401 research outputs found

    Determinación de sostenibilidad desde el análisis técnico, financiero, administrativo y del mercado para el Restaurante Carnes Vacanas

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    Trabajo de gradoEl presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar el mercado y conocer la viabilidad de sostenimiento en el tiempo desde el punto de vista técnico, administrativo y financiero para el Restaurante Carnes Vacanas ubicado en el centro histórico de Bogotá. De acuerdo a los estudios de mercado, técnico y administrativo el trabajo se enmarco en la modalidad de viable, con base en una investigación de campo. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta. En cuanto al estudio financiero proyectado para 5 años el trabajo se enmarco como no viable. Los resultados del trabajo se fundamentaron en estudios de mercado, determinando la opinión de los comensales con respecto al consumo del Restaurante Carnes Vacanas. Para ello se identificaron las variables de la encuesta que permitieron captar la percepción del cliente en cuanto a producto, servicio, calidad y precio. Seguidamente se llevó a cabo un estudio técnico, para establecer aspectos como localización, calidad del producto, proceso de producción y capacidad instalada. Además de realizar el DOFA para el estudio administrativo. Por último se llevó a cabo la evaluación financiera para conocer la rentabilidad del Restaurante y finalmente dar la viabilidad de sostenibilidad en el tiempo.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Problema de investigación 2. Marco referencial 3. Metodología y resultados de la investigación 4. Estudio de Mercado 5. Estudio técnico 6. Estudio administrativo 7. Estudio financiero Conclusiones Anexos BibliografíaEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Biosensors Platform Based on Chitosan/AuNPs/Phthalocyanine Composite Films for the Electrochemical Detection of Catechol. The Role of the Surface Structure

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    Producción CientíficaBiosensor platforms consisting of layer by layer films combining materials with different functionalities have been developed and used to obtain improved catechol biosensors. Tyrosinase (Tyr) or laccase (Lac) were deposited onto LbL films formed by layers of a cationic linker (chitosan, CHI) alternating with layers of anionic electrocatalytic materials (sulfonated copper phthalocyanine, CuPcS or gold nanoparticles, AuNP). Films with different layer structures were successfully formed. Characterization of surface roughness and porosity was carried out using AFM. Electrochemical responses towards catechol showed that the LbL composites efficiently improved the electron transfer path between Tyr or Lac and the electrode surface, producing an increase in the intensity over the response in the absence of the LbL platform. LbL structures with higher roughness and pore size facilitated the diffusion of catechol, resulting in lower LODs. The [(CHI)-(AuNP)-(CHI)-(CuPcS)]2-Tyr showed an LOD of 8.55∙10−4 μM, which was one order of magnitude lower than the 9.55·10−3 µM obtained with [(CHI)-(CuPcS)-(CHI)-(AuNP)]2-Tyr, and two orders of magnitude lower than the obtained with other nanostructured platforms. It can be concluded that the combination of adequate materials with complementary activity and the control of the structure of the platform is an excellent strategy to obtain biosensors with improved performances.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project RTI2018-097990-B-100)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA275P18)Infraestructuras Red de Castilla y León (grant UVA01

    GC-TOF-MS metabolite profiling of drought tolerant Quercus ilex

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    Perfil metabólico primario de hojas de encina en respuesta al estrés hídrico por sequía

    Mathematical learning disabilities and attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder: A study of the cognitive processes involved in arithmetic problem solving

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of cognitive functioning to arithmetic problem solving and to explore the cognitive profiles of children with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). Methods: The sample was made up of a total of 90 students of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade organized in three: ADHD (n = 30), MLD (n = 30) and typically achieving control (TA; n = 30) group. Assessment was conducted in two sessions in which the PASS processes and arithmetic problem solving were evaluated. Results: The ADHD group’s performance in planning and attention was worse than that of the control group. Children with MLD obtained poorer results than the control group in planning and simultaneous and successive processing. Executive processes predicted arithmetic problem solving in the ADHD group whereas simultaneous processing was the unique predictor in the MLD sample. Conclusions: Children with ADHD and with MLD showed characteristic cognitive profiles. Groups’ problem-solving performance can be predicted from their cognitive functioning

    Stem girdling evidences a trade-off between cambial activity and sprouting and dramatically reduces plant transpiration due to feedback inhibition of photosynthesis and hormone signaling

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    The photosynthesis source-sink relationship in young Pinus canariensis seedlings was modified by stem girdling to investigate sprouting and cambial activity, feedback inhibition of photosynthesis, and stem and root hydraulic capacity. Removal of bark tissue showed a trade-off between sprouting and diameter growth. Above the girdle, growth was accelerated but the number of sprouts was almost negligible, whereas below the girdle the response was reversed. Girdling resulted in a sharp decrease in whole plant transpiration and root hydraulic conductance. The reduction of leaf area after girdling was strengthened by the high levels of abscisic acid found in buds which pointed to stronger bud dormancy, preventing a new needle flush. Accumulation of sugars in leaves led to a coordinated reduction in net photosynthesis (AN) and stomatal conductance (gS) in the short term, but later (gS below 0.07 mol m(-2) s(-1)) AN decreased faster. The decrease in maximal efficiency of photosystem II (FV/FM) and the operating quantum efficiency of photosystem II (?PSII) in girdled plants could suggest photoprotection of leaves, as shown by the vigorous recovery of AN and ?PSII after reconnection of the phloem. Stem girdling did not affect xylem embolism but increased stem hydraulic conductance above the girdle. This study shows that stem girdling affects not only the carbon balance, but also the water status of the plant

