1,841 research outputs found

    Evaluación microbiológica del tapón de seguridad en diálisis peritoneal

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    In patients with end-stage renal disease treated with peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis remains as a main cause of complications and therapy loss, even after reducing peritonitis appearance rate. Etiological factors which have been associated are multiple, including clinical conditions of patient, adherence to the clinical protocol of the therapy, socioeconomic status and the system used to deliver fluid to peritoneal cavity. Considering all these factors, we decided to study the adherence to the protocol of connection in dialysis, its microbiological behavior and its association to the safety cap of the previous exchange of peritoneal dialysis system BenY®, in patients who were previously classified according to their adherence to the protocol of connection in dialysis. Patients’ technique of connection to their therapy was assessed through nine key steps and some additional remarks, and then cultures of new and used devices were collected. In our study, there is no evidence of a clinically significant correlation of evaluated devices and peritonitis, compared to other devices designed for the same aim.En los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal, que reciben terapia dialítica bajo la modalidad de diálisis peritoneal, se ha descrito que las complicaciones infecciosas como la peritonitis, permanecen como la principal causa de pérdida de la terapia, aún después de lograr disminuir las tasas de presentación de esta complicación. Los factores etiológicos asociados son múltiples y van desde la condición clínica del paciente, su adherencia al protocolo de realización de la terapia, su estado socioeconómico y el sistema utilizado para el aporte de los líquidos al peritoneo. Tomando como objetivo estos factores, decidimos estudiar la adherencia al protocolo de conexión de diálisis,el comportamiento microbiológico y su asociación altapón de seguridad del cambio anterior del sistema de diálisis peritoneal BenY®, en pacientes previamente clasificados según su adherencia al protocolo de conexión a diálisis. Se evaluó la técnica del paciente para la conexión a su terapia según la escala de 9 pasos fundamentales y puntos adicionales, y se tomaron cultivos de dispositivos nuevos y usados por los pacientes. En nuestro estudio no se evidenció asociación clínicamente significativa del dispositivo evaluado en el desarrollo de peritonitis, comparado con otros existentes para la misma finalidad

    Fusões e aquisições como estratégia de crescimento no setor bancário colombiano

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    O artigo propõe um modelo de análise estratégico para interpretar as fusões e aquisições empreendidas pelo Grupo Sarmiento Angulo dentro do setor bancário na Colômbia. Tal modelo se fundamenta em duas dimensões estratégicas: a corporativa e a de negócio. Sobre estas se desenvolve uma seleção de ferramentas teóricas que buscam uma perspectiva integradora dos elementos de decisão estratégicos. Incorpora-se à análise o conceito de "estratégia relacional", complementando desta forma as análises tradicionais propostas pela economia industrial. De tal exercício se conclui que o componente estratégico relacional desempenhou um papel importante dentro do desenho e desdobramento da estratégia do grupo estudado.L'article propose un modèle d'analyse stratégique pour interpréter les fusions et les rachats réalisés par le Groupe Sarmiento Angulo dans le secteur bancaire en Colombie. Le modèle proposé se fonde sur deux dimensions stratégiques -la dimension corporative et la dimension des affaires- à partir desquelles est conçu un ensemble d'outils théoriques orientés vers une perspective d'intégration des éléments de décision stratégiques. Le concept de "stratégie relationnelle" utilisé vient compléter les analyses traditionnelles de l'économie industrielle. L'exercice nous a permis de conclure que la composante stratégique relationnelle a joué un rôle important pour la stratégie et le déploiement de la stratégie du groupe étudié.El artículo propone un modelo de análisis estratégico para interpretar las fusiones y adquisiciones emprendidas por el Grupo Sarmiento Angulo dentro del sector bancario en Colombia. Dicho modelo se fundamenta en dos dimensiones estratégicas: la corporativa y la de negocio. Sobre éstas se desarrolla una selección de herramientas teóricas que buscan una perspectiva integradora de los elementos de decisión estratégicos. Se incorpora al análisis el concepto de "estrategia relacional", complementando de esta forma los análisis tradicionales propuestos por la economía industrial. De tal ejercicio se concluye que el componente estratégico relacional desempeñó un papel importante dentro del diseño y despliegue de la estrategia del grupo estudiado.The article proposes a strategic analysis model for interpreting mergers and acquisitions undertaken by Grupo Sarmiento Angulo within the Colombian banking sector. Such model was based on strategic corporate and business dimensions. A selection of theoretical tools was developed on them, seeking an integral viewpoint regarding the elements of strategic decision-making. An analysis of the concept of "relational strategy" was also incorporated, thereby complementing traditional analysis proposed by industrial economics. It was concluded that the relational strategic component plays an important role in designing and deploying the strategy of the group being studies

    Bromatological composition of palm kernel meal according to its origin and production periods potential use of palm kernel meal in animal feed

