sistema platja-duna d’es Comú de Muro (Badia d’Alcúdia, Mallorca)

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    Els sistemes dunars litorals de les Illes Balears han sofert canvis fisonòmics substancials al llarg dels darrers decennis, en bona part a causa de la pressió antròpica duta a terme sobre la franja costanera. No obstant aquesta pressió ha estat asimètrica, no tan sols des d’un punt de vista temporal, sinó també des de la vessant espacial. El present treball pretén dur a terme una caracterització física i geomorfològica del sistema platja-duna d’es Comú de Muro, inserit dins els límits del Parc Natural de s’Albufera, i que dins un context d’artificialització litoral, avui perdura com un sistema “natural” limitat per la pressió que exerceixen els nuclis urbano-turístics limítrofes de Can Picafort i Platges de Muro. Per a tal fi es realitzen perfils de platja al llarg d’un any per a conèixer la dinàmica de la platja a escala anual, alhora d’establir les diferències entre el comportament d’una platja urbana (Can Picafort) i una platja natural (es Comú). A més es realitza una anàlisi de l’estat de conservació de la primera línia de dunes a partir de l’estudi de 58 formes erosives tipus blowout considerant paràmetres geomorfològics i ecològics. Finalment es valora l’estat del bosc de P.halepensis associat al cordó de dunes estabilitzades a partir de la pressió antròpica soferta al llarg dels segles

    The Conners Continuous Performance Test CPT3™: Is it a reliable marker to predict neurocognitive dysfunction in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome?

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome; Continuous performance test; Neurocognitive dysfunctionSíndrome de fatiga crónica; Prueba de rendimiento continuo; Disfunción neurocognitivaSíndrome de fatiga crònica; Prova de rendiment contínua; Disfunció neurocognitivaIntroduction: The main objective is to delimit the cognitive dysfunction associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in adult patients by applying the Continuous Performance Test (CPT3™). Additionally, provide empirical evidence on the usefulness of this computerized neuropsychological test to assess ME/CFS. Method: The final sample (n = 225; 158 Patients/67 Healthy controls) were recruited in a Central Sensitization Syndromes (CSS) specialized unit in a tertiary hospital. All participants were administered this neuropsychological test. Results: There were significant differences between ME/CFS and healthy controls in all the main measures of CPT3™. Mainly, patients had a worse indicator of inattentiveness, sustained attention, vigilance, impulsivity, slow reaction time, and more atypical T-scores, which is associated with a likelihood of having a disorder characterized by attention deficits, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In addition, relevant correlations were obtained between the CPT3™ variables in the patient's group. The most discriminative indicators of ME/CFS patients were Variability and Hit Reaction Time, both measures of response speed. Conclusion: The CPT3™ is a helpful tool to discriminate neurocognitive impairments from attention and response speed in ME/CFS patients, and it could be used as a marker of ME/CFS severity for diagnosing or monitoring this disease

    MicroRNA expression profiling in Imatinib-resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia patients without clinically significant ABL1-mutations

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    The development of Imatinib Mesylate (IM), the first specific inhibitor of BCR-ABL1, has had a major impact in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), establishing IM as the standard therapy for CML. Despite the clinical success obtained with the use of IM, primary resistance to IM and molecular evidence of persistent disease has been observed in 20-25% of IM treated patients. The existence of second generation TK inhibitors, which are effective in patients with IM resistance, makes identification of predictors of resistance to IM an important goal in CML. In this study, we have identified a group of 19 miRNAs that may predict clinical resistance to IM in patients with newly diagnosed CML

    Characterization of soils cultivated with rubber in the Colombian Bajo Cauca Antioqueño region

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    From a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and developmentFrom a socioeconomic and environmental standpoint, rubber cultivation is potentially important for Colombia, because it not only constitutes an alternative to the traditional mining, agricultural, and livestock activities, but also a beneficial option in the substitution of illegal crops. Thus, there is need to determine the factors restricting the productivity of the species, particularly soil-related aspects. In this context, the current research undertook the description and identification of soil physical and chemical properties in three rubber plantations located in a region known as Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, at the lower course of the Cauca river. The results indicate that these soils are classified as Ultisols, they are deep, with acid reaction and low levels of soil organic matter. Essential elements also exhibited low levels, except Cu. Fe and Al are also present in very high concentrations, while the cation exchange capacity is limited. These observations alert on the need for agronomic management techniques that allow the crop to express its full potential under conditions that are not very adequate for its growth and development