    Broad Transcriptomic Impact of Sorafenib and Its Relation to the Antitumoral Properties in Liver Cancer Cells

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent and essentially incurable cancers in its advanced stages. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor Sorafenib (Sfb) remains the globally accepted treatment for advanced HCC. However, the extent of its therapeutic benefit is limited. Sfb exerts antitumor activity through its cytotoxic, anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic roles in HCC cells. To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects, we used RNA sequencing to generate comprehensive transcriptome profiles of HepG2 and SNU423, hepatoblastoma-(HB) and HCC-derived cell lines, respectively, following a Sfb treatment at a pharmacological dose. This resulted in similar alterations of gene expression in both cell lines. Genes functionally related to membrane trafficking, stress-responsible and unfolded protein responses, circadian clock and activation of apoptosis were predominantly upregulated, while genes involved in cell growth and cycle, DNA replication and repair, ribosome biogenesis, translation initiation and proteostasis were downregulated. Our results suggest that Sfb causes primary effects on cellular stress that lead to upregulation of selective responses to compensate for its negative effect and restore homeostasis. No significant differences were found specifically affecting each cell line, indicating the robustness of the Sfb mechanism of action despite the heterogeneity of liver cancer. We discuss our results on terms of providing rationalization for possible strategies to improve Sfb clinical outcomes.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía PIP-0215-2020, PI-0216-2020Universidad de Sevilla US-138087

    Influence of climate variables on resin yield and secretory structures in tapped Pinus pinaster Ait. in central Spain

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    The role of climate and soil water availability on resin yield was evaluated. Resin yield increased with temperature, radiation and evapotranspiration values. Resin yield and axial canal size were correlated with water deficit in spring. Above a certain threshold of cumulated water deficit, summer rainfall favored resin yield. Stand density and soil quality affected the relations between climate and resin yield

    Expectativas, según sexo, de los estudiantes españoles de primer año de Enseñanza Superior tras sus primeras experiencias

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    Las expectativas académicas recogen la confianza en aquello que, según la experiencia previa, se considera que es más probable que ocurra. Constituyen una interpretación y predicción sobre lo que ha de suceder en la Enseñanza Superior (ES) en función de la experiencia vivida. La confrontación con el primer semestre lectivo conduce, muchas veces, a una reevaluación y modificación de las expectativas iniciales. Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de comprobar si se produce un cambio en las puntuaciones de expectativas de los estudiantes, según su sexo, desde que se inician por primera vez en la Universidad hasta que finalizan el primer semestre académico. La muestra estuvo formada por 223 estudiantes de la Universidad de Vigo-Campus Ourense, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 39 años de edad (M=19,8; Mdn= 19). El 68% era de sexo femenino y el 32% de sexo masculino. Se utilizó para la medida inicial y semestral de las expectativas el Cuestionario de Percepciones Académicas (CPA). Los resultados, indicaron que las mujeres obtuvieron inicialmente puntuaciones más altas que los hombres en sus expectativas de Formación empleo/carrera, Desarrollo personal y social, Movilidad estudiantil, Participación político/ciudadana y Presión social. Al finalizar el primer semestre, ese patrón de puntuaciones se invirtió obteniendo los hombres puntuaciones más elevadas en dichas dimensiones de expectativas. Los resultados se interpretan en el sentido de que las mujeres ajustan en mayor medida que los hombres sus expectativas en función de las experiencias universitarias vividas en ese período de tiempo, suponiéndose una mejor adaptación de las estudiantes a la Universidad.Academic expectations reflected confidence in that which, according to previous experience, is considered to be more likely to occur. They are an interpretation and prediction about what will happen in Higher Education (ES) based on the experience. The confrontation with the first school semester leads, often, to a reevaluation and modification of initial expectations. This study was conducted to see whether a change in the scores of student expectations occurs, by sex, since they was first start in college until complete it the first semester. The sample consisted of 223 students from the University of Vigo, Ourense Campus, aged between 18 and 39 years (M = 19.8, Mdn = 19 ). 68% were female and 32% male. Was used for initial and semiannual measure Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (CPA). The results indicated that initially, women, scored higher than men in their expectations of training employment/career, personal and social development, student mobility, political/citizenship implication and social pressure. At the end of the first semester, that pattern was reversed, the men got higher scores on these dimensions of expectations. The results are interpreted to mean that women conform to a greater extent than men based on their expectations of university experiences in that time period, assuming a better adjustment of women students to college.peerReviewe

    Breeding and scientific advances in the fight against Dutch elm disease - will they allow the use of elms in forest restoration?

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    Revisión de los avances científicos y de producción de planta con fin de evaluar el potencial en la recuperación del olmo común