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    Ecuador has a variety of agroindustrial by-products, which can be used in animal feed, although their nutritional values are often unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate bromatological composition of palm kernel cake (PKC) in samples from two palm oil extraction plants in two areas (Quevedo and Santo Domingo) and two production periods (August and September). Random samples were taken weekly with two repetitions for a total of 64 samples. Dry matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), nitrogen-free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), calcium, phosphorus, crude energy (CE) and metabolisable energy (ME) were determined. OM (62.92%) and EE (10.10%) content were higher at the Quevedo plant, while CF (23.84%) and ADL (24.66%) were higher at the Santo Domingo plant. The sampling period affected DM (98.58%), CF (23.98%) and ADL (23.78%) content, which were higher in September, while EE (10.87%) and phosphorus (0.44%) were higher in August. For CP, NFE, NDF, ADF, ash, calcium, CE and ME, interaction was observed between the two factors studied. It was concluded that most of the parameters analysed depend on the place of origin or the extraction season, or interaction between the two factors.The research was supported by the Graduate Department of the State Technical University of Quevedo, with supported from Fourth Notary of the canton Quevedo Los Rios, Ecuador and INIA-FS

    Rendimiento productivo de la vieja colorada (Mesoheros festae) alimentada con dietas basadas en torta de palmiste durante la etapa juvenil

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    Background: The increasingly aquaculture development have favored the searching of new protein sources for fish feeding. Goals: 1) trying to present the first data on the culture of an important commercial species in Ecuador, 2) replacing the protein source for feeding in order to minimize the global problem of the fish-based meals in aquaculture. Methods: Guayas cichlid juvenile fish were submitted to 4 feeding treatments: 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% palm cake replacement for 30 days. Several zootechnnical indexes were calculated and analyzed at the end of the experimental culture, as well as the feed proximal composition. Results: The inclusion up to 8% palm cake did not affect the digestibility coefficients of dry matter, gross protein or gross energy.  No differences were found in final weight, growth rate, food conversion rate, protein efficiency rate and productive value of the protein among 0, 4 and 8% palm meal content treatments. As the percentage of palm kernel meal in the diets was increased, the food conversion rate decreased. Increasing palm meal in diets decreased costs.  Conclusions: The productive performance was not affected by the palm cake replacement in diets up to 8% with palm meal, and deriving in lower feed production costs.Antecedentes: La expansión de la acuicultura ha favorecido el estudio de fuentes de proteínas para la alimentación de peces. Objetivos: 1) tratar de presentar los primeros datos sobre el cultivo de una importante especie comercial en Ecuador, 2) reemplazar la fuente de proteína para la alimentación con el fin de minimizar el problema global de las comidas a base de harina de pescado en la acuicultura. Métodos: Juveniles de vieja colorada fueron sometidos a 4 tratamientos de alimentación: 0%, 4%, 8% y 12% de sustitución por torta de palmiste durante 30 días. SE calcularon y analizaron varios índices zootécnicos al final del cultivo experimental, así como la composición proximal de las dietas experimentales. Resultados: La inclusión de hasta un 8% de torta de palmiste no afectó a los coeficientes de digestibilidad de materia seca, proteína bruta o energía bruta. No se encontraron diferencias en peso final, tasa de crecimiento, tasa de eficiencia de la proteína y valor productivo de la proteína entre los tratamientos de 0, 4 y 8% de contenido en torta de palmiste. Conforme creció el porcentaje de torta de palmiste en la dieta aumentó la tasa de conversión del alimento. El aumento de la torta de palmiste en las dietas redujo los costes.  Conclusiones: El rendimiento productivo no se vio afectado por la sustitución de dietas incluyendo hasta un 8% por torta de palmiste, y derivando en menores costes de producción

    Technical note: A mobile collaborative workspace to assist forensic experts in disaster victim identification scenarios

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    Integrated approaches to disaster victim identification (DVI) management have led to a need for technologies to improve interaction among parties involved in post-mortem (PM) and ante-mortem (AM) data collection through better communication and coordination. Mobile Forensic Workspace© (MFW) is a collaborative mobile system that not only facilitates the systematic collection of high-quality data, but also allows DVI professionals to coordinate activities and exchange data through secure real-time communication at major disaster scenarios in accordance with security, privacy and legal protocols. MFW is adaptable to any communication format (text, voice calls, photographs, etc.) and is dynamically self-reconfigurable when connectivity problems arise. It also allows data integration and backup through secure communication channels between local and remote servers. The feasibility of the system has been demonstrated through implementation of MFW on the iOS platform for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad terminals. A further strength of MFW is that it provides out-of-the-box support for INTERPOL DVI forms. The application of information and communication technologies for DVI was shown to be useful in improving DVI management by enhancing the quality of data collection and enabling non-Internet dependent real-time data sharing and communication

    Effects of Two Intake Levels of \u3cem\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/em\u3e on Rumen Function of Sheep

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    Ruminant production systems based on grass pastures often produce poor animal performance as expressed by growth or reproductive rates. The nutrient imbalance affecting rumen function is due to their low energy and protein intake. The incorporation of leguminous forages such as Leucaena leucocephala, in the diet of ruminants, can stimulate rumen function by providing protein-rich forage (Barros-Rodriguez et al. 2012). This increases the availability of compounds such as ammonia, amino acids and peptides as well as branched short-chain fatty acids, which are produced as a result of degradation of proteins. These substances promote fibre breakdown by acting as ruminal growth activators for rumen bacteria, especially cellulolytic bacteria (Hoover and Stokes 1991). This study aimed to evaluate the effects of 2 intake levels of L. leucocephala on rumen function of sheep fed Pennisetum purpureum

