83 research outputs found

    The radical inclusive curriculum: contributions toward a theory of complete education

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    This paper contributes to curriculum theory from the perspective of a fundamental critique of education. Its objective is twofold: to analyze both traditional and critical approaches to the curriculum and the types of education that fow from them and to propose changes that could result in signifcant improvements to the curricula through the radical and inclusive approach. The principles of pedagogy are redefned from the standpoint of this approach, aiming to enhance the educational potential of the curricula. The method of the paper is hermeneutic and dialectical, critically disputing the utility of curriculum theory and of the international policies that drive current educational practice. The essay’s arguments are developed throughout in the dialogical space between the critique and the proposed changes. These arguments are oriented toward complementarity and aim to redefne education and the curriculum in terms of complexity and a higher level of consciousness. The conclusions suggest that the radical and inclusive approach can produce signifcant, thoroughgoing change in curricula, education, and pedagogyOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under Grant EDU2017-85296-

    Contexte de L´pçedagpgoe de la mort en Espagne

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    La Pedagogía de la Muerte define un ámbito de investigación, formación e innovación educativa emergente. Se fundamenta en su posible habilitación educativa y didáctica en todos los niveles educativos y en su carácter fundamental para la formación. En poco más de diez años, el trabajo de un reducido grupo de autores ha puesto a España como uno de los escasos países en los que su desarrollo ha sido intenso, coherente y crecientemente demandado. Los trabajos invitan a vislumbrar una Pedagogía más abierta, más profunda y orientada por una teleología que tenga en cuenta las características esenciales del ser humano y su propia evolución. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión teórica de aportaciones realizadas por los más destacados autores españoles, analizando algunas de sus contribuciones e implicaciones. El artículo se divide en tres partes: Introducción, estudios y propuestas de Pedagogía de la Muerte en España, y conclusiones. Las propuestas se abordan en función de si están centradas en el valor formativo de la muerte para la evolución como ámbito perenne del ser humano, en la normalización de la muerte en la educación, en la intervención educativa paliativa o en el análisis de experiencias didácticas y de formación de profesorado. En las conclusiones se reflexiona sobre algunos retos que en un futuro pueden contribuir a la evolución de la Pedagogía de la Muerte. Entre ellas, el intercambio internacional de experiencias y el desarrollo de investigaciones científicas conjuntas que favorezcan la inclusión curricular de la muerte como elemento formativo.Pedagogy of Death is defined as a field of research, training and educational innovation emerging. It is based on their possible educational inclusion and its importance to formation. In just over ten years, the work of a small group of authors has pointed Spain as one of the few countries where development of the field has been intense, consistent and with a growing demand. The works invite to envision a more open Pedagogy, deeper and guided by a teleology that takes into account the essential characteristics of human beings and their own evolution. In this article, a theoretical review of work made by leading Spanish authors is done, discussing some of their contributions and implications. The article is divided into three parts: Introduction, studies and proposals for Pedagogy of Death in Spain, and conclusions. The proposals are discussed in terms of whether they are focused on the educational value of death for evolution as a perennial field in human beings, normalization of death in education, palliative intervention or analysis of learning experiences and teacher training. The conclusions reflect on some challenges that can contribute to future developments in Pedagogy of Death. Among them, the international exchange of experiences and development of joint scientific research that support the curricular inclusion of death as a formative element.La pédagogie de la mort définit un champ de recherche, de formation et de l'innovation éducative émergente. Elle est basée sur son potentiel éducatif et pédagogique à tous les niveaux de l'éducation et son rôle central dans l'enseignement. En un peu plus de dix ans, le travail d'un petit groupe d'auteurs a fait de l'Espagne l'un des rares pays dans lequel son développement a été intense, cohérent et de plus en plus demandé. Ces oeuvres nous invitent à entrevoir une pédagogie plus ouverte, plus profonde et guidée par une téléologie qui prend en compte les caractéristiques essentielles des êtres humains et de leur propre évolution. Cette étude présente un examen théorique des contributions apportées par les principaux auteurs espagnoles, l'analyse de certains de leurs contributions et leurs implications pédagogiques. L'article est divisé en trois parties: introduction, des études et des propositions de la pédagogie de la mort en Espagne, et les conclusions. Différentes propositions sont présentées en se concentrant sur la valeur éducative de la mort, pour l'évolution, comprise comme un point permanent de l'être humain ; d'autres propositions sont relatives à la normalisation de la mort dans l'éducation, l´intervention éducative palliatif ou l'analyse d'expériences d'apprentissage et de formation des enseignants. Dans les conclusions il y a des réflexions sur certains défis que dans l'avenir peuvent contribuer au développement de la pédagogie de la mort. Parmi eux, l'échange international d'expériences, et le développement de la recherche scientifique conjointe qui encourage l'inclusion curriculaire de la mort comme un élément formatif

