2,987 research outputs found

    Construir confianza 2016: informe de transparencia y buen gobierno en la web de las fundaciones españolas

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    El análisis de este informe de transparencia y buen gobierno revela que los órganos de gobierno de las fundaciones están todavía muy lejos de entender y cumplir la alta responsabilidad que se les ha confiado. La mayoría de las fundaciones analizadas siguen contando con patronatos decorativos que, en el mejor de los casos, se limitan a cumplir funciones puramente representativas. Esta es la realidad y cuanto antes se reconozca, antes se podrán aplicar los remedios oportunos para corregirla

    Optimizing the spatial spread of a quantum walk.

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    We devise a protocol to build 1D time-dependent quantum walks in 1D maximizing the spatial spread throughout the procedure. We allow only one of the physical parameters of the coin-tossing operator to vary, i.e. the angle θ, such that for θ = 0 we have the ˆσz, while for θ = π/4 we obtain the Hadamard gate. The optimal θ sequences present non-trivial patterns, with mostly θ ≈ 0 alternated with θ ≈ π/4 values after increasingly long periods. We provide an analysis of the entanglement properties, quasi-energy spectrum and survival probability, providing a full physical picture.peer-reviewed1,34 M

    Short simulation activity to improve the competences in the Fluid-mechanical Engineering classroom using Solidworks ® Flow Simulation

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    7 p.In this paper, a short simulation activity based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is raised in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor degree as an effective support to the theoretical lessons, in order to improve the competences of the Fluid-Mechanical course. The activity provides both visual and numerical information that the student must compare critically with respect the results obtained analytically, using the equations explained in the theoretical classroom. The activity is designed so that it can be integrated quickly (due to the shortage of times in the academic calendars). In this manner its total completion does not exceed four hours of simulation class. This is achieved by optimizing the resources, proposing meshing and simulation strategies that consume little computational time and using the package Solidworks® Flow Simulation, that takes advantage of the geometry parametrically modelled with the software itself to automatically establish the computational domain of the fluid for the based-on CFD analysis, saving excessive preparation times and long computational process.S

    Torremolinos, 1962-1971: de la fiesta como resistencia a la redada

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    Año 1962. En un soleado y fértil Torremolinos abría sus puertas el Tony ́s bar, el primer bar gay de España. Torremolinos, del mismo modo que otras ciudades costeras periféricas, vivió una renovación social y territorial gracias al desarrollo del turismo internacional. En las postrimerías del franquismo, el boom de la construcción y el desarrollismo habían llevado a España a un extraño estadio que Foucault vio como un choque de dos sistemas de poder, el de la soberanía sobre la muerte y el de la regularización de la vida, entre las lógicas tantatoprácticas del fascismo y las incipientes del neoliberalismo de entonces . Sin duda, Torremolinos, y otras ciudades como Benidorm o Rota, fueron participe de ese plan de desarrollo económico para la mejora de la España de posguerra. La apertura a un turismo internacional y el barato coste de estancia en nuestras costas hizo que alemanes, franceses, holandeses e ingleses se asentaran y dejaran sus divisas en la costa. El activista, casi trovador queer de la Transición, Antonio Gutiérrez nos cuenta cómo la cercanía de la localidad malagueña a la colonia británica de Gibraltar tuvo mucha importancia con respecto a la fundación de los primeros bares gais de Torremolinos. Por lo tanto, durante el desarrollo de los años 60 vemos como el flujo de personas extranjeras trasladó sus modelos de reunión a la Costa del Sol, desplazando así los tablaos y tabernas flamencas a nuevos clubs y boites a la moda europea, generándose, así, nuevos espacios heterotópicos en las fronteras del régimen.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TECH

    Corrección atmosférica de imágenes de satélite por métodos de aprendizaje automático