    Variación bromatológica de la leche de cabras Lamancha alimentadas con diferentes forrajes

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de los forrajes de sorgo, estrella africana y morera en la calidad de la leche de cabra. Este expeperimento se desarrolló en la Estación Expeperimental Alfredo Volio Mata de la Universidad de Costa RiRica ubicada en Cartago, Costa RiRica a 1.542 msnm, durante el último trimestre del 2007, con tres grupos de cabras de raza Lamancha y tres diferentes forrajes: morera (Morus alba), estrella africana (Cynodom nlemfluensis) y sorgo negro forrajero (Sorghum almum). El modelo expeperimental empleado fue un cuadrado latino repeepeepetido. La mayor producción de leche se dio con los animales que consumieieron estrella africana (1,06 kg de leche/animal/día; (p < 0,01), seguidos por los que consumieieron la morera (0,89 kg de leche/animal/día) y el sorgo negro (0,73 kg de leche/animal/día). El porcentaje de grasa, proteína, caseína, sólidos totales y sólidos no grasos fueron más altos en la leche de los animales alimentados con morera (p < 0,01) y más bajos en los que ingirieieron estrella africana

    Diseño de una prueba de evaluación clínica objetiva estructurada de cuidados de enfermería del primer curso de prácticas clínicas

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to design a content-valid nursing objective structured clinical examination attending a first-year clinical nursing practice program. Method: The examination was designed following a procedure based on the consensus of experts which was comprised of three phases: selection of the activities in which students should be competent according to the learning outcomes of the course, clinical case design, and integration of the clinical cases designed into the stations of the test. Results: Of the 44 surveys submitted for the design of the stations, 37 were answered, of which 31 respondents met the inclusion criteria of the panel of experts. The activities on which the experts reached the highest degrees of consensus were: basic physical assessment and monitoring of vital signs, assessment of hygiene and skin status, ability to develop care plans, management of safety principles in administration of medication and administration of oral medication. Based on the selected activities, the experts developed 20 clinical cases, from which a four-station nursing objective structured clinical examination was designed. Conclusion: The structured methodology based on the design of experts enabled the design of a content-valid objective structured clinical examination appropriate for the evaluation of the learning outcomes achieved by the students attending a clinical practice program

    Transcriptome, Genetic Transformation and Micropropagation: Some Biotechnology Strategies to Diminish Water Stress Caused by Climate Change in Sugarcane

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    Global climate change caused by natural processes results in major environmental issues that affect the world. Climate variability results in changes that cause water stress in plants. Sugarcane is a tropical grass C4, perennial and a multi-purpose industrial cash crop which serves as the main source of raw material for the production of sugar and biofuel. Farmers face the challenge to provide biotech alternatives with potential benefits and minimize potential adverse impacts on sugarcane’s production. In order to find biotechnology strategies to diminish the impact of climate change, our laboratory teamworks with micropropagation, transcriptome and genetic transformation of sugarcane using the var. MEX69290. In the transcriptome of sugarcane, a total of 536 and 750 genes were differentially regulated under normal and water stress treatment respectively, of which key genes were selected to be inserted into sugarcane for tolerance to abiotic stress. Regarding results of micropropagation, it was concluded that the continuous immersion propagation system was the best culture strategy. This may be as result of the elimination of gelling agent, which additionally helps reduce production costs

    Understanding the retreat of the Jurassic Cantabrian coast (N. Spain): comprehensive monitoring and 4D evolution model of the Tazones Lighthouse landslide

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    Forecasting coastal dynamics and sea cliff retreat under different sea level rise scenarios requires a good understanding of the conditioning factors and their relative contribution to cliff stability. The so-called Jurassic Cantabrian Coast extends along 76 km of the coastline of the Asturias region (N Spain) and is well-known worldwide due to its paleontological heritage, in particular the presence of dinosaur remains and footprints. The abundance of stratigraphic, paleontological and tectonic studies contrasts with the scarcity of studies focused on the stability of this rocky coastline where cliffs predominate, sometimes exceeding 120 m in height. In fact, evidence of current and recent instability processes can be observed along the entire coastline. In this regard, continuous monitoring is crucial to understand ongoing instabilities in rocky coastlines, as in these settings some instabilities might initiate as slow movements that induce subtle topographic changes whose detection from either satellite or aerial imagery is problematic due to the spatial and temporal resolutions.This research is part of 1) the “COSINES” Project [CGL2017-83909-R], Call 2017 for RETOS Projects funded by the Spanish Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry-Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), the Spanish Research Agency-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Found (FEDER) and 2) the GEOCANCOSTA research group, supported by the Asturian Regional Government (Spain) [grant number GRUPIN-IDI-2018-184]