    El concepto de muerte en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual: Una contribución a la pedagogía de la muerte

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    A pesar de ser una condición esencial del ser humano, la muerte es un ámbito poco investigado en el esfuerzo por mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con discapacidad intelectual. En este artículo se describe una investigación sobre el concepto de muerte en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Se hace a través de una metodología mixta que incluye un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, utilizando un cuestionario y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados indican que los participantes tienen dificultades en la comprensión de las dimensiones biológicas de la muerte. Además, se ha encontrado una amplia variedad de opiniones, actitudes y creencias sobre la muerte. En las conclusiones se reflexiona sobre las implicaciones de estos resultados en una posible pedagogía de la muerte en personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual que incluya el acompañamiento en el dueloDespite being an essential human condition, death is an under-researched area in the effort to improve people with intellectual disabilities’ life quality. In this article we describe the concept of death among young people with intellectual disabilities. A mixed research methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative approaches was employed, including both a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Results indicate that participants have difficulty understanding of biological dimensions of death. Moreover, it has been found that participants present a wide range of opinions, attitudes and beliefs about death. Conclusions reflect on implications of these results for a possible pedagogy on death in young adults that would include accompaniment during bereavemen

    International background of Pedagogy of death

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    Death is a universal and perennial phenomenon for the human being. Nevertheless, the pedagogy of death is a taboo subject in schools. It has not become aware of its formative value. Research and proposals are isolated, although they articulate an important theoretical and practical basis for developing a possible pedagogy of death. This article presents a theoretical review of the international history of the pedagogy of death. Articles published in scientific impact journals, education magazines, doctoral theses, books, book chapters, as well as conferences, communications and presentations at scientific conferences or journals have been reviewed. The purpose is to present a comprehensive review of interest to researchers and teachers addressing the issue of death in education. The classification of the analyzed works is made concrete in the following categories: a) Work carried out in the normalization of the death in the education; and b) Works focused on educational intervention palliative or post-significant loss. The conclusions reflect on the lines of innovation and research priority to normalize death in the educational field. Among them, it highlights the possible contribution of the pedagogy of death in the educational response to the great challenges of today's society.Death is a universal and perennial phenomenon for the human being. Nevertheless, the pedagogy of death is a taboo subject in schools. It has not become aware of its formative value. Research and proposals are isolated, although they articulate an important theoretical and practical basis for developing a possible pedagogy of death. This article presents a theoretical review of the international history of the pedagogy of death. Articles published in scientific impact journals, education magazines, doctoral theses, books, book chapters, as well as conferences, communications and presentations at scientific conferences or journals have been reviewed. The purpose is to present a comprehensive review of interest to researchers and teachers addressing the issue of death in education. The classification of the analyzed works is made concrete in the following categories: a) Work carried out in the normalization of the death in the education; and b) Works focused on educational intervention palliative or post-significant loss. The conclusions reflect on the lines of innovation and research priority to normalize death in the educational field. Among them, it highlights the possible contribution of the pedagogy of death in the educational response to the great challenges of today’s societ

    Impact of a teacher-training MOOC on the Pedagogy of Death during the pandemic

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    The objective of this study was to determine the impact of a MOOC on the attitudes of pre-service and in-service teachers toward education on death. The study adopted a pre- and post-test design. Participants (N = 139) answered the Death Education Attitudes Scale-Teachers (DEAS-T) questionnaire at the beginning and end of the course. The results confirmed significant differences between the pre- and post-course applications in the three scale factors—need for training in the Pedagogy of Death, inclusion of death in education, and educational awareness of death. Open-access, free, mass training through a MOOC could have a positive impact on attitudes toward death education among both pre- and in-service teacher

    Do parents want death to be included in their children’s education?