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    El objetivo de la corrección atmosférica es determinar el valor real de reflectancia de la superficie de la Tierra, a partir de la reflectancia aparente medida por el sensor. Constituye la parte más importante del pre-procesamiento de datos obtenidos mediante teledetección por satélite. Los procedimientos clásicos de corrección utilizan modelos de transferencia radiativa que suponen el estado atmosférico estático, sin atender a sus condiciones cambiantes, tanto espaciales como temporales. De esta manera, el coste computacional que se ahorra es muy significativo pero, dicha simplificación, difiere notablemente de la situación real. Suponiendo conocidos los campos dinámicos que determinan el estado de la atmósfera, la metodología clásica de corrección atmosférica mediante estos modelos, involucraría la ejecución de los mismos en cada punto, resultando inabordable debido al coste computacional que conllevaría. En este trabajo se propone una alternativa que considera la dependencia espacial y temporal de las condiciones atmosféricas sustituyendo, parcialmente, el uso del modelo de transferencia por el algoritmo de aprendizaje automático más adecuado. De esa manera, conseguimos reducir el tiempo de cálculo sustancialmente. En esta tesis evaluamos la habilidad de seis algoritmos de aprendizaje automático diferentes para resolver el problema. Paralelamente, estudiamos los conjuntos de variables más adecuados, para la resolución del problema en cada banda de la imagen. Finalmente, tras haber elegido el método más adecuado para sustituir el modelo de transferencia radiativa, y haciendo uso del subconjunto de variables seleccionado, llevamos a cabo la corrección de la imagen en cada una de las bandas.Departamento de Física Aplicad

    Short CFD simulation activities in the context of fluid-mechanical learning in a multidisciplinary student body

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    17 p.Simulation activities are a useful tool to improve competence in industrial engineering bachelors. Specifically, fluid simulation allows students to acquire important skills to strengthen their theoretical knowledge and improve their future professional career. However, these tools usually require long training times and they are usually not available in the subjects of B.Sc. degrees. In this article, a new methodology based on short lessons is raised and evaluated in the fluid-mechanical subject for students enrolled in three different bachelor degree groups: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and B.Sc. in Electronic and Automatic Engineering. Statistical results show a good acceptance in terms of usability, learning, motivation, thinking over, satisfaction and scalability. Additionally, a machine-learning based approach was applied to find group peculiarities and differences among them in order to identify the need for further personalization of the learning activity.S

    Modeling the heat transfer by conduction of nanocellular polymers with bimodal cellular structures

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    Nanocellular polymers are a new generation of materials with the potential of being used as very efficient thermal insulators. It has been proved experimentally that these materials present the Knudsen effect, which strongly reduces the conductivity of the gas phase. There are theoretical equations to predict the thermal conductivity due to this Knudsen effect, but all the models consider an average cell size. In this work, we propose a model to predict the thermal conductivity due to the conduction mechanisms of nanocellular materials with bimodal cellular structures, that is, with two populations of cells, micro and nanocellular. The novelty of our work is to consider not only the average cell size, but the cell size distribution. The predictions of the model are compared with the experimental conductivity of two real bimodal systems based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and it is proved that this new model provides more accurate estimations of the conductivity than the models that do not consider the bimodality. Furthermore, this model could be applied to monomodal nanocellular polymers. In particular, for monomodal materials presenting a wide cell size distribution and at low densities, the model predicts important variations in comparison with the current models in the literature. This result indicates that the cell size distribution must be included in the estimations of the thermal conductivity of nanocellular polymer

    OpenCLIPER: an OpenCL-based C++ Framework for Overhead-Reduced Medical Image Processing and Reconstruction on Heterogeneous Devices

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    Medical image processing is often limited by the computational cost of the involved algorithms. Whereas dedicated computing devices (GPUs in particular) exist and do provide significant efficiency boosts, they have an extra cost of use in terms of housekeeping tasks (device selection and initialization, data streaming, synchronization with the CPU and others), which may hinder developers from using them. This paper describes an OpenCL-based framework that is capable of handling dedicated computing devices seamlessly and that allows the developer to concentrate on image processing tasks. The framework handles automatically device discovery and initialization, data transfers to and from the device and the file system and kernel loading and compiling. Data structures need to be defined only once independently of the computing device; code is unique, consequently, for every device, including the host CPU. Pinned memory/buffer mapping is used to achieve maximum performance in data transfers. Code fragments included in the paper show how the computing device is almost immediately and effortlessly available to the users algorithms, so they can focus on productive work. Code required for device selection and initialization, data loading and streaming and kernel compilation is minimal and systematic. Algorithms can be thought of as mathematical operators (called processes), with input, output and parameters, and they may be chained one after another easily and efficiently. Also for efficiency, processes can have their initialization work split from their core workload, so process chains and loops do not incur in performance penalties. Algorithm code is independent of the device type targeted