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    The objective of this study is to determine whether parents of schoolchildren want an education that takes death into account or not. To address this objective, the Death Education Attitudes Scale-Parents (DEAS-P) was designed, validated and applied to the Spanish population, through an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, with suitable values. The reliability test found a Cronbach’s alpha of.90, with two factors. The scale was complemented with a short questionnaire probing opinions on how to approach death in society and schools. The sample comprised 917 mothers and fathers of children and adolescents from early childhood education to sixth form. The results indicated moderately positive attitudes towards an education taking death into account. Variables such as gender, religious beliefs and children’s educational stage were significantly related to parents’ attitudes. The results argue in favour of the educational inclusion of death in families and schoolsThis work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under Grant EDU2017-85296-R

    from ‘universal design of learning’ to ‘universal design of formative teaching’: criticisms and proposals from pedagogy and didactics

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    Este capítulo aborda el modelo de ‘diseño universal del aprendizaje’ (DUA) como enfoque desde el que llevar la práctica de la educación inclusiva al aula. Se realiza una crítica desde la Pedagogía, que detecta que, por la asociación del DUA con disciplinas como la Arquitectura, la Tecnología, la Psicología o la Neuropsicología, ha avanzado con limitaciones importantes en cuanto a sus posibilidades educativas. Desde esta crítica, se propone el ‘diseño universal de la enseñanza formativa’ (DUEF) como un modelo revisado que, sin negar los anteriores, incluye aspectos fundamentales para la educación inclusiva: el reconocimiento de las limitaciones de los modelos que pretenden una enseñanza universal para todos, la incorporación de finalidades educativas o la trascendencia del aula como único espacio formativo. Todo ello configura, a nuestro modo de ver, un enfoque emergente de educación inclusiva ‘con sentido’ y centrado en la personaThis chapter deals with the ‘universal design for learning’ (UDL) model as an approach from which to take the practice of inclusive education to the classroom. A criticism is made from Pedagogy, which detects that, due to the association of the UDL with disciplines such as Architecture, Technology, Psychology or Neuropsychology, it has advanced with important limitations regarding its educational possibilities. From this pint of view, the ‘universal design for teaching education’ (UDTE) is proposed as a reviewed model that, without denying the previous ones, includes fundamental aspects for inclusive education: the recognition of the limitations of the models that seek universal education for all, the incorporation of educational purposes or the transcendence of the classroom as the only training space. All of this configures, in our view, an emerging approach to inclusive education ‘meaningful’ and person-centere

    Pedagogía de la muerte mediante aprendizaje de servicio

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    En: Educación XX1, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 189-212. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.18.1.12317La inclusión de la muerte en la educación como elemento formativo es todavía un reto emergente. Su introducción didáctica podría, en nuestra opinión, contribuir al desarrollo de una educación que incluya «temas radicales o perennes», entendiendo por tales los que, como el que se presenta, no se demandan, no están expresamente integrados en los currícula ni en los proyectos pedagógicos de los centros y son esenciales para la formación. De acuerdo con ello urge especialmente generar metodologías didácticas que puedan favorecer su tratamiento educativo. El aprendizaje servicio (AS) puede favorecer aspectos tan relevantes en la educación actual como la formación ciudadana, la acción solidaria o la responsabilidad social. Su vinculación con la acción social entronca con una de las posibles finalidades de la Pedagogía de la Muerte, que es formar ciudadanos que consideren la finitud como condición humana desde la cual orientar valores vitales para la mejora social. En este artículo se plantea el AS como propuesta metodológica desde la que es posible desarrollar la Pedagogía de la Muerte, describiéndose varias actividades didácticas para las distintas etapas educativas. En las conclusiones se valora el AS como propuesta metodológica de una posible Pedagogía de la Muerte, destacándose la necesidad de una formación del profesorado de calidad

    The presence of death in Spanish education law (1812–2006)

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    The objective of this study is to determine whether death has been present, and if so in what way, in Spanish education law from 1812 to 2006. The presence of 25 terms semantically related to death was analyzed in laws and regulations on school curricula. Death is generally absent as a directly approachable phenomenon within the given period, except in scattered regulations which, as a rule, link death in education to religion. From the beginnings of the democratic period in Spain (1975), socially relevant subjects with indirect but significant relationships with death, such as biodiversity and the Holocaust, appea

    Do adolescents want death to be included in their education?

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    This study sets out to ascertain adolescents’ attitudes and opinions towards death education. To this end two instruments were designed and validated: the ‘Death Education Attitudes Scale-Students’ and the ‘Death Education Questionnaire-Stu dents’. The total sample comprised 1897 secondary school students aged 12–19. Participants showed moderately positive attitudes towards death education. Vari ables such as gender, age and religious beliefs infuenced results. Death is not unfa miliar to adolescents; on the contrary, it afects them through the loss of loved ones, and they saw themselves as capable of refecting on it. The study has implications for the training of teachers and families and for the inclusion of the awareness of death in curricula and in educational policies on national and international level